
With Lord Tywin Lannister leading the remnant army in the West and retreating to Casterly Rock, the war near the Golden Tooth City has basically come to an end.

However, there are still many stragglers mixed with mercenaries, robbing homes and homes, and plundering wantonly, forming gangs of bandits.

They burned, killed, raped, and committed all kinds of evil. They were like cancer!

Many unbearable villagers came to Jinya City for help.

Domeric intends to run Golden Teeth City as a bridgehead to suppress the Western Region, so he will naturally not ignore it.


Outside Golden Teeth City.

A small town church.

A robber squatted under a chimney two hundred yards away and stood guard.

He was but a vague shadow in the pre-dawn darkness.

But as the sky began to lighten, he began to move, stretching and standing up.

With a bowstring sound.

A "sudden" sound broke through the wind.

An armor-piercing iron arrow hit his chest.

The robber rolled softly down the steeply sloping stone slab and landed in front of the church door.

The band of robbers posted several sentries, but the torches failed to enable them to see through the darkness.

Until an encirclement and suppression team of nearly a hundred people quietly approached.

"Little birdie, if there's a fight later, I won't protect you."

"The Hound" Sandor Clegane's hoarse voice sounded.

He rode a tall horse called "Stranger", wore smoky gray battle armor, and wore a helmet specially made into the shape of a dog's head.

"I don't need anyone to protect me!" Arya said angrily.

She hated it when the big man called her "little birdie," but this was combat, and combat required discipline and obedience, so she didn't argue.

Arya didn't want to be left in Riverrun like a stupid child. Just yesterday, she came to Golden Teeth City with Wilfield's logistics team.

Domeric had nothing to do with her, so he had to arrange some challenging tasks for her, such as wiping out the bandits.

After all, "Second Ya" Arya will be the top assassin who can single-kill the "Night King" in the future, and Domeric has always intended to let her go...

The archers fired arrows one after another.

One robber had his throat blocked by a sharp arrow and fell down immediately. The other man was hit by an arrow in the stomach and hurriedly threw away his torch.

He screamed as tongues of fire licked his clothes.


Sandor "The Hound" Clegane shouted, and the soldiers attacked fiercely.

A group of armored infantry strode forward with spears, followed by a group of archers with longbows.

Several cavalrymen threw torches towards the church, as if they were going to use the flames to force the bandits inside...


The dawn air smelled of rain, but no raindrops fell.

Torches set fire to the wooden walls of the church, and thin wisps of smoke soon rose from inside.

Two bandits, armed with battle axes, rushed out of the temple side by side.

The archer immediately drew his long bow, and there was a "sudden" sound.

One man was immediately stabbed into a hedgehog and died on the spot. The other man struggled to stay low, so he was only shot through the shoulder.

He stumbled on, and was soon hit by two more arrows, so fast that he couldn't tell which one hit first.

The long arrow shaft penetrated the iron breastplate, as if it were made of tofu.

He fell heavily.

The archers used armor-piercing heavy arrows, which could not even defend against plate armor.

I want to learn archery!

Arya thought.

She loved using the rapier, but now understood the advantages of a bow and arrow in combat.

I heard that Sir Domeric is a powerful marksman, so he must teach me how to shoot arrows...

Soon, flames climbed up the west wall of the sanctuary and smoke billowed from a broken window.

A Myr crossbowman poked his head out of another window, preparing to fire a crossbow bolt, but as soon as he fired, three arrows whizzed past his head, one of which hit his helmet.

From then on, he disappeared together with his crossbow.

Others climbed out of windows and jumped to the ground.

Arya saw someone being shot in the chest with a bow and arrow just as one leg crossed the window sill. He screamed miserably as he fell.

Amidst the billowing black smoke and white morning mist, there was a hazy blur.

Seeing that they were cornered, the remaining bandits rushed out like angry ants, and the temple was like an erupting volcano.

Two Ibben rushed out of the door, holding high their plush brown shields, followed by a Dothraki holding a huge arakh, with bells tied to his braid, and behind them were three Volantis covered in horrific tattoos. Mercenaries.

They are all mercenaries from across the Narrow Sea, who once served Lord Tywin...


In the melee, the Dothraki screamed and rushed towards "Hound Dog" Sandor. The knight's heavy sword met the arakh scimitar. The swords clashed for several rounds. The Dothraki's braid was cut off, and soon the man was gone. died……

The fight didn't last long.

The robbers either died and were seriously injured, or abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

Only two Dothraki managed to seize their horses and escape, one of whom was seriously injured and no longer posed much of a threat.

Sandor "The Hound" let people enter the burning temple to search for prisoners, but he himself frowned fiercely.

After a while, several soldiers emerged from the smoke and flames and brought out a monk with broad shoulders, a thin body, a bald head, and a tattered monk's robe.

"Brother Utter, is that you?"

Sandor Clegane croaked, "My nose smells you."

The monk forced a smile on his face and said, "Lord Sandor, I am a servant of God."

"What god would want a piece of shit like you?"

Sandor sneered and struck him hard on the back with the hilt of his sword.

"Ouch, I'm guilty!"

Brother Utter wailed in pain, "I know, I know. Heavenly Father, forgive me, oh, my sin is so great."

Sandor "The Hound" Clegane had already met Brother Utter.

He is a member of the mercenary group "Blood Troupe". He had previously followed "The Mountain" Gregor Clegane to burn, kill and plunder...

After the "Battle of Harrenhal", the Blood Troupe was abandoned in the castle by Tywin Lannister, and was later conquered by Domeric Bolton.

However, some mercenaries could not adapt to the strict military discipline and chose to become unscrupulous bandits. Brother Utter was one of them.

Town residents said that every time he killed a little boy, he would cry and pray for forgiveness, and sometimes even let other accomplices whip him, like a demon from the seven hells.

"Exercise mercy to the dying, bind the hands and feet of the remaining, and prepare for judgment."

Sandor Clegane ordered, and the soldiers obeyed.

The trial went quickly.

Town residents came out one after another to accuse the robbers of their misdeeds:

Towns and villages were looted, farmland and houses burned, women raped and killed, and men mutilated.

Some spoke of the boys who were taken away by Brother Utter and slowly tortured to death, while the monk himself wept and prayed.

"I am a weak reed!"

Brother Utter loudly begged the "Hound" for mercy:

"I prayed to the warrior for strength, but the gods made me weak. Have mercy on me, a weakling. Those boys, sweet boys... I didn't want to hurt them at all... The gods will forgive me. .”

"Whether the gods forgive you is none of my business! I am only responsible for letting you see the gods..."

Sandor said in a cold tone.

Soon, Brother Utter was hung up from a tall elm tree, swinging slowly with the rope around his neck, as naked as when he was born.

The remaining robbers were also tried one by one.

When the rope was put around their necks, some people tried to resist, kicking and struggling.

But in the end, all of them were stripped naked, tied up and hanged one by one.

Bards played dirges for them on wooden harps.

The monks pray to the Seven Gods to save their souls until the end of time.

This is a tree full of naked corpses!

Arya thought as she watched them sway, the burning sept casting a somber red on their pale skin.

I don’t know when, or from somewhere, the crow has arrived.

She listened to them chattering to each other, as if she wanted to know what they were talking about...

The church soon collapsed in fireworks.

Its walls could no longer support the heavy slate roof.

The surviving monks looked on with sad expressions.

The oldest one has a small hammer hanging on a leather cord around his neck, which represents his faith in the blacksmith.

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