"How do you know?" Ying Fei asked in surprise.

"Such a complicated thing can only be made in that way. Modern alchemy can only crudely add magic spells to items." Snape put down his work and looked at Ying Fei, "You don't mind if I study it." Let’s take a look at your work.”

"Don't worry, I have no interest in plagiarizing other people's ideas." Seeing Ying Fei's hesitation, Snape revealed what Ying Fei was thinking in one sentence.

Yingfei didn't feel it was embarrassing to be pointed out that he didn't trust Snape. This was the fact. Yingfei was not familiar with Snape at all before.But since Snape said so, he would definitely not steal his results.

So Yingfei handed him the Alchemy Desert Eagle directly.

Snape took the pistol and began to try to take it apart and observe the magic patterns inside. Ying Fei was watching quietly from the side. He wanted to know what Snape, who had never understood firearms, would do in front of him. How much can be done with an alchemical firearm.

Snape spent more than ten minutes just dismantling the gun, and then he began to study the magic patterns carved on the inner wall of the shell.

"It is indeed a very exquisite design," Snape commented after looking at all the magic patterns.

"However, the sculpting of magic patterns can be more detailed. The things created by your current magic patterns (referring to alchemy bullets) are unstable and can easily explode after being loaded with magic spells. If your magic patterns are not improved, the magic patterns will not be improved. One day when you install a powerful spell like Avada Kedavra here, you will definitely blow yourself up."

Ying Fei nodded, indicating that he had taken note of it, and then asked about his doubts about the flying lesson in the morning: "Professor, why can a broomstick fly without a magic supply?"

Snape glanced at him and said, "This is a question that many people who know ancient alchemy but don't understand modern alchemy will ask."

"Although I don't teach this, since you asked, I will tell you."

"You also know that every magic pattern in ancient alchemy requires a supply of magic power to operate, right?"

"Ancient alchemy is called ancient alchemy because it was eliminated by today's mainstream alchemists. There are many reasons for its elimination, such as insufficient materials, difficulty in practicing, etc., but the most important point is ..."

Speaking of this, Snape looked at Ying Fei seriously: "It's because of modern alchemy."

"Compared with ancient alchemy, modern alchemy is too convenient. You only need to find a carrier of the magic spell and then apply the magic spell on it. There is no need to carve such troublesome magic patterns."

"But as you said, just applying a magic spell is not enough. The magic spell will always fail due to the loss of magic power. If the magic power of the magic spell does not disappear, I dare to believe that ancient alchemy will not appear at all."

"In order to prevent the loss of magic power, wizards invented a magic spell: the Eternal Curse."

"It can fix the magic spell in one place and make it permanent. The principle of the permanent spell is also very simple, that is, it fills the vacancy of the magic spell by constantly absorbing the magic power that is free from the air."

Hearing this, Ying Fei couldn't help but ask: "Is there magic in the air?"

"Of course." Snape was dissatisfied with Ying Fei's interruption, but still explained, "The reason why we wizards are wizards is because of our physique. This special physique can automatically store the magic power floating in the air. And as the body grows, the older the person, the more magic power they can store."

"If you use these magic powers frequently, it will also expand the upper limit of what you can store."

After saying this, Snape continued: "If you have no doubts, I will continue to explain modern alchemy."

Ying Fei shook his head.

Snape took a sip of water and said: "With the invention of the Eternal Curse, ancient alchemy has been eliminated. Wizards all like more convenient things, so no one is willing to practice ancient alchemy anymore."

"But in fact, modern alchemy cannot be compared with ancient alchemy. Just like yours..."

"Alchemy firearms." Ying Fei prompted.

Snape nodded and continued: "Alchemy firearms, if made using modern alchemy, would be enough to give those alchemists a headache just by being able to bear the curse."

"Although ancient alchemy is difficult to get started, its upper limit and the items it can create are far richer than modern alchemy. Modern alchemy is easy to get started, but it can only create so many things. It can achieve The achievements are visible to the naked eye." Finally, Snape concluded, "You are on the right path in learning ancient alchemy."

