Thinking of last night's absurdity, Benita's ears suddenly turned red...

As the army marched, a strange song blew in the wind.

The bards accompanying the army sang loudly, their deep voices resonant and resonant:

With the sword in hand, the last warrior stands proudly...

The blood-red weeds and the blood-red flags underfoot are dazzling and dazzling, and the people bathed in the sunset are particularly red.

Come on, come on!

The great warrior shouted loudly:

My sword is thirsty.

Accompanying the cry of the wild, cross the stream and have a duel...

Chapter 293 The advantage is mine!charge

Rose Avenue.

The army stretched forward and backward for three or four miles, like a giant dragon.

The closer we get to the Bitter Bridge, the slower the army moves.

Scouts kept coming back to report the military situation, and Domilik's main force had temporarily stopped advancing and was camping in the rear.

He personally led an elite forward force of 5000 people to clear the way for the army.

When we were still two days away from Bitter Bridge, a series of small-scale battles broke out ahead.

The maximum number of people fighting does not exceed one hundred, it is more like a test between each other...

Domeric had already sent people to send letters of surrender to a large number of river nobles, promising wealth, honor, and land.

But the current situation is not urgent for the Allied Forces of the Reach and Stormlands in Bitterbridge, and they even have an obvious advantage.

Many nobles, big and small, even fantasize about Renly Baratheon ascending to the "Iron Throne".

They transformed into important ministers of the empire.

At this time, no one is willing to surrender easily!

Domeric must use a bloody war to make those nobles feel a sense of urgency, as well as fear, fear, and despair...

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Domeric always felt that the soldiers in the Reach were far less tenacious and resistant than those in the North, the Valley, and the West, and some even surrendered at every turn.

This may be a common problem among people in wealthy places...

Lord's tent.

Many lords and knights also gathered together to brag happily.

"I led thirty cavalrymen and directly defeated the 100-man Hebang infantry. They were killed like dogs and cats, haha!"

"When the troops from Hewan saw us, they dropped their weapons and surrendered without saying a word..."

"That's right. Compared to the Lannisters in the West, the Riverbend soldiers are nothing but weaklings. I'll charge forward, one is worth ten!"

Many nobles were chatting and the atmosphere was so lively...

Domeric seemed very silent at this time.

Winning easily in small-scale battles will naturally boost morale.

Ordinary lord knights can be complacent about some victories, but as a coach, they must keep a clear mind.

His forward army is mainly composed of soldiers from the northern border and the valley, and most of them are cavalry. Their individual combat capabilities are already stronger than those of the River Bend people known as the "Summer Knights"...

Domeric was silent for a long time, then raised a finger and ordered:

"Strengthen the guard at night, send out scouts, and continue the march tomorrow."

"As ordered."

"As ordered..."

Early the next morning, Domeric ordered the forwards to march towards the Bitter Bridge.

The roads along Rose Avenue vary in width, with densely populated areas forming villages or towns, and occasionally there are passages such as canyons.

The forward troops marched unimpeded, and the small river bend troops along the way fled upon hearing the news.

Until they reached a canyon, Domeric led his army to stop and ordered them to rest on the spot.

The scouts came back to report that there were tens of thousands of Hebang troops building fortifications in the canyon.

Are you planning to block them here?

Rose Avenue is the main traffic artery from King's Landing to Bitterbridge and Highgarden.

If we take a detour, not only will it be difficult for the army to pass, but there will also be problems with subsequent supplies.

Therefore, Domeric had no choice but to fight hard!

However, the road in this canyon is wide and the location of the canyon entrance is also relatively open. There is no dangerous terrain.

Even if the Hebang army is blocked here, it will not have much terrain advantage.

Compared to the mountains in the West and the Vale, the cold in the North, the deserts in Dorne, the storms in the Stormlands...

The Reach seems too peaceful!

