In other words, the life he originally started may have been the life of someone in Genshin Impact, but he didn't know it.

But he did know Rustan's situation.

Rosalin, that is, the lady liked him. To be honest, Su Chen did have a moment of heartbeat, but this heartbeat was quickly suppressed due to the influence of the dark will.

Su Chen found that this simulation had a great impact on his character, far greater than the previous times.

After all, simulations are also real experiences.

It is impossible for a person to maintain his original mentality even if he lives for decades.

This time it was even more true. The dark will amplified Su Chen's inner thoughts infinitely, and then became more determined.

He wants to protect, change, create, or destroy.

[Rosalyn joined Earthfire and soon showed amazing abilities. She knew your ideals, so she no longer just was the girl who sang carefree in the wind. She began to learn and master all the powers she could try. 】

[She has amazing talents, is as powerful as a witch, and has been recognized by all the top leaders of Earth Fire. 】

[At the age of 23, the previous captain resigned. The election for the grand master became more and more fierce. Two factions emerged in the knights. Some people support Aelendlin, and some people support you. Of course, these people have long been secretly with the earth. When connected with Fire, some received the benefits of Earth Fire, and some were even members of Earth Fire. 】

[Your power is enough to compete with Elendlin, who is supported by the great nobles. This surprises everyone. You are the first person born as a commoner to be able to firmly stand in front of the grand leader. 】

[Some people began to persuade you, and each of the famous nobles in Mondstadt secretly tried to win over you. If they failed, they tried to frame you, but you resolved them one by one.In the end, the frame-up turned into an assassination. You experienced three assassinations, but those people could not threaten you at all, not even the owner of the Eye of God from the Simon family. You took the opportunity to kill him and kneeled his body in Mondstadt Square. Before the statue of the wind god, you sacrificed his death to Arya. 】

[The death of the powerful Eye of God plunged the city of Mondstadt into panic. Then the Earthfire launched a counterattack. People from the Elendlin faction died one after another. Of course, a large number of members of the Earthfire also died. The entire city of Mondstadt became a It was a place where the two major factions secretly clashed. 】

[Some people questioned the relationship between Earth Fire and you, but that person died unexpectedly and tragically at the mouth of a monster the next day. 】


[Elendlin finally realized that he could not go on like this, so he made an appointment with you at the tavern. 】

"A glass of dandelion wine, thank you."

Su Chen walked to the bar counter, raised his hand and said to the bartender.

He looked to the side, Elendlin, who always showed a hearty smile, his childhood friend, who was drinking sullenly.

"Thank you for coming." Elendlin whispered, "I know that a lot of... unpleasant things have happened recently. I have no right to interfere with the decisions of those in the family. For this reason, I had a big argument with them. But it still didn’t work.”

Su Chen sat down, smiled and patted his shoulder: "I know, you are like this and you have never changed."

"you are always like this..."

Ellendlin suddenly thought of what he had said to Su Chen.

He suddenly discovered that whether it was Su Chen or him, they were still the same as before. It was just that the environment around them had changed, making it impossible for them to just keep their pure minds and work hard to move forward as before.

"Life is always forced." Su Chen said after taking a sip of wine.

Elendlin held the wine glass and was silent for a long time before speaking: "If you become the Grand Master, you will take action against the nobles, right?"


Su Chen didn't hesitate.

Mond needs change, both now and in the future.

We can't expect Barbatos to handle this kind of thing. That guy is basically in a free-range mode towards Mondstadt.

Human beings have their own changes. Su Chen does not deny Barbatos's qualifications as a god, but his ideas may not be suitable for human beings. At least in Su Chen's view, freedom without any restrictions will lead to destruction for human beings themselves. Start.

Now, he wants to seize power and implement Mondstadt's changes from the top down.

For this, they have sacrificed many people, many like-minded people. As a leader, Su Chen cannot stop here.

"Are you a member of Earth Fire?" Elendlin suddenly turned his head, his eyes fixed on Su Chen, "Answer me, don't lie, this is a secret between Elendlin and Rustan. "

Su Chen nodded calmly.

"Phew! I knew it, damn it! I knew it, how could this organization be so successful in Mondstadt if it wasn't led by a guy as powerful as you!" Elendlin cursed in a low voice, as if Annoyance is like something else.

"You are wrong about Elendlin, each of them is excellent, as good as anyone in the Knights."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about, Rustan. What you gave them is not just technology, but also your stubborn thoughts, arrogant and dangerous thoughts!"

Su Chen said lightly: "Why do you think I'm dangerous? It's because I want to deal with the nobles and fundamentally change the situation of this country. And Ellendlin, you are a member of the nobles yourself, even if you are often a common man. You think about the people, but the pride of being a noble is still engraved in your bones and soul."

"No, Rustan, I don't think so." Elendlin said in a deep voice, "Do you know what you are doing? You want to single-handedly shake Mondstadt's thousand-year-old system. If you act like this, what will happen? If you destroy yourself, you will destroy Mondstadt even more!"

"I admit that there are many people who can always escape the punishment of Mondstadt's laws, but if you think about it, such people are nothing at all when looking at Mondstadt as a whole. Most people abide by the laws and live well within the laws. Under the restrictions. The law maintains stability, not to bring justice to anyone, and now, for the sake of so-called justice, you are cultivating people who ignore the law one after another!"

Elendlin's voice grew louder and louder, like an angry golden lion.

"What's the point of justice if there is no stable life? If you can't even guarantee a basic life, do you want the people of Mondstadt to end up smiling with justice?"


Su Chen's dark eyes sparkled.

"Actually, we are all the same. You think you are doing good for others and for Mondstadt, but you firmly perform your duties as a noble. Whether you admit it or not, freedom and justice have never belonged to ordinary people."

