Horse hooves roared, armor clanked, and countless men and horses were mobilized.

Looking from a distance, Domilik felt as if he was on the African plains, with countless wild beasts migrating.

The sound of fighting came from afar.

But I couldn't see where the battlefield was, it seemed like fighting was happening everywhere.

By the afternoon.

Countless wounded soldiers were transported back to the camp from the battlefield, and the fighting situation was very tragic.

In the evening, both sides withdrew their troops.

That night, Domeric and other lords and nobles arrived at the meeting tent again.

Ser Lyn Corbray and Greatjon of House Umber were seen injured.

Among them, Ser Lyn had a colorful white gauze wrapped around his arms, and Great Jon had a band of cloth wrapped around his head.

Both of them were silent.

Domeric sighed quietly.

"In today's battle, the strength of the Western Region is still..."

Early the next morning, the two armies fought again.

Old Karstark and Wendel led the northern cavalry from the flanks and stormed into the Lannister army, charging into the enemy's formation and engaging in a melee.

The Lannister right army could not stop the northern cavalry, so they cut off their retreat.

Domeric immediately ordered an active attack from the left and right wings to prevent the northern cavalry from falling into a tight encirclement.

The two armies charged back and forth until dusk.

That night, a group of lords and nobles gathered in the meeting tent.

Sir Lynn Corbray was holding the "Empty Lady" in his arms, and his expression was very depressed. It is difficult to describe his expression...

The Great Jon, who had always had a voice like thunder, withered like parsley that had not been soaked in water.

Wendel also lowered his head and remained silent.

In the war meeting before the war, these three people screamed the most fiercely and arrogantly.

As a result, he was slapped in the face!

It also made all the lords and nobles realize the facts:

Tywin Lannister is still the Lion of the Westerlands!

In the "Battle of Harrenhal", Domeric relied on "Sacred Fire" to blast open the city wall in a surprise night attack, and in the "Stand of Bends", Tywin even took the initiative to withdraw from the battlefield to preserve his strength...

However, the coalition forces currently have the advantage.

In this kind of field battle with the Lannister army, just as Earl Yohn said, the Three Realms Alliance Army will not suffer.

Domeric didn't say much.

There is only one sentence left: "Have a good rest and fight again tomorrow!"


Another whole day of fierce fighting.

Evening on the third day of the siege.

It's getting late.

Suddenly, groups of Lannister cavalry were seen pouring into the Golden Tooth City from the camp in the south.

They...withdrew from Golden Tooth City!

The southern camp that was at an angle to Golden Tooth City was also abandoned, and the heavy materials inside were not even transported away...

It seems that Duke Tywin didn't get anything out of the field, and he couldn't see any hope of winning. He felt coy and retreated to the city...

The so-called "the enemy retreats while we advance"!

That night.

Domeric immediately issued an order: "Siege the Golden Tooth City!"

The so-called "siege" means to mobilize elite infantrymen, build several layers of fortifications outside Golden Tooth City, and surround it with a large army.


In the camp, it felt like a victorious battle had been won.

For a time, the morale of the army was high.

But in Domeric's view, driving Duke Tywin back to Golden Teeth City is really not a victory at all.

The Lannister army had only a small number of troops. Although it received thousands of reinforcements from the Iron Islands, it was still stretched thin compared to them, and the number of cavalry was far less than that of the Three Realms Alliance Army.

Being driven back to Golden Teeth City was something that was expected...

It was night, and the lord's tent was brightly lit.

The Lannister army retreated from the field, and the war successfully entered the siege stage.

Domeric couldn't help but think of the siege of Storm's End in "The Usurper's War".

At that time, Lord Mace Tyrell, the Warden of the South, and most of the Reach troops laid siege to Storm's End for nearly a year.

The armies of the Reach are completely superior, but they are still helpless against Stannis's small army at Storm's End.

After the Battle of the Trident and the fall of King's Landing, Lord Eddard Stark led his troops south and lifted the siege of Storm's End...

From the siege of Storm's End Castle, we can see how difficult the siege is.

Duke "Blackfish" Brynden insisted on using "divine fire" to blast open the walls of Golden Tooth City.

Domeric knew he was good enough and asked him to start digging the tunnel.

In fact, it is not easy to blow up the wall. Just the preparation for digging the tunnel will take about half a month.

And the tunnel dug must be a suitable explosion point.

Because there is water seepage in some places, it is impossible to place "divine fire"...

The fourth day of the siege.

The army stationed under Jinya City.

All kinds of siege equipment were already in place, including trebuchets, ballistas, rams, "wildfires", and four bronze cannons. They roared, and the Lannister army on top of the city responded in kind.

It was so lively all of a sudden!

The trance was reminiscent of those days during the Battle of Harrenhal.

In addition to siege, Domeric posted military laws in the army, strictly prohibiting nobles and soldiers from bullying civilians in nearby villages and wantonly plundering property.

Sure enough, the effect is good.

Not only were the siege troops not attacked, they could easily recruit civilians to build the siege fortifications. Daily vegetables and food could be supplemented from nearby villages, which relieved the logistical pressure.

To those ordinary people, they are all nobles, why should they offend?

But how long will it take to stay in Golden Tooth City?

Domeric kept thinking about the "mountain trail" that led directly to the back of the Western Territory.

Apart from that, he couldn't think of any good ideas at the moment...

I don’t know if I got too high with Wilfield these past few nights, or if I caught a cold while taking a cold bath with Benita.

On the fifth day of the siege, Domeric fell ill.

High fever persists.

He didn't need a doctor to see a doctor, and he knew that he probably had a bad cold.

A group of lords and nobles came to visit and asked for help.

But Domeric ignored it.

He didn't care about catching a cold at all, but he was still thinking about how to take the Golden Tooth City and make Tywin surrender?

In addition, during this period, it was too easy to win the battle, and there was an air of arrogance in the army.

It is necessary to rectify the atmosphere and eliminate arrogance and dryness.

Domeric simply delegated the command to Duke Brynden and Earl John, and then took the opportunity to recuperate.


"According to my diagnosis, Sir Domeric is suffering from cold..."

Maester Wayman from Riverrun made a diagnosis at the bedside, and then muttered:

"Adults can no longer live in tents. There is not enough ventilation here. We need to find a comfortable and dry house to rest."

There are no special medicines in this era, and a cold can kill someone if you are not in good physical condition.

Although Domeric is physically strong, he is not willing to show off at all.

"There are many houses in the villages near Golden Tooth City that we can requisition at any time." Wilfield said softly.

Domiley nodded, after all, the body is the capital of revolution!

He sat in a carriage, surrounded by a group of guards, passing through forests, orchards and flat farmland, and arrived at the manor with solid buildings.

This manor is not far from Golden Tooth City and has a clean and quiet environment.

It was originally the manor of a knight from the West, but now that knight has either become a prisoner of Domeric, or followed Tywin to Golden Teeth City...

Domeric simply stayed in this manor, drank medicine and received medical treatment.

Wilfield and personal bodyguard Benita took turns waiting to take care of him.

There are also a large number of guards stationed inside the manor.

That night, Domeric broke into a sweat.

The next morning I found that my fever had gone away.

He suddenly felt that the bachelors of this era were really capable.

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