But it’s not right to just go home like this. You can’t just say you’re going to reduce my salary and you’re going to reduce it for me. Why?

I definitely need to ask my senior brother for an explanation.

But no matter what, Lin Miaomiao found that she couldn't get in at all!

At this moment, there was an endless stream of people in front of Su Che's door.

Those who had been favored by Su Che, such as those charming girls before, Shen Qingqing and others were all crowded here.

People who don't know Su Che, want to have a relationship with Su Che, or have their own purposes, all come here.

Even some high-level officials from the sect are here.

The scene is noisy but not chaotic. If you want to get in, you have to queue up, but if you queue now, Lin Miaomiao won't be able to get in until tomorrow.

Everyone present was very friendly to Su Che, and many of them could even be said to admire and respect him.

Su Che's reputation has risen and fallen, but no matter what, he is still the most trusted senior brother in the sect.

Coupled with the previous actions, it brought many benefits to the sect without much effort and gained a lot of reputation.

I also gained a lot of fans.

It can only be said that such a scene is all due to Su Che himself.

After seeing Su Che, Lin Miaomiao went home. Looking back at her own home, the gap suddenly came.

It wasn't that no one was waiting for Lin Miaomiao, but all she had for rent was a puppy. .

It looked empty, and every word echoed.

The difference is huge, the gap is not that big.

Why is there no one in front of my door?

But senior brother, so many people come to see him, and he is so popular?

One thing to say, if the eldest sister and the younger junior sisters are surrounding the senior brother, it seems that there is no need for the senior brother to hang himself from a tree, right?

As long as he waved his hand, there were plenty of people willing.

So, is it possible that I am senior brother’s backup?

I'm the clown!

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao suddenly woke up and felt self-doubt for the first time.

Could it be that it's really because I'm not good enough and I'm just being sentimental?

After all, what happened to the senior brother who used to be so easy to control recently?

Why can't you move around? Why don't you hang around me?

Lin Miaomiao sat down helplessly and started brainstorming.

Suppose, senior brother doesn't like me, then why was he so nice to me before?

Let’s look at the results first. I have really enjoyed having my senior brother take care of me over the years.

Whatever is missing, someone will prepare it, and whatever is lacking, someone will provide it.

It makes you useless except for cultivation, and you can't even take care of yourself.

Without my senior brother, I would not be able to make money, and I would really not be able to survive a day...

I know, senior brother must have had this idea.

In fact, his previous doting on me was all to make me a useless person who couldn't live without him, right?

Spare tire, only in this way can you have it firmly in hand.

Lin Miaomiao was full of confidence.

But they didn’t realize that this is called the standard way of judging others by oneself.

If she thinks she will do this, she will naturally think that others will do the same.

You have a dark heart and think about others like this.

But she didn't expect that not everyone was as dark-hearted as she was.

But no matter what, under this set of rigorous logic and clear thinking reasoning.

The more Lin Miaomiao thought about it, the angrier she became. I thought you were my licking dog, but actually you use me as a spare tire?

I feel like a scumbag has no dignity at all.

So angry!

At this moment, she urgently needed to vent.

Then, she saw Chu Youruo, who came to clean Su Che while humming a tune.

Very good, I didn't intend to find you, but you bumped into me yourself, so I won't be polite.


I decided to be you, my punching bag!

Chapter 55 Scumbag: It feels like being stabbed several times

Therefore, under Lin Miaomiao's determination, the innocent Chu Youruo was blocked.

"You go to my senior brother so diligently, Chu Youruo, you are not as innocent as you appear."

Lin Miaomiao raised her head like a white swan. The arrogant beautiful girl launched a surprise attack on the enemy.

"Sister Lin, what are you talking about?"

Chu Youruo looked confused and innocent.

She was just cleaning up for her senior brother as a daily routine. What was this senior sister doing to stop her?

I can’t figure it out, I don’t understand.

Looking down at Chu Youruo, Lin Miaomiao sneered,

"How long do you think you can hide your little thoughts?"

"You actually tried to take advantage of the opportunity to gain power. You performed really well, but I have already seen through you!"

In front of my fiery eyes, Lin Miaomiao, all bad women who have designs on my senior brother will be able to escape.

Do you think I will believe you just because you pretend to be innocent?

That must be impossible.

But Chu Youruo still didn't understand. He tilted his little head and looked confused, which was very cute.

"Senior sister, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you?"

"You're still pretending, you're still pretending, don't treat others like fools!"

Lin Miaomiao's pretty face was stunned. This cold arrogance could be said to be a very good expression.

"Give you a chance. If you are sensible, just leave Senior Brother."

Although there is no second half of the sentence, who can not understand this obvious threat?

It's clear, Lin Miaomiao is bullying Chu Youruo.

It doesn't matter to others, but when it comes to Chu Youruo, Lin Miaomiao is still very confident.

After all, she knew the other person's character very well, he was so timid and weak, with a weak air.

This is really easy to control, and there is absolutely no pressure or difficulty in bullying.

But she never expected that Lin Miaomiao had already improved after being with Su Che for so long.

Facing Lin Miaomiao's threat, she was not afraid at all.

Not only did he not shrink back and be timid, he actually asked questions in a very cute way.

"So, can you represent senior brother?"


You actually asked me this?

Just kidding, my senior brother is so kind to me, of course I can represent him!

This made Lin Miaomiao even more proud and said in a very positive tone,

"Of course. Senior brother loves me the most. I know her very well."

She's just a little girl, isn't she just what I call my senior brother?

It's nothing, senior brother will definitely not care about it.

But then, Chu Youruo actually started asking questions again,

"So, what do you know about Senior Brother?"

"Do you know your daily habits, hobbies, and whether the room is clean?"

Since you feel that your senior brother is so good to you, you will definitely pay close attention to your senior brother.

Not to mention anything else, at least you have this basic understanding, right?

This is human nature.

As a person who only received a little favor from my senior brother, I understand these very clearly.

You should be better than me, right?

But the thoughtful junior sister's repeated questions left Lin Miaomiao speechless.

She had always taken Su Che's care and attention as a matter of course and enjoyed it. How could she care so much?

If you ask my senior brother when he will send me resources every month, I can tell you.

But I really don’t understand these, not at all.

So, am I being educated?

It's funny if you want to bully someone, but you can't, so you double the education.

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