In the "Battle of the Usurpers", Prince Rhaegar was killed with a hammer, which established a huge reputation.


An army of more than 1 people, plus logistics, was marching with flags covering the sun and the sound of horse hooves rumbling.

The whole earth trembled.

Anyone in this vast sea of ​​people can always feel their own insignificance, as well as the panic and awe of being unable to control their own destiny.

But this feeling will slowly fade over time.

What came up next was the irritability caused by the long and boring march.

The soldiers complained that it would be better to start fighting with the enemy earlier than to march day and night.

However, when they actually face the battlefield, they will miss whether it is more comfortable to rush...

After the army left King's Landing, they did not attack Harrenhal directly.

Go all the way north along the town of Rosby, turn towards the town of Duskdale, and then continue north.

It took five full days before finally arriving at the gathering place agreed with the valley nobles - Female Spring City on the sixth day.

Maidenpool is a town in the Riverlands, located near Crab Bay. It is the home fort of the Mouton family.

The castle is located on a hill and is surrounded by walls.

The name of this town comes from the legendary place where Florian peeped at Joanne and her sisters taking a bath when they first met her.

The spring water here is said to have miraculous healing powers.

Therefore, the Mouton family of Maiden Spring built a magnificent stone bathhouse along the spring pool and called it "Qiongqi Spring"...

Chapter 204 Who is the commander-in-chief?


It was early morning,

But every ledge on the city wall was lit with torches.

A commander stood at the city gate, loudly announcing the names and titles of the nobles, lords, and knights entering the city.

Inside the castle is a sea of ​​armor and swords.

Domeric stood on the city wall and took a glance, secretly estimating that there were probably more than 500 knights here. They were worthy of being the "valley knights" who topped the rest of Westeros.

The valley is protected by mountains on all sides, with fertile black soil and wide and gentle rivers.

Except that the population is not as good as that of the Reach and the Riverlands, it can be said to be unique in other aspects.

As the center of the faith of the Seven Gods in Westeros and the birthplace of the knighthood.

The Valley has the largest number of knights in the Seven Kingdoms.

The "Valley Knights" are the most terrifying battlefield force in the Seven Kingdoms.

They are numerous, the most powerful among the Seven Kingdoms, well-equipped and well-trained.

These knights helped the Iron Throne defeat Blackfire in the Battle of the Red Grassland, and also helped King Robert defeat the Targaryens in the Usurper War...

It's a pity that Duchess Lysa, who previously ruled the valley, has neither the ability to control this power nor the prestige that makes the knights of the valley willing to charge into battle for it.

Therefore, he could only huddle in the Eagle's Nest City and be beaten to death by a group of mountain men.

In the end, after some planning by Domeric, he received the lunch box.

Domeric looked at the Valley Knights below the high platform, and an idea came to his mind.

If this power can be used by me...


The Mouton family of Maiden Spring City probably never imagined that Maiden Spring City would be overcrowded.

The houses were occupied and crowded, the market squares were crowded, and the lanes were rutted with horseshoes.

The square was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and axes, the rolling of carriages and the barking of hunting dogs.

The fishermen who were fishing or collecting clams near the port had never seen so many strangers in their lives. They all put down their work and looked around curiously.

Due to the frequent entry and exit of people and horses, the gates on the inner and outer city walls of Nuive Spring were raised, and the suspension bridge between the two was lowered, even at night.

A long column of heavily armored lancers was crossing the moat. They were the troops of the Royce family of Runestone City and followed Count Yohn Royce into the castle.

This group of people wore black half-iron helmets and cloaks with brown pebble patterns.

Among them, the one walking at the front is Count Yohn Royce of Runestone City. He is very tall, has many wrinkles on his face, gray hair, and thick eyebrows. He is wearing a set of iconic ancestral bronze armor. No. "Bronze Yohn".

Arya, dressed as a squire, lowered herself through a low door. Sansa, who followed her sister, tried hard not to flinch.

Now she is not a noble lady, but just an attendant of Lord Domeric. She promised not to cause trouble to Lord Domeric.

"Arya, let's return to Lord Domeric as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, it's too boring in the tent, it's so fun outside! Look at those cavalry, there are so many armors."

Arya pulled Sansa quickly to the city wall and watched the lancers passing by curiously.

The hoofs of the cavalry's horses clicked on the wooden suspension bridge.

