It’s because the high degree of concentration during archery can keep people in a good state of readiness, eliminate distracting thoughts, and enter a sharp but most direct thinking mode:

When to take action and when to release the arrow?There is no reason, just an intuition, a feeling.

On the battlefield, the same is true.

Domeric relies on the experience of countless hits and misses to understand various opportunities on the battlefield.

There can be no entanglement in the heart, no hesitation at all.

Only with clear thoughts and smooth thinking can the art of war be brought to its fullest...seize the opportunity firmly.

For example, his battle with Lord Tywin Lannister, judging from the previous series of battles.

Domeric asked himself that he was no better than Tywin Lannister in terms of strategy.

But on the battlefield, he can always seize the right fighter opportunity, while the latter is always in a passive state of being beaten for no reason.

This is true of the "Battle of Harrenhal", and the same is true of the "Battle of the Golden Tooth".

The reason for this phenomenon may be related to the fact that Domeric is good at seizing the opportunity, while Tywin Lannister is experienced and has more worries. When commanding the army, he feels that his hands are tied...


Bitterbridge, Castle.

The fireplace in the bedroom was burning brightly, and the gloomy red light filled the space, making it look weird and terrifying.

This was originally the residence of Earl Caswell, and was specially vacated to allow the king to rest in peace.

When Renly Baratheon woke up, the first thing he saw was the gray-white ceiling.

The sunlight shining through the window was a bit dazzling. He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again. The scene in front of him still remained unchanged.

It's not a dream, he thought, I'm... not dead?

Renly felt as if there was a ball of paste in his head, and his thoughts were much slower than usual.

By the way, how did you get injured?He thought carefully.

It seemed that his arm was cut off by a shadow. He lost too much blood and almost died...

Renly Baratheon tried to move his body, but found that he could only shake his fingers, as if all his strength had been drained away.

Then he heard someone shouting, "Your Majesty is awake, go and inform Ser Loras and your lords..."

"Knight of Flowers" Loras was the first to arrive. During this period, he had been guarding his king tightly.

Seeing Renly finally wake up, he suddenly felt his eyes sore and his voice choked up: "...Your Majesty, you have finally woken up..."

After seeing Loras appear, Renly also relaxed a little.

After all, this is the person he trusts the most!

"What happened before? By the way, that shadow seems to be related to Stannis..."

Renly thought back to the shadow that assassinated him that night, looking exactly like Stannis and wearing the same crown.

"Yes, it's Stannis's witchcraft!"

Loras gritted his teeth and said: "To be precise, it was the witchcraft performed by the red-robed witch under his command..."

"It turns out he is really my good brother."

Renly sighed quietly, "The struggle for power is the most bloody and terrifying thing in the world. I shouldn't forget this and should be more prepared."

Renly Baratheon came back from hell a little different.

But for Loras, this was still someone he loved dearly.

"Where are we now?" Renly asked.

"This is the castle in Bitterbridge. Count Caswell specially made room for you to recover from your injuries."

"Where is the army here?" Renly's tone was quite urgent.

He knew that his identity as king was just a shadow, and that his real power came from the armies of the River and Stormlands.

Loras slowly told him a series of events that had happened before, including the betrayal of the Florentine family, a large number of cavalry defecting to Stannis, and a rebellion in the military camp at Bitterbridge. Fortunately, it was suppressed in time...

"Where is Storm's End, in the hands of Stannis?"

Renly asked uneasily, already expecting the worst.

"No, when I escorted you away, I wrote to Sir Cortanai to beware of the witchcraft of the red robe witch, and left him a few 'magic interference stones'..."

"That's good. Storm's End is still in our hands. Although our army has lost some, it is still several times stronger than Stannis's. Victory still belongs to us!"

Renly held the "Knight of Flowers" hand, a touch of red appearing on his pale face.

"Your Majesty, I have to tell you some bad news." Loras said bravely:

"Domeric Bolton, 'Hand of the King', has declared you a traitor who rebelled and proclaimed himself king. He has led an army towards Bitter Bridge, which is now less than three days away from us..."


Renly Baratheon was so shocked that he spat out a mouthful of old blood...

