With the experience of Duke "Blackfish" Brynden Tully and Earl Yohn Royce, Golden Teeth City can be said to be "impregnable"!

Domeric breathed a sigh of relief now.

He could turn his attention to the "deer brothers" who were at each other's throats.

According to the plot, once Renly Baratheon died, the [-] to [-] troops stationed in Bitterbridge were leaderless and fell apart.

Domeric could go over and pick up the slack, and he might be able to win over the "Rose" Tyrell family.

So, he summoned the generals stationed in Riverrun and spread out a parchment map on the large oak table.


The army is ready and will return to King's Landing along the King's Road in three days! "

None of the generals objected, let alone questioned.

Domeric has always been considerate of the knights and soldiers at the bottom. After capturing the castle, he distributed the items according to their work and never treated them badly.

He also conferred knights on a large scale in the name of "Hand of the King", and divided and attracted some original small lords and knights...

Taking advantage of the opportunity to retreat to Riverrun City for rest, the great lords and nobles were left in Golden Teeth City, and their armies were commanded by Domeric.

Domeric wanted to emulate Lord Tywin Lannister.

Separating these armies from the hands of the great lords and conducting centralized training and command will undoubtedly enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the army.

In a few days...

The [-]-strong army that had rested in Riverrun for nearly half a month marched back to King's Landing along the King's Road...

Chapter 278: Battle under the city, are you kidding me?

Maidenpool is a town in the Riverlands, located near Crab Bay. It is the home fort of the Mouton family.

The castle is located on a hill and is surrounded by walls.

The name of this town comes from the legendary place where Florian peeped at Joanne and her sisters taking a bath when they first met her...

Ever since Domeric led the coalition to fight the Lannister in the West.

This little-known seaside town became a transshipment center for military supplies.

A large amount of military supplies from the North, the Valley, and King's Landing are stored here and then transported to Riverrun and the battle front.

Today, the castle is filled with smoke and the sound of killings is loud.

The city of Maidenpool was attacked by unknown forces!

The crudely made trebuchet kept roaring, and the stone bullets flew into the air and fell into the castle, but they were like stones falling into the sea.

An army of about 3000 people is besieging Maiden Spring City.

In the middle is a knight group of more than 500 people. At first glance, they look like well-trained and well-equipped elites.

The armor style on their bodies does not look like that of Westeros, but more like the Free City-State on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

And on the flag fluttering high in the wind, there is a golden skull painted...

If there are nobles who know the mercenary organization across the narrow sea here, they will definitely recognize this as the famous "Golden Group"!

The "Golden Company" is regarded as the largest, most famous and most expensive mercenary group in the Free Trade Cities.

Although mercenaries have always been notorious for being capricious, the most honorable thing about the Golden Company is that they never break their contracts.

Their motto is "Words are like gold".

Leswell Peck was the commander of this force.

He is not tall, but extremely strong. He is wearing iron armor, has a thick beard under his chin, and has a golden armband on his thick arm, which is worth a lot of money and is worth a lord's ransom.

He was an exiled minor lord. He was originally a branch of the Peak family in Star Shuttle City. He was later deprived of his territory and title, went into exile overseas, and finally became loyal to the Golden Company.

At this moment, Leswell Peake was riding his horse through the formation, issuing brief military orders everywhere.

Of this 3000-strong siege force, only 500 were soldiers belonging to the Golden Regiment. The rest were mostly pirates, inferior mercenaries, and some simply armed refugees and slaves... who were brought here by them.

The castle of Maidenpool is very small, with the walls less than forty feet high.

As long as you use bows and arrows to suppress the top of the city, and then use hooks and ladders to climb directly to the top of the city, you can easily capture it.

Unexpectedly, the defenders in the castle were much tougher than Leswell Peake had imagined, and they kept taking advantage of the terrain to cause them a steady stream of damage.

Although the casualties are all cannon fodder, if there are too many people, it will inevitably damage morale...

