But if her husband followed Duke Tywin back to Casterly Rock, what difference would it make to her, a weak woman like her, from death?

Melanie's entire property is a cow and she has a three-year-old daughter to raise.

How can a woman without a man survive in this war-torn era?

"Okay, that's all I have to tell you, please put down the dinner plate."

Domeric ordered.

Naturally, he would not spend too much energy on a maid. Helping Melanie find out about her husband was already extremely benevolent and he could be considered a benevolent lord.

"Yes, my lord."

Melanie should have slipped away like a mouse, but somehow she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Sir..." Her voice was barely audible.

"Is there anything else?" Domeric asked.

Melanie paused and then said: "When you leave this castle, will you take me with you?"

This sentence almost exhausted all the woman's courage.

Domeric turned to stare at her, his eyebrows slightly raised, and a trace of fluctuation flashed in his originally calm eyes.

He opened his mouth slightly, and then a faint smile slowly formed at the corner of his mouth:

"Why not? Your milk tastes so good after all."

"Gods above, thank you for your mercy, Lord, I will work harder..."

Melanie's charming eyes flashed with joy, and then she left with joy.

She returned the tray to the kitchen and returned to her den.

Melanie took off her clothes and shoes and dressed carefully again.

She put on a layer of underwear, a pair of warm stockings, and a clean coat—the Bolton uniform, with the Dreadfort's Skinned Man emblem sewn on the chest.

As Lord Domeric's maid, she felt it necessary to change into this uniform.

Then Melanie tightened her shoes, draped a wool cloak over her narrow shoulders, and knotted it under her throat.

After thinking about it, she took off the copper ring on her hand and wrapped it in cloth:

"Melanie, now you have to work wholeheartedly for the lord...it's time to milk the cows!"


"Master, a letter from Riverrun."

Benita walked into the bedroom and pulled a roll of parchment from her sleeve.

"Read." Domeric was flipping through a large map.

"It's a letter from Miss Sansa. The content is: I pray for you day and night, dear Lord Domeric, may you be invincible on the battlefield... She wrote: I have been counting the days waiting for you to come back, and I will miss you every day. A hundred times..."

"Write a reply for me, word it the way Sansa likes, you know..." Domeric closed the map.

"Okay, master."

Benita is also very familiar with this kind of thing.

Gusts of fresh wind blew by, and the torches inserted next to the heads on the city wall swayed rapidly.

Domeric stood up and looked out the window. The sky was terrifyingly gloomy.

"Do you smell it? A storm is coming."

"Yes, Master, I'm afraid it will be a heavy rain."

"My Gods, it's a good thing that this storm came later, otherwise Tywin might not have left the city to attack the camp, and then lost the Golden Teeth City... In other words, this 'War of the Five Kings' is finally coming to an end..."

"Battle of the Five Kings?" Benita asked curiously.

Seeing the confused look on the personal guard's face, Domeric explained: "I let it slip. To be precise, it's a battle of four kings!"

In the plot, after Robb Stark defeated the "Kingslayer", he was crowned "King in the North" with the support of the northern nobles and river nobles.

But now, because Domeric cut off Jaime Lannister's left hand in advance, and then killed Cersei, the "Kingslayer" awakened in advance... and thus changed the original plot.

"His Majesty King Joffrey of the Seven Kingdoms is here, as well as Renly Baratheon who is stationed at Bitterbridge, Stannis Baratheon on Dragonstone, and King Balon of the Iron Islands. It is said that they have also Wearing a driftwood crown...aren’t these the four kings?”

"I see."

Benita nodded, "The Baratheon family alone accounts for three."

"Yes, in the eyes of other nobles of the seven countries, this war is just a civil war in the Lu family..."

Benita then reported: "Master, there is intelligence that there are more wolves near Golden Teeth City, and the villagers in the countryside have been complaining about the presence of wolves everywhere...

It is said that in the north, direwolves once roamed in groups of hundreds, not afraid of people, not even mammoths, but that was in ancient times, and it was in the north.

I'm very surprised, how can the wolf in the West be so bold? "

"Maybe it's because bad times breed bad things." Domeric said meaningfully.

Benita looked confused, "Is it so bad now?"

"Summer is over and winter is coming! There are four kings fighting for hegemony in this continent... Isn't this bad?" Domeric said with a toothy smile.

"It's really bad to hear what you say, Master!"

Domeric shrugged and suddenly asked another thing: "By the way, how is Robb's recovery?"

He was quite concerned about his brother-in-law.

After all, Robb is Sansa's brother and Lady Catelyn's son.

"They just rescued him from the dungeon of Golden Teeth City last night. The Lannisters did not abuse Robb Stark excessively, but there seems to be some problem with his mental state."

"What do you mean?" Domeric asked strangely.

"He seemed to blame himself for the battle at Riverrun City and the disastrous defeat of the Northern Cavalry... He kept immersing himself in it and couldn't extricate himself."

"I understand." Domeric nodded.

"A 16-year-old boy led an army for the first time. He aspired to make achievements like his father, Duke Ed, but he did not expect to encounter such a disastrous defeat. What really made him feel uneasy was probably the dead who fought for him. The soul of it."

"Master, there is another news." Benita tilted her head slightly and said with flashing eyes:

"Robb Stark has an assistant bachelor, Myriel Lannister. After all, he is a member of the Lannister family. Should we detain her..."

"She's just a woman, and she's still an assistant bachelor. There's no need to embarrass her too much." Domeric objected.

"But women are far more dangerous than men..."

Benita murmured: "There was a saying in Braavos on the other side of the Narrow Sea: Men control the world, women control men..."


Domeric looked out of the window casually.

A loud bang exploded from his ears, and then a bright white light briefly illuminated the world.

Then there was only a continuous rumbling sound, and a "swish" sound as the Tianhe River hung upside down. The smell of water, earth, dead branches and leaves mixed with the smell of blood rushed in together with the wind...

The storm is finally here!


Robb Stark lay in a quiet bedroom.

At first it was complete chaos, but after a while the outline of the bed began to blur around.

The bed curtains were down, but he could make out the carved bedposts and the velvet canopy above.

Beneath her body is a soft feather bed, and behind her head is a goose feather pillow.

It was warm inside the bed curtains, and covered with a lot of furs and blankets.

This is not the dungeon of Golden Tooth City, nor the narrow and cramped cell that is dirty, cold, and exudes endless stench.

But where is it?

Robb thought dazedly.

He seemed to have a fever.

He was so exhausted that even the movement of raising his hand caused pain to hit his whole body, so he gave up his efforts.

How did I get here?

Did Lord Tywin free him from the dungeons of the Golden Tooth?

Robb tried to remember.

I couldn't help but think of that night under Riverrun.

Countless firelights, dead knights, fallen horses, blood and fire... Fragments of the battle flashed in my mind piecemeal.

He seemed to see countless pairs of dull eyes and countless outstretched hands...

It's been a long time, but Robb Stark still lives on that night when Riverrun was attacked.

That night, more than 6000 elite northern cavalry and the freedom knights from the Riverlands joined his team because of their trust...

After a great war, less than half survived...

It was you who sent those people to hell!

No, no, this is a dream,

He thought, his head pounding.

Save me, someone will save me.

Father, mother, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Jon... whoever comes to save me... no one hears.

No one came.

He fell asleep again in the darkness.

This time, he dreamed of his mother, Lady Catelyn, and next to him was his father, Lord Eddard, who was as straight-faced as ever.

What a dream!

He met his father again...

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