A deep cry resounded throughout the audience, and immediately, with a crash, a huge strange fish appeared out of thin air above the center stage of the Bird's Nest.

It's weird because its body is similar to a whale, but it has a pair of wings!


There is a fish in Dark North, and its name is Kun.Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng.Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.

At this moment, the Kun presented by special effects suddenly appeared in the sky above the Bird's Nest, which really gave people the impression that its wings were like clouds hanging down from the sky!

"My God!"


Although the audience didn't know its name, they were all stunned, dumbfounded, and dumbfounded by this scene at this moment!

A huge Kun is flying over the bird's nest, as if it is about to transform into a flying bird, giving people a strong visual impact!





A distant song sounded, like a ethereal fairy voice, coming from the nine heavens:

"The waves silently submerged the night deeply, spreading over the corners of the sky. The big fish swam through the gaps in the dream, staring at your sleeping silhouette..."

The song is ethereal, very light and soft, but it reaches deep into people's hearts, as if it can cleanse the soul and remove the negative emotions in the heart...

"This is the voice of husbands." Xiao Dan recognized it.

You Mingyue's voice was too familiar to her.

At the scene, countless people also heard it.

But... what about them?

Only heard his voice but didn’t see his person?

Nearly a hundred thousand pairs of eyes fell on the stage, looking for the twins.



Two lights dropped.They landed in the air at both ends of the bird's nest.

The audience subconsciously raised their heads and looked where the light was shining.

I saw two young and graceful figures appearing in two places at an altitude of 50 meters. They were wearing ancient-style fairy skirts with wide sleeves. The only difference was that one was blue and the other was red.

This kind of clothing immediately reminded the audience of the classic roles played by You Mingyue.

--Solanum nigrum!

Those who prepared said it was red and blue sunflower seeds!

Red Kwai and Blue Kwai are true love, Sedum is an accident.

this moment.

Countless people were shocked!

Looking up at the two beautiful girls with fairy aura high in the sky, they were completely stunned. For a moment, they forgot to scream and marvel.

Just looking at it in a daze, I was stunned.

They were stunned, but the twins were not idle.

1.0 As Wia starts up, at an altitude of 50 meters, the twins appear like fairies from the sky, slowly moving down and flying towards the center of the stage.


The twins did not stop singing. They sang "Big Fish" for the first time in the blue starry night sky in the form of each singing a verse, spreading throughout the Bird's Nest.

Mingyue: "Look at the sea and sky, listen to the wind and rain, hold your hand and blow away the vast mist..."

You Yue: "The wings of the big fish are already too vast. I let go of the rope of time. I am afraid that you will fly away, I am afraid that you will leave me, and I am even more afraid that you will stay here forever..."

Mingyue: "Every drop of tears flows towards you, and flows back into the sky and the bottom of the sea..."

Kun is still flying in the sky.

But when the two fairies sang "Under the Sea", they fell on the stage.

They held hands and looked at the audience in all directions with their beautiful big eyes.

In such a stunning way, You Mingyue's "Under the Moon" concert officially started! .

Chapter 480 High energy ahead!The Kraken is coming!

this moment.

Countless spectators watched in awe.

Only then did the song information appear on the top of the electronic screen.

Song title: "Big Fish"

As for the composer and lyricist, they were not mentioned at all.

The audience knew without guessing that it was all done by You Mingyue.

It is a soothing interlude with a hint of traditional Chinese classical sadness.

Youyue in red read the narration:

"All living humans are just... huge fish in the sea. When they are born, they set out from the other side of the sea. Their lives are like crossing the sea. Sometimes they meet and sometimes they separate. When they die, they arrive at the shore. ...Go to various worlds..."

she said softly.

The voice was calm, but an uncontrollable sadness rushed over him, sweeping the entire audience in an instant.

at the same time.

Mingyue picked up the microphone, and after the melodious piano interlude ended, the vast and ethereal voice came out again:

"The waves silently submerged the night deeply, spreading over the corners of the sky. The big fish swam through the gaps in the dream, staring at your sleeping silhouette..."

This moment!

The audience was completely captivated.

When the first chorus of the song sounded just now, they didn't know what the song was about. They only knew that the music was composed so well, the lyrics were so well written, and You Mingyue sang so well!

But I don't understand its meaning, I can only feel the faint sadness expressed in the mood of the song.

It's so beautiful, yet so hurt!

But now, through the narration of "Hongkui" You Mingyue, the audience suddenly understood.

The fish in the sky made of special effects is actually ourselves.

From birth, we set out towards the other shore. On the way, we get to know each other, meet, and part ways... until we die, we finally reach the other shore.

Just like life is a journey, when you die, the journey will reach its end.

The song doesn't need the backstory of the original movie to make people feel something just because it means it.

It was extremely quiet.

No sound.

Just the tidal wave of blue glow stick lights and the twins singing.

No one marveled, no one was shocked, for fear of missing every scale and every line of singing.

During the singing, everyone was filled with emotions, recalling scenes from the past.

Good songs can always arouse strong emotional resonance, this is the power of music.

At this moment, everyone at the scene felt empathy for "Big Fish".

at the same time.

When You Yue and Mingyue sang the second word "under the sea" in the lyrics, the twins stood back to back, each facing the audience, and slowly closed their eyes.

Shake before casting!

High energy ahead!


"Big Fish" is a song written by Yin Yue, composed by Qian Lei, and sung by Zhou Zhen.

You may not have heard of Qian Lei, but once the songs he composed are played, everyone will definitely feel familiar, such as: "Wishful", "Lonely Warrior", "Mo", "Human World"... and "The Wandering Earth" 2"'s defining theme song "Human is_".

It is worth mentioning that the song "Human Is_" was jointly produced by three old partners Qian Lei + Tang Tian + Zhou Wei.

Let’s talk about “Big Fish”.

On earth, what impressed people most about this song, apart from Zhou Zhen's ethereal singing, was his bel canto singing that completely broke out at the end of the song!

That part of the bel canto singing was called the "Siren's Singing" by netizens, which shows how amazing the singing is!

At this moment.

Youyue and Mingyue cast their spells and swayed forward, preparing to sing this section.

this moment.

Just listen to the interlude becoming more and more exciting, rising to a higher note, and then... suddenly there is silence!

The brief aerial shot attracted the attention of the audience, and their eyes all looked towards the stage.

At this time, they noticed that the twins had closed their eyes at some point. Just when they were wondering, suddenly, the twins opened their eyes at the same time, and then both raised the microphone to their lips.


Youyue sang in a low voice.

While singing, she slowly raised her beautiful big eyes and looked into the sky of the bird's nest, looking at the giant kun that couldn't fit in a pot.

The giant Kun was flying in the air, flapping its wings, as if it was about to turn into a roc and fly through the sky.

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