Earn spiritual stones?

The whole sect below looked at each other, a little confused for a moment.

They do know how to spend money, and the resources they spend every month are not a small amount.

But I have never done anything about making money, or even thought about it.

After all, Su Che was responsible for this kind of thing before, and it was not their turn at all.

"Our Taiqing Sect now has a huge industry, and every industry can make money continuously."

After introducing the current situation of Taiqing Sect's industry, the Lord of Shangqing Peak continued,

"It's just that we have been focusing on cultivation, and no one is taking care of these industries now."

"As long as we allocate some people to manage these industries, and then allocate some people to develop new industries."

"Then we will definitely be able to get through the difficulty in the shortest possible time!"

What Master Shangqing Peak said is true, there is no hiding anything.

If there are really people who can take good care of the sect's industry, then there will be people who can develop new industries.

Fiscal crises and everything else are trivial matters.

When those disciples heard these words, they had the same thought in their hearts.


After the Master of Shangqing Peak finished speaking, everyone below gathered to respond, all of them taking the initiative.

"Let us all start working hard to make money and get through this difficulty together!"

The Lord of Shangqing Peak waved his hands and said firmly.

Everyone below also replied together, very united.

At this time, everyone still felt that this matter was not a big problem.

But in fact, making money is more difficult than everyone imagines.

"The sect's industry requires many people to operate normally."

Lin Miaomiao stood beside the two peak masters, pointing out the country.

"Each of the three peaks will send one-third of the people to take care of the sect's property."

Immediately, Lin Miaomiao took out the list, randomly circled some people, and started to call the names.

But when Lin Miaomiao finished speaking, the person she named became a little unhappy.

"Sister Lin, can I not go?"

The junior sister of Yiyu Qingfeng raised her hand and said cautiously. ,

"My cultivation has reached its most critical stage, and I simply can't spare the time now."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately received responses from many people.

Compared with taking care of the sect's property, one's own cultivation is obviously more important.

Naturally, they don't want to sacrifice their cultivation time to do these things that contribute to the sect.

"My own cultivation has reached a very important stage. I didn't even say this. How did you have the nerve to say it?"

Lin Miaomiao frowned and said very dissatisfied.

"But you are the acting sect master, we are just ordinary people, this is different."

Someone whispered, obviously dissatisfied with Lin Miaomiao's words.

"What's wrong with the acting sect master? Doesn't the acting sect master need to practice?"

Lin Miaomiao was not happy either. She had been holding back many words in her heart for a long time.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing that a few people were about to start a quarrel.

Seeing this, the Lord of Shangqing Peak hurriedly spoke out,

"Okay, we are all doing this for the sake of the sect, there is no need to end up like this."

"You two should stop talking. Even if you practice now, you still won't be able to do it in the future without the resources of spiritual stones."

"This is not only for the good of the sect, but also for your own good. Which one is more important should be clearly distinguished."

At this time, everyone reluctantly agreed.

But obviously, they are still somewhat reluctant.

Seeing these people stop talking.

Lin Miaomiao turned her head and looked to the other side.

"Three peaks will send another third of their people to look for business opportunities in Lin'an City."

“Opening up new industries is our top priority and cannot be ignored.”

As for Lin Miaomiao's arrangement, the person she named was naturally reluctant.

But there was no way. With the examples of those people before them, they couldn't refute Lin Miaomiao for a while.

So, the matter was settled like this.

Immediately, Lin Miaomiao looked at the last third of the people,

"You guys, take a look at the mature spiritual plants in the sect in the past few days, pick them and sell them."

"At least it can make up for the immediate needs."

"But we also need these medicinal materials."

A disciple hesitated for a moment and whispered.

But as soon as she said these words, she was refuted by Lin Miaomiao,

"It doesn't matter if we use it later. As long as it can revitalize the sect's economy, how much will we need in the future?"

"Why care about the gains and losses of this moment?"

After hearing this, although they were reluctant, everyone still agreed.

Followed by.

Everyone began to act according to Lin Miaomiao's arrangements.

Part of it went to the current property of Taiqing Sect.

But faced with the complicated environment here, they simply don't know what to do.

As disciples of the sect, they naturally do not work as hands-on as ordinary people.

Naturally, I want to be a manager.

But they have no experience and don’t know how to do it!

"What are these, what are the expenses, what are the profits, what are the raw materials, etc., I can't understand them at all."

"It's the same here. I don't understand personnel transfers or anything like that."

A group of disciples held a pile of information and looked at each other in confusion.

What should I do if I don't understand?

Looking outside again, everyone found that they had done nothing and seemed to be functioning normally?

Then what are we doing here?

After touching it, instead of fighting with these incomprehensible people, it is better to practice hard.

So, when someone came back, they found a group of Taiqing Sect disciples who were practicing.

the other side.

The Taiqing Sect disciples who entered Lin'an City walked around several times but found no business opportunities.

In the final analysis, they have no business ability at all, and they have no idea what they can and cannot do.

I don't even know what I want to do.

"What should we do? We can't set up stalls like these mortals, right?"

Someone frowned and said.

Even if they want to set up a stall, they don't have the funds.

Therefore, everyone really had no choice but to return to the sect and practice on their own.

When asked, they were very confident.

“We don’t know what to do, we don’t know how to do it, what else will we do if we don’t come back?”

"What's more, we don't have enough time to practice by ourselves. How can we have time to do this?"

The waste is so confident that it is impossible to refute.

And finally those who went to sell spiritual fruits.

They understand the market prices, but they have never had any experience in selling.

I don’t even know where to sell it.

Fenghua Chamber of Commerce?

Don't answer at all.

The prices offered by other chambers of commerce also did not meet the psychological expectations of several people.

So a few people had no choice but to come back.

So, this sect's money-making operation seems to have failed just after it started?

There are many ways to make money, but who is willing to sacrifice their time to contribute?

They have been accustomed to constantly asking for and constantly thinking about themselves.

Letting them contribute at this moment is really more uncomfortable for them than killing them.

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