If it weren't for the 'Hand of the King' Domeric Bolton, who is already engaged to the Stark family, I would even plan to let you marry him! "

“Grandma, how could you make such a joke?

I am His Majesty Renly's queen! "

Margaery knew that Lady Olenna was not joking, but she could only take it as a joke.


Lady Olenna sneered, "If the gods don't side with Renly in the end, all this will be in vain..."


A hall in the castle.

The young and beautiful maids walked between the long tables like butterflies in flowers, serving delicious dishes one after another.

Trout salad, char-grilled lamb leg, pan-fried foie gras, cream soup, jasmine cake, and fresh strawberries just shipped from Highgarden made Samwell's fingers tickle.

It was an afternoon tea, but on the scale of a small banquet.

Samwell muttered to himself, as expected, great nobles are different!

He was also the heir of Jiao Leng, and he had enjoyed a lot of delicious food since he was a child, but compared with it, it really pales into insignificance.

This afternoon tea was prepared for Samwell, so no one else attended.

Margaery Tyrell did not appear, so Samwell Tarly waited patiently for a while.

In the end, I really couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food and started eating.

When he cut open the fat roasted suckling pig and stuffed the tender and juicy part into his belly...

"Ta-ta-ta"... crisp footsteps sounded.

A light green silk waist-length dress highlights the girl's well-proportioned and tall figure. Her soft brown curly hair is scattered on her smooth shoulders. Her charming and delicate facial features have a unique charm that is unforgettable at first sight!

Margaery Tyrell, known as the "Rose of Highgarden", is finally here.

At this time, Margery's little face looked a little gloomy.

This fat bastard!

She had just changed her clothes, but she didn't expect Samwell to start eating by himself?

She simply doesn’t take her master seriously!

Samwell also realized his mistake and stood up anxiously, like a child who had made a mistake, and kept rubbing his hands:

"Miss Margaery, no, Your Majesty the Queen...I, I'm so hungry."

"It's okay, Jazz." Margery forced a smile:

"This afternoon tea is prepared for you, please enjoy it."

"Then I'm welcome!"

Excited, Samwell quickly stuffed the rest of the food into his mouth.

During the meal, he also "diligently" cut a piece of fat and greasy pork leg for Margaery, which made "Little Rose" feel nauseous.

Until all the food on the table is gone.

Margaery breathed a sigh of relief and was about to get down to business.

But Samwell called the maid behind him and said, "Can you please give me another roast suckling pig?"

The maid looked at the fat man in front of her, suppressed a smile and said, "Okay, please wait a moment."

"Is the roasted suckling pig so delicious?" Margaery asked helplessly.

"Yes, Miss Margaery, oh, Your Majesty the Queen, this is the most delicious food I have ever eaten in my life. Please forgive me for being out of control."

Faced with Samwell's shamelessness, Margaery couldn't say much at the moment:

"Then you can eat, but don't eat too much, otherwise I'm worried that you will be too fat to climb on the horse's back, hahaha..."

This sentence reminded Samwell of something sad for a moment.

It was precisely because he was too fat that he failed to climb on the horse in time, so he was separated from his good brother Jon and was captured by mistake.

However, Samwell only felt sad for half a second before turning this sadness into appetite.

When the second serving of roasted suckling pig was completely eaten, Samwell patted his belly with satisfaction.

In this world, only food can comfort people's hearts!

When Samwell was about to call for the third roast suckling pig...

Margaery finally couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said:

"Sir Samwell, good things should be enjoyed slowly. Why don't we chat first."

"You are right, Your Majesty the Queen." Samwell carefully wiped his mouth with a napkin:

"I wonder what you want to talk to me about?"

"Just chat, anything." Margaery said in a gentle tone.

The situation in Bitterbridge is extremely complicated now, and Lord Randyll Tarly is a general that Highgarden relies on.

Under the instruction of Lady Olenna, Margaery tried to get some useful information from the fat Samwell Tarly...

