After hearing these words, Alayaya suddenly sat up from the bed, revealing a large area of ​​beauty, but unfortunately her tone was not beautiful:

"Are you going back to the Western Region? You're not going to abandon me, are you?"

Alayaya has been following Tyrion since the dungeons of King's Landing.

"I didn't mean it that way..."

Tyrion was at a loss for words, but he also knew that if Lord Tywin found out that he had brought such a woman back to the Golden Teeth with him, he was afraid that the old incident with Tysha would happen again.

"I thought you were different from others!"

Ailayaya burst into tears, "It turns out I paid by mistake. You are nothing special. You just wanted to run away when you got tired of playing! You didn't even pay."

"It's really not like that." Tyrion quickly stepped forward to comfort the girl.

"Yes, because I'm just a..."

"It's not like this."

Tyrion tried to explain, "I'll take you back with me if you want."

Tyrion was a little helpless. He returned to the Golden Teeth City just to exchange for Edmure Tully, and he had to sneak out afterwards.

But at this moment, he didn't want to break this girl's heart.

"Really?" Alayaya turned from crying to joy and rushed forward as she spoke.

"I swear."


Through the fogged narrow windowpane.

Tyrion saw the turbulent river outside the city, but what really attracted Tyrion was another sight before him.

Ailayaya bent over, grabbed the skirt of her coat, and pulled it up over her head.

She never liked to wear too many clothes.

It is said that the people of the Summer Islands never regard the naked fruit as a shame. On the contrary, they think it is a way to glorify the gods.

If the gods of Westeros were like that, Tyrion wouldn't mind worshiping a few more times a month.

Alayaya sat in front of him.

Her nimble fingers moved towards him, "My lion, my Lannister giant."

She smiled Tyrion's favorite evil smile.

a long time……

The two of them lay on the sunken mattress, covered with tangled sheets.

Tyrion secretly complained: You stupid dwarf.

Will you never learn well?

What she loves is your money, not your people!

Have you forgotten Tessa?

By the way, when he gets Tessa back from Casterly Rock, how will he face his former first love and wife?

"Sir, now that you are about to return to the Western Region, what are your plans?" Alayaya suddenly asked.

"I plan to do something Lord Tywin would never expect!"

Tyrion whispered softly beside her, "I want..."

It's been blocked. Please check again tomorrow.

I accidentally wrote hi~~failed to drive!

Chapter 239 War begins, immersed in sadness


Duke Hoster's study didn't have much decoration inside, only the whitewashed stone walls were hung with many wool brocades.

This study room was used as a temporary meeting hall.

Domeric wore the Prime Minister's badge and a black velvet coat. He sat on an old black oak chair. This was the wooden chair that the late Duke Horst often sat on. It was covered with bleached cowhide cushions that had long been worn and worn. Awesome...

There were not many people participating in this meeting. Compared to the [-] troops inside and outside Riverrun, it even seemed unusually small.

But they represent almost all the forces of the nobles of the Three Realms - countless great nobles in the continent of Westeros, as well as the newly rising noble forces.

Lord Brynden Tully, Lord Jon Royce, Lord Wendel Manderly, Ser Lyn Corbray, Lord Beneda, Lord Jon Wright, Greatjon, Old Karsh Tucker, Lord Tytos Blackwood of Raventree City, Lord Janos Bracken...

These people stood up one after another, stood up to salute the king's hand, and then sat down one by one.

The "little devil" Tyrion Lannister grabbed an inconspicuous seat in the corner.


He couldn't believe that a prisoner could actually participate in a meeting held by the "Hand of the King"?

Also surprised were the nobles present.

Duke Brynden and Earl Yohn whispered something, Wendel and Jon Wright exchanged glances, Great Jon and Old Karstark glared, and the pear-shaped Earl Beneda twirled his beard. The faces of Lord Tytos Blackwood and Lord Janos Bracken were filled with confusion...

Tyrion thought to himself, so they are more surprised than me?

