Margaery's brown curly hair was blowing in the wind, but her delicate little face was slightly wrinkled by the letter in her hand, which made her look particularly pitiful.

"What's wrong? What happened? Speak slowly." Vilas said calmly.

"Your Majesty Renly, he, your Majesty, was assassinated. Lord Florent of Brightwater joined other nobles and fell to Lord Stannis!"

"Damn! I know that fox Florent is not reliable at all!"

Vilas couldn't help but curse.

"How is your Majesty injured?"

He then asked, Renly's safety had a huge impact on the situation right now.

"Your Majesty was very seriously injured. Although the maester healed his injuries in time, he is still very serious... Loras and Lord Randyll Tarly are escorting His Majesty to Bitter Bridge..."

Margery paced a few steps in place and asked worriedly: "Brother, what should we do now?"

Vilas slowly lowered his head, closed his eyes, and supported his forehead with his hands. After half a minute, he raised his head again:

“First send an army to meet Loras and Lord Randyll, and make sure to ensure the safety of His Majesty Renly.

Then control the situation in Kuqiao!

There are between [-] and [-] troops stationed here, belonging to different families in the River Bend and the Stormlands.

Let’s not leak the news that His Majesty Renly is seriously injured yet, and unite those forces loyal to the Tyrell family and His Majesty Renly..."

Willas frowned slightly: "Finally, write a letter back to Highgarden immediately and tell my grandmother, Lady Olenna, everything that happened here!"


high court.

This castle built of white marble is located on a hill.

It stands high above, overlooking the Mandeb River below, where the Corniche and Rose Avenue converge.

During the Seven Kingdoms era, this was the residence of the Gardener family, King of the Reach.

After the Conquest War, it was given to the Tyrell family by Aegon the Conqueror, who was the steward at the time.

Lady Olenna Redwin was walking angrily through the Corridor of the Golden Rose, the crutch in her hand becoming a decoration.

She said loudly: "Where is my son?"

"Your Majesty the Duke is in the banquet hall."

The housekeeper didn't know why his mistress was so angry, so he could only stay with her smiling face cautiously.

"Banquet hall? Are there any guests?" Mrs. Olenna still looked angry.

"That's not true." The butler shook his head, unable to explain that the Duke of Metz was watching the dancers dance.

Mrs. Olenna snorted: "I'll go see him!"

The housekeeper didn't know how the poor Duke had provoked his mother, so he hurriedly trotted after him:

"Madam, I will show you the way."

"Go away, I know the way!"

Lady Olenna comes to the ballroom.

The hall was filled with melancholy sounds, and the bards were playing harps and singing unbearable songs.

A dozen dancing girls in light clothes and graceful figures were twisting their bodies.

Sitting on the high seat is Duke Mace Tyrell, the master of this castle.

The Duke of Highgarden looks to be in his 50s, and his curly brown hair, which is the signature of the Tyrell family, already has some gray spots on it.

He is tall and has a big belly, so many people privately call him "The Inflatable Fish".

Duke Mace Tyrell's face was red from drinking, and his head was shaking slightly to the rhythm of the music. It was obvious that he was in a good mood at this time.

"Mace!" cried Lady Olenna.

At least he didn't call her "inflatable fish" in front of the dancer. The butler thought to himself and stood aside secretly, not wanting to get angry.

"Mother," the Duke of Metz stood up with a smile, "What do you want from my precious son..."

"Damn baby! Damn son!"

Lady Olenna hit him on the head with her cane and interrupted angrily: "Something serious has happened!"


The Duke of Metz was knocked into a daze.

Lady Olenna looked at the confusion in Duke Metz's eyes, and suddenly became angry and said:

"Something happened to His Majesty Renly!

He was assassinated and seriously wounded during a confrontation with Stannis near Storm's End!

Inflatable fish, didn’t you read the letter the maester sent you this morning? "

The Duke of Metz blushed.

The bachelor found him this morning and said that there was an urgent letter sent from the front line of Kuqiao, but he put it on the bedside and forgot to read it.

"His Majesty Renly actually..." Duke Metz quickly made up for it, "Oh, it's such a pity. May the Holy Mother take care of your Majesty..."

