"If it were made like a valve, and the current passing through it would be automatically converted into magic power, wouldn't it be much easier?"

In about half a day, with the help of Xiaotian's deduction, Yingfei completed the first magic pattern carving of the replacement spell and recorded this new magic pattern into Xiaotian's database.

Two days later, the development of the magic energy replacement device was completed.

This is a cylindrical device, two meters high, which can be called a giant.

Follow the old rules, apply a layer of black paint, and add the exposed silver magic pattern path, it looks grand and beautiful.

There is a large interface at the bottom of the device, which is connected to a fifteen centimeter diameter cable, and this cable is directly connected to a nearby power plant.

The omnipotent money making ability allowed Yingfei to easily connect a cable to his home.

The top of the device is a magic conduit made by magic molding. This conduit is connected to the alchemy gun modification device (hexagram for short).

"Sir, we are ready." Xiaotian stood behind Ying Fei and said calmly.

Ying Fei looked at the two-meter-high machine in front of him and nodded: "Start testing."

"Prototype of the magic energy conversion device, the first test begins."

"The device self-test module is started." "The path of the magic pattern is normal." "The source flow is not abnormal." "The wire access module is intact." "The core replaces the magic pattern, the driver is normal and can operate."

"Replacement begins!"

As Xiaotian's voice fell, all the magic pattern paths on the replacement device began to glow, forcibly raising the brightness of the basement by one level.

There was a buzzing sound, which started from being inaudible, gradually became louder, and finally turned into a loud noise like the neighing of thousands of birds.

After this continued for a period of time, something like a ball of light suddenly appeared from the conduit at the top of the device. It was a scene that was produced when a large number of magic particles gathered together.

This mass of magic quickly rushed into the hexagonal instrument along the conduit.

"The Hexagonal Instrument, the magic power in the stored magic pattern is rising, the current value is 128..."

Four seconds later.

"The Hexagonal Instrument, the magic power in the stored magic pattern has reached the maximum value, and the current value is 600." Xiaotian's tone was a little strange. "But……"

"Isn't this good? It means it charges quickly." Ying Fei asked doubtfully.

"However, if we calculate electricity in the same energy unit, 1200 points of electricity have been consumed. In other words, we have used 1200 points of electricity and only replaced 600 points of magic power."

At this time, the huge machine in front of Yingfei had slowly stopped.

It had to stop, because if it continued, the hexapod on the other side would definitely explode.

"This is normal. Magic power can do so many incredible things at a very low cost, but electric energy cannot." Ying Fei said, "Perhaps magic power is a higher energy source than electric energy."

After saying that, Ying Fei rubbed his temples and turned to leave.

"The final debugging will be left to you. Write a program for the replacement device to prevent the storage magic pattern from exploding."

"Understood, sir." Xiaotian nodded, watched Ying Fei leave the basement, and then continued working.

Two days later, in an empty new factory, Yingfei, Leon, Xiaotian, and Lux ​​stood in the center of the factory.

Raising his hand, Yingfei summoned a huge jar that looked like glassware from the system space.

The jar is two meters high, the same size as the replacement device, but the difference is that the inside of the jar is covered with magic patterns. The paths of the magic patterns are all over the body, and the entire jar emits a faint light.

"This is a large magic storage tank." Yingfei looked at Leon and said, "All the magic power needed for several hexagonal instruments is obtained from here."

In two days, such a simple jar can be easily made.

As he spoke, Ying Fei took out three more storage tanks.

"A storage tank contains 20 points of magic power. There are a total of [-] points here, which should be enough for you to produce for a while." Yingfei said.

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to with this thing?" Leon asked cautiously, "Generally, things that store energy will be stored in a safe location, right?"

"Well, the stored magic power will be affected by the surrounding magic fluctuations. If someone casts a spell nearby, it may explode, but you don't have anyone here who can cast spells..."

