"I asked someone to check the plane just now. There is no record of your identity information, and there is no visa application. You are illegally crossing the border..."

After hearing this, Ying Fei had nothing to say for a while. After all, he was indeed the one who was in the wrong.

Well, when he asked Leon to arrange it, he deliberately went through those black channels. After all, his lack of nationality was a bit of a problem, and at the same time, he didn't want the Muggle officials in the East to know his whereabouts.

I originally thought that if I went through this channel, the government would not notice it, but it turned out that I was still discovered.

"You guys, it seems to be called the ninth game, right?"

After thinking about Ying Yunru's introduction to the East, Cassandra asked curiously.

"That's right." Zhang Wei smiled and nodded, "How do you know? Have you heard of us abroad?"

"I heard about it by chance." Ying Fei replied.

"That's great. We can be considered world-famous people." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Ying Fei and Cassandra looked at each other. It seemed that Zhang Wei was quite easy to get along with.

"By the way, don't you care about the informal channels we use?"

After hearing this, Zhang Wei waved his hand and said: "Where are you from? Anyone who comes is a guest. For people like us in the world, there are not so many rules."

"As long as you don't break the law, we are friends." When he said this, Zhang Wei's expression turned serious and he looked at Ying Fei seriously.

After hearing this, Ying Fei nodded: "Don't worry, I'm not a gangster."

"That's good, hahaha..." After hearing Yingfei's reply, Zhang Wei laughed again and returned to his original carefree look.

After that, Ying Fei didn't talk to him again. After all, he was not familiar with Zhang Wei now. Although after a few words, it was not difficult to tell that this man was a rough guy who practiced martial arts and a straight man. However, his work was rough and detailed. Someone worth dating.

After walking a few steps, a few people turned into a parking lot. Zhang Wei took Ying Fei to a Wuling van and said, "Get in the bus. It's only about 10 minutes away."


Ying Fei looked at the van in front of him, somewhat strangely.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Wei noticed Ying Fei's expression and asked.

"Well, I originally thought you would use a more magical way to get to your department's office." Ying Fei said with a slightly complicated tone.

Think of the Ministry of Magic in the West, telephone booth transmission, how high-end!

As a result, van pick-up and drop-off are available here in the East, and that’s it?

"Hehe, although it is a bit crude, our country is still under construction, and it is normal to be short of funds." Zhang Weihan said with a smile.

"But first of all, we are not poor, it's just that the country doesn't pay attention to this aspect. If you have been to the secret realm of Jianghu, I guarantee that it will be an eye-opener for you."

Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"The secret realm of Jianghu?"

Ying Fei's heart moved. Could it be the one that her aunt mentioned?

Zhang Wei saw that he was very interested in the secret realm of Jianghu and said: "Come on, get in the car first, I will explain it to you in detail after you get in the car."

After saying that, he got into the car first, without any distinction between host and guest.

But it was precisely this that made Yingfei feel friendly.

After getting in the car, Ying Fei and Cassandra sat in the back seat, Zhang Wei also sat in the back seat, and among the remaining three big men, one drove and the other two sat in the middle.

The seven-seater Wuling can accommodate more than a dozen people, let alone just six.

"The secret realm of Jianghu is unique to us in the East. You can't see it outside."

Zhang Wei said with a proud look on his face.

"This is a huge space built by the leading forces in our world. It is completely different from the Muggle expulsion spells you have over there."

"You mean, the secret realm is actually a real, stable space independent of the real world?"

Ying Fei asked with a frown.

"That's not enough. We are not that powerful yet. You think this is cultivating immortals!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and said: "The secret realm essentially uses the same principle as a ghost hitting a wall. It is a space that overlaps with reality. People in the secret realm can see people outside the secret realm walking past, but they cannot touch them. And people outside the secret realm can’t see anything in the secret realm at all.”

"Let me tell you this, for example, between the two of us, I am in the secret realm and you are outside the secret realm. Our positions are essentially facing each other. There is only a one meter difference, but you can't see me and you can't see the people in the secret realm. Buildings, and although I can see you, I can’t touch you.”

After hearing this, Ying Fei asked in surprise: "How is this done?"

We're in the same space but can't touch each other?Are both parties completely uninterrupted by the other?

"I don't know about that. I'm just a small team leader in the ninth round. I can't answer this question." Zhang Wei said with a wry smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"There are three Jianghu secret realms, namely the Afang secret realm in Kyoto, the Kunlun secret realm on the plateau, and the Dragon Palace secret realm in Hangzhou."

