Every ninth letter has a particularly heavy stroke.

The fine parchment was almost pierced by the quill!

Of course, this is not the responsibility of Wilfield alone.

Domeric just wrote in a sloppy way, and Wilfield certainly wrote in a sloppy way.

"When I wrote the letter, my mind went blank and I couldn't control myself at all. The handwriting was inevitably a bit sloppy."

Wilfield said apologetically and hesitantly.

"Forget it."

Domeric shook his head helplessly, feeling that the content was fine and there was no need to write another one.

"There is no crow's nest in Harrenhal. You will send a few scouts to the 'Kingslayer' under Riverrun City later!"

"As you command! My lord."

Wilfield took a breath...it's finally over!

After getting off the tower, Domeric took a bath under the service of Wilfield, then changed into a military uniform, and came to the "Hundred Furnaces Hall" surrounded by a group of guards.

Hundred Furnaces Hall is the name of the castle hall in Harrenhal.

In fact, there were only about 34 or 35 furnaces, and the space was so large that it was said that it could accommodate an entire army.

From outside the door, you can see the bright mirror inside, which is supported by large pillars and narrow walls on both sides, creating a large open space.

The floor was made of smooth stone slabs that almost reflected the figures.

The candlelit hall,

In ten stone fireplaces, flames leaped high, ten feet above the ground.

The sound of drums and horns filled the night sky, and the air was filled with the smell of barbecue and mellow wine. The long oak table was filled with dishes, with plums, candied dates and pomegranates piled high on the plate, as well as large chunks of meat...

Countless delicacies, scantily clad women snatched from nearby villages, shuttled among them, creating a scene like a night banquet for a noble noble.

When Domeric entered the door, the hall was already full of people and people were crowding around.

The lords, nobles, and knights talked about the "holy fire sent down by the gods" and cheered for the grand victory a few days ago.

Those who are eligible to participate in this banquet are nobles with higher status or soldiers who have made meritorious service in the battle.

Domeric passed through the arch and walked up the raised central aisle.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him and they shouted.

What they said was messy, but one sentence was very clear:

"Long live Lord Domeric!"

Hundreds of people shouted in unison.

"Welcome Lord Domeric, Hand of the King!"

A knight chanted.


Domeric sat on the high seat at the top.

Count Yohn Royce and Count Wendel were placed on both sides of Domeric, representing the two major forces of the North and the Valley respectively.

Ser Lyn Corbray, Lord Beneda, Jon Wright...and the Zira chiefs of the Mountain Clan tribe, etc., sat below them.

Below, sat the next-level nobles, vassals and knights.


"My lords, before this banquet begins..."

Domeric's voice is calm, low and magnetic, calm, elegant and calm.

He asked the guards to bring out a large map hanging on a wooden frame, with rough terrain and castles outlined in thick strokes, and then kept gesticulating with his hands:

“Now that we occupy Harrenhal, we have basically cut off Tywin Lannister’s possibility of advancing eastward.

From King's Landing to the Vale... Harrenhal, a line is connected, and the riverlands have been divided by us.

To relieve the siege of Riverrun, we must march westward!

Because offense is the best defense. "

Domeric is tall and straight. After all, he comes from the famous "Flayed Family", the Bolton family known as the "Red King".

Except for those deep eyes that are too sharp, Domeric looks more like a weak person.

He was pale and had pale skin that the nobles envied.

But such a person, with such elegant movements.

Domeric's calm tone was talking about violence, war, and killing!

“After rescuing Riverrun, we swept across the Golden Teeth, used force to intimidate the lords of the West, forced the West to cede territory, and made the Lannisters pay the price for their rebellion.

If the Lannister refuses to comply, then the troops will be directed towards Casterly Rock, and they will use force to attack and sweep away the entire Western Territory..."

"My lords, what do you think of my strategy?"

The lords and nobles whispered among themselves...

After coming to this world for so long, Domeric has truly felt that in Westeros, "violence" is the only one!

Violence decides everything!

A nobleman who can fight and win.

Everyone will support you at all costs!


That's all!

If King Robert hadn't killed Prince Rhaegar with a hammer on the banks of the Trident, how could the Baratheon dynasty have been established?

This "War of the Five Kings", whether it is the Northern Territory, the Valley, King's Landing, or even the Western Territory...

Every noble who participated in the war, from the lord to the knight, had a superstition of violence that had reached the point of madness.

Only violence can allow them to expand their territory, increase their income, and plunder wealth and people...

But the premise is to win the war!

Losers get nothing.

The hall was very quiet, and all the nobles had different expressions, but most of them agreed with Domeric's next march strategy.


Seeing this, Domeric's eyes became bright.

Next is the distribution of benefits!

If this army from the north and the valley is to be pieced together to maintain its combat effectiveness, clear rewards and punishments are essential.

The Battle of Harrenhal not only captured nearly 8000 Lannister soldiers, but also rescued 3000 northern infantrymen captured by Tywin in the "Battle of the Green Fork". The resulting supplies of food, horses, armor, and various There are countless kinds of materials...

The most valuable items were naturally the ten captured Western Lords and more than 300 knights.

Each of these Western nobles is worth a lot of money.

Even an ordinary knight can be exchanged for a large amount of Lannister gold...

Domeric took out a piece of parchment from his arms and said:

"This is the distribution list I have drawn up. Each of the nobles participating in the war can get corresponding spoils..."

"Lord Domeric, what do you mean by this?" A noble asked in confusion.

"Don't you understand the languages ​​of the seven countries?" Domeric's tone left no room for doubt.

According to the previous rules, the spoils of war will belong to whoever captures them on the battlefield, but according to Domeric's intention, all the nobles should take out the spoils and then redistribute them uniformly.

The world is bustling, all come for the benefit, and the world is bustling, all go for the benefit.

Whether it is the noble lords in the north or the valley, the reason why they gathered under Domeric's command is really to be loyal to King Joffrey, the "Eternal Emperor"?

No, they are all profiting for themselves.

And if Domeric wants to put himself above all nobles, then he must be the distributor of this benefit!

Chapter 217 Power, the remnant army in the north

Harrenhal, Hall of One Hundred Furnaces.

"Lord Domeric, I captured a Western lord and 33 knights in the battle, but why are there only one lord and ten knights on the list?"

Ser Lyn Corbray had an angry look on his face. He held the Valyrian steel sword "The Lady of Silence" in his arms, as if he would start a fight if they disagreed.

"Did you capture him?"

Domeric sneered, "If I didn't blow up the city wall, Sir Lynn, could you capture those nobles?"

"I, I..." Sir Linn fell silent.

"Lord Domeric! This is unfair!"

Lord Jon Lindley of Serpentwood City stood up:

"My army killed and injured more than 50 family soldiers during the siege, and the trophy only included 10 knights. Edmund of the Weakley family did nothing, but his trophy included 20 knights..."

"Earl Edmund has carried out the arduous task of digging tunnels several times and achieved great results. He deserves this."

Domeric explained.

Earl Edmund hurriedly said: "This victory is all due to Sir Domeric. I dare not take credit."

Domeric nodded and changed the topic: "Earl Lindley, if I remember correctly, I once assigned you an order to dig a tunnel, but you did not accept it."

A black line appeared on Earl Lindley's forehead, and he hurriedly made up a reason: "My soldiers are too tall...not good at digging holes..."

"Lord Domeric, I clearly captured eleven knights that day, why is there only one knight on the list of trophies?"

Count Beneda, who had a pear-shaped belly, asked unwillingly.

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