Such a move was naturally to make friends with Su Che.

Ever since she saw Su Che's terrifying ability and prestige, Madam Mingzhu had this thought in her mind.

There will never be any problems if you invest in Su Che.

Not only that.

Mrs. Pearl even showed greater kindness,

"Mingzhu is willing to use all the financial resources of the Chamber of Commerce to help Mr. Su improve his cultivation."

"Isn't this... a bit inappropriate?"

Su Che was stunned and said subconsciously.

"No, Mr. Su's talent is enough for our Fenghua Chamber of Commerce to pay for this."

Mrs. Mingzhu shook her head lightly and said firmly.

Although it was the first time to meet Su Che.

But Mrs. Mingzhu knew the value and importance of Su Che very well.

His reputation alone is as good as that of countless sects, and his reputation is unparalleled.

So far, I have come up with several kinds of spiritual wine, and all of them have become hits, making countless money.

And this talent and cultivation are said to be the best choice.

As long as such a person is given enough resources, it is inevitable that he will soar to the sky.

At that time, Fenghua Chamber of Commerce will definitely receive huge rewards.

Because of this, Mrs. Mingzhu was a little confused.

Why did the Taiqing Sect drive such an outstanding person out?

"In that case, thank you Madam Mingzhu."

Su Che thought for a moment, then raised his hands in salute, his attitude was respectful but neither humble nor overbearing.

This kind of human sophistication made Madam Mingzhu like her even more.

When facing the president, he can neither be humble nor arrogant, and can advance and retreat in a measured manner. He is indeed a talent.

in hindsight.

Ningbi couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Look at the conditions set by the president to Su Che. These are huge privileges.

Unexpectedly, Su Che had already reached a very important position in the Chamber of Commerce.

Compared with the current situation of Su Che's wide network of contacts.

The Taiqing Sect at this moment can be described as extremely miserable.

Walking in the sect, the sect that used to be very lively was now silent.

The venue for the grand event was also in a mess at the moment, and no one was cleaning it up at all.

No, to be precise, no one wants to see that venue again.

Shame, really shame!

This grand event was held at the expense of people and money. God knows how much effort and effort the Taiqing Sect put in.

There was even a problem with the certificate of the sect for a time.

But the result?

The allies all left because of Su Che. Not only did Taiqing Sect's power plummet, but they were also slapped in the face on the spot.

It’s really embarrassing and disgraceful!

The past is unbearable.

At this moment, Quan Zongming's morale dropped.

If someone can find the disciples, they will find that all of them are like zombies.

The light in my eyes is gone, and I don’t even bother to practice.

All these disciples have lost their vitality.

But what they don't know is that this is just the beginning.

Because Lin Miaomiao is about to rectify the sect!

According to Lin Miaomiao's idea, this rectification would probably involve a lot of people and be extremely powerful.

The first thing to do is to thoroughly investigate the entire sect!

There is so much money in the sect, and the senior brother has left so much behind.

Why are there none?

This is not right, this is very wrong.

Even the people in the sect don’t know how to make money.

But according to the legacy left by the senior brother, it should be enough to squander it for a long time.

Someone must have had their hands on it and got it into his pocket.

Moreover, this number must be quite large and the number must be huge.

I want to see who is being dishonest and actually dirtying our resources!


Lin Miaomiao began a massive investigation, and no one from the entire sect, from the peak master to the disciples, was spared.

Such an action stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, making everyone in the Taiqing Sect excited.

There are many people who are greedy for ink in Shangqing Peak, Yuqing Peak, and even the main peak of Taiqing Peak.

If this was discovered by investigation, wouldn't it be the end for me?

Not only must the things obtained be returned, but one's own people must also be severely punished.

How can this work?

Of course, Lin Miaomiao's actions were severely protested by Sanfeng.

In an instant, Lin Miaomiao became the target of public criticism.

"Lin Miaomiao, give us an explanation why you want to investigate us?"

The Sanfeng people gathered in front of Lin Miaomiao and asked with a dark face.

"Shouldn't I ask you this?"

Lin Miaomiao glanced at a few people and snorted softly,

"If some of you hadn't stretched your hands very far, would our sect be in financial crisis?"

"The whole sect here is making money, and you are sucking blood. How can this be possible?"

"Nonsense, what kind of people do you think the elders and disciples of the same sect are!"

Some elders couldn't bear it anymore and cursed angrily,

"Lin Miaomiao, don't think that just because you are the acting sect leader, you can do whatever you want."

"I'm telling you, it's taboo to frame a fellow sect like this and attack a fellow sect. Even the sect master can't protect you!"

"Exactly, Lin Miaomiao, don't be too arrogant."

Another elder snorted softly,

"In my opinion, you are probably not a spy sent by the enemy sect, right?"

"The reason why we are investigating corruption now is actually to attack the power of our Taiqing Sect. You think so or not!"

Lin Miaomiao never expected that she would be beaten down, and she was completely stunned.

"Don't be slanderous, okay? I want evidence here!"

"Who knows whether your evidence is true or whether you made it up yourself?"

Someone snorted coldly and didn't even look at what Lin Miaomiao took out.

"If we talk about evidence, we have evidence."

"The current weakness of Taiqing Sect is all because of you!"

because I?

I'm the one who really wants the sect to be good, okay?

Regardless of the purpose, the development of the sect is a means for Lin Miaomiao to achieve his own goals.

She had been sparing no effort in managing the sect, so why was she beaten down?

But without giving Lin Miaomiao a chance to refute, the man continued,

"Before you took power, although our Taiqing Sect was a little chaotic, it was generally moving forward."

"But right after you came to power, our Taiqing Sect has been going downhill and it hasn't stopped!"

"Think about it for yourself, the financial crisis and the departure of allies, which one didn't happen after you took power?"

Lin Miaomiao really didn't know how to answer these words.

To be fair, whether it is a financial crisis or the departure of allies, the reasons behind this are complex.

Even Lin Miaomiao herself couldn't explain everything clearly.

At least on the surface, that's what it seems.

If these people continued to talk, Lin Miaomiao felt that her crime of being a spy would most likely be confirmed.

You can't sit still like this!

Lin Miaomiao's eyes narrowed, and then she stood on the high platform and gave an impassioned speech to the entire sect.

"Elders and disciples, I, Lin Miaomiao, do this without any selfish motives. It is all for the sect!"

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