At this point, Ying Fei suddenly slapped his head and turned to look at Lux: "... In this factory, direct use of magic is prohibited. Do you understand?"

Lux nodded quickly, looked at Ying Fei with her big eyes without blinking, and said seriously: "I understand."

You can't use magic, it will explode...

Now Lux has learned a lot of magic, and her strength is not inferior to that of Harry. After all, she has been following Cassandra all the time, and it is difficult for her to learn it under the influence of her ears and eyes.

However, compared to a genius like Hermione, the current Lux is still far behind.

If you have to say it, there is only one aspect that can beat Hermione, and that is silent and wandless spell casting.

Because Lux hasn't bought a wand yet, through diligent practice, she has learned the blazing silent wand-less spell casting method like Ying Fei. Although the summoned flame is very weak in the eyes of an adult wizard, if it is placed in a first grade Among the little wizards, he is a real killer.

After Yingfei placed four storage tanks, he took out four more hexapods and said, "Xiaotian has already told you the operation method, right?"

Leon nodded.

"Okay, the alchemy bullet manufacturing module has been added to the device, but currently there are only Shenfeng Shadowless Bullets and Fluorescent Flash Bullets. You can make some of each." Ying Fei said while adjusting it with the floating spell. Try to place the four hexagrams as neatly as possible.

"No problem." Leon replied, "But what should I do if the magic power in the storage tank runs out?"

"Look for Xiaotian. Xiaotian will arrange for Team 141 to come over and change the jar for you."

"Okay." Leon nodded, and then asked, "Which firearm should I start with?"

Ying Fei thought for a while: "Mosin Nagant and revolver, remember to make more bullets. Also, the specifications of the bullets can be adjusted on the device. You try to distinguish the bullets so that they can be sold at different prices."


After returning home, Ying Fei simply packed up, then took a large bag of galleons, and together with Xiaotian, Xiaoya, and Yunhe, used Phantom Movement to go to Diagon Alley.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

(I advise fellow college students not to participate in this kind of job of hosting a graduation party. This job is really tiring. I won’t even come next year even if I beat myself to death...)

Ying Fei is planning to rent a shop as a starting point for his wizarding arms business.

Of course, if conditions permit, buying it in full is not a big problem.

After coming out of the Leaky Cauldron Bar, since Yunhe and Xiaoya had never been here before, Yingfei thought to let them wander around by themselves to get familiar with the environment, and they wouldn't have to worry about safety with Yunhe around.

Yingfei himself took Xiaotian straight to Gringotts.

Arriving at the counter, Xiaotian took out a key and placed it in front of a goblin: "We want to get something from the vault."

As Yingfei's true butler, Xiaotian is in charge of most of Yingfei's finances, not only Yingfei's several bank accounts in the Muggle world, but even Gringotts' treasury was opened by Xiaotian.

Because Gringotts has regulations, there is a limit to the number of galleons that can be exchanged for pounds in a week (this is to prevent inflation), so Xiaotian can only come to Gringotts regularly to exchange pounds for galleons, and winning Fei himself didn't have many gold galleons.

The goblin nodded and didn't say much. Everything followed the procedure. Soon they got on the small mine cart and headed towards the treasury in a twists and turns. 503 soon arrived in front of the treasury.

"Did you remember it?" After arriving at the destination, Yingfei asked calmly through the link communication.

"Yes, sir." Xiaotian also used the link to reply, "Just remembering the path is very easy for me."

Voldemort's Horcrux is hidden in a vault in Gringotts. If you don't want to follow the original plot, or in other words, if you want to get the Hufflepuff Gold Cup more quickly, you have to either get Bella's vault key or force it. Enter Gringotts.

Just in case, Ying Fei asked Xiao Tian to write down the path to his vault, and go back to see if he could use this path and what Xiao Tian saw along the way to use 3D modeling to model the underground of Gringotts. The situation is restored.

