Caitlin hugged him tightly and couldn't help telling what happened during this time.


"Little Kate, I'm just as sad as you are."

Ser Brynden said helplessly, "When we heard that something happened to Lord Eddard... the Lannister family will pay the price. I swear to God, I will avenge you."

"But that won't bring Ned back to life!"

Lady Catelyn shook her head. She couldn't think about Ned now, and she didn't want to.

Because she must be strong!

"We'll talk about this later. I'm going to see my father."

"Madam, Lord Hoster is ill in bed." The steward of Riverrun explained, "He asked me to take you to see him immediately."

"Please take me there."


Riverrun, the Great Hall.

The towering city wall towers overhead.

Ser Brynden welcomed Domeric and other nobles into the hall of Riverrun.

He pushed open a door guarded by two guards wearing fish-patterned helmets, and bowed to Domeric: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, please!"

The waiter quickly brought a variety of food and wine...

Domeric was not hungry at all and was naturally not interested in these foods. Moreover, Riverrun had been besieged for many days. Apart from the bread, it was all pickles and bacon, which was not delicious.

He invited Brynden to a platform.

From here you can have a panoramic view of Riverrun's walls, keep, and the junction of the rivers opposite.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was around, Domeric took the opportunity to ask: "Duke Horst, how is he doing?"

Brynden Tully glanced at Domeric and said seriously:

"The maester said he doesn't have long to live on earth, and he suffers from frequent illnesses... and they are quite severe."

"How unfair the gods are!"

Domeric sighed with a hint of regret.

According to the plot, Duke Hoster should not live for a few days.

Now the legal heir of Riverrun - Edmure Tully is still in the hands of the "Kingslayer".

The entire City of Riverrun is temporarily in a state of no-ownership. How can I maximize the benefits of this place to myself at this juncture?


"Lord Domeric, congratulations on defeating Tywin and the 'Kingslayer' at the Stack of the Knees!"

While Domeric was deep in thought, Ser Brynden suddenly raised his glass.

"…defeated Tywin and the 'Kingslayer'?"

Domeric suddenly realized.

Because there is no live broadcast of the battle, people outside the battlefield can usually only analyze the outcome based on who escapes first.

Whoever escapes first will usually be judged to have failed.

The side that didn't run away is naturally the winner, and can brag about it, such as the Sun-Liu coalition in the "Battle of Red Cliff" in another world.

Tywin led the Lannister army to retreat to avoid the alliance's attack. It was undoubtedly a wise move and greatly preserved the strength of the Lannister army.

But in the eyes of other nobles of the Seven Kingdoms, he is a loser!

After thinking about this, Domeric considered whether to find a few bards to sing the praises of his "deeds". It would be best to compose a song that would be passed down for generations...


Main castle, bedroom.

Lord Hoster Tully was tall and burly in his youth, but became somewhat portly in his old age.

However, he seems to have shrunk a bit now, with all the muscles in his body melting into his bones, and his face is so shriveled.

When Lady Catelyn had last seen him, his hair and beard had been brown with a touch of gray, but now they were all white.

Hearing his daughter's voice, Duke Horst opened his eyes.

"Little Kate," his voice was small and full of pain, "my little Kate."

Lady Catelyn knelt down and took her father's hand.

Although the hand used to be big, it now looks haggard, the skin is loosely covering the bones, and it has long lost all strength.

"You should have told me when you were sick," said Lady Catelyn. "Send a messenger, or call a messenger crow..."

"The messenger will be captured and tortured to extract a confession," Lord Hoster replied, "The crow will be shot down... and I don't want the Lannisters to know about my illness and take advantage of it."

"Father, please don't worry."

Lady Catelyn said, "We have defeated Tywin, defeated the Lannister army, and the siege of Riverrun has been resolved!"

"My son," Lord Hoster whispered, "but your brother Edmure..."

"We will redeem him." Caitlin said firmly.

"And where is Lysa?" Father's voice became a faint murmur, "Gods bless you, your she back too?"

Duke Horst's words were filled with hope and longing.

It is really difficult for Lady Catelyn to tell the truth that her sister, Princess Lysa, is dead.

"No, I'm sorry..."

"Oh," Duke Horst's face fell, and his eyes lost some light, "I had hoped... I wanted to see her again, and then..."

"She is in the Eyrie guarding her son and living a good life."

Lady Catelyn quickly added, changing the subject by the way: "By the way, I brought my daughter Sansa here. She looks exactly like me when I was a child. Do you want to see her?"

"When you were a child?"

Duke Horst imagined a girl with a delicate face, clear blue eyes and thick auburn hair.

"Let me take a good look." Duke Horst nodded weakly.

"I'll call her now."

Lady Catelyn kissed him softly, smoothed her father's hair, and left him in the shadow of her castle.

Lord Horst had fallen asleep before Lady Catelyn left the study.

When she returned to the lower courtyard.

A group of nobles were holding a small banquet.

I saw Count Wendel standing on the steps facing the water, his shoes dripping with water, while talking to the captain of the guard of Riverrun City.

"I didn't see Lady Sansa," he said gruffly.

"She should be in the hall with Lord Jon," someone said.

So Lady Catelyn came to the castle hall.

Jon Wright was sitting on the bench in the great hall of Riverrun, holding an ale cup in one hand and talking to a wildling woman next to him.

"Jon," Lady Catelyn interrupted, "where is my daughter Sansa?"

"Madam, it seems that Sansa went to the godswood with Lord Domeric..."

So, Lady Catelyn came to the godswood.

Surrounded by large redwoods and old elm trees, it was exactly the same as in my childhood memories.

Suddenly, all the memories came flooding back to Lady Catelyn.

It was in this forest that her father taught her how to ride a horse. Her brother Edmure once fell from the elm tree and broke his arm. She and Lysa were still playing a kissing game with Petyr under the shade of the tree.

It had been years since she had recalled these things...

In the center of the godswood is a slender weirwood tree. The face carved on it is a little more sad and a little less resolute.

These are the ancient gods worshiped by the people of the North.

Lady Catelyn suddenly couldn't help but ask herself: Which god do I believe in now?

But couldn't find the answer.

Oh, Gods have mercy!

Lady Catelyn finally found her daughter under the canopy of green leaves.

However, at this time, Sansa was clueless...

A black satin star-patterned cloak lay under her flawless white body.

In front of Sansa was a tall and straight man with pale skin that was the envy of all nobles, and eyes as deep as the sea...

Lady Catelyn felt only that they should not be disturbed.

Gods have their own reasons for doing things...

Even if Ned is taken away from her, her father's life is taken away, or she is allowed to see this scene in front of her...

So Lady Catelyn waited quietly.

The river wind blew the treetops, and she saw the waterwheel tower in the distance on the right, covered with ivy.

The whisper of my daughter Sansa was heard in the wind...

The voice grew louder.

Lady Caitlin stood there, blushing a little. The daughter she had always trained as a noble lady could actually make such an unpleasant sound?

Chapter 223 Funeral, Lord of the Riverlands

From the age of three, Sansa has been a little lady, polite and pleasing at all times.

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