The coalition forces charged, and the Targaryens immediately fled.

In just a few minutes, the nobles of the two realms thought that the years of conquest wars seemed to be coming to an end...

But that was only the few minutes before Aegon the Conqueror and his two sisters plunged into battle.

This was the only time in history that "Vhagar", "Melasis" and "Balerion" attacked at the same time. Later bards called it "the prairie fire of wrath".

Nearly four thousand soldiers were burned to ashes that day, including Meng En, King of the River Bend.

King Laurent of the Kingdom of Casterly Rock escaped by chance, and soon surrendered to the Targaryen family. Later, he gave birth to a son, who became the hereditary Duke of Casterly Rock and the Warden of the West...

"Is the book so good?"

Tyrion looked up when he heard this, and Alayaya was standing a few steps away holding a dinner plate, looking at him curiously.

"Of course not as good-looking as you, my dear Alayaya, but I have to watch..."

"Why?" the prostitute asked curiously.

Tyrion held the page he was reading with one finger: "Elaya, tell me, what do I mean to you?"

Alayaya looked at him suspiciously, her black jade eyes like diamonds blinking, and said: "You, Tyrion, little devil, Lannister giant?"


Tyrion couldn't help laughing, and then sighed: "Hey, but in the eyes of most people, I am just a dwarf.

I will never be as tall as you are now.

My feet are short and deformed, which makes it difficult to walk. When riding a horse, I need a specially made saddle to prevent me from falling.

If you are interested, you can take a look at the saddle I designed myself.

If I didn't use it, I would have to ride a kid's pony.

My arms were reasonably strong, but still too short, so I would never be a good fighter.

If I were born in an ordinary farm family, I would have been left to die on the roadside, or sold into a monster circus.

Alas, who would have thought that I was born into the Lannister family in Casterly Rock, and freaks are even less welcome!

Now, Lord Domeric, Hand of the King, actually asked me to be the royal minister!

But how?

Oh, my legs are too short, but my head is too big!

Finally, this head is suitable for me. With it, I know exactly what I can and cannot do. It is my weapon.

The warrior has his sword, the woman has her graceful body, and I have my head...

However, if one wants to keep his thinking clear and sharp, he must read more, just like a sword needs a whetstone..."

Tyrion tapped the cover of the book. "That's why I must keep reading."

Alayaya listened to these words quietly.

Although she was the "King's Hand" who specially found her from the brothel and placed her as a monitor next to Tyrion.

But after spending many days together, she had already fallen in love with this "little devil".

Although he looks like an ugly dwarf on the outside, he is a veritable giant on the inside...


The sky was dark, it was raining all over the sky, and it seemed that I could hear the roar of the gods above the clouds.

The flag hung low on the long pole, swinging feebly.

This Lannister army is retreating towards Casterly Rock City, looking very depressed. After all, they have just experienced a defeat!

Tywin Lannister looked tired.

In order to avoid possible pursuers from the rear, he led the defeated army and marched for several days in a hurry. The soldiers were miserable.

The night attack outside the Golden Teeth was like a nightmare to Tywin Lannister...

A night attack on the enemy failed, but they were ambushed!

In the end, even the Golden Teeth City was lost. If I hadn’t escaped quickly enough, I might have ended up all there!

The rain washed away Lord Tywin's head, making this majestic Lord of the West look a little funny.

Tywin regretted endlessly why he didn't see through Tyrion's "evil face" sooner... and trapped the Lannister army into the enemy's encirclement.

Many people died outside Golden Teeth City, and some dispersed along the way. However, the more than 2000 ironmen in the Iron Islands had fled long ago when they saw that the situation was not going well.

What a bunch of unreliable pirates!

Fortunately, the main force of the Western Army was saved, and Tywin still had a chance to make a comeback.

In the rain, a Lannister army came from Casterly Rock to meet them.

The leader is none other than the "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister.

He previously led the Lannister cavalry to harass the coalition's food routes, and then made a surprise attack on Riverrun City, almost burning the food and supplies of the Three Realms Alliance. However, at the last moment, he was repulsed by the army led by Domeric, who arrived.

