"I'm glad no fool would choose to be late for my class." Although Snape's voice was not loud, it was enough for all the little wizards to hear and understand what he was saying.

He stepped off the podium and moved slowly but extremely oppressively between the desks.

"You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of potions."

"Since there's no silly waving of wands here, many of you won't believe this is magic. I don't expect you to appreciate the beauty of a simmering cauldron with white smoke and fragrant aromas. You They don’t really understand the magical power that flows into people’s blood vessels, which makes people feel fascinated and confused..."

His voice slowly became softer.

"I can teach you how to increase your prestige, brew honor, and even prevent death—but there has to be one thing, and that is that you're not the idiots I've always encountered."


His voice suddenly changed.

"Can anyone deduce the content of our lesson based on the potion materials in front of you?"

Every time his eyes glanced at a little wizard, the poor child would shrink back in fear.

When Snape's eyes met Yingfei's, Yingfei was thinking: "Why doesn't this guy play his cards according to the routine?"

I just recalled those questions about bezoar and aconite before coming here!Why didn't you ask?And, you actually didn’t ask Harry first?Are you still staring at me now?

Ying Fei panicked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"According to Chinese reading habits, should I call you Mr. Ying?" Snape said with his characteristic emphasis.

Ying Fei knew that he couldn't escape, so he simply faced it calmly, looked directly into Snape's empty and cold eyes with a smile, and said:

"That's true. Professor, your research on Chinese is also very good."

"Oh, Mr. Ying, please stand up and tell me what kind of opinions you have."

Snape's tone sounded sarcastic, but also as if he was born that way.Kassandra also raised her gun and stabbed her words, but her sarcastic intention was obvious. In comparison, Snape was much smarter.

Ying Fei didn't care about the tone of his words, but looked at the materials placed next to the crucible in front of him, thought for a while, and said:

"Dried nettles, viper's teeth, horned slugs, porcupine quills...these are the ingredients in potions used to treat boils."

"This is a special potion for treating pustules, measles, boils, and other symptoms of tuberculosis. Use extreme caution when brewing. Improper preparation will cause the potion to create boils instead of getting rid of them. A successful brew The standard is pink smoke coming out of the crucible.”

"During the production process, when adding porcupine quills, the crucible must be removed from the flame, otherwise the crucible will melt and emit a terrible smell, and the leaked potion will cause boils on people's bodies... "

Having said this, Yingfei finally stopped under the astonished gazes of the Slytherin and Gryffindor wizards. He looked at Snape and said humbly:

"This is all I can remember. If there are any omissions, please ask the professor to add them."

The expression on Snape's face was still the same, and he didn't show any special emotions because of Ying Fei's wonderful answer.

"You are indeed qualified to be a prefect of Slytherin. I hope your specific operations can be as good as your theoretical knowledge."

"Please take a seat, you are now an official Slytherin Prefect."

Then, Snape changed the topic: "We seem to have another famous person here."

"Harry Potter, the famous savior...!...."

Next came the famous scene between Snape and Harry. Ying Fei watched the whole show and said it was a great experience watching from the front row.

However, as soon as Ying Fei sat down, Cassandra said arrogantly: "I can answer what you said, but I don't bother to answer."

"Ah, right, right..." Ying Fei replied absentmindedly while watching the show.

Suddenly, Ying Fei thought of something and asked, "You have usurped the throne, so why is Snape only targeting me?"

Cassandra glanced at him and said in a more absent-minded tone: "Because my father is from the Ministry of Magic and is an old friend of Professor Snape."

Ying Fei was speechless.

"Me and My Senior Official Father"?

After the potions class, Ying Fei refused Cassandra's request to have dinner together, making the little girl very angry.

But he did have business to do.

I have said before that I want to survey the terrain of the Forbidden Forest. Of course, the sooner the better, the sooner the better. I might even build a hut in the Forbidden Forest and live there like Hagrid, where I can study alchemy and upgrade firearms in peace.