"Idiot!" Lady Olenna interrupted again, "Is now the time to pray to the gods?"

"Mother, what should I do?" The Duke of Metz was stunned for a moment.

The Tyrell family of Highgarden does not actually have an absolute advantage in the Reach, and their ancestor's status as the "Gardener King Steward" has always made their position very embarrassing.

But the reason why Duke Mace Tyrell, the "Lord Inflatable Fish", can firmly sit on the throne of Governor of the Reach and Guardian of the South.

Lady Olenna Redwine, known as the "Queen of Thorns", deserves a lot of credit.

Lady Olenna is short and silver-haired.

Her hands were soft, her fingers were thin, and her words had the sour smell of an old woman.

She was older than the late Lord Hoster Tully and had been toothless for a long time.

Mrs. Olenna uses a crutch to walk and says she is nearly deaf.

But these are all fragile aspects pretended to confuse outsiders.

"I really regret that I didn't hit you over the head with a wooden spoon when you were a kid to put all kinds of clever ideas into your fat head."

Mrs. Olenna said angrily, throwing away the crutch in her hand in anger: "Don't drive these women out yet!"

The Duke of Metz was so frightened that he immediately waved his hands.

The minstrels and dancers hurriedly ran out of the hall as if they had been granted amnesty.

The Duke of Metz then said: "Mother, what do you think we should do now?"

Lady Olenna took a few steps forward and sat down in front of the Duke of Metz.

She is short in stature, but the fat "inflatable fish" adult looks like an underage boy in front of her.

Mrs. Olenna said with lingering anger:

"You are an idiot. Do you know that your vassals are calling you 'Lord Inflatable Fish' in private?

I think it's quite appropriate, and you should use the inflatable fish as a personal crest and put a crown on the fish's head, and then you should probably be satisfied.

And your father is also an idiot.

Although I love him very much, he has a kind heart and is not a bad guy in bed, but he just has no brains...

Thinking of this makes me even more angry, why did you inherit his lack of brains, and I don’t have any intelligence at all..."

Under the attack of Lady Olenna, the Duke of Metz only felt dizzy.

Moreover, her words were fast and urgent, rushing towards her face like a raging flood, making the Duke of Metz unable to breathe, let alone think.

"How many more troops are there in Highgarden?"

Finally, Lady Olenna relieved herself and brought the conversation back to the immediate priority.


The Duke of Metz murmured a few times and said with a sad face, "There are approximately 5000 troops stationed in the castle, plus the troops of nearby vassals."

"You're not so stupid after all!"

The contempt in Lady Olenna's eyes disappeared a little, and she said: "You are the Duke of Highgarden and the Governor of the Riverbend. The situation of the entire Seven Kingdoms is closely related to your decision!"

"I have never felt this way." The Duke of Metz curled his lips.

Mrs. Olenna was too lazy to pay attention to her son's complaints. She raised a finger and ordered:

"Immediately, lead all the troops to Bitter Bridge. Margaery and Willas need your help!"

"This is not possible. What if Dorne attacks at this time? If they are allowed to break through Highgarden, it will be another disaster."

The Duke of Metz shook his head vigorously, like a dog biting a rabbit's neck and shaking it.

"Idiot, Dorne's 'Red Viper' Prince Oberon has led [-] troops to Lannisport to support Tywin. How could he start a war with the Reach at this time..." Mrs. Olenna's anger level increased. is rising.

"Is there such a thing?" The Duke of Metz grimaced, "Why didn't I know!"

"You idiot, you spend all day either drinking or hanging out with some dancers, how would you know?"

"Okay, mother, I'll send someone right away..." The Duke of Metz said as he picked up the wine glass again and put it to his mouth.

"Go yourself!"

Mrs. Olenna knocked the wine glass away: "Inflatable fish, if you don't want Highgarden to be destroyed in your hands, come to me now!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go there myself." The Duke of Metz was completely helpless with his mother.

He quickly asked his knights to summon all nearby troops...


at the same time.

Storm's End.

The tall and majestic stone walls that contain magical power make people marvel at the momentum of this place.

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