After a while, the captain, whose face turned as blue as the sea, came over, bowed to Sir Adam, and asked: "My lord, we are almost approaching the Iron Islands."

"very good."

With nothing more than a little gold, Sir Adam brought the old town man to shameless groveling.

To be honest, the "Mirachan" is basically a big bathtub with difficulty in moving.

He didn't want to be on this ship if there was a storm.

But Adam Malbrand was eager to complete Lord Tywin's mission, so he hurriedly boarded the merchant ship.

But then again, Sir Adam has nothing to complain about.

Although the boat was bumpy, there were other "entertainments" along the way.

Adam Malbrand put his arms around the captain's daughter, "Notify me when you arrive at the port of Pike Island!" he said to the captain.

"As you command, my lord." The captain said humbly.

"Let's go back to the cabin." Sir Adam led the girl towards the stern of the boat, leaving behind her father who dared not speak out.

This was originally the captain's room.

But after the merchant ship set sail from Lannisport, it was placed at Adam's disposal.

The captain's daughter was not handed over to him for "use", but she obediently got into Adam's bed.

A glass of wine, a few sweet words, and her status as an aristocrat, and she obeyed.

It must be said that the captain's daughter is a rare beauty.

Her waist is slender, her granary is plump, her round buttocks are white and big, her belly is flat and firm, and her plump thighs are put together, showing her charm to men without reservation.

At this moment, the girl was hesitating and speechless...

Chapter 196 Iron Islands, Drowned God

"Salty, like the taste of the sea."

The captain's daughter crawled up to him and added: "My lord, I have always loved the sea."

"Haha, this is a commendable hobby."

Sir Adam stroked the girl's hair, which was wet and slippery, but unfortunately weathered and tangled.

He couldn't help but think of the task Lord Tywin had given him - to persuade the Iron Islands to ally with the Westerlands.

The Iron Islands have a harsh environment and rugged terrain that offers neither comfort nor a future.

To put it simply, it is a place where birds do not poop.

The ironborn had a hard time while they were alive, and death was always with them.

It is said that when they drink and have fun at night, they are all competing to see who has a miserable life: the fisherman fighting the sea or the farmer trying to dig out some crops from the barren land.

In Sir Adam's opinion, the most pitiable ones are the miners. They work hard in the dark all day long. What do they do for what in the end? Iron, lead and tin.

No wonder the Ironborn are always out raiding.

"We are almost at the port. The wind and waves here are really strong."

The girl looked out through the ship's side window.

"It's not just the wind and waves here!" Sir Adam narrowed his eyes and became a little silent.

"If you want, you can..." the girl said suddenly.


Sir Adam shook his head. He did not want to have an illegitimate child.

The captain's daughter didn't seem to hear the alienation in her words. "I can go ashore with you," she said, "if you want me..."

"I'm afraid I can't take you with me. I'm sorry, but it's impossible for a noble to marry a commoner girl."

Sir Adam looked regretful, though the girl was a rare beauty.

"Sir, I don't need you to marry me. I am willing to be your maid."

The girl opened her eyes wide and seemed to have made some kind of decision, "I can do things in your castle. I can wash fish, bake bread and churn butter. My father said that no one can beat the pepper crab soup I make. You can arrange I'm working in the kitchen, I can make pepper crab soup for you..."

"Then you warm my bed at night? Why?"

"The life at sea is too difficult. It's not like riding the wind and waves and doing whatever you want. In addition to facing countless storm reefs, we also have to cast nets to fish and carry cargo all day long, just for a few pitiful copper coins. A little salted cod and If oatmeal lasts through the harsh winter, then it’s good, and I don’t want to live like this anymore.”

The girl whispered in his ear.

"Sir, please take me with you."

The captain's daughter begged, "I just want to be your maid."

Sir Adam retrieved the cloak from the shelf, put it on, and fastened it with a silver hook. Then he looked at the girl silently and said nothing. Finally, he sighed and said, "If you are willing to wait for me, I will put it on when we return." You take it back to Casterly Rock."

"Thank you, sir, I promise to serve you for the rest of my life."

The captain's daughter looked delighted.

Adam Malbrand didn't know whether he sympathized with the girl or because she was pretty enough, maybe both.

The "Mirachan" is slowly sailing towards the port of Pike Island.

Adam Malbrand arrived at his destination, Pyke, one of the largest islands in the Iron Islands.

