On the altar, Su Chen's eyes were calm and profound.


When the priest finished his speech, he spoke, and his voice was like a loud bell, reaching every corner of Liyue.

"In this world, demons and gods have arisen together, fighting endlessly. The human race has grown from a humble beginning and is trying to survive in a state of subsistence. There is no peace."

"Today, I, the Xuanyuan clan, have granted peace to the heavens and led the people of the Ji tribe north to Tianheng to fight against the demonic chaos. To this day, I have finally achieved my wish. Now the law governs the country, etiquette governs the people, and food and clothing are provided to all living beings. I then listen to the people I wish to establish the Li Kingdom and unite the world!"

Say it.

Su Chen walked on the sky and reached the sky above Guiliji.

At the same time, his shadow appeared in the sky and earth, and all living creatures in Liyue, including those lurking demons, could see it.

"Human Emperor?!"

"Human Emperor Xuanyuan, what is he going to do?"

"Today seems to be some kind of founding ceremony, hum! The Demon God War has not ended yet, so what qualifications does the other emperor have to found a country?"

"A mere human being is so arrogant. If it weren't for Morax's protection, how could he have a foothold in Liyue?"

At the border of Liyue, demon gods are all watching.

But when they saw Su Chen raising his hand in the air, they were shocked the next moment.

Swish! ——

A holy sword blooming with golden light fell into Su Chen's hands.

Xuanyuan Sword appeared, its sacred power was like a torch, reflecting the golden color of Liyue sky.

"It's Xuanyuan Sword!"

The eyes of those demons were scorching.

The name of Xuanyuan Sword has already spread as Su Chen conquers all directions.

Some people even say that the reason why the Human Emperor is powerful is because of the power of the Xuanyuan Sword.

Whoever gets the Xuanyuan Sword can become the new emperor!

Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang!

Under Su Chen's control, Xuanyuan Sword suddenly flew into the air and split into nine parts.

Su Chen pinched the magic formula and recited the incantation silently, then made the Xuanyuan Sword shine like the sun. Under the holy light, all living creatures surged out of their hearts with the urge to surrender.

The people of Guiliji and Liyue Port knelt on the ground one after another, with pious expressions on their faces, silently reciting the name of the Human Emperor.

These powers of faith quickly gathered on Su Chen.

tumultuous! ! !

Su Chen's whole person suddenly started to 'burn'.

Golden blood flowed from the surface of his body.

This blood, together with the power of faith, turns into golden flames and rushes towards Xuanyuan Sword.


Zhongli, who had been sitting in the Human Emperor's Palace watching all this, stood up in vain, took a step, and subconsciously wanted to stop it.

But he quickly remembered what Su Chen had said to him before.

"Zhongli, I probably won't be able to protect Liyue for much longer."

"If I leave, Liyue's future will be left to you."

Recalling this passage, Zhongli couldn't calm down his emotions, and it took him a long time to sit down again.

His mood has never been so complicated.

Probably...it's because I haven't had such a 'sad' emotion since I finally fell asleep last time.

"Human Emperor!"

In the sky, Fa Nan and others also discovered something strange about Su Chen.

Immediately afterwards, all the people in Liyue were horrified. Although they didn't know what Su Chen was going to do, their hearts were severely pinched, as if they were about to lose something.

"My emperor!"

"My Emperor!!"

The entire land of Liyue resounded with cries of grief.

"Don't be sad, my subjects." Su Chen spoke slowly, his voice still calm, "I, the Xuanyuan clan, will sacrifice my blood to the sword today."

As the surging power continued to explode, Xuanyuan Sword trembled slightly, and emotions of reluctance and sadness came from the sword.

Su Chen smiled slightly and whispered: "Xuanyuan Sword, my wish has not been fulfilled yet."


Xuanyuan Sword's golden light shines brightly, and the nine swords continue to grow in size, turning into a giant sword hundreds of feet long.


The giant sword separated and shot at nine different locations on Liyue.

"The sword determines Kyushu!"


The nine Xuanyuan Swords fell and were firmly locked in the earth's veins like nails. At the same time, the power contained in the swords exploded and connected in a strange trajectory. If you look from top to bottom, you can see that the nine swords are locked. The position seems to form the silhouette of a giant dragon!

The sky suddenly became dark.

It was a vision of stars.

The stars reflected the night like day, golden lotuses swarmed in the sky, shadows of dragons and phoenixes, mountains, rivers, sun and moon, vegetation, insects and fish, all appeared together like a dense forest.


The next moment, the giant dragon soared into the sky. The golden dragon soared ninety thousand miles, its body stretched across the sky, like a god.

That golden dragon appeared in the hearts of every Liyue people, and suddenly everyone felt that they were different from before.

Faced with such a vision, even Zhongli couldn't help but be moved.

"The sword locks the Nine Provinces... It locks Liyue's destiny from flowing away. If this golden dragon does not die, Liyue's destiny will not be defeated...Human Emperor, you once promised that the people of Liyue would have the foundation for eternity. , now it has indeed been done.”

Zhongli whispered to himself, but there was no hint of joy on his face.

The appearance of the golden dragon is a great blessing to the land of Liyue and the people of Liyue.

But for Su Chen, this was the result of igniting himself and illuminating the entire Liyue.

This would make Su Chen's already declining body even more overwhelmed.

as predicted.

When the strange phenomenon in the sky disappeared and the golden dragon merged into the earth, Su Chen's huge figure collapsed and he fell from the sky.

"Human Emperor!!"

Swish swish!

One after another figures flew out.

"No problem."

Zhongli took the first step and gently lifted the unconscious Su Chen.


"Emperor, the Human Emperor..."

"Emperor, is brother Xuanyuan okay?"

Looking at the worried immortals, he whispered: "Go back first."

[In the 78th year of the Xuanyuan calendar, Liyue founded the country. The emperor of the People's Republic of China settled the nine provinces with his sword and sacrificed his blood to Xuanyuan, laying the foundation for the people of Liyue for eternity. 】

[Your simulation time remaining: 365 days. 】


Chapter 48 The people of Liyue are all like dragons!Zhongli’s gift, the simulation is over! 【8k】

The morning light breaks and the snow and dew melt.

The sea breeze flows into Liyue Port, and from Chihuyan to Feiyunpo, human figures appear one after another, human voices and dogs bark, and smoke fills the sky over the city.

As the sun rises, the people begin their day's work.

“Shaobing, we sell shaobing!~”

“Liyue steamed buns, delicious and not expensive~”

"Sir, do you want some noodles?"

The blue-haired girl with horns on her head walked through the lively crowd and stopped at a bun shop.

Her strangeness did not cause panic, but was warmly received by the boss.

"Girl, want to buy buns?"

The girl nodded slightly: "Two meat buns, one...um, two vegetable buns."

"Want soy milk?"

"I want it hot."

After a while, the girl took the bag and went to a shop not far away from the street.

"Boss, I want pancakes and fruit."

"I want a piece of Qingxin cake."


The girl returned to the Human Emperor's Palace carrying large and small bags.

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