Domeric can completely lead an elite team to the hinterland of the river bend and turn him upside down.

The terrain here is flat, and there are no dangerous passes like the mountains in the west. He can go wherever he wants.

Everywhere they went, they attacked and plundered the city.

When the time comes, will the coalition forces from the Reach and Stormlands in Bitterbridge rescue them or not?

To rescue him would mean that the Kuqiao coalition forces would take the initiative to fight Domilik.

If we don't save him, how can the lords of Bitterbridge not have other thoughts when they see Randyll Tarly ignoring his own territory and being besieged?

As a result, the pressure returned to Randyll Tully.

Speaking of which, when Duke Tywin Lannister attacked the Riverlands, he used this tactic to constantly mobilize the troops in the Riverlands to be on guard, giving the "Kingslayer" the opportunity to win the siege of Riverrun...

Sure enough, the tactics of war are all the same!

Domeric, who thought of the new plan, had nowhere to vent his inner excitement, so he had to put Wilfield's legs on his shoulders...


The next day, it was still dark.

Domilik selected an elite forward force of more than 5000 people, and the rest of the troops stayed on the north bank of the Mander River.

In this operation, he only brought Sandor Clegane, the "Hound" with him.

Jon Wright was left here to assist Wilfield in the confrontation with the Bitterbridge coalition.

As for personal bodyguard Benita, she had gone out on a new intelligence mission a few days ago.

When he returned to Riverrun from the West, in order to "separate" ordinary soldiers from their lords, Domeric intentionally left most of the lords and nobles in Golden Teeth to guard the gold mines and confront Tywin.

The advantage is that these soldiers are more obedient and easier to command.

The disadvantage is that there are too few available talents. After all, the younger lords and knights in this era don't even know the words...


In order to cover up people's eyes and ears, until late at night.

Domeric led his army from the north bank of the Mander River, aiming at the "Long Table Hall" less than three days away from the Bitter Bridge.

It's easy to get lost when walking at night in the wilderness.

However, there were local guides and several captive knights from the "Long Table Hall" in the army. They originally belonged to Count Matus Rowan's former army and were captured in earlier battles.

Along the way, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane looked excited.

Because Domeric finally promised to officially grant him a baron fief in the River Bend after this battle.

Although there are no gold mines in the Reach, it is far richer than the Westerlands.

This made the "Hound Dog" extremely happy. For a nobleman, a fiefdom is ownership.

The army stopped at midnight, had a meal with river water, bacon and bread, and rested for a while.

After a short rest, Domeric ordered to continue marching, because he was afraid that he would fall asleep while resting.

Human beings have amazing endurance when they persevere.

Of course, a reason for patience is needed, that is, there are countless benefits to winning the battle.

With luck, a farmer can even be awarded the title of knight and jump directly into the next class.

Throughout the history of Westeros, most people at the bottom are not war-weary, and even long for war.

Because this is their only way to rise.

Because of the high speed of the march, the original three-day journey was forced to take only two days for Domeric.

When the sun was about to set the next day, they were less than ten miles away from the Long Table Hall.

Domeric climbed up a hillside to survey the surrounding terrain.

There is a very wide and flat land here, with green crops growing in the distance, and villages dotted among the crop fields.

You can see the shadow of the castle in the distance at a glance. If you don't pay attention, you might mistake it for dark clouds on the horizon.

Domeric watched for a while, ordered the army to rest for the night, and at the same time sent out ranger scouts to inquire about the situation nearby.


The Mariweis family of Long Table Hall is one of the nobles of the Reach. Their fiefdom, Long Table Hall, is located at the confluence of the Mander and Lamborn rivers.

The Mariweis family was originally wealthy and powerful, and belonged to the second-tier nobles in the River Bend.

They are almost on the same level as the Rowan family in Golden Tree City, the Florent family in Brightwater City, and the Tully family in Angular.

During the "War of the Usurpers", Earl Owen Mareweis was initially appointed Prime Minister by "Mad King" Aerys II and led the army to put down the rebellion.

But he did not take the rebellion seriously, so that after the rebellion became more and more serious, Earl Owen Mareweis was eventually deprived of his title and fief and was exiled.

