No one can keep firing with all their strength, just like no one can keep pouring out artillery fire. Yu Ishigami and the others sustained it for almost 3 minutes... In 3 minutes, they withstood countless attacks and withstood countless attacks. They knew how much it hurt, but... they gritted their teeth and endured.

It doesn't matter how painful it is, it doesn't matter how stressful it must hold on, and then...defeat those damn guys!

"Dragon-slaying beast...can it still hold up?"

"no problem!"

The dialogue between Yu Ishigami and Dragon-Slayermon is always so concise. They never need long conversations and explanations when entering the battle. The two people who have the same mind do not need too many explanations at all!

They just have to follow the plan.

Hold on, and then... crush your enemies!

Ishigami Yu and Ishigami Yuu gritted their teeth and held on until the moment they ceased fire. And at the moment when Mechanical Evildramon and Steel Seadramon ceased fire, both Ishigami Yuu and Ishigami Yu realized that the opportunity had come, and so Ishigami Yu subconsciously shouted: "Dragon-Slaying Beast!!!"

The moment the voice sounded, the dragon-slaying beast rushed out of the sea of ​​fire as fast as possible!

It's time to fight back!

The sudden appearance of Dragonslayermon like a ghost shocked the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, especially Mechanical Evildramon... This Digimon, whose whole body was wrapped in metal, looked at the warrior who suddenly appeared in front of him, and even couldn't help but be stunned. It took a while, until the shimmering blade awakened it!

"You, you, you're not dead yet!?"

"How can it be!!!???"

Mechanical Evildramon's horrified voice sounded, but Dragonslayermon would not answer Mechanical Evildramon's words and directly cut off his own blade!

If you want to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings, it is absolutely necessary to defeat them one by one. As the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast is now unable to use its firepower due to the coverage of artillery fire, attacking it is an absolute opportunity.

No more opportunities for it to be covered by artillery fire!

However, the reaction speed of the other Four Heavenly Kings is also very slow.

"Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast! Ace Flying Knife!"

"The ultimate wave breaker!!!!"

The Clown King and Steel Seadramon attacked at the same time, and Puppetmon used its threads to control Dragon-Slaying Beast... However, before their attacks came, Dragon-Slaying Beast's attack had already fallen. ...

The sharp edge flashed, and the terrifying attack tore apart everything in front of him. Fraglak's sharp edge made it impossible for the Mechanical Evil Dragonmon, whose whole body was made of metal, to resist. One of the Mechanical Evildramon's arms was chopped off alive!

——At the critical moment, even the huge body of the Mechanical Evil Dragon still dodges!

But it's a pity that the huge body can't be completely avoided, and in the end, it costs an arm!

If Dragonslayermon continues to pursue at this time, although it can kill Mechanical Evildramon, it will be hit by attacks from behind... It has consumed a lot of energy due to being covered by artillery fire, and now it is injured again. .....

Under normal circumstances, you should hide for a while, be patient and avoid the sharp edge for the time being.

But there was unparalleled determination in Ishigami Yu's eyes.

"Can't hide! Kill it! This is the best chance! Dragon-Slaying Beast!"

"I understand, Yuu!"

Chapter 673: Rules of the Jianghu: Kill those who help first

There are not many opportunities to kill the Four Heavenly Kings. Once an opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to get another opportunity.

Previously, I thought that conserving my energy might come in handy in the final battle, but now... it's impossible to win without paying the price.

If that's the case, then give it your all!

Following Yu Ishigami's cry, Dragonslayermon caught up with Mechanical Evildramon, and then, under Mechanical Evildramon's extremely frightened eyes... he raised his blade - and slashed hard! ! ! ! !

And the moment Dragon-Slaying Beast's attack fell, a huge energy impact suddenly fell on Dragon-Slaying Beast!


The ultimate wave breaker hits the target! ! !

"Damn it, that guy!?"

Although the attack hit the target, Steel Seadramon was not happy at all.

Because just now... it saw with its own eyes that the Mechanical Evildramon was cut in two by Dragonslayermon!

The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness were the last to appear, but they were the first to be killed!

It originally thought that Dragon-Slaying Beast would retreat, but it didn't expect that Dragon-Slaying Beast would be so direct this time. It didn't even defend itself, but directly resisted the damage, and then killed the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast!


The Clown King also saw this scene, but the Clown King did not feel sad because of it.

"That guy also paid the price... He withstood so many of our attacks head-on, and now he's been hit by your special move. That guy's physical strength has also been consumed a lot, so we're not without any effort."

Of course Steel Seadramon also knew what the Clown King said, but... he was clearly seriously injured and Dragonslayermon should have been unable to move, but that guy's movements were still as sharp and terrifying as ever!

It was as if he was not injured at all!

"No matter how strong your will is, it will collapse one day. Don't worry, it won't last long... How many more days do we have..."

The Clown Emperor wanted to comfort Steel Seadramon and prepare Steel Seadramon for a life-and-death battle. But just as the Clown Emperor was comforting him, a huge figure appeared in front of the Clown Emperor without any warning...

The Dragon-Slaying Beast, which was at the center of the explosion just now, suddenly appeared in front of it! ! !

At this moment, Dragon Slayer Beast had many scars on its body, its skin was in tatters, there were burns on its back, its armor was also somewhat tattered, and there were even two swords on its back.

But even so, the emotions revealed from under that helmet... were so sharp!

