Melisandre said as she walked closer to Domeric and stood close to him.

I have to admit that the red-robed witch's own hardware is very outstanding.

Ice is the muscles and bones, jade is the face, red hair, slender waist, plump granary, and huge peach.

When she doesn't take off the necklace, Melisandre can really be said to be beautiful!

It is not inferior to the former "Light of the West" Cersei Lannister.

No wonder Stannis was obsessed with converting to the Red God. It’s hard to believe that he didn’t lust after Melisandre’s body when he met Melisandre.

In fact, Melisandre is an old woman who has lived for an unknown number of years.

It is estimated that it was for the purpose of preaching that he used the power of the Red God of Light to show this appearance.

This is probably a lesson learned from the failure of the red-robed monk Soros - in Westeros, bald men are not popular!

As for the prophecy in Melisandre's mouth.

Azor Ahai, the Lightbringer, will come to Westeros and lead the people of Westeros to defeat the Cold God.

In the world of the Red God Church, God is a dual existence.

Where there is black there must be white, where there is old there must be new.

The opponent of the Red God, the Lord of Light, is the God of Cold, who lives in northern Westeros and is also known as the God of Darkness, Cold and Fear.

In the eyes of the people of the Church of the Red God, the White Walkers created by the Children of the Forest were all the work of the Cold God.

There is also a legend circulating in Westeros that Azor Ahai led people to defeat the White Walkers 8000 years ago. This legend became the theoretical basis for Melisandre's prophecy in Westeros.

The White Walkers from thousands of years ago are coming again!

The reincarnated Azor Ahai will hold high the "Lightbringer" sword and once again lead the people to destroy the White Walkers.

That's probably what it means.

Domeric shrugged off the prophecy.

Because most prophecies are often tragic.

The tragedy of the prophecy is that the moment you believe the prophecy, the prophecy is destined to come true. Even your efforts to get rid of the shackles of the prophecy only accelerate the fulfillment of the prophecy.

So the best way to fight against the prophecy——

Just don’t believe it!


"After a long summer, the stars weep with blood!

Azor Ahai will be reborn in the land of smoke and salt.

Do you know who Azor Ahai was in the prophecy? "

Melisandre leaned in front of him, and when she said the last words, her voice became soft and graceful, slightly breathy, like a passionate whisper between lovers.

"Stannis Baratheon?"

Domeric smiled and said, "Speaking of the barren land of Dragonstone, it fits the term 'Land of Smoke and Salt'."

Melisandre sighed, "I originally thought so too, but I saw a different future in the Holy Fire.

Night is falling across your Seven Kingdoms, the war continues, and even embers in the dust can rekindle a raging fire.

I saw the chosen one of the true God, the son of the holy flame, the warrior of light—Lord Domeric, I saw you!

In the holy fire, I witnessed you leading thousands of troops to resist the terrifying darkness...

There are no lies in the Holy Fire, and that's why I'm here. "

Melisandre's eyes were as bright as light red candles, as if looking into his soul.

"I think you got the wrong person!"

Domilik showed an expression of "I don't know much, but you can't fool me"...

Chapter 194 Dragon

According to the prophecies in the ancient book of Asshai.

Azor Ahai has been reincarnated, but who it is, the Lord of Light has not made it clear, and the red robe witch Melisandre needs to judge for herself.

Throughout Westeros, there are people everywhere as far as you can see.

Who is the reincarnated hero?

Stannis answered: "Obviously, I am!"

Then Melisandre believed it.

But why does Melisandre so easily believe that Stannis is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai?

The reason is actually very simple.

Although Westeros is large, nobles and commoners generally believe in old and new gods.

Stannis is the only noble who is willing to abandon his faith and accept Melisandre, and he is also the very high-ranking king's brother, Lord of the Navy, and Duke of Dragonstone.

Melisandre felt this was no accident.

Rather than saying that Melisandre chose Stannis, it is better to say that Stannis chose Melisandre.

Stannis needs this mysterious prophecy to give himself a legendary color to deceive vassals and subjects everywhere. He also needs the mysterious power of the red robe witch to deal with his enemies.

But now Melisandre sees Domeric from the burning holy fire. This is the reincarnation of the legendary hero prophesied by the Lord of Light.

"Sorry, you may have mistaken the person. I am not the reincarnation of Azor Ahai!"

Domeric said with a look of disgust.

Although Melisandre's unpredictable abilities are unique in the entire Westeros continent.

Anyone who gets involved with these gods and ghosts will not end well.

Just look at the fate of Stannis Baratheon - betrayal, defeat and death, and finally his head was chopped off.

"But the holy fire doesn't lie. I didn't see King Stannis in the holy fire, but I saw you. This is the revelation given to me by R'hllor, the Lord of Light!"

"It seems that your god is a 'Riddler'. He is always nagging and won't tell you directly who is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, and keeps you guessing.

What if you see someone else in the flame next time? "

Domeric raised a key question.

He knew that Melisandre had prophetic powers, that she could glimpse fragments of future events to some extent, but that she didn't always interpret them correctly.


Melisandre fell silent, seeming to be thinking about the possibility of this situation, and then she shook her head:

"This is the first time I have seen such a clear picture from the flames. It must be a revelation from the gods. The Lord of Light will never play tricks on his believers."

Melisandre insisted, "Lord Domeric, I know that you may not trust me for a while. Can you let me stay with you for a while, so that I can carefully confirm whether you are Azor? The reincarnation of Ahai.”

"What's in it for me?"

Domeric was not happy to have such a dangerous person around him.

"I can lend you the power of the Lord of Light."

"The power of the Lord of Light?"

"Yes, I know you are about to go to the Riverlands. My magic may be able to help you."

Domeric had already seen Melisandre's fire magic at the banquet.

But it can't be said that he is very powerful. Give him a sword and he can kill more people in the same time.

As for the casting conditions of shadow magic, it is too harsh.

Prophecy and the like are often misinterpreted.

The only thing worthy of praise is the resurrection technique.

However, the effect of resurrection seems to work sometimes depending on the mood of R'hllor, the Lord of Light.

"Can you give me a dragon and make it obey my orders?" Domeric asked tentatively.



The dragon is not only powerful, but also has a long lifespan.

According to ancient records from Asshai, some dragons lived for 1000 years.

Balerion, the "Black Death" of the Targaryen family, died during the reign of Jaehaerys I, the "Arbiter", and lived for more than 200 years in total.

What's more, dragons are native to the continent of Essos.

Said to come from the shadowy land beyond Asshai.

As a missionary to the Red God of Asshai, Melisandre should be no stranger to dragons.

"The dragons were born in the shadow land east of Asshai. They are the messengers of light, the incarnation of fire, and the servants of R'hllor, the king of light." Melisandre said in a pious tone.

Hearing this, Domeric couldn't help laughing and said:

"The Targaryens do not believe in your Lord of Light. They serve the Seven Gods and still have dragons. Moreover, none of the Dragon Lords in Valyria believe in the Lord of Light."

Melisandre raised her head high, and the ruby ​​in her throat glowed red: "So the dragons of the Targaryen family are dead, and the Valyrian Empire was also destroyed in a doomsday catastrophe.

This is the Lord of Light's punishment for the mortals who steal divine power but refuse to serve. "

Melisandre's statement is too far-fetched.

The reason why the dragons of House Targaryen became extinct was actually because the tide of magic subsided.

Magic in Game of Thrones is like a tide, it rises and falls.

The dragon is a magical creature, so when the magic ebbs, it will naturally become extinct.

It has nothing to do with whether you believe in the Lord of Light or not.

After a long summer, the stars weep with blood!

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