For thousands of years, the pirates of the Iron Islands, also known as the "Iron People", have roamed the seas and frightened everyone, sailing as far north as Ibben Harbor and as far south as the Summer Islands.

They pride themselves on their prowess in battle and their sacred freedom.

Each island has its "Sea Salt King" or "Rock King", and the supreme leader of the islands is also selected from among the kings.

It wasn't until about 5000 years ago that King Urun of the Grey-Elne family murdered other leaders at the king-selection meeting, making the "king-selection" hereditary.

During the war of conquest, King Harren the Blackheart still ruled over all the territory between the mountains, from the Neck in the north to the Blackwater River in the south.

However, "Dragon King" Aegon burned "Black Heart" Harren to death, cut off the ancient road, and handed Harren's kingdom to the weak river people. The territory in the Trident River Basin belonged to the Tully family from then on.

And allowed the remaining nobles of the Iron Islands to choose their own leaders.

They chose House Greyjoy on Pyke.

The Greyjoy family of Pyke Island claims to be descended from the "Grey Sea King" from the Age of Heroes.

Legend has it that the "Grey Sea King" not only rules the islands in the West Sea, but also controls the entire ocean and marries a mermaid as his wife.

Their family emblem is a golden squid on a black sea, and their motto is "Strength is better than hard work."

Adam Marbrand had never liked these pirates.

The so-called "Drowned God created humans" meant that they would rape, plunder, and use blood, flames, and songs to rob what originally belonged to others.

It's really disgusting!


Many businessmen have gathered on the dock waiting for the ship to enter the port.

As soon as the Mirahan was tied up, someone shouted loudly, "Where are you from and what cargo do you have?"

"We're coming from Old Town!"

The captain shouted down, "I have brought apples and oranges, wine from the Arbor, a feather cloak from the Summer Islands, a piece of Myr lace, mirrors for the ladies, and a pair of wooden harps made in Old Town. They are genuine!"

The ship's plank lowered with a creak and crashed onto the pier.

Ser Adam Marbrand had just landed, before he had time to identify himself.

I saw a Drowned God monk wearing a navy blue robe on the shore, holding a young man firmly in the water.

The monk is tall and thin, with sharp black eyes and a hooked nose. He wears gray, blue and green robes, which are the colors of the sea and symbolize the "Drowned God".

Aeron "Damphair", as he was called by those around him, was the younger brother of Balon Greyjoy.

As Adam Marbrand saw him, he was drowning people on the seashore.

The drowned boy's faith was not firm enough and he struggled desperately in the water, but his head was firmly held down by "Damp Hair" Aeron.

"Be brave!"

Aeron shouted, "We come from the sea, and we will return to the sea! Open your mouth and drink the blessings of the gods. The dead will not die, but they will rise again!"

However, the flooded teenager is still struggling, this is the instinct to survive.

Finally, the boy stopped struggling, and no more bubbles came out of his mouth.

"Is this drowning?"

Adam Malbrand frowned.

This is such a waste of human life!

The onlookers around him were accustomed to it. Aeron "Damp Hair" dragged the boy's body back to the beach, and then began to pray while squeezing his chest with his feet.

Until the boy started breathing again, coughed, and finally vomited a large amount of sea water.

"Another reborn person! This is proof that he has passed the trial of the Drowned God!"

Aeron declared loudly.

He put a gray, blue and green robe on the drowned boy and handed him a driftwood stick.

"From now on, you belong to the sea, and the Drowned God will protect you and help you cut through the waves and move forward fearlessly!"

There was still fear in the boy's eyes, but more of it was fanaticism and piety. He raised the driftwood stick high and shouted: "The dead will never die!"

A drowning ceremony has ended successfully.

Aeron "Wet Hair" sent the boy away, turned to look at Adam Marbrand aside, and asked, "Are you here to be drowned?"

Adam Malbrand shook his head.

"Every time you are drowned, it is an opportunity to return to the embrace of the Drowned God. And when you return from the palace of the god, you will be stronger and more pious."

Aeron's eyes flashed with eagerness, "How about it? Do you want to try it? The drowning ceremony I conduct has never failed, and the fee is not expensive at all."

Indeed, other pastors of the Church of the Drowned God accidentally drowned many people every year, ranging from dozens to hundreds.

And "Damphair" Aeron's "submerged" skills are very superb, and the fees are affordable, and he is well-known on Pyke Island.

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