Continuing the setting of "The Legend of Jiang Yuyan" adapted by Girl Demon, the emperor of this drama will be Hua Wuque's grandson.

And Cao Zhengchun was the one who stayed to assist the emperor after Emperor Yan faked his death and wandered around.

As for the setting that Zhu Wuwu is still the prince of the Zhu family who wants to be the emperor, he has always believed that the current emperor's bloodline is not correct and wants to take back the Zhu family.

In order to regain the imperial power, he established Hulong Villa, named Hulong, which is actually the reverse dragon!

This drama has actually become a sequel to "The Legend of Jiang Yuyan" thanks to the girl's magical transformation.

There is also another movie, which is also the sequel to "The Legend of Jiang Yuyan", namely "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate"!Plants and flowers transform into fields!

However, netizens did not know this at this time.They had a great time discussing "Mountains and Rivers"!

on Weibo.

The most popular search is "Mountains and Rivers"!

[Zhejiang Province Taiwan Chinese Valentine's Day Party, You Mingyue's new song "Mountains and Rivers Pictures" Feng Ming Chinese Valentine's Day! 】

Very hot!Many viewers who watched Zhejiang Province’s Chinese Valentine’s Day party, or netizens who watched the edited video of the program through Douyin, Kuaishou, Bilibili and other video websites, excitedly commented on the hot search.

“Never heard this type of rap!”

"It's so exciting! From the beginning of the song's intro, I still have goosebumps throughout the whole process!"

"After listening to it, there are only two words - awesome! Amazing!"

“Traditional musical instruments such as drums and guqin combined with modern electronic instruments seem very inconsistent, but in the hands of You Mingyue, they achieve a perfect combination!”

"It's not about the love between men and women, it's about the magnificent mountains and rivers and Chinese history and culture! But I think it's the most romantic love song for Chinese Valentine's Day this year!"

"What's wrong with singing about the motherland on Chinese Valentine's Day?"

"After listening to this song, I am really proud to be Chinese!"

"As expected of the author of "That Rabbit", he is full of positive energy!"

"You Mingyue not only taught a lesson to the music world this time, but also taught a lesson to the rap circle! Learn a little, and you can rap without using curse words!"

"This is the rap song we Chinese people should listen to!"

"You Mingyue's pattern is really big!"



In the eyes of countless people, You Mingyue's song "Mountains and Rivers" has a very big pattern. They used one song to elevate the style and intention of the entire Zhejiang Province and Taiwan Chinese Valentine's Day party!

The pattern is instantly opened!

This kind of love and praise for the great rivers, mountains and rich history and culture makes people feel infinite pride and emotion!

Moreover, this song is not just as simple as piling up place names...

It combines place names with history and culture.

Strong group!

The effect shown is so shocking!

Other rap songs immediately look like clowns compared to this song.

And when people zoomed in on this comparison to tonight's Chinese Valentine's Day party on all channels, they discovered that tonight's Chinese Valentine's Day party on other satellite TVs, and even CCTV's Chinese Valentine's Day party, actually looked very petty!

You Mingyue's song "Mountains and Rivers" overwhelmed all the programs at the Chinese Valentine's Day party!

It’s not surprising why there is another 1.0 hot search with full melon-eating attributes on the hot search:

[From the mask of pain to the mourning of a concubine, in just 4 minutes, find out the area of ​​​​the psychological shadow of Tan Yong at that time]

In the hot search comments, someone created a bound photo album.

In the picture, Tan Yong changes from his high spirits when he performs on stage, to his nervousness when You Mingyue first comes on stage to sing "Mountains and Rivers", to his mask of pain halfway through "Mountains and Rivers", the last picture is "Mountains and Rivers" At this time, Tan Yong showed an expression as if he was mourning for his concubine, and his expression was so bad!

The pain of others is the source of your own happiness.

this moment.

Except for Tan Yong's fans and people from Tianguang Entertainment, netizens who were eating melon were laughing their heads off.

It's not that they have much malice towards Tan Yong, it's just that this scene is so dramatic that people can't help but laugh.


Chapter 398 The anxious battle for the monthly ranking and that monkey!

