Tyrion immediately realized that this should be Lord Tywin's idea, and Ser Staffor was just a microphone.

"Night attack?" Tyrion repeated doubtfully.

If Lord Tywin didn't suddenly have respect for his abilities, he was planning to completely get rid of this son who always made him look embarrassed.

As for the former or the latter?

Tyrion didn't hesitate at all, because he knew that he was most likely the descendant of "Mad King" Aerys II!

"What do you think?" Sir Stafford continued.

"Dear uncle, your advice is really good!"

Tyrion reached into the salt dish with his thumb and forefinger, sprinkled a large amount on the mutton, and said calmly, "I think it's very good."

Then he finished the mutton on his plate, giving it a final chew before swallowing it.

"I'm full." Tyrion said as he awkwardly climbed off the bench.

"My lords, I will take my leave now."

Lord Tywin's eyes remained cold.

Tyrion turned and limped out of the hall, fully aware of the stares behind him.

There was a burst of laughter, but he did not look back.

I just secretly hope these people don’t die too early...

Chapter 256 Revenge Plan, Dornish Army

Fireflies danced among the tents, like wandering stars.

Night has fallen, dyeing all the flags black.

In Golden Tooth City, all the families in the Western Region were stationed throughout the castle with clear banners.

There is a corner belonging to the "little devil" Tyrion Lannister.

There were more than a dozen large tents and dozens of campfires set up there.

As the second son of the Lannister family, he was not qualified to sleep in the castle bedrooms or halls of Golden Tooth City. Instead, he was kicked out and slept in the open air with a group of soldiers and civilians.

How sad!

But Tyrion didn't bother to think about any of this.

In the hot air, he smelled the aroma of garlic sausage. It was spicy and delicious, and he was a little greedy.

Obviously, Tyrion was not full at Lord Tywin's banquet just now.

It's just that no matter how thick-skinned the "little devil" is, after being humiliated by Tywin and the ridicule of the nobles... no matter how delicious the mutton is and how good his appetite is, he can't eat it.

over a month ago.

After Tyrion and Edmure Tully successfully exchanged prisoners, they immediately returned to the Golden Teeth.

He asked his good brother Jaime Lannister for confirmation about "Tessa" back then...

James didn't think much and confessed everything.

At the beginning, he was following the orders of his father Tywin to slander Tyrion's first love Tysha as a prostitute, and he also sat back and watched as Tywin's guards gang-raped the poor girl...

James apologized for this!

Can an apology be enough to pretend that all this doesn't exist?

At that time, Tyrion looked as usual and did not show any anger at James. After all, he had already learned the truth about the matter from Domeric...

He even joked: "Even if Tessa wasn't a prostitute before, she definitely is now. I remember paying her a whole gold dragon because Lord Tywin said 'Lannister is worth a lot'... Hahaha"

James was unfazed by this.

Whose youth has no pain at all? In the final analysis, the girl named Tessa is just a commoner and is not worth Tyrion's concern.

However, Tyrion's heart has long been engulfed by the flames of revenge.

Although James also made mistakes, he was only forced to do so.

The culprit responsible for the tragedy of "Tyssa Incident" is Tywin Lannister!

That bastard wearing a hypocritical mask of nobility is so abominable...

"Mad King" Aerys II turned Tywin into a "green-haired lion", but he vented his anger on himself, a poor dwarf, and couldn't even see anyone loving him!

He slandered a poor pure and innocent girl as a prostitute and let his guards ravage her.

Son of a bitch gods!

Poor Tessa, how desperate she must have been when she was gang-raped by the guards!

Every time Tyrion thought about this, his heart felt like a knife twisting in pain. Why didn't he choose to believe her? ?

Tywin Lannister must be made to pay for his despicable actions!

While thinking about how to take revenge, Tyrion got some garlic sausages from several "subordinates" to fill his stomach.

"Lord Tyrion, something serious has happened!"

Not far away, the attendant Podrick ran over and shouted.

