In Lady Catelyn's morbid company, the symptoms only worsened.

"Madam, it's time for you to rest!" Domeric's tone was very soft, but with unquestionable majesty.

"But, I must accompany Robb...he needs me." Lady Catelyn was still stubborn.

"Robb doesn't need your company, your company at this time is a burden to him!

What he really needs now is not you!

It's that Miss Myriel Lannister...

Madam, you shouldn't have blocked her out. If not, Robb's condition wouldn't have gotten worse..."

It seems to be to confirm Domeric's statement.

Robb, with his eyes dazed, suddenly made a weak voice, like babble:

"Myriel, Myriel, don't leave me..."

For a moment, a certain spiritual pillar in Mrs. Caitlin's heart collapsed.

It turns out it's not me that Robb needs!

What he needs is that Lannister!

Then why am I staying here so affectionately?

Thinking of this, Lady Catelyn burst into tears. She desperately took her hands out of Robb's palm and covered her ears, not wanting to listen to her son's ravings.

Lady Catelyn could not remember when she fell to the ground, but she was there.

Domeric helped her stand up, wrapped his strong arms around her, and picked her up by the waist.

Then walk out of the bedroom...

Chapter 267 The inevitable existence, captured by the White Walkers

Domeric carried Lady Catelyn back to Lord Hoster's "Silver Trout" bed.

Then, Sansa, his fiancée, was called to take care of her mother.

It was early in the morning, and Domeric, who had just woken up, would not think of doing anything weird.

Especially since he had taken out his anger on Sansa last night.

So, Domeric returned to Duke Horst's study and sat on the large oak table, which was filled with parchment rolls and books, as well as official documents waiting to be signed.

Here, Domeric felt the chill of the morning for the first time in a long time.

As Wendel said, the weather is really getting colder!

It’s so cold in the south. I wonder how cold it will be on the Great Wall?

He quickly asked his maid Melanie to squeeze a cup of steaming fresh milk, and then raised the fireplace.

The fire in the fireplace quickly burned brightly, dispelling the chill that seeped through the cracks in the doors and windows.

A huge silver trout statue hung on the top of the fireplace, casting a huge shadow on the wall behind it in the light of the fire.

Since the death of old Duke Hoster, Domeric has gradually grown fond of handling official business here.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows behind, the fast Tengshi River flows into the tranquil Red Fork River. After crossing the intersection, the sun shines on the river, and the river flows through the castle, shining brightly.

An intoxicatingly beautiful scene...

After the "Battle of Golden Teeth City" ended, the disputes in the Western Region came to an end, and Domeric rarely had time to relax.

King's Landing's chief intelligence officer, Varys, often sends news about Daenerys Targaryen across the Narrow Sea.

Domeric didn't care at all.

Counting the time, by the time "Dragon Mother" Daenerys makes a name for herself in the Free City-State, I'm afraid the "War of the Five Kings" will have already ended.

At that time, he will integrate the resources of the seven kingdoms, vigorously develop scientific and technological productivity, and develop new weapons.

Daenerys's three dragons are simply not enough to look at. They can only bully slave owners and barbarians who do not have long-range weapons such as artillery and crossbows...

After taking a sip of milk, Domeric opened a thick historical book about the "Seven Gods Faith".

"Faith of the Seven Gods" is the most important religious belief in the Seven Kingdoms.

It originated from the Andals living in the Andas Mountains.

It is said that the Seven Gods took human form and appeared there.

According to the "Seven Stars Bible", the Heavenly Father picked seven stars from the sky and placed them on the forehead of Hugo, the "King of the Hills", the first king of the Andals, to form his crown.

The girl brought a girl who was as slender as a willow, and her dark blue eyes were like deep pools.

This girl became Hugo's first wife.

The Virgin made the girl fertile, so she gave birth to 44 excellent sons for Hugo, just as the old woman predicted.

The warrior gave the sons strong arms, and the blacksmith forged each of them a suit of armor.

As the Andals invaded Westeros thousands of years ago, they brought the Faith of the Seven with them from Essos.

The Faith of the Seven Gods has replaced the original faith of the Old Gods in most areas.

Oldtown became the center of the Faith of the Seven, and the city's Starry Sept served as the seat of the High Septon until the Targaryen Conquest.

The "Church of the Seven Gods" has two armed organizations, also known as the Order Armed Forces, which have appeared several times in history, dating back to the War of Conquest.

The Warrior Sons were made up of knights who gave up their lands and possessions to fight for the Seven Gods.

