The weapons and clothes were thrown into a white wooden carriage pulled by two tall black horses.

The clothes that the Silent Sisters took off were embroidered with various family crests.

Bloody skinned men, direwolves as pale as ghosts, gray lions, dried trout, dead deer, withered flowers...

So many dead people, so many, so many.

Their bodies were lifeless, and their faces were dull, stiff, swollen, horrifying, and beyond recognition.

The world was silent at first, but after a while the dead began to speak, softly and horribly.

They sob and groan, they pray for death, they cry for help...


pain!it hurts!Head hurts!

The bizarre dream, filled with the whispers of the dead, quickly fell into pieces.

Domeric, who was sleeping soundly, felt an abnormal throbbing pain in his head, as if he had been hit hard with a stick.

No!It was more like being stabbed into the temple with a sharp object, accompanied by stirring!

Hiss... in a daze.

Domeric suddenly woke up from his dream.

He took out the magic interference stone he had been wearing from his arms. The stone was already covered with cracks.

This is a stone purchased at a high price from the Free City State on the other side of the Narrow Sea. It is valuable and has the ability to resist all kinds of magic and witchcraft.

But now it is broken into pieces like this!

Could someone be using magic or witchcraft to deal with themselves?

Or is an unknown existence calling him?

Domeric didn't have time to think too much. The cracked magic interference stone in his hand had turned into powder and slipped from between his fingers...

So, he quickly took out another magic interference stone from the package he carried and put it into his arms...

Domeric bought more than one piece of this good thing.


Under the Golden Tooth City, in the thick canvas lord's tent.

Domeric sat in a daze at the oak table in the big tent, the dream scene still vivid in his mind.

Did someone predict something to him through a dream?

Or is it some unknown existence that has begun to notice him?

Forget it, Domeric touched the magic interference stone in his arms and stopped thinking about it.

The only way to fight against these gods and ghosts is to forget them and not believe in them.

Once you try to understand it, believe it, and change it, the ending will develop in a bad direction...

Domeric turned his attention back to the many matters surrounding this western expedition to Lannister.

Unfortunately, the "mountain trail" that bypasses Golden Tooth City and goes straight to the hinterland of the Western Territory has not been discovered so far.

It seems that I am not the chosen one with the aura of the protagonist like Robb Stark in the plot!

Domeric had a trace of sadness on his face.

What makes people even more worried is that he has already received the news that "Dorne is sending troops".

Dorne is the vast southernmost peninsula of Westeros and the hottest region on the entire continent, rocky, mountainous, arid and barren.

It has the smallest population and weak overall national strength.

Dorne is ruled by House Martell of Sunspear.

In terms of strength, this family is actually at the bottom among the top families in Westeros.

But it happened that such a not-so-powerful family had never been conquered by force.

300 years ago, Aegon the Conqueror conquered the six kingdoms, but did not conquer Dorne alone.

The First Dornish War lasted for nearly ten years.

This is the decade when House Targaryen has three dragons!

All the towns of Dorne were burned by dragonfire, and on more than one occasion it was said that the sand around the towns was melted into glass.

It is impossible to count how many people died.

At that time, Dorne had become a smoking desert, with famine, plague, and drought raging. Merchants passing by called it a cursed land.

However, the Martell family still did not choose to surrender.

The Dornish princess "Yellow Toad", who is nearly eighty years old, blind, obese and almost bald, declares:

She would rather see her people die than become slaves of the dragon!

The Dornishmen were unable to fight against the dragon on a frontal battlefield.

But through harassment, assassination, poisoning and other methods, they made the "conqueror" army miserable.

It can no longer be called a war, but an ugly, bloody and terrifying assassination and revenge. Countless nobles from the seven countries died due to various despicable means. Even the 'Conqueror' himself was assassinated three times. Visanni Queen Ya was also ambushed several times.

The worst tragedy was that of Queen Rhaenys, who was hit by a crossbow arrow from Hellgate Castle while riding the dragon Meraxes.

It was rumored that Queen Rhaenys was killed on the spot along with the dragon.

There are also rumors that Queen Rhaenys was captured and was tortured and tortured inhumanely in the dungeon of House Uller before she died.

Aegon the Conqueror, who conquered the other six kingdoms, finally realized that he could not conquer Dorne and announced his withdrawal.

And since then, throughout his life, he has never started another war...

His predecessor was well versed in history, so Domeric was naturally familiar with this history.

He could clearly feel the blood and cruelty contained in just a few words.

From this we can also see the horror of the Dornish people, as the Martell family's language says: "Unyielding, unyielding."

What Domeric never expected was:

Dorne really sent out troops!

In the plot, Duke Tywin married his granddaughter Princess Myrcella Baratheon to the heir of Dorne, and then promised Prince Doran the high position of minister to the court, and then he won over Dorne...

But now, the old lion can't protect himself. What conditions did he offer to make those benefactors work for him?

And is Prince Doran, the ruler of Dorne, really willing to help the Lannister who killed Princess Elia?

Is there any conspiracy in this?

Domeric was puzzled for a moment, and he scratched his hair irritably.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the tent:

"Lord, do you want some milk?"

The new maid Melanie opened the tent and asked timidly.

She was holding the milk can in her arms and looked very embarrassed.

Nowadays, a war may break out under the Golden Teeth City at any time, so Domeric naturally has no time to hide in the country manor and enjoy his happiness.

But he really missed the fragrant milk Melanie squeezed, so he simply brought her to his tent. At the same time, this was also for the sake of her safety. After all, the war was in chaos...

"Melanie, don't be so uptight."

Domeric pulled the maid to him and said in a relaxed tone: "Just treat me like you did in the manor."

"Um~~, okay," Melanie said with a red face.

For a moment, the maid became even more respectful...

Since arriving here, seeing countless nobles and commoners around them respecting the lord, Melanie realized that this lord was more noble than she had imagined when she was at the manor.

He is the "Hand of the King and Prime Minister", comparable to a king, and the most powerful nobleman on this continent!

"By the way, where's the milk?"

Domeric asked curiously when he saw that the milk jug in Melanie's hand was empty.

Melanie hurriedly explained: "Lord, milk tastes best when it is fresh. That's why I came to ask you. If you want to drink it, I will squeeze it for you now!"


What counts as the freshest?

I'm afraid only by hugging the cow can you drink the freshest milk!

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do now. Let me go milking the cows with you."

Domeric had drank a lot of milk, but he didn't know how to milk a cow. He was a little curious about how Melanie milked a cow?

"Okay, okay." Melanie's eyes widened after hearing this, and then she said after a moment: "If you don't mind being dirty..."

There is a lot of space near Domeric's lord's tent.

Melanie's cow is eating grass leisurely, and her three-year-old daughter is sitting on the cow's back and playing.

Melanie took her daughter down and put her in the tent, then cleaned the cow's barn with warm water and was about to start.

"Let me try~~" Domeric suddenly became interested.

"Okay, okay."

Melanie was stunned for a moment and moved out of the way, while not forgetting to give instructions.

“Lord, please approach the cow slowly, speak in a low voice, and pat its side gently, so that it knows where you are?

If you scare it, the cow may become very panicked and you may be stepped on or kicked away...

Cows are probably smarter than most people think and love to tease and frustrate people, so it's important to stay calm! "

Seeing that Melanie spoke so seriously, Domeric immediately put aside his disdain.

It turns out there are so many ways to milk cows!

As if sensing the stranger, the cow turned its head and looked curiously at Domeric in front of her with its huge eyes.

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