He has a mediocre appearance, a big nose, unkempt red-orange hair, and a haggard look on his face.

"Your Majesty, please save us!" Count Orton knelt on one knee and said.

"Earl Orton, please speak slowly." Renly's eyes were full of inquiry.

Orton Mareweis looked sad and tremblingly handed over the letter in his hand:

"Your Majesty, my castle was attacked. An enemy force suddenly appeared in the rear..."

After Renly read the letter, he fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

He handed the letter to Lord Randyll Tarly who was standing beside him.

After Earl Randyll saw it, the "inflatable fish" Duke Mace Tyrell on the side was ready to take it over and take a look.

However, Earl Landau did not give him the letter, but announced loudly:

"My lords, just yesterday, Mariweis Castle in the Long Table Hall was attacked by an unknown enemy force. There were many people on the opposite side, many of them under the banner of the Northern Army..."

As soon as the news came out, the crowd immediately exploded.

The lords and nobles were all surprised and talked a lot.

The Duke of Metz looked at Count Landau angrily, a little angry why he didn't wait until he finished reading before announcing the content. He really didn't take himself as the "Governor of the River Bend" seriously!But remembering his mother, Lady Olenna's warning, he was unable to have an attack.

"How could an enemy appear behind us at this time?"

"Could it be the army of the King's Hand!"

"Could it be just a group of bandits?"


“There’s no way my wife, Lady Tanya, can’t tell the difference between bandits and regular soldiers!

She has written in the letter that the enemies are numerous and fierce, and most of them are equipped with armor from the north and the valley..."

Lord Orton Mareweis said eloquently.

He continued to plead:

"Your Majesty, please give the order immediately for the army to quickly rush to the Long Table Hall, which is only three days away from the Bitter Bridge..."

Renly didn't answer.

He turned his attention to Lord Randyll Tarly, looking for advice.

Earl Landau pondered for a moment, "Your Majesty, why don't you send a team of cavalry to see what's going on? Then wait for them to come back and make plans based on the information they get."

"If we really wait until that time, I'm afraid my castle has already fallen!" Earl Orton said angrily.

"Maybe your castle is now in the hands of the enemy."


Every noble in the camp has the right to speak.

They each seized the opportunity and tried their best to escape...

Or yelling or swearing loudly.

The energetic young people even advocated sending troops to rescue the Long Table Hall.

Many nobles who were mature and steady suggested waiting to find out the situation before sending troops.

In any meeting, those who have no voice will shout louder, while those who can really make decisions will be silent.

The former is like Duke Mace Tyrell, who is arguing loudly with a certain secondary vassal of the Rowan family.

But Renly Baratheon sat quietly, listening.

The enemy's main force was still confronting them on the north bank of the Mander River. Where did the enemy force that attacked the Long Table Hall come from?

Could this be a ploy by Domeric Bolton to lure his enemies?

If so.

Should we just leave it alone, or should we immediately rescue him?

"Your Majesty, the number of our troops is still greater than that of the enemy."

Count Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City sharply pointed out this problem.

Count Matus, who lost the first battle, was not discouraged.

During these days, he also carefully reflected on the reasons for the previous defeat in the "Battle of the Canyon".

At that time, Count Matus's forward army had more than 15000 troops, while his opponent's forward army only had about 5000 troops. Why did it fail miserably?

One is that the terrain is not good enough, and the Hebang army was not fully deployed and could not take advantage of its numerical advantage.

Both sides are selected elites from the other side, and they have more cavalry.

There are many farmers in our own army who have just put down their hoes.

In addition, a lord who was responsible for commanding the right wing accidentally fell off his horse in front of the formation and was trampled to death, causing chaos in the entire right wing formation, and the enemy seized the opportunity to break it...

Therefore, Count Matus came to a conclusion:

The enemy is not invincible!

It was just bad luck that he was defeated miserably!

His commanding ability is no worse than that of the "Hand of the King", he can do it again!

