Melisandre became hysterical.

She really didn't expect that there were people in this world who were unmoved by the power of the dragon.


At this time, Domeric remembered what "Blackfish" Brynden said.

"For mortals, the power and curse of the gods are like two sides of a coin. You can't find a coin with only one side. Likewise, you can't only get benefits from the gods... So, Lady Melisandre, The Red God King of Light has given me such great benefits, but the price I have to pay must be unimaginable!"

"Price? No," Melisandre shook her head, "For you, the Lord of Light never wanted to ask for anything."

As she spoke, a ball of flame suddenly ignited in her hand, and a vision similar to a prophecy appeared in it:

"In the far north, beyond the Great Wall of Despair, the ancient gods unknown to us are awakening.

He is the god of darkness, the soul of black ice, the god of night and fear.

Terrible and evil forces are gathering, becoming too powerful to resist.

Summer is coming to an end, winter and long nights are coming, and so are the unkillable devils.

It will extinguish all fire and bring death and destruction.

At this terrifying moment, a warrior will draw the flaming sword from the fire. He will be Azor Ahai reincarnated.

And he will drive away the darkness.

I prayed for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and it was you who R'hllor, the Lord of Light, showed me! "

Damn it!

Here you go to fool me again.

Domeric stared at Melisandre's beautiful eyes and remained silent for a long time.

This woman is mysterious, red-haired, beautiful, voluptuous and sexy.

She believes in the Lord of Light and is a loyal follower of the Red God, the Lord of Light.

In the plot, Melisandre was born in a slum. Her life was like an ordinary mortal, getting married and having children, and ended her life with a roll of straw mat.

But she was chosen by the Lord of Light and became a believer who followed the light throughout her life. Her faith gave her powerful power...

Melisandre met Domeric's gaze and let the firelight of the fireplace wash her cheeks red. She held Domeric's hand tightly with a sincere expression:

"Sir, as long as you convert to the faith of the Red God, you will gain the power of the dragon! There is no enemy in the world who can resist you!"

The tone of the red-robed witch's chant is filled with soul-stirring magic.

Not to mention being used for preaching, this look is almost enough for proposing!

But Domeric remained unmoved.

Because he knew very well that he was not the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, nor was he born in the land of smoke and salt. As for the burning red sword and the awakening of the dragon in the stone, he had not touched it at all.

The true reincarnation of Azor Ahai,

It should be one of the former Jon Snow or Daenerys Targaryen.

And Melisandre actually recognized the wrong person in such a critical place!

In the plot, through the images obtained in the fire, Melisandre mistakenly believed that Stannis was the reincarnation of Azor Ahai in R'hllor's fable.

So he used the power of the Lord of Light to enchant Stannis.

Later, in order for Stannis to win the "War of the Five Kings", she used the "Shadow Killer" to kill Renly, who had a better chance of winning.

After the defeat at the Blackwater River, she followed Stannis's army to the north of the Great Wall. Later, she was trapped by heavy snow, with no food and no way to retreat. In order to achieve her goal, she used Stannis's daughter Princess Eileen as her daughter. Sacrifice, burned alive in exchange for the melting of the snow.

The red-robed witch is mortal after all!

She just felt that Stannis was the "legendary prince," someone who could unify the Seven Kingdoms and help the "Lord of Light" fight against the Cold God and the White Walkers.

However, in the end Stannis was beheaded by others, and his army was wiped out...

If Domeric believed Melisandre's prophecy and tied himself to the chariot of the Red God, the Lord of Light, the final outcome might be as miserable as this.

"Ms. Melisandre, the picture you saw in the sacred fire may be just the tip of the vast iceberg of the future, not the whole picture. Maybe the future will have changed the moment you see the picture."

Domeric questioned.

Melisandre insisted: "The Lord of Light communicates his will to his chosen people through sacred fire, speaking to mortals in the language of smoke, ashes and rolling flames that only gods can master.

No one in the world can interpret the hidden secrets in the Holy Fire as skillfully as I do... Please believe me! "

Believe in you!

Stannis in the plot just believes you.

