It was just after experiencing two ups and downs in life: "breaking my hand" and "losing my sister".

Jaime Lannister's state of mind suddenly changed dramatically.

He is no longer as flippant, stubborn, and irritable as he used to be.

Because he knows that every decision he makes will have serious consequences.

"as you wish!"

James said in a deep voice.


King's Landing.

The sound of hammers filled the morning air.

A large number of Junlin people gathered at the "Gate of the Gods" in the north.

The huge army passed through this huge city gate and slowly entered King's Landing City.

After more than half a month, Domeric returned to King's Landing.

Chapter 185 Real dragons are not afraid of fire

Both sides of the road were crowded with the people of Junlin who came to welcome him.

Domeric sits on a tall horse, wearing the iconic black armor and black satin star pattern cape.

The long army passed through the Gate of the Gods and marched towards the Red Fort.

When Domeric traveled to the valley, he only took 1000 soldiers with him.

Now when they return, they have brought back more than 4000 soldiers.

3000 of them are mountain people from mountain tribes.

In the name of the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, Domeric rewarded the mountain people with the Eastvale Town and the nearby land.

In exchange, the Alpine Clan tribe promised to bring peace to the valley.

He swore allegiance to Domeric and sent 3000 soldiers to fight for him.

Before leaving, the entire Eagle's Nest City was almost evacuated by Domeric.

With the tacit approval of the valley nobles.

Domeric brought back a large number of weapons, armor, and the wealth accumulated by the Arryn family.

After all, Duchess Lysa is dead, and the steward of the valley, Baron Nestor Royce, also died in the "Trial by Combat".

There is no one in the entire Eagle's Nest who talks about anything.

Little Duke Robin Arryn was directly brought back to King's Landing by Domeric.

In the name of Joffrey Baratheon, "Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Guardian of the Realm", Domeric adopted little Duke Robin as the "King's adopted son".

After all, this "Lord of the Valley" still needs to be firmly in his hands.

At the same time, the great nobles in the valley returned to their territories to reorganize their troops.

Twelve thousand troops were sent throughout the valley.

Among them, the Royce family of Runestone City alone dispatched 3000 people, accounting for a quarter of the army in the valley.

It seems that the new "Guardian of the Vale and Warden of the East" - Yohn Royce, is eager to perform well in front of Domeric.

With bursts of cheers.

Domeric waved to the people of King's Landing on the roadside.

Every time he passed by, the crowd burst into cheers!

The adults chanted his name and held up the children to ask for his blessing.

Children excitedly waved graffiti-like peeling flags.

The army marched along the road for nearly three miles, and the crowd of onlookers gradually thinned out.

As for why Domeric is so popular with the people of King's Landing?

Because he brought food and a lot of supplies from the Valley Kingdom.

Ever since the great nobles of the Vale declared their support for the Iron Throne and their allegiance to King Joffrey.

A large amount of food, fruits and vegetables are continuously transported from the valley to Crab Cove, Maid Spring City, and overland to King's Landing City...

"Lord Domeric, I have been in King's Landing for so long, and it is rare that a noble can gain as much support from the common people as you do."

Varys looked at the young king's hand with a sweet smile and sighed.

His bald head looked like a braised egg in the sunlight.

King's Landing is a large city with a population of 50 and is extremely dependent on food imports.

In the past, food was transported from the riverlands and river bends.

However, the "Lion and Fish" battle between the Lannister and the Tully family turned the "Land of Plenty and Plenty" of the Riverlands into a scorched earth.

In addition, Stannis's Dragonstone fleet blocked the Narrow Sea, hampering King's Landing's maritime trade.

The southern reaches of the Reach, led by Highgarden, defected to Renly, directly cutting off King's Landing's land transportation routes.

In the plot, these blockades directly triggered famine in King's Landing.

The people in King's Landing were panic-stricken, and the hungry people launched several riots.

Fresh mice are sold at sky-high prices.