The "assembly of the poor" was composed of low-status commoners, not only men but also women.

They were lightly armed infantry armed with whatever weapons they could find, often axes or short clubs.

Historically, these two organizations have caused trouble for the nobles and royal families of the Seven Kingdoms, and were brutally suppressed by "Maegor the Cruel" of the Targaryen family.

At that time, Maegor placed a bounty on the heads of the members of these two organizations. The head of the "Fighter's Son" was worth a gold dragon, and the head of the "Poor Coven" was worth a silver stag.

In the end, the sect's armed forces were disbanded by him, and the followers of the Seven Gods could not take up arms again.

During the 300 years of Targaryen rule, the Church of the Seven Gods has been suppressed to varying degrees...

But no doubt!

To this day, the "Church of the Seven Gods" is still a behemoth in Westeros.

Domeric pressed his fingers on the words on the page and slowly fell into thought:

When civilization has not yet developed to a certain level, religion will naturally arise.

In the backward continent of Westeros, which is comparable to the Middle Ages, the emergence of the "Church of the Seven Gods" is inevitable.

Human beings face the huge and mysterious natural phenomena around them, the rise and fall of the sun, moon, and stars, the rotation of day and night, the changes in severe cold and heat in the four seasons, the growth and development of groups of animals and plants on land, rivers, and oceans. Death, the occurrence and disasters of thunder and lightning, wind and rain, floods and fires.

As well as their own unpredictable growth process, human birth, old age, illness and death, the joy, fatigue and birth of new life in the relationship between men and women, the abundance and scarcity of human food sources.

There are also mysterious spiritual phenomena, dreams during sleep, interactions with the dead in the mind, imaginary characters, things in memories...

These natural disasters, man-made disasters, or incomprehensible phenomena were finally attributed to imaginary things-the gods.

Historically speaking, religion, like other social phenomena, is also the product of the development of human society to a certain stage.

This is also inevitable for the existence of the "Seven Gods Church".

In this case, Domeric wondered if he could use the "Church of the Seven Gods" to achieve his goal of integrating the thoughts of the Seven Kingdoms.

Because from a series of wars in history, Domeric discovered a cruel fact that force alone cannot unite this continent.

Even the Targaryen family, which owns dragons, cannot shake the structure of the Seven Kingdoms.

The most they can do is to recognize the status of the Targaryen family, above it. From then on, the king became a duke, and the nobles remained nobles.

This was not the unification Domeric wanted.


"It seems like you are thinking too far!"

Domeric shook his head, brought his thoughts back, and focused on the current "War of Five Kings."

Tywin Lannister in the Westerlands is nothing to worry about for the time being.

The pirates who invaded the North of the Iron Islands were dealt with by the cheap Lord Roose Bolton.

Renly Baratheon was stationed at Bitterbridge in the Reach, where he had been stationed for several months.

Stannis on Dragonstone Island also saw no movement.

Renly is waiting for Domeric and Tywin to decide the winner, and the good fisherman will benefit.

The reason why Domeric has not returned to King's Landing for so long is because he is waiting for the Lu family brothers to decide the winner?

In the plot, Stannis, with the help of the "Red Witch" Melisandre, used the "Shadow Killer" to kill Renly, who had the greatest chance of winning, and then took over most of the Stormlands army. Linjun comes to the city.

The Tyrell family, the "Rose House" in the River Bend, turned to Tywin Lannister.

Now that Tywin has been driven back to Casterly Rock by Domeric, where will the Tyrell family go?

Domeric naturally knows what the Tyrell family wants?

Queen's position!

Is it possible to dissolve the engagement between Arya and Joffrey, and then let Joffrey enter into a marriage contract with "Little Rose" Margaery to win over the Tyrell family?

But in this way, with the support of the Tyrell family, Joffrey will inevitably escape Domeric's control.

With the surly and cruel temperament of the "Eternal Emperor", he will definitely take revenge on the North and the savages who tortured and trained him.

Domeric can't take this risk!

Just kill Joffrey, let his brother Tommen take over, and then sign a marriage contract with "Little Rose"...

Of course, the premise of all this is that Stannis kills his brother Renly as he wishes and nothing happens.

Domeric prayed in his heart that the brothers would not waste time and start the war quickly...


Lunch time came quickly.

Melanie, the maid, served a hearty meal of roasted whole chicken, boar leg stewed with mushrooms, stew, pan-fried steak, buttered bread and vegetable soup.

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