Then, under the order of Duke Tywin, the "Kingslayer" returned to Casterly Rock to train the new army, avoiding the defeat of the "Battle of the Golden Tooth".


James leaned slightly to salute Lord Tywin, his eyes searched the crowd, but did not find the target, "Where is Tyrion?"

Tywin narrowed his eyes with unconcealable anger:

"Tyrion betrayed us. Not only did he leak our night attack plan to the enemy, but he also led people to kidnap Earl Lefford and gave the Golden Tooth City to Domeric Bolton..."

James was obviously stunned for a moment, then shrugged and sighed:

"Maybe he is tired of living in your shadow, so he wants to change his life..."

"Really!" Tywin's golden eyes were as cold as ice as he rode away from his son.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned back: "Is there any news about Dorne's reinforcements?"

"You got news."

Jaime replied, "Prince Oberon of Dorne has led an army of [-] people by ship through the Shield Islands and is about to arrive at Lannisport..."

"That's good."

There was a glint in Tywin's eyes, a flash of fire.

He still has a chance...

Chapter 266 Needs hard work!not you

Golden Tooth City.

In the castle, there was the hustle and bustle of carriages and horses everywhere, and thousands of people were busy together.

The various lords and nobles shouted loudly to restrain their soldiers.

The handymen carried various weapons and armors onto the vehicles, and the grooms put reins and stirrups on the horses, and then led them out of the stables.

There was drizzle in the air, and everyone was anxious to finish the matters at hand before hiding in the house.

Domeric stood among the crowd and gave orders calmly.

Over the past few days, the situation in Golden Teeth City has gradually stabilized, and there is no need to pile up all the troops here.

After all, the military supplies for the [-]-strong army are not a small amount, which is a bit overwhelming for the logistics. In addition, the nearby villages have been seriously damaged and are in urgent need of food and grain to supplement...

To this end, Domeric is preparing to lead half of the army back to Riverrun, leaving more than [-] soldiers to garrison the Golden Tooth order to deal with possible military actions by Lord Tywin Lannister.

The people around were mixed and noisy.

Domeric looked around and ordered a knight:

"Invite Duke Brynden Tully, Earl Yohn Royce, and Earl Wendel..."

"As you command." The knight on the side took the order and left.

Soon, Wendel, who had a round face, bald head and a big beard, rushed over.

During these days, he became fatter and fatter, looking like a walrus that had just landed on the beach.

Wendel put a woolen scarf around his thick neck and said carelessly:

"Lord Domeric, it keeps raining and the weather is getting colder."

His voice was still loud and gruff when he spoke.

"Isn't it?" Domeric agreed. The raindrops on his hairline blended into his body along his collar, and were then evaporated by his body temperature.

"You are from the North, don't forget what the Stark family has always said."

"Winter is coming! Who doesn't know this?" Wendel touched his shiny forehead.

"Have you written to your fiancée who is far away in King's Landing during these days?" Domeric asked casually.

For the inheritance of Stoke Worth, Wendel committed himself to Mrs. Tanda's daughter, Miss Loris. Not only was she fat, weak and stupid, but it was also rumored that she was still a virgin at the age of 33.

I don’t know if Wendel put an end to this rumor after the engagement party...

"Come on, that woman really makes me sick. I'd rather spend the rest of my life on the battlefield than having sex with her..." Wendel said angrily.


While they were talking, Duke "Blackfish" Brynden Tully and Earl Yohn Royce also arrived together.

Domeric stopped chatting with Wendel.

These three people basically represent the military power of the Riverlands, the Valley, and the North.

"My lords, during my absence, please be sure to defend Golden Teeth City!

There is intelligence that Prince Oberon, the 'Red Viper' of Dorne, is about to arrive at Lannisport with his army.

After receiving reinforcements from Dorne, I am afraid that Duke Tywin will make a comeback soon..."

"Please rest assured, my lord, we are here in the city!" Count Yohn Royce clenched his fist and hammered the bronze breastplate heavily.

"We swear to stand with the Golden Tooth City." Duke Brynden agreed.

"If the Lannister wants to steal our gold mines, I will never let them go!" Wendell promised, patting his chest.

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