For example, does the "Hand of the King" Domeric Bolton have the intention to bribe the Tully family?

If so, what benefits were promised?

And did Lord Randyll Tarly respond?

Of course, these sensitive questions cannot be asked directly.

Margaery must use some means to get it out of this fat man's mouth...

Chapter 289 The temptation of roses, tossing a coin

The afternoon tea is still going on.

Samwell Tarly finally stopped eating, and "Little Rose" Margaery got her wish and entered the conversation.

However, under Samwell's guidance, the two kept chatting about food and other topics.

For example, fifteen ways to cook roast duck?

Should I add salt or sugar to jasmine cake?

Which one is better, male or female eggs?

Margery had to admire that this damn fat man only had food in his mind!

Finally, Margery couldn't bear it anymore and said straight to the point:

"Sir Samwell, I heard that you voluntarily put on black clothes and became a night watchman. Is this true?"

Samwell was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Your Majesty the Queen, this is indeed the case, but I did not put on black clothes voluntarily, but was forced by my father, Earl Landau..."

Speaking of sad things, Samwell couldn't help crying, and slowly told his sad story:

As lords near the frontier, the Tully family has always been martial, and the Valyrian steel sword "Heartbreak" has been passed down from generation to generation.

Earl Landau himself is the most famous general in Westeros. As a military noble, he has strict military discipline and good command.

It was by providing generals and soldiers to the Tyrell family that the Tully family was favored by the Tyrell family and became a second-tier noble in the Reach.

So in order to maintain the status of Jiao Ling, we must ensure that the next generation of lords are also generals who can lead troops in war.

It is precisely because of this that Earl Landau has extremely high requirements for his successor.

In his opinion, the Tully family, which has been a military official for generations, naturally needs its heir to be a talented warrior.

Since his birth, Samwell has been addicted to music, books, food and other gorgeous materials. He is timid and timid and likes to play with girls.

If placed in the homes of other Riverbend nobles, Samwell might just be a mediocre son.

But in the eyes of Lord Landau, this cowardly eldest son obviously could not take over his banner and continue to serve as the commander of the Riverbend army.

In that case, the status of the Tully family in the Reach will plummet, which is unacceptable to Lord Randyll.

Earl Landau had tried various methods to make him brave, including changing his instructors and hiring wizards, all of which failed in the end.

When his younger brother Dickon was born, Lord Randyll ignored Samwell and devoted himself to cultivating Dickon.

And Dickon did live up to Earl Landau's expectations, showing talent for martial arts at a young age.

Earl Landau loves his younger brother Dickon very much because Dickon meets his expectations and can shoulder the family's future.

For Samwell who does not meet his expectations, I am afraid that there is only disgust and no love.

It was from then on that Earl Landau had the idea of ​​abolishing the elders and establishing younger ones.

Samwell himself did not have a strong desire to become a lord, and he was willing to become a bachelor.

However, Lord Randyll believed that "the blood of Horn Hill cannot bow down to the minor nobles" and did not agree with Sam serving other lords as a bachelor.

Samwell could not give up his inheritance rights by becoming a maester, and Lord Randyll could not openly name his youngest son as his heir.

In this way, Samwell can only be forced to put on black clothes and hand over the inheritance to his younger brother Dickon...

These things are difficult for any noble to accept.

But the fat man in front of her was able to tell the story as if no one else was watching, which surprised Margaery for a moment.

"You are so unlucky!"

Margaery made an expression of pity, but there was no emotion in her eyes.

Samwell was very grateful for the "mercy" and thanked Margaery loudly.

Then he turned to the maid and said, "Please give me another roast suckling pig, thank you!"

What happened in the past has happened. For Samwell, eating is the most important thing now.

But at this time, the maid came over and said with an embarrassed look: "I'm really sorry, Sir, we have run out of roast suckling pig."

"Where's the jasmine cake?"

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