There are guards standing guard at every store in Flour Street, because hiring soldiers only requires half a slice of bread...

In order to deal with the crisis in King's Landing, Domeric made preparations early.

Before turning against him in the Reach, he purchased a large amount of food and stored it in the granary in King's Landing.

Domeric even asked the Finance Minister, Earl Fat Wyman, and the Minister of Justice, Earl Gales, to unite to rectify the unscrupulous merchants who were harvesting grain and wanting to make war profits, and to stabilize prices in King's Landing.

Now he has persuaded Gudi to continuously deliver food, vegetables and other supplies to Junlin City.

These measures greatly improved his prestige in King's Landing.

"How could it be?" Domeric pretended to be humble and said:

"There are too many nobles who are more popular than me. Let's not talk about them. Let's just say the old Duke Arryn who returned to the embrace of the gods not long ago. His prestige in King's Landing is not even comparable to that of King Robert."


Varys shook his head, "Although the old Duke Arryn is loyal to his duties, he has always been conscientious in his role as Prime Minister.

But his talent is far from enough to calm down the chaos in the Seven Kingdoms.

If old Duke Arryn had half of your means, perhaps the situation in the Seven Kingdoms would not be so bad. "

Varys has followed Domeric for so long.

From capturing King's Landing, killing Cersei, imprisoning Joffrey, killing Littlefinger, subduing the Mountain Clan, killing Duchess Lysa, framing Nestor, the Steward of the Vale...

Although Wallis also put in a lot of effort and planning during the process.

But Domeric acts decisively without procrastination, and has no bottom line in his cruelty.

It really shocked Wallis!

If only old Lord Arryn had half of these methods, the Seven Kingdoms would have been pacified long ago, and King Robert could concentrate on eating, drinking and having fun...

Thinking of the old Lord Jon Arryn who was "high as glory".

Domeric was also lost in thought.

The old Duke Arryn has been in office for 14 years and has actually done a lot of serious things.

He personally went to Sunspear City and negotiated peace with Dorne, but he did not deal with Gregor Clegane, the "Mountain" who killed Princess Elia. As a result, the gap between Dorne and the Iron Throne was not eliminated.

Arrange the marriage between King Robert and Cersei and appease the West.

But it allowed the power of the Lannister family to penetrate King's Landing.

In the end, the tail was too big to lose, and even overwhelmed his alliance with Stannis, leaving King Robert alone, surrounded by squires and guards all from the Lannister family.

Convinced King Robert to appoint Jaime "Kingslayer" Lannister as the Kingsguard, which made Lord Eddard dissatisfied and went north in anger.

After holding the power of the Seven Kingdoms for 14 years, he not only spent all the huge property left by Aerys II, but also ended up with a huge debt to the national treasury...

Although King Robert's debauchery and extravagance were the main reasons.

But the old Duke Arryn's own incompetence and inaction must also bear unshirkable responsibility.

"High as glory" is the clan motto of the Arryn family.

It is undoubtedly a portrait of old Lord Arryn's life.

But as a chess player on the Seven Kingdoms chessboard, he has huge resources.

You can get it on anything,

But the word "glory" must not be touched!

For those in high positions and positions of power, it is not a compliment, but more like a curse and a poison.

Since ancient times, who has played politics without a dark heart?

"Lord Domeric," Wallis looked at Domeric with burning eyes and took a deep breath:

"While following you, I sometimes can't help but think that maybe you can end this troubled world."

Domeric tilted his head slightly, his eyes flashed, and he smiled:

"Lord Varys, I remember that you are a loyal supporter of the Targaryen dynasty. Are the two dragons and dragon girls on the other side of the narrow sea okay?"

"It's a little bad."

Wallis shook his head helplessly, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

“A few days ago, I received a letter from Illyrio, the governor of Pentos.

Prince Viserys demands the crown from Khal Drogo and draws his sword to threaten her sister, Princess Daenerys, in the Holy City.

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