That guy... is like a beast... a beast that will never let go of its enemy no matter what. The look in its eyes that seems to drag people into hell is extremely chilling!

What kind of monster is this?

But the Clown King no longer has time to think about these problems, because Dragon-Slaying Beast's sword... has already fallen!

"The Clown Emperor!?"

Steel Seadramon looked at Dragonslayermon who appeared, and couldn't help but yelled for Clown King, trying to remind Clown King to avoid the attack.

The Clown King also reacted quickly and used magic to leave before the blade fell!

As long as it is not actually touched by the blade, it will not be defeated... and it will not fall no matter what!

If you want to kill's not that easy!

The Clown Emperor was already mentally planning how to attack Ishigami Yu and Dragon-Slayermon after he dodged the attack.

But at the moment when the Clown Emperor escaped from the attack range, the Dragon Slayer Beast that was supposed to attack the Clown Emperor suddenly changed its direction and attacked the Steel Seadramon on the side...!

Wait...that guy's not the Clown King,! ? ? ? ? ?

The Steel Seadramon was shocked by this sudden change. It didn't expect that the Clown Emperor was just a cover, and their real target was him! ! ! !

Steel Seadramon subconsciously wanted to run away and dodge, but... it was too late, it was too late!

The dragon-slaying beast... has already approached it, and the sharp blade has already fallen!

The sharp blade cut in two, and before the Clown King had time to react, Dragonslayermon's blade... fell on Steel Seadramon...

In an instant, Steel Seadramon's body was cut into countless pieces, and then... turned into data and disappeared into ashes!

The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, Steel Seadramon...exit! ! !

In an instant, but only in an instant, two of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness were lost!

Damn, damn, damn! ! ! ! !

Even the Clown Emperor couldn't help but open his eyes wide after seeing such a situation.

What the hell is going on... Why did he fall down so easily?

It was clear that they had the advantage just now, but why were they suddenly transformed by it?What on earth did it do! ?

"Nothing was done...In the final analysis, it was just killing them..."

As if seeing the emotion in the Clown Emperor's eyes, Ishigami Yu spoke calmly.

"We did have a flaw in our fight with you, but you didn't take advantage of this flaw to kill us. This was your mistake. And in your battle with us, the same flaw was exposed."

"Indiscriminate bombardment through artillery fire and overestimating the damage to oneself, so letting down one's guard, that's right."

"I exposed my flaw to give you a chance, and your misjudgment of your own strength was the flaw you gave me. Dragon-Slaying Beast and I took advantage of this flaw!"

Especially if you kill the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast first, and then pursue it with the Iron Sea Dragon Beast's attack, the powerful murderous intent and courage will make them temporarily lose their ability to judge. The Clown Emperor will also quickly escape in the crisis of death, and at this time , the closest Steel Seadramon will lose the best opportunity to escape!

Everything was planned, everything was expected... Dragon-slayermon and Yu Ishigami were already prepared!

If you want to kill them, you must at least be prepared to die together. If you don't even plan to sacrifice one person, then isn't it too much to underestimate them?

After all, the Four Dark Kings, like the previous Dragon-Slaying Beast, all want to protect themselves and do not intend to fight with all their strength.

The only difference is that the four dark kings each have their own ideas and are not of the same mind, while Dragonslayermon and Yu Ishigami have the same mind. When one of them makes a decision, the other will support it unconditionally!

They risked their lives. If you don't risk your lives, how can you compete with them!

Chapter 674 Apocalypse Beast

The battle between the Dragon-Slaying Beast and the Four Dark Kings is a battle where success or failure is determined by details.

From being cautious at the beginning to relaxing a little bit in the middle, the Four Dark Kings became the key to turning the tide of the battle.

The numerical advantage is indeed a powerful advantage, but if the numerical advantage cannot be implemented to the end, then this so-called advantage will be meaningless.

In particular, the Four Dark Kings are almost impossible to defeat Dragon-Slaying Beast in a one-on-one situation...

No, to be honest, it was indeed difficult for Dragon-Zlayermon to defeat the Four Dark Kings at first, but I don’t know whether it was because the Four Dark Kings had become weaker or because Dragon-Zlayermon had become stronger. The more Dragon-Zlayermon fought, the more he felt inspired. potential and become stronger.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be that Dragon-Slayermon has now reached the limit that Dragon-Slayermon can reach.

One step further, it’s the legendary Dragon Emperor!

But it doesn't matter whether he becomes the Dragon Emperor or not... the current Dragon-Slayermon is enough to defeat the Clown Emperor and Puppetmon.

The puppet beast has lost its arms and can be killed at any time. The only real threat is the Clown Emperor...

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how much the Clown Emperor can hide. He can't win if he can hide. There is no doubt that Dragon Slayer Beast can win the final victory!

In the Cave Heaven Paradise, watching the Dragon-Slaying Beast defeat the two heavenly kings in an instant, the people cheering for the Dragon-Slaying Beast couldn't help but let out a huge cheer. They were extremely excited and happy. They thought that the Dragon-Slaying Beast had fallen. Although he was at a disadvantage, he didn't expect that Dragon Slayer Beast would win in just a moment.

"Great! It's really great! This is Dragon-Slayingmon! This is Dragon-Slayingmon!"

"Go ahead, Dragonslayermon! Kill the Clown Emperor and Puppetmon!"

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