As he grew older, he became fat, weak and had a weird temper, and all disappeared...

Chapter 233 Rose and Deer, Princess of Dorne

Samwell loved listening to music, listening to minstrels singing, and making up tunes.

He preferred to wear soft velvets and to hang out with the cook in the castle kitchen, reveling in the rich aroma of the lemon cake and blueberry cookies he prepared.

His interests lie in reading and playing with kittens. He is clumsy, but he also loves dancing abnormally...

For the heir of a great noble, all this is not a big problem.

It’s just that Samwell gets nauseated when he sees blood, and even cries when he sees a chicken being killed.

Coaches from Horn Hill came and went, trying to turn Samwell into the brave knight his father had hoped he would be.

This child has been scolded and beaten, slapped and hungry.

He was told to sleep in his chain mail to get him used to life in a military camp.

Others asked him to put on his mother's clothes and parade around the city, using humiliation to stimulate his masculinity.

As a result, Samwell became fatter and fatter, and his courage became less and less courageous. Finally, Lord Randyll's disappointment turned to anger, and finally disgust.

"Once," Samwell said, his voice a whisper.

"Two wizards with white skin and blue lips came from Qarth and killed a wild bull in the castle.

Then they soaked me in warm blood, but I didn't become brave like they said. I just felt sick and vomited.

As a result, their father taught them both to be whipped. "

After giving birth to three daughters in three consecutive years, Lady Tully finally gave birth to a second son, Dickon Tully, for Lord Landau.

From that day on, Lord Randyll paid no attention to his eldest son, Samwell.

Instead, he devoted all his energy to his younger son Dickon, who was stronger and more energetic, and who was more pleasing to him no matter how he looked at it.

So Samwell spent a few sweet years of ease, immersed in music and books.

Until the early morning of his 15th name day.

When Samwell was awakened, he found his horse saddled and waiting for him.

Three guards escorted him to a forest near Horn Hill, where his father, Lord Landau, was skinning a deer.

"You are almost an adult and my heir again."

Lord Randyll Tarly cut open the flesh with a hunting knife, revealing the skeleton inside.

He said to his eldest son seriously, "You haven't given me any excuses. I can't justifiably remove you from the Tully family, but I won't give you the territory and title that should be inherited by your brother Dickon." .

Only the strong are worthy of holding the 'Broken Heart', and you are not worthy of even touching its hilt.

So I made a decision.

Sam, you must declare today your desire to wear black, renounce all inheritance, go to the Wall to become a Night's Watcher, and set off north before dark. "

"If you don't do that, tomorrow we'll be out hunting and your horse will fall down somewhere in the woods and you'll fly out of the saddle and die...

At least that's what I would tell your mother.

She is too soft-hearted to even love a loser like you. I don't want to make her sad.

You don’t have to imagine how easy your death will be, or how to resist, because I will be happy to chase you and kill you, a fat pig, with my own hands..."

Lord Landau put aside his hunting knife, his arms turned red from elbow to elbow.

"So, you have two choices, aren't you a night watchman?"

Count Landau reached into the deer carcass, pulled out the heart, held it bloody in his hands, and crushed it - "It's death!"

Samwell told the story in a calm, dead voice, as if it were happening to someone else but himself.

Jon suddenly felt that this person was interesting.

After Samwell finished speaking, he actually stopped crying. His stomach, which had been hungry for so long, started to growl.

Jon shrugged helplessly and said:

"I'll take you to a place where you can drink hot cider, or you can drink scalded wine. I'll ask Ygritte to prepare some bread and barbecue for you..."


Bitter Bridge.

Bitterbridge is the territory and castle of House Caswell in the Reach, and is the key point where the Rose Road crosses the Mander River.

An ancient stone arch bridge is located on the Mander River, hence the name Bitter Bridge.

The castle is not big and is made of stone and wood.

The tower is not high, but because it is surrounded by flat and open fields, it appears to be much higher than it actually is.

Renly Baratheon wore a soft gold crown with a rosette delicately set on it. On the front was a stag's head made of dark emerald, decorated with golden eyes and golden horns.

He was as handsome as King Robert in his youth, with slender limbs, broad shoulders, smooth, straight coal-black hair, bright blue eyes, and even the same smile.

No wonder the lords of the Reach and Stormlands are flocking to Renly Baratheon, he is simply Robert reborn!

"His Majesty!"

Sir Colen of the Green Pond rode up and dismounted.