"What happened again?" Tyrion asked impatiently.

Podrick hesitated.

The boy's unfortunate surname was Payne, Podrick Payne, a distant relative of Ser Ilyn Payne, the High Marshal and Executioner...

He is a thin boy who stutters a bit and often stares down at other people's feet to hide his shyness and embarrassment.

But this also has the advantage that Tyrion, a dwarf, doesn't have to look up to see him.

Podrick's family was poor. His father was killed in the war to put down the Greyjoy rebellion. When he was four years old, his mother abandoned him and gave him to a relative. He ran away with the wandering singer who made her pregnant with the child.

He was raised as a servant to Ser Cedric Payne.

When Tywin summoned his vassals to send troops to the Riverlands, Ser Cedric took him with him to take care of the horses and clean the armor.

Then, Ser Cedric served in Lord Tywin's army. After the "Battle of Harrenhal", I wonder if he died or became a prisoner?

Alone, far away from home, and without money, Podrick had no choice but to seek refuge with a chubby hedge knight known as Sir Lorimer "The Big Belly".

Ser Lorimer is part of Lord Tywin's forage escort, responsible for protecting the baggage of the Lannister army.

"Those who take care of food eat best!"

This was Ser Lorimer's catchphrase, and he was eventually caught stealing a slab of cured ham from Lord Tywin's personal belongings.

The ruthless Lord Tywin decided to hang him as a lesson to thieves.

Podrick had shared the ham with Ser Lorimer, and almost shared the sling...

Jaime later fished him out of the dungeon as a soldier under his command, and then gave him to Tyrion as a squire.


“S-Sir, tonight, the orange vendor stabbed a tavern owner to death for a sausage!

So, the guys in the tavern caught the murderer selling oranges and slit his throat to avenge their boss.

I finally stopped the gang of guys from chopping off the dead murderer's dick, which was a blessing in misfortune.

Maybe they want to get the sausage back, I'm not sure..." Podrick's voice trailed off.

"That's it?" Tyrion's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"That's it." Podrick nodded honestly.

Tyrion couldn't help but feel dizzy, and there were some inexplicable things happening.

Those bastards are the reserves sent to him by Lord Tywin, homeless people, gangsters, thieves and drunkards, homeless farmers, traders with nothing to do...

All kinds of random people gathered together!

"Okay, I know this!" Tyrion obviously didn't want to get into too much trouble on this topic.

He was anxious to return to his tent, which was situated among four campfires.

The reason why Tyrion took over Tywin's task of "managing the reserve team" was because the reserve team was a mixed bag of good and bad people, and he could just hide Elaya, a prostitute, in it without being discovered by others.

Tyrion opened the tent and there was a candle burning inside.

"My dear Lannister giant, you are finally back!"

Alayaya stood up lazily and looked down at him from a height of more than five feet.

When many women see the "little devil" Tyrion, a strange look will spontaneously appear in their eyes...

It was a look that Tyrion Lannister would find unbearable in his life.

Except for Alayaya, her eyes are always so pure and lovely, and the smile on her face is sometimes shy, sometimes arrogant, and sometimes evil.

Alayaya was just a prostitute, but she was sweet, brave, and more pure-hearted than any noble lady he had ever met.

This may be why Tyrion likes her.

"Alayaya, you are so beautiful, from head to toe, every inch of your body is stunning."

"Sir, do you want me to take off my clothes?" she asked.

"First pour me wine, laugh with me, massage my feet after I run around...and then we'll..."

"As you said..."


Soon, Tyrion grabbed the hem of her silk blouse, pulled it over her head smoothly, and threw it aside.

Alayaya's mouth tasted of honey and alfalfa, and she greeted him with whispered words of intimacy and trembling joy.

Tyrion had also suspected that Elaya's happiness was fake, but because she pretended to be so realistic, he didn't care.

After all, Tyrion doesn't want to know the truth behind this.

When it was over, she lay quietly in his arms.

Tyrion understands that he really needs to love Rayaya and be loved.

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