At this moment--

"Merit points +1+1..."

On the interface displayed by the system, the merit points began to increase slightly.

Su Che, who had already experienced it several times, understood what this meant without the system reminding him.

This obviously represents Mu Hongzhu's strong mood swings.

Regret, remorse...

Do you realize you were wrong?

But this alone is not enough.

As the system has said before, the real point of merit lies in correcting the wrongdoings that should be taken for granted.

Therefore, if Mu Hongzhu can be allowed to correct it in a real sense.

Will the merit points skyrocket by then?

no doubt!

This was the fundamental reason why Su Che was willing to give him a chance.

An opportunity to experiment.

The in-depth exploration of the so-called merit points of the system is also a measure of the human heart.

If you can change it, you can naturally give it a chance, but if you can't change it... it's just a matter of time.

It was at this time.

Outside, there was a sudden sound,

"Mu Hongzhu asks to see Senior Brother Su Che!"

come yet?The speed is quite fast.

Before Su Che could respond, the sound outside rang again,

"Senior Brother Su, Junior Sister knows that she is wrong. Junior Sister should not be lazy, should not be petty, and should not smear and slander Senior Brother."

"Please let me go, senior brother, and give me another chance."

Listening to these words, I really knew where I was wrong.

But knowing you're wrong doesn't mean you can correct it.

Coming to the window, Su Che looked through the gap in the window.

However, he saw that Mu Hongzhu, who had taken the initiative to admit his mistake, was kneeling outside his room.

Seeing that there was no response from his own voice.

Mu Hongzhu didn't have any impatience or disgust, she just looked ahead calmly and firmly.



Mu Hongzhu kowtowed to the ground and apologized!

"I know it's too late for me to say anything now. Junior sister doesn't do this just to embarrass senior brother."

"It's just...Senior Brother Su, Junior Sister really knows that I was wrong. Junior Sister knows how much trouble my actions have brought to Senior Brother."

"I will try my best to make up for the harm I caused to my senior brother, and I will never dare to do this again in the future."

"Senior brother, please be generous and give me a gentle sentence. I, I really don't want to be expelled from the sect, senior brother, please..."

Despite the master's conceited assurances, he still appeared outside Su Che's door.

Obviously, this time Mu Hongzhu did not blindly follow her master, but sincerely came to admit her mistake.

If you have done something wrong, it is best to admit it.

What's the point of asking people to protect themselves?

But even so, Su Che still ignored Mu Hongzhu.

The room was extremely silent, no movement could be heard, it was as if there was no one there.

But Mu Hongzhu knew that Su Che must be in the room.

It seems that senior brother is unwilling to forgive me?

Also, I did so much, how could senior brother forgive me so easily?

Anyway, since the senior brother doesn't forgive me, then he just keeps kneeling until the senior brother forgives him!

Just like that, I knelt from afternoon until late at night.

Mu Hongzhu was already exhausted mentally and physically, and there was even bleeding on her forehead.

At this moment, her face was pale, her red lips were bloodless, and her eyes were bloodshot.

It was shaky, and the whole person seemed to be falling down.

This tired and miserable look, even though they know it is self-inflicted, makes people sigh subconsciously when they see it.

Can make her look like this.

For a beautiful woman who loves to goof off, you can imagine how much she is suffering at this moment.

Chapter 25 People can only learn to reflect in despair

Seeing that it was already late at night, Mu Hongzhu raised her head and glanced at the sky, a trace of despair flashing in her eyes.

Has Senior Brother Su not responded to him yet?

It seems that Senior Brother Su has not forgiven himself yet!

Will I still be kicked out of the sect in the end?

Despair, Mu Hongzhu was really desperate at this moment.

A tired and aching body can't compare to the mental torment.

how so…

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, Su Che walked out of the room, and finally relaxed,

"Get up."

"Senior brother, are you willing to forgive me?"

"I'm just giving you another option."

Shaking his head, Su Che faced Mu Hongzhu's eyes with renewed hope and said,

"Your cultivation is temporarily banned and you will be demoted to the handyman's seat. From now on, you will be responsible for the most tiring and dirty work."

"Of course, I won't let you continue doing it indefinitely, for half a year."

"If you can persist, this matter will be wiped out!"

Tan's mouth opened slightly, but Mu Hongzhu did not respond immediately.

For a girl who loves beauty the most and loves to be lazy.

How can I be lazy and dress up when I have to do the dirtiest and most tiring work every day?

That's just another nightmare!

It was clear that I had never been treated like this at home.

I simply can’t imagine my life in this half year.

But what about not doing it?

Well... Mu Hongzhu felt sad.

Does she have any choice?

"This is a mistake I made. Senior brother can be so righteous and give me a chance to change my ways."

"Follow my brother's orders."

"Thank you for your kindness, senior brother. You are so kind and kind. I will never forget it for my junior sister."

This time, Mu Hongzhu bowed her head and thanked her sincerely.

People can only learn to reflect when they are in despair.

Senior Brother Su is not a close relative of Zi, so based on what he did to Senior Brother Su, it was not unfair at all to be expelled from the sect.

But Senior Brother Su is still willing to give himself another chance and hope.

This is kind enough!

"It's not a favor, maybe you will be more helpful to me."

Su Che ignored Mu Hongzhu's gratitude and waved his hand to let Mu Hongzhu leave.

Is this punishment light?

Not light at all.

Let a delicate little princess be sent to the lowest level to do the hardest and most tiring work.

Such a contrast cannot be described in words.

Not only the physical, but also the mental impact is even more serious.

But, this is Su Che's bottom line!

Otherwise, what's the point of punishment?

If the other party can correct themselves because of this opportunity, everyone will be happy.

I will gain a lot from your new life.

What is this called, a win-win situation? Su Che had no reason to refuse.

And if you don't correct it, you will only suffer it yourself.

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