People's joys and sorrows are not connected.

When netizens looked at the collection, they couldn’t stop laughing.At the home of Lin Zhi, general manager of Tianguang Entertainment, Lin Zhi looked at the comments with a livid face and was furious.

Is it interesting for you to be entangled like this? ? ?

You Mingyue singing a new song "Mountains and Rivers" is already disappointing enough, but now they are making a compilation album!

This is a slap in the face!

Naked face slap!

Tan Yong is now the face of Tianguang Entertainment, so slapping him in the face is equivalent to slapping Tianguang Entertainment in the face!

"You Mingyue will definitely release this song on major music platforms and then chart it... We must prevent them from becoming the number one on the August charts!" Lin Zhi said coldly to himself, his eyes sparkling.

Whether it was for the interests of the company or his personal temper, Lin Zhi decided to do this!

However, Lin Zhi felt speechless again after wanting to see You Mingyue's "Mountains and Rivers"!

He has listened to this song over and over five times, but he can't find anything bad about it!

How can a song that talks about the magnificent mountains and rivers and Chinese history and culture be considered bad?

Is it inappropriate to sing "Mountains and Rivers" at the Chinese Valentine's Day party?

25 I am afraid that without You Mingyue taking action, those netizens and the highly combative moon worshipers would immediately jump out and fight back, saying: What is wrong with singing about the motherland on the Chinese Valentine's Day?Is patriotism love?

Nothing black!

Lin Zhi rubbed his eyebrows and felt that his trigeminal nerve hurt!

"It seems we need to hold a meeting to discuss it!"


the other side.

The girls didn't have as many worries as Lin Zhi. After returning to the hotel, they released the song "Mountains and Rivers" that they had already recorded on major music platforms!

The "Mountains and Rivers" ranking list has officially begun!

Although there are less than twelve days left until the end of August, they are confident that they can win the first place in the August list in such a short period of time!


The twins were still conservative.

After they uploaded "Mountains and Rivers", the song's data began to soar like a rocket!

By the third night, "Mountains and Rivers" had already entered the top ten of the August new song list, and became No. 2!

Sometimes, it's really unreasonable!

The download results that others had accumulated in the past 20 days were surpassed by them in only two or three days!

But it’s so real!

Because they are You Mingyue, and because this song is You Mingyue's new song - "Mountains and Rivers Pictures"!

However, although it became second, it is still far behind the No. 1 "Favorite" by Tan Yong.


"Mountains and Rivers" has been downloaded more than [-] million times!

The download volume of "Favorite" has reached 300 million, and since the Chinese Valentine's Day party yesterday, the download data of this song has also begun to increase sharply.

Nearly [-] million downloads were added within two or three days.

Among them, there is the promotion of publicity. After the Chinese Valentine's Day party, there were overwhelming advertisements for "Favorite" everywhere on the Internet!

Of course, this song is indeed very good, otherwise, it would not have such good data.

People in the music industry, on the other hand, are in a state of enjoying themselves and watching the show!

Sit back and watch the gods fight!

They saw that Tianguang Entertainment was number one on the August list for Tan Yong!

Is it the power of capital that is powerful, or is it the cruelty of the devil in the music world?

It’s not easy to say now!

Only by the end of August, when the competition for the August new song chart is completely over, can we see the outcome!


In a blink of an eye.

It’s August 27th.

On the music charts, the battle for No. 2 and No. [-] is still intense.

As early as two days ago, "Mountain and River Map" had already caught up with the data of "Favorite".

The current situation is that "Mountains and Rivers" repeatedly jumps between first and second!

After it reaches the top of No. 1, the data of "Favorite" will soon catch up and surpass it.

On the Internet, fans from both sides also fought fiercely.Everyone wants to see their favorite singer become number one on the August charts!

However, not many celebrities in the industry participated in the promotion!

On one side are the twins You Mingyue who are in full swing, and on the other side are the powerful capital!Neither side is easy to mess with!

Theater is the best!

The girls didn't care much about what was going on in the music industry. What they had to do had already been done. In addition to increasing their publicity efforts, they left the rest to their fans and time.

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