Now, although Robb was defeated and captured, the Riverlands are still the victorious side, and the situation of the coalition forces is excellent.

The Frey family still hopes to redeem Robb Stark so that they can complete the sublimation of the family bloodline...

"Jerry lost, the gods deserve to die! The Severn family members deserve to die even more!"

The Frey family cursed.

"My brother Ser Hosteen will teach this northern barbarian a lesson—"

The people next to him echoed, but his words were drowned by a sudden scream.

Another Frey knight fell.

The maimed horse pinned down Sir Hosteen, and both men and horses howled in pain. The attendants rushed forward to help.


After the group competition is over, the next step is the more intense individual competition with higher bounty.

There was a lively atmosphere throughout the camp.

"Are you going to appear later?"

Sansa looked at her sister with an incredulous expression on her face.

"Yes, my dear sister. Lord Domeric has agreed to let me appear. He said that my sword skills can only be best honed in battle..."

Arya stuck out her tongue and lowered her voice, "You must not let mother know about this, otherwise she will definitely be furious."

More than just getting angry?

Lady Catelyn would go crazy if she knew her daughter would joust with a group of rough knights!

Sansa thought to herself.


The entire grandstand is huge.

The entire stand was packed with people who came to watch, and even the aisles were jammed to the brim.

The audience is either a noble lady wearing silk clothes or a lord knight wearing a gorgeous cloak and armor.

Most of the named nobles were present.

Domeric sat in the shadows under a black tent.

Today, he was wearing black armor, with the iconic star-patterned black satin cape behind him, as if he was ready to join the battle at any time.

At this time, Domeric's bored foot rested casually on the armrest of the carved wooden chair.

"Blackfish" Brynden, Lady Caitlin, Earl Yohn Royce and other great nobles sat beside him.

Jon Wright stood guard, his hands on the hilt of his sword.

He wore a blood-red cloak with a skinned wolf tattooed on foundation, tied with a pin on his broad shoulders.

The blood-red cloak was incompatible with his brown coarse cloth coat and studded leather vest.

"Sansa, you're here."

As soon as Jon saw her, he said hello.

Sansa heard her name and bowed shyly to Jon.

Today's Jon Wright is not the illegitimate son who relied on others in Winterfell, but a noble viscount with a surname in the kingdom.

Sansa walked to the stands and saluted several nobles including her mother, Lady Catelyn.

Then she sat next to Domeric. The girl hesitated several times, opening and closing her mouth, "Lord Domeric, do you know? Arya is going to compete in a martial arts contest later!"

Arya was only two years younger than Sansa, and she really didn't believe that her sister would be a match for those tall and powerful knights.

"I fear for her life," Sansa said to Domeric with a serious face.

"Don't underestimate your sister." Domeric ruffled the girl's hair and told her not to worry.

Wendel on the side stepped forward, bowed to Domeric, then looked around and said carelessly:

"My lords, please pay attention later. I have to dress up and prepare to leave. Please celebrate my victory!"

Domeric smiled and nodded.

"Good luck to you..." Sansa kept her tone calm and polite.

As for other nobles, there were more sneers and boos...

"Lord Domeric, will you compete today?" Sansa asked quickly.

Domeric shook his head, "If I end up, these people will definitely let me win the championship in order to flatter themselves, and then the tournament will lose its meaning!"

A trumpet sound suddenly sounded.

"Individual competition has officially begun!"

"Ser Lyn Corbray of House Corbray of the Vale!"

shouted the Greatjon of House Umber.

He actually became the referee of this martial arts tournament. Is it just because his voice was too loud?

Sir Lyn entered the arena from the west, wearing bright white gold-lined armor and riding a milky-white war horse with flying gray mane. The long cloak on his back was like the snow-white ground, and a twelve-foot spear was held in his hand.

"Ser Jorah of House Mormont on Bear Island in the North!"

The Greatjon continued shouting.

Ser Jorah rode in from the east on a black horse covered in gray fur, his shield bearing the sigil of a bear in a green jungle.


Greatjon shouted.

The two contestants immediately held their spears flat, kicked their spurs, and rushed forward.

There were shouts from the knights who were watching and the noble men and women in the stands.

The two knights fought in the middle of the arena, sawdust flying, and steel clanging.

In less than a second, the two wooden spears exploded into pieces.

Sir Linn was hit hard and swayed on his horse, but he did not fall off his horse.

But Ser Jorah almost fell.

They each turned their horses around at the end of the arena, dropped the broken spears, and took new ones from the attendants.

Wendell cheered for Ser Jorah from outside the fence.

The two men fought again, but this time Ser Lyn shifted the point of his spear and drove it straight into Ser Jorah's chest, sending him flying off his horse and crashing to the ground.

Wendel hurriedly ran to help Jorah who was severely beaten, cursing endlessly.

"Jorah is old." Domeric expressed helplessness.

Jorah "The Bear" Mormont was once the champion of the National Tourney in Lannisport, and thus won the marriage to Lynys Hightower, the daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower. Of course, this was also his former The beginning of half a lifetime of tragedy.


"Ser Willis Manderly of White Harbor, heir to Lord Wyman!"

The Greatjon's shout came again.

Ser Willis's helmet was adorned with a trident, and his shield bore the image of a fat white mermaid.

"Viscount Thomas Smallwood of Acorn Hall Smallwood."

Viscount Thomas Smallwood's black armor is set with six brown acorns, and he wears a yellow plaid cloak. He is a minor noble in the Riverlands, and his lord is Lord Vance of Travel's Rest.

Holding a gun in one hand and a shield in the other, he urged his horse forward.

As a result, Ser Willis accidentally shot him in the heart.

Viscount Thomas Smallwood hurriedly threw away his spear and tried to maintain his balance, but unfortunately failed.

"Look at that donkey look on him!"

Wendel screamed loudly and strangely, the sound was so loud that half of the place could hear it.

Viscount Thomas Smallwood fell off his horse and got his foot stuck in the stirrup. He was dragged all the way to the end of the field by the frantic horse, his head constantly banging on the ground.

Wendel even laughed loudly when he saw this.

All the river nobles on the scene looked indignant.

Finally, everyone finally unhooked Viscount Thomas Smallwood from his horse and found that although he was covered in blood, he was still alive...

Next came Jon Wright, who performed better than any other northern noble, cleanly defeating an extraordinary old knight in the valley.


The next few games are full of good content.

"It's so boring." A nobleman complained in the stands.

Sansa is nervous because her sister Arya is about to appear.

"Lord Wendel Manderly of House Manderly of White Harbor, his wife is the heir to Stoke Worth!"

The Greatjon shouted, "His opponent is Arya Bolton, a free rider who serves Lord Domeric as a squire!

Oh my god, a count is fighting against a squire who doesn't even have a knighthood. Who arranged this duel? "

The attendant named "Aya Bolton" immediately appeared on the west side of the competition ground.

"He" was very small, wearing a very simple leather armor with no decorations on it.

But "his" opponent was Earl Wendel, who was bald and fat, covered in iron armor and riding a tall horse. He held a shield in one hand and a mace in the other.

Wendell obviously didn't recognize Arya.

This is not surprising.

When she was at Winterfell, if guests entered the castle unannounced, they always regarded her as the stable boy.

Sansa couldn't help but worry about her sister.

Arya is a tricky sister, part boy, part wolf cub.

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