Princess Arianne curiously asked people to open and take a look.

A huge head suddenly appeared in the wooden box, three times larger than an ordinary head.

"Who is this?" Arianne jumped back and suppressed the fear in her heart.

"Gregor Clegane the Mountain."

Sir Davon said expressionlessly: "Lord Tywin said that Prince Doran will definitely like this gift."

"I didn't expect Lord Tywin to be so sincere."

Princess Arianne looked at the head of "The Mountain" Gregor Clegane in the wooden box, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

At the end of the "War of the Seizer", Duke Tywin falsely opened the gates of King's Landing and led his army into the Red Keep.

It was "The Mountain" Gregor Clegane who raped and killed Prince Rhaegar's wife, Princess Elia from Dorne, and killed her two children.

The Martell family has remembered this blood feud for more than ten years.

At first, Prince Oberon, the "Red Viper", even prepared to raise his troops to support Prince Viserys' restoration and reignite the war.

Now, Duke Tywin actually sent Gregor the Mountain's head to Sunspear City.

Such a great gift!

Princess Arianne immediately became more confident in this marriage.

Walking in Sunspear, Sir Davon could clearly feel the undisguised hostility of the Dornish people.

It’s literally “unabashed.”

This made him a little uneasy about this marriage.

However, the Dornish princess in front of her was very polite.

"Sir Davon."

Princess Arianne led the way and asked with a smile:

"What kind of man is Jaime Lannister?"

"Your Highness, James is a handsome and handsome hero with a smile as sharp as a blade, superb swordsmanship, and a sense of responsibility and chivalry..."

Sir Davon replied politely.

After all, "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister put on his white robe at the age of 15 and became a well-known legend in the seven countries...

Of course, Sir Davon only spoke of his good points.

"Then what do you think of me?" Princess Arianne asked with a smile again.

"You are noble and beautiful."

Sir Davon thought for a moment and spoke carefully.

"anything else?"

Princess Arianne flirted with Sir Davon, her swaying figure looming under the thin gauze dress.

Sir Davon could even see the crack in the full moon.

The Dornish princess seemed unwilling to cover up her body and let it be exposed in front of a stranger.

It is said that the diet of Dorne makes Dornish men have hot tempers and makes Dornish women behave wildly and wantonly.

And this Princess of Dorne is even more bohemian than Sir Davon imagined!

Sir Davon couldn't help but mourn for poor James.

Once he marries this woman, the gods will definitely give him countless hats of different colors...

A group of people walked along the winding and narrow tower.

Entering the old palace, we came to a hall specially designed to entertain distinguished guests.

"You can rest here for a few days. My father will meet you soon."

Princess Arianne looked concerned and asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

"No, thank you, Your Highness, Princess." Sir Davon said politely.

Princess Arianne looked at Sir Davon carefully. Although his hair was messy, he was very handsome.

The Lannister family is indeed rich in handsome men and beautiful women.

"If you feel bored at night, you can come to me..."

Princess Arianne bit her lip and whispered in front of Sir Davon, but unfortunately the other party immediately moved away.

Princess Arianne was immediately extremely angry...

After making arrangements for Sir Davon, Princess Arianne came to the Water Garden.

The Watergardens, on the beach three miles west of Sunspear, are the private residence of the Martell family.

More than 100 years ago, in order to make Dorne submit to the Iron Throne, the Targaryen family married Princess Daenerys to Sunspear City. This flowing water garden is the resort that Prince Martell built for his wife.

The flowers and plants in the garden are fragrant and the scenery is endless.

But Princess Arianne had no intention of admiring it. She was anxious to see her father.

Soon, Princess Arianne met Prince Doran in a pavilion, and her uncle Prince Oberyn "The Red Viper" was also there.

His father, Prince Doran, was sitting in the pavilion, staring at a cyvasse chessboard in front of him, lost in thought.

The Dornish ruler looked pale and puffy.

The legs, paralyzed by severe gouty disease, rested on a footstool padded with soft wool.

His red and swollen hands were playing with a chess piece carved from agate. Although he tried his best to control it, it was still trembling slightly.