"Do you think an unmanned reconnaissance drone can be placed here?" Ying Fei asked, touching his chin.

Xiaotian shook his head: "That's terrible. Those goblins are not vegetarians, and there are a lot of alchemy items here. I guarantee that these underground passages will be like the stairs of Hogwarts and can be moved at will."

Ying Fei thought for a while and suddenly asked: "Has Qi Luo come in?"

Xiaotian was stunned and replied: "According to your previous memory, Quirrell once broke into Gringotts in order to obtain the Sorcerer's Stone."

As far as the plot of the movie Ying Fei has seen is concerned, Quirrell happened to be present on the day Harry was taken to Gringotts by Hagrid, and he was the only guy nearby who was possessed by Voldemort.

Soon after Hagrid took away the Philosopher's Stone, news broke that someone broke into Gringotts and stole it that day.

No matter how you think about it, Quirrell is the biggest suspect.

When Quirrell was serving Voldemort, he broke into Gringotts, escaped unharmed, and entered Hogwarts to teach. This actually shows his ability.

After all, can you break into Gringotts without any strength?

"Let's ask Chilo later." Ying Fei thought.

Speaking of which, Quirrell should stop teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts next semester... Does this position seem to be cursed?Seems like everyone can only do it for one school year?

Ying Fei can't remember the specific one, but he vaguely remembers that Voldemort placed such a curse.

"The next Defense Against the Dark Arts professor seems to be some kind of best-selling author..."

Just when Yingfei was thinking wildly, the goblin took the key from Xiaotian's hand and opened the door of the vault. The gold galleons inside were not too much, but not much, which was similar to the savings of a normal wizard family.

Ying Fei came to his senses, raised his hand to collect a small pile of Galleons, and then left Gringotts.

Next, Yingfei just walked around and found a store that he liked.The upper and lower floors have been covered with the Traceless Stretch Curse. The total area is about [-] square meters, which is not big. Yingfei plans to use the Traceless Stretch Curse to expand it again after buying it.

The owner of the shop is an old wizard who looks to be 80 or [-] years old. He is sitting on a recliner in the shop and resting. When he heard that Ying Fei was interested in buying the shop, he raised his hand on the spot.

"Five hundred galleons?" Ying Fei asked tentatively.

This number is already (bebj) considered expensive. In a place where the price of a magic wand is one digit, it is common to buy a store with three digits.

The old wizard nodded, accepting Ying Fei's offer.

"Sir, is this a bit expensive?" Ying Fei asked with a frown, "Your store is not that big to begin with. If I buy it, I will need to decorate and expand it myself."

When the old wizard heard this, he raised his head and glanced at him: "What did you use it for?"

"Sell some alchemy works." Of course Ying Fei would not tell him directly about the alchemy firearms.

"That space is definitely enough." The old wizard closed his eyes again, "If you want to buy it, I will sell it to you."

Ying Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, this is not a question of enough space, but a question of your store. In my opinion, it is not worth the price."

The old wizard opened his eyes suddenly: "Since you think it's not worth it, just leave. No one will ask you to buy it."

Immediately he closed his eyes again and sat on the recliner, motionless.

Ying Fei had a weird look on his face. Not only did the old guy's price go too high, he didn't even feel that his price was too high.But it's hard for Yingfei to say anything now. People have issued an eviction order, so he doesn't have to stay here with his face licked.

"The worst thing is to find another store." Ying Fei shook his head and took Xiaotian out of the store. Ying Fei couldn't afford five hundred galleons, but he just didn't think it was necessary.

For a second-hand shop, I have already cast the Traceless Stretching Charm. It is obviously not worth spending gold galleons that can buy a shop of [-] square meters.

Being rich doesn't mean you have to spend money lavishly. In fact, rich people know how to budget carefully and spend every galleon wisely.

After shopping around again, Yingfei found another store that was selling.

Therefore, reality is not fiction, and there is no such thing as "there is only one store selling it".

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