The wealthy and disorganized Riverbend people's individual soldier quality is far inferior to that of the fierce and militant Northern soldiers, and their military discipline is inferior to that of the well-trained Western Army...

Not only was the combat effectiveness of the soldiers reduced by half, but the terrain of the river bend was mostly flat plains and lacked dangerous terrain such as mountains, rivers, and passes.

No wonder the Reach Kingdom in history has been constantly beaten and invaded by the surrounding Kingdom of Casterly Rock, Kingdom of Storms, and the Dornish people...


At this time, the sky was dark in the canyon.

For most of the day, the boulders and mountains on both sides blocked the sun. People and horses walked in the shadows, and the air was chilly.

Water trickled down from the mountain spring above our heads and fell to the ground, forming a small pool, which was then trampled into a mud puddle by the horses' hooves.

A few weeds broke out from the cracks in the rocks, and here and there a few bits of pale lichen.

There are a large number of river troops in the canyon, tens of thousands and crowded.

Some dug large holes in the soil, while others practiced fighting.

A large group of cavalry charged at a shield wall, and the horses under their crotches were as small as ants.

The sound of the drill was like the rustling of iron leaves, hanging slightly in the wind.

Their camp was neat and orderly, with ditches and pickets everywhere, and even the horses were lined up.

Tents and makeshift mud huts sprouted up everywhere, like pimples on the face of the earth.

There was the strong smell of horses and donkeys on the haystacks, and black smoke curled like tendrils from a thousand campfires.

A tent on a mound.

This is the front army of the Bitter Bridge Alliance Army, with more than 15000 people, commanded by Count Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City.

He was sitting at the head of the camp, surrounded by lords and knights of all sizes.

Count Matus is strong and strong, clean-shaven, wearing a white coat, with the Rowan family's tree emblem embroidered in gold thread on his chest.

Most nobles considered him "wise, prudent, and widely loved," while others said he was "rude, straightforward, and simple."

Count Matus Rowan's mission is to block the enemy here and delay enough time for Count Landau to deploy his troops in the rear.

But there are no dangerous passes near Kuqiao. How can we delay the enemy's advance?

Count Matus scratched his scalp and scratched his hair all over the floor, but he couldn't come up with any good ideas.

This damn Randyll Tarly wouldn't let me die on purpose, would he?

It's a shame that I still supported him in the war meeting!

Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps rushed away the Earl's thoughts.

A young river knight burst into the camp panting and knelt down on one leg.

"Sir... the enemy... the northern cavalry appeared from the northeast with dazzling flags. They have begun to gather outside the valley entrance."

"Don't panic, take a breath first, young man, and speak slowly."

Count Matus Rowan's tone contained the gentleness of a superior.

The young knight obeyed.

"A long team, probably more than 5000 people, with a lot of cavalry!"

He continued to report, "They are preparing to enter the canyon. The flag flying at the top of the sky is the Foundation Skinner of the Dreadfort!"

What, the leader is Domeric Bolton, the "Hand of the King"?

I didn't expect to meet him so soon.

Count Matus couldn't help stroking his forehead. The opponent was marching so fast that he was speechless.

But the good news is that the enemy army only has more than 5000 troops, and our own army is three times theirs.

Unlike the pot-bellied "inflatable fish" Mace Tyrell, Count Matus's military ability is not as outstanding as that of Lord Randyll Tarly, but he can still be said to be proficient in military strategy.

Judging from the series of battles with the Lannister in the West, Domeric Bolton's tactical command ability is simply a genius.

Naturally, he did not dare to have the slightest contempt for this "Hand of the King"!

"Sir, what should we do now? There will probably be a fierce battle at dawn tomorrow!"

A knight asked uneasily.

"It's just a forward, it doesn't matter. Domeric Bolton's main force is still far away."

Count Matus used a calm tone to reassure the soldiers:

"They only have more than 5000 people, while we have 15000 people.

15000 versus 5000.

If the gods have any brains, they will know that the advantage is on our side! "

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