Domeric complained secretly.

There are many prophecies in the world of Game of Thrones.

For example, Toad Witch's prophecy about Cersei's fate almost became an obsession that entangled the queen throughout her life.

Cersei tried her best to avoid the prophecy and did many crazy things to do so, but in the end it was all in vain.

Her struggles seemed to be part of the prophecy.

The moment Cersei believed the prophecy, it came true in a strange way, and even her efforts to escape the shackles of the prophecy only hastened its fulfillment.

But Domeric killed Cersei with his own hands. From a certain perspective, this prophecy was ended.

If you look at it this way, prediction is not immutable, and it itself has certain limitations.

"Thank you to the Lord of Light for favoring me. I have to admit that the power of the dragon is indeed very tempting." Domeric said thoughtfully, "But for me, it is not a power that I must obtain... "

This man actually refused?

At this moment, Melisandre's face was full of disbelief...

Chapter 230 Blood and Fire, Coming

During this time, Riverrun has been filled with laughter and joy.

The afternoon sun is just right, and the sky is as pure as washing.

"Long live Riverrun!"

Countless refugees shouted.

"Long live the Hand of the King! Long live!"

They arrived scared and helpless, hungry and thirsty.

Because most of the lords in the world would shut them out.

But the King's Hand from King's Landing took them in.

This hand of the king gathered all the refugees, distributed food and wine to them, and promised to arrange jobs for them. They had endless bread, milk, fresh meat, and even women...

The refugees cheered in unison for the benevolent hand of the king, and the sound flowed through the large towering windows and seeped through the heavy mahogany doors.

The bard played the harp, and was accompanied by two drummers and a young man playing the reed.

They were praising the deeds of the King's Hand...


Lord Horst's study.

Domeric took out a thick, leather-bound atlas and opened it to the Riverlands.

He looked at the map and thought about his next strategy. How could he use the power of thunder to make Tywin Lannister surrender before Renly marched to King's Landing?

Suddenly, a fragrant breeze came.

The logistics officer whom I haven’t seen for many days—Wilfried Mandler.

She walked over happily.

The characteristics of women in Westeros are small faces, three-dimensional and delicate facial features, tall figures, slender legs, and slender waists. They make people feel graceful and charming when walking on the road, and Wilfield is no exception.

She was dressed in military uniform.

The tall leather armor outlines the uneven curves of the body, and a blue ribbon is tied around the waist.

He looks decisive, capable and heroic.

"Lord Domeric, you summoned me?"

The moment she saw Domeric, Wilfield's originally calm and ruthless gaze took on a strange brilliance.

"Have those refugees outside the city seen it?"

Domeric smiled slightly, "Ask your second uncle Wendel to assist you, pack them up, and transport them directly to Gushan Ridge. The chief blacksmith Noi has been writing to me complaining that he still lacks manpower..."

Domeric ordered in a calm tone as if he was going to buy a pack of salt when he went out: "Leave this matter to your fleet."

"As you wish, my lord."

Wilfield stood at attention and straightened her back, her slender legs stretched straight together, one hand on her chest, and she performed a beautiful knight's salute.

She couldn't help but mourn for the refugees in her heart.

When the refugees cheered for the Hand of the King, did they think that their future would be endless mines and iron tools...


Domeric looked at Wellfield's heroic posture and felt a little moved in his heart.

Speaking of which, I haven't been close to her for quite some time. It's really beyond my reach!

"You went to supervise the transportation of grain and grass. How did it go?" he continued to ask.

There are now forty thousand troops stationed inside and outside Riverrun.

The daily consumption is not a small amount, and nearby villages alone are far from enough to supply it.

"The city of Maidenpool, which has stockpiled grain and grass shipped from the valley and King's Landing, is transporting it directly to Riverrun by water along the Trident River in batches. It is almost enough for these armies to last for half a year..."

Wilfield reported military affairs seriously.

She couldn't help but chuckle when she talked about the story of a knight who was escorting grain and fodder and fell into the river because he fell asleep.

Wilfield's smile is a bit special, full of charm and clear and confident at the same time.

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