[This is not retribution, you know, this is some kind of bad nature that exists deep in the human mind.The longer it is suppressed, the more powerful it will explode. You need to find a way to guide this desire correctly, whether it is kindness, kindness, or even cruelty. 】

[28 years old. With your efforts, this situation has improved significantly. The Knights are in the light and the Earth Fire is in the dark. You have controlled the entire Mondstadt and become the true king of Mondstadt. 】

[You know, this world cannot only have light, as long as the goal can be achieved, you don't mind using some special means for this purpose. 】

[People are dying every day, but everything is getting better in Mondstadt. 】

[Those greedy people dare not speak out of fear, and businessmen have restrained their tempers. If your people want freedom, you give them freedom, but freedom must comply with the scope of the laws you have prescribed, otherwise they will be punished. 】

[The iron law-like order makes many people feel uneasy and restrained. Those who died have bloody lessons in front of them. No one dares to challenge your majesty anymore. 】

[Elendlin is by your side, and he is increasingly worried about your situation, because he is also witnessing the changes in everything, the changes in the people of Mondstadt, the changes in the nobles, and the changes in you. 】

“These policies cannot be enacted!”

Elendlin slammed a notice with the Grand Master's seal on the desk.

Su Chen raised his head and said calmly: "Elendlin, you should go to the snowy mountains to inspect at this time. There are a lot of monsters there."

"Rustan, do you know what you are doing?" Elendlin said solemnly, "When I came back today, what did I hear along the way? Do you know what is being said about you outside now?"

Su Chen said calmly: "I don't care about this."

"Devil! Tyrant! Steel machine! Yes, yes, you have done a lot for Mondstadt, but this is wrong. Since when did you start, Rustan, you became cold-blooded!" Aelendlin said with anger.

[The words of your friend remind you that you seem to be obsessed with such things since you don’t know when, so you start to reflect on yourself and what you want to do so far. 】

[Is it protection or control? 】

[You started the side mission:]

[① Firm belief, the dark will will receive an additional boost when the simulation is settled. 】

[② Change the policy and obtain additional talents during simulation settlement based on evaluation. 】

Chapter 10 Will the dragon slayer eventually become a dragon? [Tenth update]

"Will the dragon slayer eventually become a dragon?"

Su Chen looked up at the sky.

He found that this simulation had a much greater impact on his character than the previous ones.

Because I have control over the rights and have the power, some uncontrollable thoughts deep in my heart begin to burst out.

In fact, he only needs to follow the simulation step by step, and even just live the life Rustan should live.

Judging from the current situation, the simulation evaluation will definitely not be too bad.

But Su Chen always wanted to do something, and this feeling was very strong.

When he came to Teyvat, he did not just come here.

Just what to do in the future?


A voice sounded from behind.

Roland was wearing a smart outfit, simple and smart, with a faint smell of blood on his body.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, all the monsters in the Benlang Territory have been dealt with. I left some people to guard them in case another accident happens."

"That's good."

Su Chen nodded.

Now Earth Fire and the Knights are in a state of performing their own duties.

The Knights only have so many manpower, and it is impossible to fully take care of the security issues of Mondstadt.

Although the current environment is relatively peaceful, Su Chen knows that this peace will soon end.

The fall of Camria.

Maybe today, maybe tomorrow.

He didn't know, so he could only arrange everything as much as possible, even if the methods were a little cruel and incomprehensible.

"Teacher..." Roland hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "Now many people outside are saying..."

"Say I am."

"Well, some not-so-nice remarks."

"Devil or tyrant?" Su Chen suddenly smiled, "Maybe it's a worse term."

A ruthless law-maker who has forgotten his original intention and is a more terrifying dictator than an aristocrat.

Su Chen would know these voices even if he didn't deliberately inquire about them.

"Teacher, actually you don't need to go to such an extreme... I'm not questioning the teacher's decision, but you can obviously make everyone love you better. Why is this happening?"

Roland didn't quite understand.

He knew that his teacher was never who he was rumored to be.

Not a dictator, not a bloody butcher, and certainly not a representative of the new aristocracy.

His teacher was clearly thinking about Mondstadt and devoting everything to Mondstadt.

He didn't understand, but it made him sad to hear the people of Mondstadt commenting on Su Chen like this.

"Roland, go back, spread the fire from now on, and strengthen training." Su Chen said.

Roland looked startled: "Teacher, is something going to happen?"


Su Chen murmured in a low voice, "Maybe it will come soon."