Chapter 292 Angry inflatable fish, confident style

"My lords, the army of 'Hand of the King' Domeric Bolton is approaching menacingly. We are less than three days away. How should we deal with it now?"

In the hall, a large number of nobles from the River Bend and Stormlands gathered.

Renly Baratheon sat on top.

He was recovering from a serious injury and his face was pale, but his voice was still strong, and his eyes held an alluring charm.

It seems that the missing arm does not affect Renly Baratheon's kingly majesty and grace.

Mace Tyrell, the Duke of Highgarden, sat on Renly's left hand side with a big belly.

Behind him are Lord Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City, the angular Lord Randyll Tarly, and Countess Oakheart of Ancient Oak City...

On the other side were the nobles of Stormland, big and small, but their number was relatively small.

Because many of the men who were originally loyal to Renly defected to Stannis Baratheon when Renly was seriously injured and dying, and his life and death were unknown.

"Knight of Flowers" Loras, "Little Rose" Tyrell, and "Beauty" Brienne of the Tarth family were quietly waiting beside the king.

Mrs. Olenna Redwine, the "Queen of Thorns" also rarely attended this meeting...

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Our army is superior to theirs in numbers and has an advantageous location. The enemy has come a long way and must be exhausted. We can catch them off guard right away!"

Lord Randyll Tarly said calmly. His many years of military service gave him the confidence to face any enemy.

"Yes, the advantage is on our side!" Count Matus Rowan agreed.

"Your Majesty, victory belongs only to us."

The Countess of Oakheart is slender and petite, and is one of Renly's most loyal supporters.

"The gods are on our side..."

"The enemy will definitely be killed by us!"

The nobles were talking a lot and the atmosphere was lively.

From a book perspective, Bitterbridge's Reach and Stormland coalition forces were indeed far superior to Domeric Bolton's [-]-strong army, and they also had advantages in other aspects.

Therefore, none of the nobles in the hall were timid, and they all rushed to fight.

When Renly saw this, he felt reassured. It seemed that the people's hearts and minds were still there!

"His Majesty!"

Duke Mace Tyrell stood up and volunteered:

"Please give me the responsibility of commander, and I will definitely lead the army to defeat the invading enemies for you!"

The Duke of Metz is a man who ages prematurely, is cumbersome and lacks political skills, so he is nicknamed the "Inflatable Fish".

The only military achievement he could barely describe was the "Siege of Storm's End".

But the armies of the Riverlands besieged Storm's End for a whole year, but Stannis did not surrender.

Some people say that the Duke of Metz was far-sighted and saw in advance the outcome of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's defeat in the Ruby Ford, so he deliberately let loose to please the Baratheon family.

Some people also say that Mace Tyrell is simply a fool.

Tens of thousands of Reach troops besieged Storm's End Castle, which had less than a thousand defenders, for a whole year!

Later, the Duke of Metz tried his best to use the "Battle of Ash Beach" to prove his military capabilities, but in fact he made no contribution at all in this battle.

The vanguard, led by Randyll Tarly, was victorious before his army even reached the battlefield.

Duke Mace Tyrell is the head of the family, but he does not have much say in the family.

Although he has been serving as the guardian of the southern border and the governor of the river, he has no dignity at all in the entire river.

"The commander is Lord Landau!"

Count Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City was the first to point out this point.

"I didn't expect Lord Mace to have such ambitious ideas, just like a rabbit who has always been a vegetarian and suddenly wants to bite someone..."

Countess Oakheart scoffed.

She is petite, but her aura is no weaker than that of the Duke of Metz.

"You..." The Duke of Metz was so stunned that he couldn't get off the stage.

Therefore, Lord "Inflatable Fish" chose to ignore Countess Oakheart and turned his attention to Count Matus Rowan:

"Earl Randyll was the commander before because I was in Highgarden. Now that I'm here, I'm his lord. I'll be the commander. Why not?"

For a time, opponents spoke out one after another.

If the Duke of Metz were to take command, it is not difficult to imagine a defeat.

The Duke of Metz was able to quarrel with other scholars and never fall short:

"I am the Guardian of the Southern Territory and the Governor of the River Bend. I am the most suitable commander besides Your Majesty!"

Renly was confused for a moment. What was this father-in-law doing?

Just you, commanding the army?

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