Domeric did not leak the news that the Kingslayer wanted to trade Edmure Tully for Tyrion.

Because this was a private decision made by Jaime Lannister and without the approval of his father, Lord Tywin, the two parties could only proceed secretly.

Therefore, others only thought that this "little devil" was favored by the king for some unknown reason.

Domeric had many intentions in letting Tyrion attend this meeting.

The main thing is to make Tyrion feel that he values ​​him, and to give Tywin Lannister eye drops in the Golden Tooth City.

If Tywin knew that Tyrion had been invited to attend the Hand of the King's meeting, he would probably be even more dissatisfied with his second son, and intensify the conflict in advance...

Tyrion's only option is to be loyal to Domeric!

"My lords, although Lord Tywin is a heinous traitor, Lord Tyrion is innocent. Along the way, I discovered that he is actually a knowledgeable and responsible knight, so I invited him to attend this meeting. …”

Domeric came right to the point and explained with a reasonable reason.

"S-Lord Tyrion is indeed a noble knight!"

Sir Lyn Corbray was the first to speak in agreement.

Everyone knew that Sir Lyn was flattering, but they didn't expect that his flattery was as explicit and unattractive as his sword.

Count Beneda nodded continuously and took over the conversation:

"Yes, yes, the gods can testify that Lord Tyrion is a noble knight, and Sir Lyn has spoken out his heart for us."

Tyrion couldn't help but complain:

Damn knights, I've never been knighted.

Let me ask, who in the world would let a dwarf who can't even ride a horse become a knight?

Count Yohn, who has always been honest and honest, also praised Tyrion without any trace:

"Your Excellency Tyrion's character is very admirable."


They had never exchanged a word. How did the old man know his character?

Tyrion was speechless again...

Of course, there are many people who are disgusted with him.

Especially the nobles of the riverlands who have been devastated by war.

Lord Tytos Blackwood of Crowtree City frowned.

Lord Janos Bracken of Stonehedge did not hide his disgust. His castle was burned down and his territory was plundered in the Lannister war.

He glared angrily and said sarcastically:

"I haven't heard of any heroic deeds of the 'Little Devil'. I only heard that Duke Tywin once specially sent him to open the sewers of Casterly Rock... Make no mistake! He is not a knight, but a man who specializes in opening the sewers of Casterly Rock!"

Lord Janos Bracken spoke every word, for fear that others could not hear clearly.

Tyrion's face suddenly darkened as a memory appeared in his mind.

His elder brother Jaime Lannister was already a famous swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms at the age of 15. He was knighted by Sir Arthur Dayne, the "Sword of the Dawn", and was selected into the Kingsguard.

Tyrion is 16 years old and has never left Casterly Rock.

He got a glimpse of the vastness of the world from books, and dreamed of traveling on horseback in Westeros, making poop in the Summer Sea, and sprinkling water on the Great Wall...

But Tyrion's request to travel to the continent was ruthlessly rejected by Lord Tywin.

In order to digest the excess hormones of the "little devil" and prevent the dwarf from going out and embarrassing the Lannister family, Tywin gave Tyrion a glorious and arduous task - the sewers of Tonkai Rock City.

Tyrion accepted the mission without saying a word.

He got up early and went late at night, took a few servants with him, and plunged into the dark and damp underground of Casterly Rock City, becoming a veritable underground worker.

This is Tyrion's first job after leaving home.

He completed the work meticulously and made full use of his physical advantage to make Casterly Rock's sewers smoother than ever before, fully able to withstand a once-in-a-century heavy rainstorm.

After work one day.

Tyrion, the sewer worker, stood at the head of Casterly Rock covered in filth.

The setting sun shone on his short body, casting a long shadow behind the dwarf.

He imagined that the shadow was his tall self, that he was a giant of the Lannister family...

But I didn't expect that this matter that had been buried deep in my memory would be exposed in this way.

For a moment, the whole study burst into laughter.

The Great Jon of House Umber even slapped the table, as if he wanted to play a song.

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