He is a knight from the Green Pond in the Stormland, with a gray beard and a blue bird crest on his coat.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, Your Majesty."

Ser Coren knelt down on one leg, "I have brought the latest news about the war in the Riverlands."

"How far has the war progressed?" Renly Baratheon was undoubtedly very concerned about this.

"Your Majesty," Ser Coren's tone couldn't tell whether he was sad or happy, "Lord Tywin has lost!"

After hearing this, many nobles around were surprised.

Renly also sighed quietly, and said: "I didn't expect that the skinned men of the north would defeat the lion of the west!"

"Originally, the 'Kingslayer' defeated the Riverlands army and the Northern Cavalry at the gates of the Golden Teeth and Riverrun, and successively captured Edmure Tully, the son of Duke Hoster, and Robb Starr, the Duke of Winterfell. gram……"

Sir Coren explained, "But Duke Tywin was defeated at Harrenhal by the King's Landing Valley coalition led by Domeric Bolton and fled, and then suffered a disastrous defeat at the 'Stand of the Knees'. Now Tywin and the 'Kingslayer' were defeated and retreated from the Golden Teeth City..."

After Sir Colen finished speaking, the nobles started talking one after another.

"I didn't expect Lord Tywin to lose!"

"Duke Eddard's son-in-law is really no ordinary person. No wonder he killed Cersei Lannister directly!"

"Has the Hand of the King got married yet... My daughter has just turned eighteen..."


Count Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City frowned and said: "This king's hand seems to be not simple!"

Renly didn't take it seriously: "It doesn't matter. We should thank him. After all, he defeated the Lannister army for us. By the way, when does Domeric Bolton plan to march into the Golden Tooth City?"

"I don't know about that. At present, Domeric Bolton has gathered allied forces from the North, the Vale, and the Riverlands. There are more than [-] troops stationed in Riverrun. There is no sign of sending troops to the Golden Teeth for the time being..." Sir Kellen thought for a while and said .

"The Bolton boys will be our formidable enemies!"

Lord Randyll Tarly of Horn Hill has a short, stiff gray beard and is known for his forthright speech.

Renly grinned and pretended to be relaxed:

"Relax, Lord Landao. Speaking of which, when we were in King's Landing, I had an encounter with the Hand of the King. Perhaps, we are not enemies..."


Dorne, located at the southernmost tip of Westeros, is probably the only region among the Seven Kingdoms that is happy about the end of the long summer.

Sunspear is located in the easternmost part of Dorne.

Buffed by the salty sea breeze and nourished by the Green Blood River, it is a rare city that is not troubled by drought.

It is also the residence of House Martell, ruler of Dorne.

The afternoon shadows were long and dark, and the towers of Sunspear loomed in the east.

First is the slender Spear Tower, 150 feet high, with a gilded iron spike at the top, which adds another thirty feet to the tower's height.

Next is the majestic Tower of the Sun, with its vaults of gold and leaded glass.

Finally, there is the dark brown sandcastle, which looks like a large sailing ship that was washed ashore and turned into stone.

The ancient fortress of the Martell family stands at the eastern end of a small sandy peninsula, surrounded by the sea on three sides.

To the west, in the shadow of Sunspear's massive walls, adobe shops and windowless shacks clung to the walls like barnacles to the hull of a ship.

Stables, inns, taverns, brothels, etc., popped up further west, many of them with their own walls, and further away there were more small shabby houses for people to live in.

And so it goes, year after year.

As the bearded monks say, the Shadow City is a mere town compared with Tyros or Myr or the great Norvos, yet it is the closest thing the Dornish people have to a city.

Tyene Sand passed through the heavily guarded triple doors, bypassed the curved wall, and reached the Palazzo Vecchio, which resembled a sailboat.

"I have something to call on Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"plz follow me."

The guard obviously knew the illegitimate daughter, so he turned around and began to lead the way.

Tyene Sand is the illegitimate daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell and a nun.

She is one of the "Sand Snakes" known for their cruelty.

Although Dorne has surrendered to the Iron Throne, unlike the dukes of the other six countries, the Martell family still calls themselves "Prince" and "Princess" in accordance with the tradition of the Rhoynar people.

The princess in Tyene's mouth is naturally Arianne Martell, the eldest daughter of the current Prince of Dorne.

As the guard pushed open the dark brown door.

Trine smelled a strong scent of Miyi flowers.

She knew that this was Princess Arianne's favorite flavor.

Stepping into the spacious palace, Tyene immediately saw the graceful figure sitting on the Myr carpet.

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