Yingfei understood this time. For example, it’s like playing a gun shooting mobile game. Modern Alchemy is like a two-finger player. Although it’s easy to get started, the upper limit of operation is there and it’s not much better; Ancient Alchemy is like a four-finger player. Although it is difficult to get started, the upper limit of operation is extremely high. If you train hard, you will eventually become very strong.

After solving the doubts about alchemy, Ying Fei remembered the purpose of coming here: "Professor, Cassandra said you had something to do with me yesterday?"

Snape returned the firearm on the table to Ying Fei, and then said, "I heard about you from Dumbledore. Were you a murderer before you came to school?"

Ying Fei's face darkened:

"Although I kill people, I kill only heinous people who deserve to die. Don't confuse me with low-level people like murderers."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ying Fei was very dissatisfied with the accusation that Snape was a murderer.

What is a murderer?He is just cleaning up the dregs of this society. At best, it is called the result of justice. He is different from criminals.

Snape dismissed his words: "Who knows whether what you said is true or false? At least you have killed someone. This is a fact."

"I have never seen a kid who was just 11 years old and killed like crazy. I really don't know why Dumbledore let you in."

Ying Fei said angrily: "Well now you see, as for why the principal allowed me to come to school, that's not your thing to worry about."

"You don't have to be so hostile to me." Snape's face was expressionless, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking. "If I wanted to do anything to you because of this, I wouldn't teach you knowledge."

"If I were hostile to you, the muzzle of the gun would already be on your face!" Ying Fei replied unceremoniously.For a moment, the atmosphere in the office was tense.

Snape did not continue to waffle on this topic, he said: "Dumbledore asked you to protect Harry Potter?"

Ying Fei was stunned and seemed to have some guesses about what Snape was going to say.

Ying Fei knew something about the bad relationship between Snape and Harry's mother. Snape probably didn't trust him to protect Harry Potter this time. He felt that Dumbledore's decision was too hasty, so he called him over. Observe and knock.

Thinking of this, Yingfei relaxed. After all, Yingfei had not done anything to Harry, not even a word.

Seeing that Ying Fei didn't speak, Snape knew that he had acquiesced and continued:

"Dumbledore still recognized your talents. He told me what happened when he met you that day, and praised your... killing skills."

When Snape said this, he took a special look at the Desert Eagle held in Ying Fei's hand.

"But Dumbledore trusts you, but I don't."

"Don't think that with Cassandra helping you, I wouldn't have known that you weren't in the dormitory yesterday." Snape said gloomily, "I will keep a close eye on you, murderer."

Ying Fei snorted, ignored him, turned and walked out of the office.

Even though I knew that Snape actually meant no harm, I still felt very uncomfortable with what he said.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If Snape had any ill intentions towards Ying Fei, Ying Fei would not be able to obtain knowledge about alchemy from Snape. Snape just wanted to give Ying Fei a beating to stop him from messing around.

Maybe in Snape's mind, Ying Fei was still a child, just a naughty kid who had mastered powerful lethality and was more mature than ordinary children. After all, who would have thought that there would be such a thing as time travel?

After Ying Fei left the office, he returned to the Slytherin common room, where Cassandra was sitting in the common room waiting for him.

After the History of Magic get out of class, Ying Fei went directly to Snape, so she asked Cassandra to take Ciri back.

Taking Ciri from Cassandra, Ying Fei asked: "Have you fed Ciri?"

"Of course," Cassandra said, "What did Professor Snape want to tell you?"

Ying Fei hesitated for a moment, but still didn't tell the truth: "Nothing, just asking me how I'm doing lately and whether I feel comfortable in the position of prefect."

After hearing this, Cassandra smiled slightly and said, "Really? It seems that you have a good relationship with the professor."

Yingfei asked Xirui to go back to the dormitory by herself, and then said, "Let's go eat."

"Yeah." Cassandra responded.

Neither of them spoke on the way to the auditorium.