Zhang Wei continued: "These three secret realms are each different. If you plan to visit, you can experience them all."

"I heard that you need someone to guide you when entering the secret realm?"

Ying Fei remembered what Amiya said and asked.

"Hey, don't worry." Zhang Wei said with a smile, "In the worst case, I'll take you with me."

After hearing this, Ying Fei smiled but said nothing.

Not long after, a few people arrived in front of a tall building, and the van slowly stopped.

"Here we are, come down."

"Team leader, let's go first." The three big men who were silent in the car just now nodded towards Zhang Wei.

"Go on, go on." Zhang Wei waved his hand casually and let them leave.

"Aren't they with us?" Ying Fei asked.

Zhang Wei nodded and said, "As long as I take you with you for the rest of the journey."

After getting off the car, Zhang Wei led the people into the building, walked to the elevator with ease, and pressed the elevator button.

"Minus [-] floor?" Ying Fei glanced at the elevator and said curiously.

"You'll know later." Zhang Wei smiled mysteriously.

The elevator descended rapidly and reached the second floor after a while, but Zhang Wei did not open the elevator door.

At this time, Zhang Wei spread his right hand and looked at his hand. A strange feeling suddenly appeared in Ying Fei's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Wei's hand lit up with a thick khaki halo, and then he slowly drew a Tai Chi pattern on the wall on the right side of the elevator.

As the Tai Chi diagram formed by the yellow light slowly glowed, the elevator suddenly began to shake slightly. Then, a feeling of weightlessness suddenly came, and the elevator began to fall rapidly!

Ying Fei pulled Cassandra and stood firm in an instant, while Zhang Wei didn't even sway at all. It was obvious that he was very familiar with this operation.

The number displayed on the elevator has started to jump from minus two. Each jump means that they have gone down another floor.

Finally, when the number read "-18" first, the elevator slowly stopped.

Looking at the bright red numbers, Ying Fei, who understands Eastern culture, instinctively felt a chill.

"You set up your department in a place like this?"

Ying Fei looked at Zhang Wei in surprise and asked.

"The big guys above are doing this, what can I do? Right." Zhang Wei spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Well, maybe it's some big shot's bad taste..."

"What happened to the eighteenth floor underground?" Kassandra, who didn't quite understand, asked Ying Fei curiously.

"In the East, there is a saying of eighteen levels of hell. In short, this is a very unlucky number." Ying Fei looked up at the number again and explained.

At this time, the elevator door opened.

The first thing that came into view was a spacious and bright office. Many well-dressed people were sitting at the desks and working enthusiastically. There were voices making phone calls and giving orders everywhere. The whole space was as noisy as a vegetable market.

From time to time, Ying Fei saw many small red paper figures about ten centimeters in size running back and forth between the desks, each one transporting various materials as if they were intelligent.

Some people hold a compass in their hands, with their eyes closed, and they are still mumbling words, and the compass rotates in accordance with his voice.

It's very oriental style.

And among these people, especially those with compasses, Ying Fei felt considerable magic fluctuations.

"The elevator is so hellish, but the office is quite like the earthly world." Ying Fei said to himself while looking around.

"You guys come with me to my office."

As Zhang Wei spoke, he led the two of them into a small, old-looking room, about fifteen square meters.

There is a desk inside, a one-story bookshelf against the wall behind it, two small sofas and a small coffee table.

"Sit down, you're welcome."

Ying Fei pulled Cassandra and sat down unceremoniously, then asked curiously: "What do those people outside do?"

"They are an emergency team that specializes in responding to emergencies." Zhang Wei explained while making tea.

"What emergency?"

"Well... in Western terms, it means driving away troublesome ghosts, capturing malicious magical animals that suddenly appear, and defeating dark wizards who break the law."

"A troublemaking ghost?" Ying Fei was confused at first, but soon understood.

·····Ask for flowers··········

"Isn't this place haunted?"

"You are right to say that! But now is an extraordinary period. How do you say that? Oh yes, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, becoming a spirit will not be allowed!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Then, malicious magical animals?"

"You can understand it as catching monsters."

"A criminal dark wizard?"

"Actually, it's about fighting against evil spirits and heretics."

The corners of Ying Fei's mouth twitched when he heard this: "Are you here to promote feudal superstition?"

"Hey, you can't say that," Zhang Wei brought the brewed tea in front of Ying Fei and Cassandra and said, "We are following the orders of the summit. How can we call it promoting superstition?"

"If this word spreads, you will go to jail!"

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