Arya heard the man on the horse laughing loudly, as if laughing at her for being so short, how could she tremble?

"Sansa, they actually laughed at me. Size is not the key to determining strength. I can beat several of them by myself!"

Arya looked angry. After some training from Domeric, ordinary knights were now no match for the little girl.

"Let them laugh," Sansa advised. "We don't know each other anyway."

"No!" An idea suddenly appeared in her mind. Arya used her "trick-or-treat" specialty, put two fingers into her mouth, and whistled.

Her direwolf "Nymeria" immediately ran over from the other side of the square.

Suddenly, the horses rolled their eyes and neighed in fear. The Royce family's cavalry had to work hard to maintain balance.

A war horse screamed and raised its front hooves. The knight riding on it cursed loudly and managed not to fall off.

Ordinary horses will usually go crazy with fear when they smell the scent of a direwolf, and they will be fine until "Nymeria" runs away with their master.

"Who raised this wolf?" a knight asked angrily.

"It was raised by the squire of Lord Domeric, Hand of the King!"

A soldier answered.


Castle Hall.

The brown pebble flag of House Royce, the black broken wheel flag of House Waynwood, the fan-shaped silver arrow flag of House Hunt, the red castle flag of House Redford, the six silver bells flag of House Bellmore, the flag of House Corbray 's Three Crows flag...the yellow burning tower flag of the Grafson family.

The great nobles of the valley, headed by Yohn Royce of Runestone City, were basically all here.

Many of them have been met in Domeric, the Eagle's Nest City in the valley.

"How many people have you brought with you, sir?"

Domeric asked.

"About 12000 people." Count John Royce replied.

"We have to leave as soon as possible or we won't be able to leave."

Domeric spoke concisely and concisely, "Nvquan City is already overcrowded, and if this army stays a little longer, it will eat up all the food stored in the nearby area, and the subsequent food and grass are still on the way.

The war has spread in the Riverlands. In order to avoid the front being drawn out, we need to defeat Tywin Lannister as quickly as possible..."

"Lord Domeric, before arranging any trivial matters, why not first decide who will be the commander of this coalition!"

A valley noble suggested.

"This is indeed a very important thing." Domeric nodded.

He is the commander-in-chief of the King's Landing army, but not the commander-in-chief of the entire coalition army.

It seems that the valley nobles will not simply let him gain command of the valley army and command everyone.

Although this "Hand of the King" holds a high and powerful position, commanding the army is no child's play. If one command error occurs, everyone will be ruined.

After all, who is willing to put his fate and family army in the hands of a boy less than 20 years old.

Furthermore, Domeric's identity as the "Hand of the King" stems from the political legacy of Duke Eddard, coupled with the fact that he killed Cersei, occupied King's Landing, and held "Joffrey" hostage to control the princes.

But his own prestige, in the eyes of many nobles, was not enough to hold the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

Domeric also knew that it was not easy to convince these great nobles.

In the plot, Robb Stark subdued a group of unruly northern princes with only one wolf.

Isn't Domeric still able to suppress these valley nobles?

He doesn't have a wolf, but he has a sword in his hand!


Ser Lyn Corbray asked in a reckless tone to make him the commander of the coalition forces. He kept waving his long sword at the opponents, which was a Valyrian steel sword - the Lady of Silence.

Sir Jerwood Hunter of Longbow Hall was joking, but he had the same purpose.

He is the eldest son and heir of the old Earl Ian Hunter. The old Earl Hunter suffered from gout at a young age and was unable to attend the war. Therefore, his eldest son Sir Jerwood commanded the army of Longbow Hall.

Countess Anya Waynwood of Iron Oak City, who has gray hair but a strong body and is covered in armor like a man, said unceremoniously that Domeric was old enough to be her grandson and was not qualified to command her...

Lord Holden Redford, a short man with a gray beard, speaks softly and constantly emphasizes his leadership experience and battle plans.

Count Beneda, who has a pear-shaped belly, just said euphemistically that none of the gentlemen had enough experience, and Count Yohn Royce seemed to be a better choice.


More valley nobles chose to watch, and they were all watching the performance of the "Hand of the King".

If Domeric can't even suppress these thorn-headed lords, what's the point of leadership?

Then in the next battle, they will never put all their efforts into leaving their fate in the hands of such a person...

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