[You thought about it for a long time and finally decided to continue at your own pace. 】

[You are not a dragon, but you know that there is not much time left for Mondstadt. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, not to mention that the disaster is right in front of you. If you do not make all preparations as soon as possible and allow free and undisciplined thoughts to erode the people of Mondstadt, it will be a disaster. When it comes, the entire country will be vulnerable. 】

[You realize that the top-down rule of the aristocratic class is conducive to stabilizing the country to a certain extent. More importantly, it facilitates unified deployment as quickly as possible when a disaster strikes. As long as the nobles can be obedient, they will can play a corresponding role. 】

[So you began to allocate more rights to the Gunnhild family and Aelendlin. Gunnhild, as a representative of the ancient nobility, their beliefs have not changed for thousands of years, and they are worthy of your trust. 】

[Although Elendlin was dissatisfied with the iron law you promulgated, he believed in your judgment, so in the next year, the entire Mondstadt entered a steady development. 】

[You purchased a large amount of grain from Liyue, purchased sophisticated weapons and equipment from Daozhi, built fortifications in various villages, recruited a large number of knights, and trained militiamen. Mondstadt's combat power soared crazily. 】

[But correspondingly, achieving these cannot be achieved out of thin air. The consumption of a large amount of money has put Mondstadt's financial resources in crisis. The people began to denounce your behavior, thinking that you are sick, suffering from paranoia, and treating everything that does not exist as an enemy. . 】

[Your iron law and your behavior violate the concept of freedom preached by Fengshen. You have become a wolf that exploits your people and a bloodthirsty dictator. The calls in Mondstadt are getting louder and louder. They want to make you this The 'devil' stepped down. This situation was impossible before, but you freed them from the thoughts of noble slaves, and they now want greater freedom. 】

[Acquire the achievement 'Thousands of People's Points'. 】

[The people of Mondstadt began to march, demanding the withdrawal of the so-called war reserves. Even the people of the Knights fell silent. Most of these people came from ordinary families. The consumption of Mondstadt's financial resources also put them under unimaginable pressure. In the past, They firmly believe that you can make Mondstadt better, but now this belief is starting to waver. 】

[The decadent nobles have resurrected, and they began to use this to promote Ayldlin's character. In fact, Aldrin has been doing his best for the people of Mondstadt, and soon he was appointed as the voice of the grand leader. resounded in every corner of Mondstadt. 】

"Hit the dictator!"

"Step down! Step down! Step down!"

"That guy Rustan, he is no longer qualified to be the leader of Mondstadt!"

"That guy is a devil, with the madness of war rebels flowing in his blood. If he is allowed to continue like this, Mond will one day be led into the abyss by him."

"Liyue is already wary of us. If Rustan is not stopped, the war among the Seven Kingdoms will begin soon!"

"Let Rustan step down and let Elendrin lead us!"

More and more Mondstadt citizens joined the march.

Outside the Knights' headquarters, the people held high flags and shouted loudly in protest, denouncing Su Chen's atrocities as the grand leader.

"These goddamn bastards!"

On a building in the distance.

Roland clenched his fists, grabbed the sword beside him and prepared to rush out.

"Roland, don't be impulsive!" A young man stopped him. "The teacher must have his reasons for doing this. The teacher must have expected today. We cannot act rashly before he gives us the next action instructions."

"Yes, there is enough chaos now. Once the ground fire starts to act, it is likely to cause even greater trouble for the teacher."

Facing his companion's persuasion, Roland angrily slammed his sword on the ground.

He knew that he couldn't be impulsive now.

Otherwise, it will be taken advantage of by those hiding in the dark.

"The teacher has his own reasons for doing this!" Roland repeated his companion's words, "I believe that he sincerely cares for Mondstadt!"


[Faced with a mountain of voices, the Knights finally could not withstand the pressure, and their internal beliefs began to collapse. They were also discussing whether you should be allowed to 'retire with honor'. 】

[You did not give any explanation for these sounds. You held the water hour hand that Rosalin gave you before leaving, silently counting the countdown to the disaster. 】

[The letters from the Order never stop every month. Rosalind expressed concern about Mond’s situation. She was even more worried about you. You replied to her that it was okay and everything was fine. 】

[Two months later, you completed Mondstadt’s comprehensive war plan, and then resigned from the post of grand commander under the spotlight. You told Aelendlin not to take it lightly and to retain these achievements. 】

【He agreed. 】

[But when you were 29 years old, Aelendlin, with the advice of the deputy captain, the captains of the major knights, the Bishop of West Wind, and representatives of the nobility and civilians, began to correct your 'atrocities', the iron law was corrected, and a large number of The troops were disbanded because keeping them was too costly. 】

[You find that everything seems to be back to the past. 】

['Is this a historical necessity? 'You can't help but think. 】

[No, you don’t think this is the end. You continue to develop the Earth Fire in your own way. The weapons that were dismantled by the Knights were all reorganized by the Earth Fire. Fortunately, there are many wealthy businessmen among the members of the Earth Fire. , although all this is difficult, it is still going on in an orderly manner. 】

[The actions of Earthfire have seriously affected the order of Mondstadt. Aelendlin found you and tried to persuade you to calm down, but you refused. 】

[You have triggered the dark will, and your strength has been improved. 】

[The overt and covert struggle between the two major forces started again, as if history was repeating itself. Aelendlin stood in the sun, and you stood in the shadows. You looked at each other, and he questioned you, until finally you turned and left. 】

[At the age of 30, the Knights are preparing to exterminate the underground fire on a large scale, but before all this has begun, a greater catastrophe will come as you expected. 】

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