"what happened!"

Sansa grabbed the boy by the collar and shook his head.

Ferdor yelled and stepped on the ground alternately with his feet. He was choked by Sansa and was a little breathless:

"Sansa, Miss Sansa, Lord Domeric has led the Northern Cavalry to support us. We have won!"

Sansa's little heart was pounding, she let go of the boy whose face was suppressed and flushed, and ran towards the castle hall with a smile:

"Lord Domeric, you are indeed my Florian..."


Defeating the Lannister, Domeric confirmed that the supplies of food and fodder for the Western Expedition army had been saved.

Some Lannister soldiers who landed from both sides of the city walls tried to use grease to ignite the food and supplies stored in Riverrun.

But Wilfield had made preparations early and covered these things firmly with thick canvas soaked in water. Lannister could not burn them in a short time.

This woman is more reliable than imagined.

The scene of Wilfield in military uniform under the sunset appeared in Domeric's mind.

Not only does she go into battle and command like a general, she can also strategize like a counselor.

More importantly, the performance in one place is even more wonderful.

Thinking of this, Domeric hurriedly went to check Wellfield's body. If he was injured somewhere, he would be heartbroken.

But before that happens, there's Sansa and Lady Catelyn who need some comfort.

In the past few days since the Lannister siege, the mother and daughter probably didn't get a good night's sleep either.

Domeric didn't bother to rest, so he first comforted his little fiancée Sansa, and when the girl's pussy was full...

He brought another glass of specialty wine to Mrs. Caitlin and looked at the satisfied expression on her mother-in-law's face in her sleep...

Domeric also gained some sense of accomplishment.


Soon, the time came to night.

There was no one around in the late Duke Horst's study.

A battle has just come to an end. Some people are busy dealing with the aftermath, some are busy taking a rest, and some are busy feasting on a carnival. They are all busy...

"Domi, you tickle me so much."

Domeric stopped and was carefully examining Wilfield's wounds.

But what was irritating was that while Wilfield was saying "no" and "don't do this", her body... was simply playing with fire.

Domeric was a little angry for a moment.

But he still held it in, after all, this time Riverrun avoided fall, and Wilfield undoubtedly took the greatest credit, and he couldn't let the meritorious officials feel cold.

Domeric persuaded softly: "Be good, let me see where you are injured."

Wilfield had already taken a shower, her brown braids were untied, and the ends of her hair were slightly wet with water, hanging down in front of her body.

She looked at Domilik funny, "Domilik, what are you going to do?"

"Didn't you say before that you have a few scars on your body? If left unchecked, small injuries can turn into serious problems. I hope you can take them seriously."

Domeric said seriously.

"Well, I didn't expect you to take it so seriously."

Wilfield shook her head with a dumb smile, casually took off her lace nightgown, and let Domeric inspect it.

under the light.

There were indeed a few scars and a purple bruise on Wilfield's fair skin.

The scars were probably scratches from the lining of the armor. I wonder if the bruises were caused by bumps?

Domeric put some special ointment prepared by the bachelor on his hand and gently pressed it on her injured area.

"It's so cold!"

“It’s a little itchy~~”

Wilfield couldn't help shouting, and it seemed to be quite helpful.

Apply ointment to several wounds and apply pressure to bring out the effect of the medicine...


"Domi, you!" Wilfield's pretty face flushed, feigning anger, but she still chose to cooperate.

After all, it was she who took the initiative to ask Domeric to compensate.

This way of compensation makes people feel happy physically and mentally, and the stress accumulated over the past few days disappears without a trace.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a sudden knock on the door.

Wilfield's delicate body trembled, almost losing her strength.

Domeric, however, remained calm: "Who is it?"

There was another knock on the door outside the study, "Lord Domeric, I am Ser Desmond Grell."

"Ah, someone is here, I'll take my leave first." Wilfield was like a sneaky kid, anxious to get away.

"Sir Desmond is outside. Where are you running now? You will definitely be seen."

"What should I do?"

The usually calm woman was now panicking.

"Hide it under the table." Domeric pointed under the desk and showed Wilfield a clear path.


"Come in!" Domeric said to the door.

The old knight strode into the study wearing a blood-stained cloak. He was covered in blood.

Of course, the blood on it belongs to others. If it was his own, the old man wouldn't be able to come here.

"Lord Domeric, I am here to report to you the casualties in the castle..."

"Please speak." Domeric put aside his thoughts and listened to him attentively.

It shouldn't be his turn to take care of these things, but now there are only a lot of women in Runliu City, and there is no one in charge.

The old knight was also prepared. He took out a roll of parchment from his pocket and spread it out on the oak table.

"Sir, we have lost many soldiers these days, as well as the ladies of the nobles, maids, and servants. We must hold the funerals of these people as soon as possible, otherwise the corpses will stink. There are also pensions for the fallen soldiers, which is not A small sum of money..."

The old knight dutifully reported the casualties.

"What a pity! The gods will praise their courage and dedication." Domeric pretended to be pitiful.

At this time, under the table.

Thinking of Domeric's performance just now, Wilfield was not to be outdone.

This made Domeric tremble.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Sir Desmond suddenly noticed that the Hand of the King's expression was a little strange.

"Well, it's okay." Domeric returned to his superior appearance, "Please continue."


"I've left the affairs of Riverrun to Ser Desmond. You can start taking care of all the matters."

"As you command." Sir Desmond nodded, bowed and left.

After the old knight left, Wilfield emerged from under the table.

Domeric hugged Wilfield's slender waist.

Her slender calves were straight and smooth, and her white and tender toes were dangling, so tender that they could produce water when pinched.

Wilfield is very sensitive and will scream whenever there is any movement.

But Domeric always felt that she did it on purpose.

As a mature aristocratic woman, and not a little girl like Sansa, how could she have such an exaggeratedly sensitive physique?

Domeric gently sniffed the refreshing fragrance.

The Mill lace nightgown couldn't cover Wilfield's delicate body at all. When she was sitting, the hem of the skirt shrank upwards, revealing her slender thighs, which made her even more alluring.

As if thinking of what happened during the day, Wilfield frowned slightly and said:

"Domi, why do you think there is a war? So many people died."

"Didn't I tell you when I was at Harrenhal? It was because of the desires of the nobles. They wanted to expand their territory, plunder wealth, and gain a higher status, so they launched war after war..."

"I know! The nobles are here to satisfy their own desires, but what about the ordinary soldiers and civilians?"

"They," the relaxed expression on Domeric's face froze, and slowly turned into a cold look:

"They are a group of poor people who have been blocked from ascending. They can only survive through war, even if they lose their lives..."

Although slavery has long been abolished in Westeros, there is not much difference between the common people and slaves at the bottom.

These people have been tied to the lord's land for generations, working as farmers, raising horses, and tending sheep for the lord. They are more like tenant farmers than free people.

The children born are also sharecroppers.

Because there is no hope, most people live a numb life. What drives them to work is not the desire from the heart, but the whip and noose in the hands of the lord.

And the only way for them to rise is through war.

There are many examples of civilians acquiring noble status through war.

"Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish's great-grandfather was a penniless swordsman for hire, and his grandfather was a knight without a fief...

His father was made an earl because of the war, and later in the "War of the Nine Copper Kings", he even fell in love with Hoster Tully, Duke of Riverrun.

Bronn in the plot was originally a low-born mercenary. By participating in several key wars led by the "little devil" Tyrion, he eventually became the Earl of Stoke Worthburg.

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