I want to get it, but I have to wait for some time?

With such a good thing, the shop owner was quite disappointed that he couldn't get it.

But at the same time, she also learned a very important piece of information.

What I drank was just ordinary, but above it, there was something even better!

The ordinary effects are so good, how powerful is the best one?

Definitely not to be missed!

"What's the price for this top-quality combustible oolong tea?"

The shop owner asked curiously.

"I need treasures in exchange."

The receptionist responded very dutifully.

After hearing this, the shop owner didn't think much and turned around and left.

She wants to go back to the sect first.

With such a treasure that is so important to my Hehuan lineage, I must get it!

The matter is of great importance and must be reported back to the sect.

As for Miao Xiangfang, it doesn't matter. She is one of the elders of Hehuan Sect.

Now he is just assigned to take care of worldly properties. No one will say anything after being detained for a few days.

A mere Miaoxiangfang is nothing compared to this spiritual wine!

This is a treasure that is very likely to change the current sect, and may even allow the sect to survive the crisis.

Over the years, Hehuan Sect has been developing rapidly. Although its foundation is getting bigger and bigger, the entire upper level is dead.

Because they have no fighting spirit.

I don’t even want to practice anymore. What else can I do besides lying down?

It doesn’t matter what the sect is.

This feeling is the same as the previous boss.

Almost the entire upper class is numb to Shuangxiu Avenue.

To put it simply, it means that I have been playing for too long and I have completely lost my interest.

If you charge too much, it will explode. Who can still charge?

Just like delicacies from the mountains and seas, the taste is indeed extraordinary, but if you eat it every day, you will get bored sooner or later.

This is the case with the Hehuan Sect today, and the situation is even more critical.

In a large sect, the entire upper level lay down and stopped doing anything.

As a member of the Hehuan Sect, the upper echelons were actually numb to their dual cultivation path.

Can this sect be any better?

If this continues, this powerful force that transcends the eight sects and is only weaker than the upper four sects will perish!

The Hehuan Sect died due to excessive cooing. If these words were spread, people would probably laugh to death.

The top priority is to ignite the passion at the top.

And this flammable oolong tea is just that.

The shop owner could vaguely sense that this spiritual wine could ignite passion.

It is definitely a big treasure that plays a decisive role in the future of the entire Hehuan Sect!

Right now, this thing can ignite passion and save the entire upper echelon of the sect.

No matter what you lie down on, get up and have fun with me.

The disciples at this moment are all young and passionate, but the future may not be like what they are now.

At that time, just drop a bottle of flammable oolong tea and you will have everything.

If this is reincarnation one after another, then this bottle of wine is the sword that cuts through this reincarnation!

Of course, such a good thing must be brought back to the sect quickly!

And this is just one of the manifestations of flammable oolong tea.

For Ningbi, this thing can make her cry and rekindle her passion for life.

For the Hehuan Sect, this thing can ignite passion and renew the singing.

For other people, it naturally has other effects.

After all, people's passions are also different.

The leader of a small sect drank flammable oolong tea, and his passion was instantly rekindled after he was already too lazy to manage the sect.

I worked on sect affairs for several days and nights.

A young man who had become bored with enjoying life drank flammable oolong tea and instantly rekindled his hope in life.

A talented disciple of a certain sect who was tired of practicing drank wine and went to practice with his sword that night.


Thousands of people have different opinions, but the effects of flammable oolong tea are all surprisingly good.

This spiritual wine has just appeared in the world, and it has achieved such results. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has caused a sensation in the entire world of immortality.

When this thing is actually released, you can imagine how exciting the scene will be.

I'm afraid Su Che can make money in one day that others can't make in a lifetime.

By then, I don’t know if I will cry to death if I find out.

After all, Su Che belonged to the Taiqing Sect before. Even if there were some leftovers from this wealth, it would be enough for the Taiqing Sect.

But they drove Su Che away forcefully...

It's a pity that at this time, Taiqing Sect and even Lin Miaomiao did not notice this.

Because they have more important things to do now.

At this moment, the Taiqing Sect's annual grand gathering is about to come.

This grand event was an exchange meeting originally proposed by Su Che in order to connect with his allies.

After all, although there is an alliance, feelings still need to be communicated. People's hearts are very fickle, especially a sect composed of people.

If it hadn't been for this grand gathering, God knows how many of Taiqing Sect's original allies would be left now.

And this grand event started from scratch, all thanks to Su Che.

From contacting allies, selecting participants, to every detail of the venue.

Although there were people helping, Su Che was the busiest.

As time passed, a grand gathering with Taiqing Sect as the core was formed without even realizing it.

This can be regarded as a disguised confirmation of the status of Taiqing Sect.

Over time, this grand event even became one of the most glorious events for the Taiqing Sect.

After all, this is a grand event with Taiqing Sect as its core.

Seeing all the sects coming and speaking very respectfully to me, it really felt like a scene of thousands of sects coming to court.

Who can not be happy with this? Who can not like it?

More importantly, this can demonstrate the status and heritage of one's sect.

Seeing that the allies who came to participate were amazed and admired by their sect's heritage.

Everyone felt very proud.

Although this honor was brought by Su Che, everyone in the sect enjoyed the honor brought by Su Che.

However, everyone overlooked a problem.

The first grand event was initiated by Su Che.

At every grand event after that, Su Che, as the initiator, stood in the position of hosting.

Every detail of this grand event was created by Su Che.

And now that Su Che, the sponsor, is no longer here, who among you is qualified to host it?

You have never made any contribution to this alliance, and you have not put in any efforts, and you want to enjoy the glory as a host?

Who will be convinced and who will agree?

Before the Taiqing event arrived, the Taiqing Sect encountered some minor troubles.

At this moment, subtle hidden dangers within the sect finally began to emerge.

When Su Che was here before, what should be done and every detail should be managed by Su Che.

Su Che already knew this in his heart.

But now that Su Che is gone, everyone is like headless flies, not knowing what to do at all.

"These tables should be placed here, right?"

Several junior sisters each came to the open space with several tables, put the tables down, and then said blankly.

"It should be here. I remember that my senior brother's previous arrangement also had a table."

The senior sister in charge of managing these junior sisters said hesitantly.

She had indeed helped Su Che arrange things many times, but at that time she always followed Su Che's words.

She herself remembers nothing.

"Forget it, just leave it here. It'll be nice to have a table anyway."

One junior sister said nonchalantly, and then left with everyone.

At the opposite end of the spectrum from these senior sisters, a group of disciples came with chairs and looked at the open space in confusion.

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