The several victories he won in the "Operation Crossing the River" made Count Matus strengthen his belief!

After listening to Lord Matus' words, Renly also realized this.

Earlier, the former army led by Count Matus was defeated and returned, but later on, more than 5000 remaining soldiers were gathered back.

Therefore, the coalition forces in Kuqiao still have more than [-] people!

The army of the King's Hand has experienced repeated failures in crossing the river, and its number is now less than 3.

Therefore, Kuqiao's military strength is still superior to the enemy's!

But why are we suppressed and beaten even though we clearly have the superior military strength?

Renly wanted to ask this question loudly, but after taking a look at Lord Randyll Tarly, he finally chose to remain silent.

Earl Landau gave Count Matus a rude look. He knew that the other party felt that he could do it again.

“Now that the enemy has divided its forces, future offensives will definitely weaken.

We might as well seize this opportunity to obtain additional troops and supplies from other castles, and take the opportunity to strengthen our own defenses and let the tired army rest and recuperate..." Earl Landau suggested.

"So, you mean we just sit back and do nothing?"

Duke Metz frowned and asked.

After all, the Mariweis family in Long Table Hall is his vassal, so ignoring them will inevitably damage his remaining dignity.

"Lord Mace, all this is just for the sake of the overall situation." Earl Landau said bravely.

"You coward!"

The Duke of Metz completely forgot about his mother's warning. He shouted loudly: "You are so frightened by the hand of that king that you don't even dare to save one of your own!"

It has to be said that the "inflatable fish" is hard-pressed.

And this time, the river bend nobles rarely stood by him.

"We cannot ignore what happened in the Long Table Hall!" Count Matus continued.

"Your Majesty, if you can't even protect your own subordinates, how can you sit on the Iron Throne?"

The petite Countess of Oakheart also announced.

"Damn it, you attacked the Long Table Hall right under our noses, and you can't just sit idly by and say nothing!"

Some nobles chimed in, and others agreed.

They either shouted or clenched their fists on the table, and drew their swords one after another.

Renly waited for them to calm down. Although he was the king, the king was not omnipotent. It was taboo to offend the public!

But Earl Landau on the side still did not change his mind.

At this time, the "Lord of Sufferers" Count Orton Mariweis stood up.

"I may not be as knowledgeable about tactics and strategies as Lord Randyll...but I know that we send troops to fight to make His Majesty Renly sit on the Iron Throne and make the future of the Seven Kingdoms better!

Now, the enemy is burning, killing and looting in my territory, burning my fields and slaughtering my people. The Long Table Hall may now be nothing more than a charred ruin.

Do we do nothing and watch this happen?

If this is the case, even if His Majesty Renly finally sits on the Iron Throne, what will it mean to me!

If your lords are unwilling to fight for Longtable Hall and my people, then I will have no choice but to lead my own army to retake my castle.

Even if you die in battle, it is better than sitting here and being a coward..."

After Earl Orton finished speaking, the hall fell into silence.

Someone once said that the "giant horn" coat of arms of the Mariweis family, which represents the harvest, was specially set up for Lord Orton.

Because his hair is like cabbage, his nose is like a beetroot, and his head is mostly filled with pea porridge.

However, today's Count Orton Mareweis shows a completely different demeanor from before.


The sun is shining.

The heat of autumn is still overwhelming.

The long and winding armies marched out from the Kuqiao camp. Viewed from a high altitude, they looked like countless ants leaving their nests.

Flags of various colors were flying in the air, and the knights in bright armor were ready to go, seemingly eager to fight for honor.

Renly Baratheon finally agreed to Lord Orton Mareweith's request.

To be on the safe side, he took Lord Randyll Tarly's advice.

More than 5000 soldiers were led by Count Orton Maliweis, who acted as the vanguard.

After him, followed by a larger army, 20000 troops commanded by Randyll Tarly and Lord Matus Rowan.

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