The more Ying Fei thought about it, the more he felt that the plan was feasible.

Speaking of Hagrid, Yingfei suddenly thought that if he wanted to explore the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid might be of great help.

Do it when you think of it!

Yingfei went straight to Hagrid's hut, stood at the door, knocked on the door, and waited.

After a while, Hagrid opened the door, looked at the little wizard in front of his door and asked doubtfully: "Who are you?"

"That's it, Hagrid. I heard that you are very good at raising magical animals. My pet happens to be a magical animal, so I want to ask you about how to raise it." Yingfei made up a reason directly.

"Oh hahaha, then you asked the right person," Hagrid said with a happy smile, "It's been a long time since I met a little wizard who loves magical animals as much as I do. Come in!"

Ying Fei walked into the room and stood next to the table. The table was really big, almost as tall as him.

Hagrid poured him a cup of tea and brought him a stack of snacks.

The classic Hagrid rock cake, the kind that can break your teeth into pieces, can only be a snack for half-giants, and Ying Fei can't eat it at all.

Ying Fei told Hagrid about his purchase of Ciri, but did not say that Ciri was the exclusive magical animal of the Targaryen family.Hagrid immediately became excited and chatted with Ying Fei about ways to raise wolves.

"Listen to me, you should take him around more and not lock him in the dormitory." Hagrid said, "Raising a wolf is the same as raising a dog, and you should pay attention to keeping it wild and letting it hunt on its own. .”

"You can bring it to the Forbidden Forest often, and I will help you take care of it." Hagrid smiled.

"Did you see the big dog outside my door?"

Yingfei nodded.

"His name is Fang. Isn't he big?" Hagrid took a bite of the rock cake and continued, "But he is not the biggest dog I have ever raised."

"Have you ever heard of a three-headed dog?" Hagrid suddenly said with a mysterious look on his face.


Ying Fei felt that she might have found the reason why Dumbledore dismissed Hagrid. This idiot really couldn't keep a secret!

Then Yingfei listened to Hagrid explain how he got the three-headed dog Maomao, how to take care of it, how to train it, its weakness is that it falls asleep when listening to music, and that it is currently guarding Nick Flamel in the corridor on the third floor. The Philosopher's Stone given to Dumbledore for safekeeping.

how to say?

Yingfei felt very embarrassed.

"Oh, I may have said some things that I shouldn't have said, but we are friends." At this time, Hagrid also realized that he was a bit unscrupulous in his words. The silly half-giant blinked at Ying Fei, "You won't tell anyone, right?"

"Haha... of course!" Ying Fei didn't know what expression he should make at this time, but he had a complicated face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Originally, he planned to ask Hagrid to help him build a hut in the Forbidden Forest and help him draw a map, but now...

It remains to be discussed.

Yingfei really didn't want to get any information from him. Yingfei already knew what he should have known, but Hagrid was stunned and said it himself! ! !

If Yingfei told Hagrid his plan, would the whole school know the next day that Yingfei was building a house in the Forbidden Forest?

In a few days, Dumbledore would also know that Ying Fei was going to ambush Voldemort?

This is not okay, this is absolutely not allowed!

Thinking this, Ying Fei gave up the idea of ​​letting Hagrid help him build a house.

Then, Yingfei left Hagrid's house on the grounds that it was getting late and she would bring Ciri to see him next time, and walked into the Forbidden Forest alone to start her own adventure.

The scenery of the Forbidden Forest is still very beautiful, with green trees, chirping birds and fragrant flowers. There are no shortcomings except that it is opaque.When he came in the morning, Ying Fei was concerned about Xirui and didn't pay much attention to it. Now that he saw it, this forest was really nice.

Yingfei first took out all the weapons stored in the system space. It takes time to get things from the space, otherwise Yingfei would not have hidden guns and hidden weapons on his body when doing tasks before.