In a sense, he was also King Robert's nobleman.

If it were the beginning of the rebellion, the prime minister who countered the rebellion would be a military strongman like Tywin Lannister or Jon Clinton.

So, it’s hard to say whether there will be a Baratheon dynasty later, and the history of the entire continent may be rewritten.

After King Robert ascended the Iron Throne, perhaps out of gratitude, he restored the title of House Maliweith and returned part of the fiefdom.

However, the status and wealth of the Mariweis family are no longer what they used to be, falling directly from the second-tier nobles to the third-tier nobles.

Its current lord is Lord Orton Mareweis, a man with a mediocre appearance, a big nose, and unkempt red-orange hair.

He is the grandson of Lord Owen Mareweis, who went into exile with his grandfather...

When Lord Orton Maliweith learned of Renly Baratheon's public claim to the throne.

Immediately led the troops from Long Table Hall to the Bitter Bridge Alliance.

He pinned his hopes on successfully joining forces this time, gaining huge political benefits, and restoring his family's territory and past glory.

In the castle, only his wife, Lady Tanya from Myr, whom he married during his exile...

In the early morning of the third day, it was just dawn.

The guard captain at the castle gate was dozing off.

But at this moment, a team of five to 60 people appeared in sight.

Seeing the team heading straight towards the castle, the guard captain quickly called the guards to come forward and stop them.

"Stop! What are you doing?"

There was suspicion in the guard captain's eyes.

“Don’t you recognize your own flag?”

said the leading knight.

Only then did the guard captain notice that the flag they were carrying was a golden horn of plenty on a white background with apples, carrots, plums, onions, leeks, turnips and fruits of various colors spilling out of it, with a golden border.

This is the emblem of House Maliweis.

This is one of our own!

And the knight in front of him does look familiar. He should be one of Count Orton Mareweis's subordinates.

"It was Count Alton who asked us to come back to help you defend the castle." The knight continued to explain.

"Defend the castle?"

"Yes, a vanguard of the enemy army Domeric Bolton has bypassed the Bitter Bridge and is attacking in the direction of the Long Table Hall. To avoid any unexpected events, the Earl has ordered us to come and strengthen the defense of the castle."

"I see. Is there a warrant from His Majesty the Earl?"

Although the garrison captain felt that the knight looked familiar, he still kept business as usual.


The knight didn't expect this guy to be so stubborn and was stunned for a moment.

Just when the atmosphere was taking a bad turn, a hoarse voice struck.

"I have Lord Orton's warrant."

A tall and burly knight walked towards him, wearing a smoky gray armor and a helmet specially made into the shape of a dog's head. He had sharp cheekbones, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the left side of his face was severely burned.

"Who are you?" The guard captain realized that this was a stranger.

"I am the newly conferred knight of Earl Alton."

"The Hound" Sandor Clegane forced a frightening smile on his lips, "Don't you want to see the warrant of the earl? Please lower your head."

The guard captain came closer in confusion. He still hadn't figured out why he lowered his head?


A flash of sword light flashed, and the head of the guard captain flew into the air.

As soon as the guard captain died, the guards at the city gate were leaderless and fell into chaos. They were killed by the team led by "Hound Dog" Sandor and were completely defeated.

At the same time, the ground began to tremble.

I saw a black line suddenly appearing on the northern horizon, spreading towards the castle like ink!

The surviving guards were all frightened when they saw the large army rushing over in the distance.

It took a long time before someone finally reacted and stumbled back to the castle to report to Lady Tanya.

"Enemy attack?"

Mrs. Tanya was also frightened when she learned the news.

Because she knew that almost all the soldiers that could be recruited in the Long Table Hall were taken to Bitterbridge by her husband, Earl Alton.

Now there are less than a hundred guards left in the entire castle.

How to fight against the enemy?

"Hurry! Close the city gate quickly!" Mrs. Tanya said anxiously.

"Madam, the city gate is already in the enemy's hands!" the guard explained sadly.

"What! You idiots! Idiots!"

Lady Tanya turned blue with rage.

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