Cassandra actually realized that Ying Fei had lied to her again just now, but she did not continue to explore Ying Fei's secret.Although she is a very controlling person, she will not make any fuss about this kind of thing, because it will only push Ying Fei further and further away.

In fact, after getting along for a few days, these two people more or less noticed each other's true character.In Cassandra's eyes, the current Yingfei is actually a person wearing multiple masks. He can play with you enthusiastically, but at the same time, he can plot against you insidiously.

Just like what Yingfei and Malfoy said at noon today, Cassandra could clearly feel that there was some plan hidden behind it. There was a reason why Yingfei asked Malfoy to contact the savior, but she did not reveal it.

As I said before, Cassandra is a very controlling person, and sooner or later, she will let him tell these secrets himself.

The two of them had dinner and were on their way back when Cassandra suddenly said: "I remember during the opening ceremony, I said I would help you with your studies?"

Ying Fei blinked, not understanding what Cassandra was talking about: "Is there any?"

Kassandra's face turned dark and she said, "I told you that I will cover you when you come to school."

"So?" Ying Fei didn't know why.

Cassandra looked at his confused look and felt helpless. She just wanted to spend more time with Ying Fei through the tutoring thing she had mentioned before.

So Kassandra said angrily: "Since I said I would protect you, I can't let myself break my promise, and you, a guy like you, went to such a dangerous place in the Forbidden Forest yesterday!"

"In order for you to protect yourself when I am away, I have decided to teach you magic."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Unable to overcome the eldest lady's stubbornness, Ying Fei gave up the idea of ​​studying alchemy at night and accepted Cassandra's guidance with peace of mind.

"First, let's have a fight and let me know your strength." Kassandra took Ying Fei to a rarely visited place outside the castle, distanced the two of them, and then drew out her wand.

Ying Fei swallowed his saliva: "With my level, there's no need to fight..."

But Cassandra had no intention of listening to him. She cast a magic wand on Ying Fei: "Burning flames!"

Ying Fei was startled, and quickly rolled sideways to avoid it. Then he looked back at the place where he was standing just now, and saw that it was already covered by a ball of flame nearly one meter in diameter.

"So cruel?!" Ying Fei looked at Cassandra in surprise, "I haven't even started yet!"

"Will the enemy wait for you to start?" Kassandra raised her eyebrows and lectured, raised her hand and cast another spell, "imprisonment immediately!"

A golden chain tied Yingfei's upper body. Seeing that there was light gathering on Cassandra's wand, it was obvious that he was about to cast a spell. Yingfei exerted force on his waist, leaned back, and used the Iron Banqiao move. !

"Passed out!"

Purple light flashed across Ying Fei's face, and when he stood up again, the imprisonment on Ying Fei's body was also released.

"I would be very disappointed if you won't fight back." Cassandra said with a cold face.

After hearing this, Ying Fei felt as if some strange switch had been pressed on his whole body, and suddenly he said: "It seems that I have been looked down upon!"

"Your magic spell is very strong, but the magic spell is not the only one that has the final say in the battle."

"Next, let me teach you..."

Before Ying Fei finished speaking, he was already running quickly, making random dodge movements while rushing towards Cassandra.

His speed was so fast that Cassandra could barely see Ying Fei's movements, so she raised her wand and chanted a spell: "Quick Confinement!"

Kassandra's idea is simple, since you are fast, limit your actions.

Yingfei used his legs to exert force, and he jumped high and landed perfectly with a 360-degree roll in the air, easily dodging the incoming golden chain.

"I won't get hit twice with the same move."

Yingfei pretended to be cool while quickly approaching Cassandra.

Kassandra backhanded a thunderbolt explosion!

The yellow light came straight in front of Yingfei, but Yingfei jumped forward. The magic spell passed by the tip of Yingfei's nose with a gap of a few centimeters, and hit a big tree far behind him, directly knocking him down. The tree exploded.

Ying Fei was secretly shocked by the power of this curse, but he was still provocative on his face:

"No matter how strong the spell is, it's meaningless if it can't hit!"

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