"And I, I will not let this wrong way continue. If it is really rotten to the point that it cannot be changed, then destroy it fundamentally and then build a new system!"

"Rustan, you're crazy!"

For the first time, Aelendlin had an emotion called 'fear' towards Su Chen.

[Your conversation broke up unhappily. You know that neither you nor Elendlin can convince the other, so let’s fight for each other in our own way.Competition is how you all have grown up, but you know that you will not lose, and you are not allowed to lose. 】

[The will of the earthly fire is spreading. It will burn away the decay of the old system and awaken the soul of freedom. 】

[You have inspired the dark will and your strength has been greatly improved. 】

Chapter 7 Grand Leader Campaign [Seventh update! ]

The burning flame lights up the landscape of half the basement.

Roland, who has grown into one of the leaders, stands upright, his eyes are firm and pure.

Rosalin put on a dark red dress, like a butterfly under wildfire.

The other ten young men and women were all those who initially followed Su Chen to establish Earth Fire.

Their eyes all fell on the same person.

"Teacher, the Knights have stepped up their efforts to suppress us. Three strongholds have been demolished in the past few days, and more and more Earth Fire members have been injured and killed. We cannot continue like this!"

"My apprentice...he was only 14 years old, and he was burned to death like this. Those nobles in the knights deserve to die!"

"We are helping the people of Mondstadt against monsters outside, but they are killing our compatriots in the city. Teacher, I want revenge!"


A low, angry voice echoed through the basement.

Su Chen looked at them calmly.

These people have gone through the test of blood and tears, walked through the road of fire and thorns, and come to where they are today.

Qianxun Resource Group 255595300

Their beliefs have never changed. Although they are in darkness, their hearts are bright.

Su Chen looked at Roland and asked, "What do you think?"

"Teacher, I don't object to the Earth Fire fighting for the purpose of protecting Mondstadt, but perhaps the pressure should be tilted towards the Knights and let them get busy as well." Roland said.

"It's useless." Rosalin shook her head slightly. "As far as I know, half of the nobles in Mondstadt are gathering their own escorts. Even if the Knights don't take action, the situation will not improve."

Roland was a little unwilling: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Rosalin pondered slightly: "We need an opportunity. In fact, the people of Mondstadt have accepted the existence of Earth Fire. It is the nobles who stop us, but not all nobles are like this."

Roland said angrily: "You want us to cooperate with those damn nobles?!"

"Roland, what is the meaning of the existence of Earth Fire? We want to protect, change, and create. For this reason, we can accept like-minded people. This person can be a rich man, a commoner, or even a wanderer. So why can't it be a noble?"


Rosalin's eyes were calm. As a scholar, she knew how to look at the current issues rationally.

"The original intention of Earth Fire is not to fight against the nobles. If we want to achieve our goal, we must first survive. And with the current situation, Earth Fire's living space will only be further compressed, and even eventually be destroyed."

Roland was dissatisfied and said: "As long as the teacher becomes the leader of the group, everything will be possible..."

"You are too naive." Rosalin said softly, "Becoming the Grand Captain is the beginning. That is when Rustan needs help the most. If you want to overturn Mondstadt's thousand-year-old system, it will take more than just the position of Captain. Made it happen.”

Including Roland, others also fell silent.

"I just feel..." a girl suddenly said, "What we have been doing, helping the people and protecting Mondstadt, not only cannot be recognized, but we also have to face brutal encirclement and suppression. This is really unfair."

"We don't need fairness." Su Chen walked towards her and reached out to gently touch her head. "The purpose of Earth Fire is not to strive for fairness for ourselves. If fairness is important, then all our rulings will be unfair."

"My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous!" Roland said suddenly.

He remembered the teacher's teachings, not to care about the opinions of others, as long as he strengthened his belief in his heart.


[Rosalyn’s proposal was finally approved, you thought so too, and you already have a good partner. 】

[Gunhild. 】

[As an ancient nobleman from the old Mondstadt era to today, Gunnhild has always upheld his original belief in protecting Mondstadt. They are one of the few great nobles who truly care about all the people of Mondstadt. They once walked with the wind god, It also witnessed the decline of the corrupt aristocratic era. 】

[It’s just that the seeds of decay still take root and sprout over time. Mondstadt is a country dominated by nobles. If you want to change unfair treatment and gain freedom, you must carry out a thorough change. 】

[And this change does not require the complete elimination of nobles from Mondstadt. You know this well, so you visited the contemporary head of Gunnhild's family in the dead of night. 】

[You talked with the other party all night long and convinced him with the wisdom of a sage. 】

[You have become like-minded friends with Gunnhild’s contemporary head of the family. 】

[Gunhilde is worthy of being an ancient noble. Their choices have affected a large number of people who originally remained neutral. Your reputation in the Knights has reached an unprecedented height. 】

[You took advantage of the situation and led the knights to fight everywhere, eliminating wave after wave of monster threats for Mondstadt. Your bravery has been recognized by more and more people. Although you do not have the Eye of God, your strength is unmatched. Dare to question. 】

[At the age of 24, you have eliminated all the large monster strongholds in Mondstadt. Your will has become stronger and stronger, and you have become stronger and stronger. You once fought thousands of monsters alone and destroyed hills with one sword. 】

[You are believed by the people of Mondstadt to be the 'Messenger of God'. 】

[You obtain the achievement 'Miracle Creator'. 】

[The call of the new Grand Master has covered the entire city of Mondstadt, and the Elendlin faction has to respond. They have sent you a duel invitation. In Mondstadt Square, in front of the huge statue of the God of Wind, let the great Lord Barbatos Come and witness who is qualified to inherit the position of grand leader. 】

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