Seeing that this army could not attack for a long time and suffered heavy casualties, Leswell prepared to send another army up and attack the city in turn.

Just when he was about to give the order, people and horses surged in the distance, just like the ocean tide!

Laiswell looked up and saw chaos behind the army.

A dark red flag, like a huge arrowhead, rushed in front, leading a group of armored cavalry, rushing left and right into an uninhabited land, causing chaos behind them.

The mercenaries everywhere were like a colony of frightened ants, running around in the wilderness.

Enemy reinforcements?

Leswell fell into a brief confusion. He had not fully understood the specific situation at this time...

How is this going?

He had just besieged the city for less than three days, and reinforcements had arrived?

There are no big castles near Maiden Spring, and the only thing worth watching out for is the White Harbor fleet coming from the sea.

Where did this army come from?

How could it come so fast!


Domeric glanced at the enemy's flag with a golden skull on it and frowned slightly.

"The Golden Group!"

He naturally knows this famous top mercenary group.

In the plot: As the war between Lys, Tyrosh, and Myr approaches, the Golden Company terminates its cooperation with the free city-state of Myr.

He switched to working for "Dragon Mother" Daenerys, and later became dissatisfied with the changing plans of Governor Pandos Illyrio.

They then swore allegiance to Aegon "Little Griffin", the orphan of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and joined him in the counterattack against Westeros.

But now, why are they here?

Taking advantage of the situation?

Taking advantage of the war between Domeric and Tywin, the rebellion between the two deer, and the chaos in the Seven Kingdoms, to take advantage of it?

Or was he hired by Duke Tywin specifically to deal with him?

For a moment, Domeric had no idea.

Two days ago, he led his army back to King's Landing along the King's Road.

On the way, he received a letter of distress from Wilfield, who was handling logistics affairs in Maiden Spring City, and immediately rushed over with his army without stopping.


The situation faced by "Golden Company Commander" Leswell Peake was very critical.

On one side of him was a massive cavalry force, and on the other side was the several-meter-thick city wall of Maiden Spring!

Leswell could tell with his toes that he was surrounded!

He looked around and saw that his people seemed to be just a bubble, submerged in the vast ocean. The bubble might burst at any time...

Leswell was in a trance at this time. Just now, he was thinking about capturing the castle, obtaining the massive wealth in the castle, and then how to rape and plunder it?

But the next second, it seemed like it was going to be over!

If a person dies suddenly, he will not be afraid.

The most terrifying thing is waiting to die slowly...

There is a kind of torture in the Free City State, which is to tie people to the beach and wait for the tide to drown. It can be said to be very inhumane...

Leswell was sweating profusely, and the sweat hit the hair on his face, dripped down to his chin, and dripped onto his breastplate.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. As a commander, he must make decisions on the spot!

Because even if it is wrong, you must make a decision!

Even if it is a wrong judgment, it is better than no judgment at all!

"Instruct the entire army to turn around and break out to the east!"

This decision is undoubtedly correct. To the east is the port, and all their ships are parked there.

As long as we board the ship and escape to the sea, no matter how many people there are on land, how can we do anything to get rid of them?


After a long and hard fight, Laisville Peake's cavalry finally broke through a narrow gap, and the hope of escaping to heaven was just in front of them.

He was exhausted by this time, and his men suffered heavy casualties.

Suddenly, a knight in black armor and a star-patterned black satin cape on the battlefield rushed towards him and stabbed out his spear sharply.

Leswell blocked it with his sword.


The war horse neighed, and Leswell almost flew off the horse's back. He clamped his legs around the horse's belly, leaned forward, and fell on the horse's back.

But suddenly the war horse suddenly jumped forward and fell to its knees.

Leswell felt his seat lighten, and he jumped forward.


The heavy armor fell to the ground, Laiswell's eyes were filled with golden light, and Venus slowly floated upwards in front of his eyes like dandelions.

The tall knight in black armor looked at him with a playful look.

"Ah! Ahhh..."

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