Yingfei had long expected to use the previous equipment in school, so Yingfei modified it on the first day he got the uniform. The modified uniform looked the same on the outside, but there were many more pockets and storage straps inside. Used to store various weapons.

Now Yingfei's wizard robe is open. On the left side are ten penetrating nails and flash bombs, smoke bombs and other tactical props. On the right side are three grenades and a short sword of about [-] centimeters. On the left and right sides of the outer thigh. Each has an Alchemy Desert Eagle strapped to it, the kinetic cutting spell bullets are filled, and there are four spare magazines in total.

A hidden sword is strapped to the right forearm. To be precise, this thing has never been removed. A launchable and reusable grapple is strapped to the left forearm for rapid maneuvering and climbing.

There is a metal gun holster on his back, which is a rectangular black metal box. When you need to use it, pull the chain hanging below with your left hand, the box will crack, and several brackets will automatically stretch out. At this time, use a specific Put the sniper rifle back in the posture, the bracket will easily catch the sniper rifle, and it will be retracted into the holster after feeling the weight.This equipment cost Yingfei many pounds and was customized from the black market.

He threw the original shoes on his feet into the system space and put on a pair of tactical boots, the kind with a knife that could pop out of the soles.

Don’t think that there are a lot of equipment like Ying Fei, after all, the Forbidden Forest is a dangerous place!How can boys not protect themselves outside?

After finishing preparations, Ying Fei kicked hard in front of a big tree, jumped up, then stepped on the tree a few times, flew up, and soon jumped to a branch.

Ying Fei took out a notebook. At this time, his position was next to Hagrid's hut, which was built at the southernmost edge of the Forbidden Forest.Ying Fei first marked the location of Hagrid's hut at the bottom of the notebook.

His idea was to first walk around the edge of the Forbidden Forest to confirm the size and general shape of the Forbidden Forest, and then use Hagrid's hut as a starting point to trace the muddy paths in the Forbidden Forest, which Hagrid often walked when inspecting the Forbidden Forest. Draw the roads, and finally use these paths as fulcrums to draw the animals and plants that appear in the surrounding areas.

"It would be nice if I could cast some magic and make it like the Marauder's Map." Ying Fei thought.He kicked off his feet and jumped to a tree to the east. He walked quickly in this way while visually measuring the distance, stopping every 50 meters to observe the terrain.

After a while, Ying Fei saw the place he passed by in the morning, which was near the junction of the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake.

What surprised him was that there was a little golden unicorn standing there. The size, coat color, and scars on its front legs all proved that this was the unicorn he had rescued that morning.

Ying Fei jumped down from the tree. The little unicorn was startled by him at first. After realizing it was him, he immediately came over and leaned next to him intimately.

Reaching out to hold its horn, Ying Fei asked, "Why are you here?"

"I, I wanted to see if you would come..." the unicorn said shyly, "I didn't expect you to actually come!"

Yingfei could feel its emotions. In three words, it was very happy.

However, Ying Fei didn't think much about it and just regarded it as the unicorn's gratitude to him. After all, humans and beasts are impossible.

"I just want to ask you something," Ying Fei thought of his plan to build a house in the Forbidden Forest. "Do you know where there is something hidden in the Forbidden Forest that will not be discovered, and at the same time it is relatively close to Hogwarts Castle? The place?"

The unicorn thought for a while and said, "I seem to remember that there is such a place that can meet your conditions, but it has been used by others."

"Has anyone else used it?" Ying Fei wondered, "Has anyone else found a place like this like me?"

"Yeah." The little unicorn nodded, "Come with me."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ying Fei followed the unicorn deep into the Forbidden Forest. Of course, he also mapped out the route he passed.

After walking for nearly half an hour, the sky was completely dark. Ying Fei estimated that Hogwarts had entered curfew time.

Suddenly, many small spiders appeared on the ground. The unicorn turned its head and asked Ying Fei to hold its horn and said, "Going further from here is the territory of the Eight-Eyed Spider King. We have to go around it."

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