Princess Arianne looked at her father who was suffering from illness, and suddenly felt a little sad, and the resentment and dissatisfaction in her heart also lightened a lot:

"Father, Lord Tywin's envoy, Ser Davon Lannister, has been arranged by me in the old palace. When are you going to receive him?"

Prince Daolang raised his head and looked at his eldest daughter steadily.

Prince Oberyn also came over at this time, stood beside his niece, and said with a joking smile:

"Arianne, I heard that you ran outside the city in person early in the morning to greet that envoy from the West. It seems that you can't wait for this marriage...

My good niece, aren’t you having sex? "

"Uncle is joking." Princess Arianne said calmly, "I am not young anymore, and the 'Kingslayer' is considered a good match. Of course, I consider the interests of the family more."


Prince Doran spoke, his voice weak and feeble, like a piece of fragile parchment: "Tell me, Arianne, what do you think about Tywin's marriage?"

After hearing this, Princess Arianne finally had a chance to express her inner thoughts.

She looked her father directly in the eyes and said:

"Father, since the death of King Robert and Lord Eddard Stark, the entire continent of Westeros has been plunged into a series of turmoil...

Today, the Seven Kingdoms are roughly divided into four forces - the two brothers of the Deer family, the Skinners of the North, and the Lions of the West.

Their fight becomes more intense!

And we in Dorne must choose a good alliance partner before the war is decided, otherwise we won’t even be able to drink the broth after others have eaten the meat..."

"Then do you think we should form an alliance with that force?" Prince Oberon said with a test tone.

Arianne was unhurried and had obviously made a lot of preparations:

"Stannis Baratheon, who occupies Dragonstone, has a small army and few generals, and Dragonstone is an even barren land, not worthy of our alliance with Dorne.

Renly Baratheon, who is married to the Tyrell Rose House, holds the Stormlands Alliance Army in the River and Stormlands, with nearly 10 troops. It is a powerful force, but it is a pity..."

Prince Daolang asked softly: "What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that we can't form an alliance with Renly, because Dorne and the Reach are feuding."

Dorne and the Reach are feuding!

For centuries, the two have fought on the border, between the mountains and the frontiers, with attacks coming and going with no peace.

Historically, several Kings of the Reach were even wiped out of their necks by the Dornishmen.

Although since Dorne was merged with the Seven Kingdoms, the old hatred has been slightly reduced...

However, in recent years, their uncle, Prince Oberon "The Red Viper", crippled the young heir of Highgarden in a tourney, and their hatred for each other has revived.

Even if Renly Baratheon is willing to accept Dorne, his queen "Little Rose" and the Tyrell family are unlikely to agree.

Prince Doran nodded, "Continue."

"What's left is the Hand of the King who has become famous recently - Domeric Bolton. He uses the name of Joffrey Baratheon to command the princes of the Seven Kingdoms. Now those who have gathered under his command include the North, He is a noble from the four realms including King's Ridge, Vale, and Riverlands. Unfortunately, he is already married to Sansa Stark of House Stark."

"Of course, the more important reason is that the Hand of the King is currently in a good situation and does not care too much about Dorne's support. At this time, the Maltai family will only be looked down upon if they join forces with them..."

"So you choose Lannister in the West?"

"That's right, the Lannister family is currently huddled in the Golden Tooth City and is looking for reinforcements...

We can absolutely ask for a ridiculous price and ask for tangible benefits from Lord Tywin. Everyone knows that Lannister is not short of gold!

And geographically speaking, once we form an alliance with the West, we can then flank the hated Riverlands..."

Chapter 241: If you bear with me any longer, you are really a weirdo!

Sunspear City.

Water Garden.

Blood orange trees cast shadows, pale pink marble floors cover the gardens and courtyards, elegant arches, rows of carved beams...

"Flowing Water Garden is the place where I stay most in the world."

Prince Doran Martell said this to people.

However, in Princess Arianne’s view:

His father, Prince Doran, turned this place into his own castle, or rather, a prison?


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