"Dead?" Cherney paused: "Yes, I am dead. Now I crawl out of hell and come back for revenge!"

"Ha, I want to see what you are capable of, hit me!" Hans raised his wand with a fierce look on his face, and hit him with a splitting spell.

The werewolves holding wands behind Hans also raised their wands, and spells of various colors were cast towards the Wolf King.

However, Cherny only made a simple action - he put the huge hammer and spear in front of him, and cast all kinds of magic spells on the hammer and spear. There was not even a ripple, and it had no effect.

It is not a magical attack from a beam weapon, which requires 500 points of magical power to break through the immunity effect of the armor's protective coating. Only a few of these people have exceeded [-] magical powers, and it is even less likely that anyone can use it to consume [-] magic points at a time. Big magic.

"Are you finished?"

Under the stunned gazes of everyone, Cherney smiled cruelly: "Then it's my turn.".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The long prismatic spike on the Wolf King's back suddenly popped out, and then the connection between the spike and the backpack erupted with the light of a propeller. A cable connected the spike, and the spike was controlled like the Wolf King's tail. , stabbing straight at Hans at the front!

This spike is the most special weapon on the Wolf King. Different from ordinary floating guns, the tail of the spike is connected with a cable. The maximum distance of wired control is 100 meters. It can provide energy at any time, which means it can be used all the time. The spike is not equipped with a beam cannon, but is coated with an armor protective coating on the surface, and uses the space blade technology of the Trident of the Goddess of Star Water and Poseidon to achieve the ultimate armor-breaking effect and is specially used to deal with large-scale magic. shield.

The spike stabbed towards Hans at a very fast speed. Hans had no time to react. His pupils had just time to reflect the golden tip of the spike when the spike had already penetrated his chest.

Cherny used a spike to lift Hans off the ground, and the Wolf King looked calmly at the crowd in front of him with his blue eyes.

It was so relieved that the person in front of him who had put him in such a situation was finally killed by himself... In an instant, Cherny relaxed completely.

Seeing their leader die in an instant, and his body hung up by the enemy for provocation, these werewolves did not have the slightest desire to avenge their leader.

"Strange, monster..."

"Everyone, run!"

As soon as one ran away, the second one followed, and soon the crowd dispersed, but two people stayed. One was a young man wearing glasses and looked quite polite, and the other was hiding behind the young man, timidly. girl.

"Long time no see, Edward." Cherney looked at the young man in front of him and said with some melancholy.

"Mr. Cherny, I'm really happy to see you." The young man called Edward looked at the Wolf King Armor in front of him. He didn't know where Cherny got such a powerful guy, but he had no conditions. Believe in Cherny.

Cherny looked around and asked, "Where are the others? Why are you the only one?"

When Edward heard this, he lowered his head: "At that time, you took away most of the young and middle-aged people. Only the old, weak, women and children were left in the tribe. I was left by Hans because of my magic skills. Most of the people were left here." People were either driven away by Hans or cooked and eaten..."

"Really..." Cherny sighed. Although he had expected it, of course he couldn't accept the news calmly.

"Who is this?" Cherney looked at the little girl behind Edward and asked casually, trying to divert his attention.

Edward pulled the little girl behind him to him, and only then did Cherney see the little girl's face clearly. She had delicate features, black hair and black eyes, and she was indeed a beauty.

"Her name is Carly, and she is a friend I met here," Edward said. "My parents have passed away. After Hans recruited us here, I was the one who took her with me."

After listening to Edward's words, Cherny was about to say something when Xiaoya's voice came from the Wolf King's link communication: "Wolf King, (bebj) what happened? Did we observe that you stopped where you were?" move."

Only then did Cherny remember that he had a mission, and he didn't just need to kill someone to relieve his anger. He quickly said to Edward: "I still have a mission. You wait here. I will come back to you later." .”

After saying that, the propeller behind the Wolf King burst into light again, and the Wolf King rushed out almost instantly. In only seven or eight seconds, he had caught up with the slowest group of people.

Using both hammers, spears and spikes, the Wolf King reaped the heads of people along the way. With the support of the unmanned reconnaissance drone overhead, no one could escape the Wolf King's attack, and no one could withstand it.

10 minutes later, Cherny had completed the task perfectly.

"The effect of the armor's protective coating is still good, and a trial version of the beam weapon should be put on the schedule as soon as possible." After the mission, Yingfei at the base began to summarize the mission.

At this time, there were no unnecessary sounds in the base. Even Lux put away her potato chips because everyone observed one thing - Ying Fei's face was not very pretty.

Quirrell was the first to be pointed out, and immediately nodded seriously: "I will continue to study."

Ying Fei also nodded, but continued with a gloomy expression: "The effect of the long nails is still not reflected. The opponent is too weak and does not even have a decent protective shield. The armor-breaking effect of the long nails is not obvious. We will look for it later." Give it a try..."

"Also, the Wolf King's front paw beam blade weapon and the forearm howitzer were not used. How did you inform Cherni..." At this point, Ying Fei squinted his eyes, frowned, and looked towards These people around me.

The main people responsible for communication are Xiaotian and Xiaoya. Xiaotian is responsible for issuing tasks, and Xiaoya is responsible for communicating with the pilots.The two of them felt Ying Fei's gaze and lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

Xiaotian is an artificial intelligence created by Ying Fei. She will not resist Ying Fei's demands at all. However, as an artificial intelligence with self-awareness, it is natural for her to be in awe of Ying Fei.

Xiaoya was even more afraid of Yingfei. Although the young master was usually gentle, he never joked about work. Now that he had done something wrong, she didn't know what to do.

At this time, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared on the screen, and a slight buzzing sound came from the central control system.

"Sir, I received a video communication request from Cherni." Xiaotian, who received the communication, could only say bravely.

Ying Fei looked at the cautious look of these two people, sighed slightly, and said, "Let's transfer it to the projection."

After a while, Cherny's big face appeared on the projection. Cherny saw Ying Fei and was about to say something. Unexpectedly, Ying Fei spoke first and asked:

"Cherny, are you sure you clearly understand the requirements of the mission?"

"Have Xiaotian and Xiaoya told you the specific requirements of this mission? Do you know that in addition to avenging you, this time there is also a mission to test the Wolf King's weapons?!"

"Is it because we didn't give you enough notice or are you deaf and blind?! Huh?!"

He couldn't bear to scold Xiaotian and Xiaoya, but he couldn't scold Cherni anymore? !

As soon as Cherny opened the communication, he was scolded and scolded. He immediately stopped the smile on his face and said hesitantly: "Uh... I didn't see the task list..."

"Didn't you see it?!" Ying Fei sneered, "You mean, the artificial intelligence behind me will miss your task list?"

Artificial intelligence, of course, has no chance of missing anything.

Cherny swallowed and said, "I didn't look carefully..."

"Go back and write me a [-]-word self-reflection. Reflect on your mistakes." Ying Fei took a deep breath and said, "I don't want something like this to happen again. If it happens next time, I will Take back control of the Wolf King from your hands."

When Cherny heard that he was going to take back control of the Wolf King, he immediately stood up and said, "I promise I won't do it again!"

"Very good, remember what you just said." Ying Fei nodded and then sat back in his seat. Everyone else in the base also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you want to say?" Ying Fei asked after calming down for a while, looking at Cherny in the projection.

"Um, I found my good friends from the tribe before. Can I bring them back?" Cherny was scolded just now and is still a little cautious now.

"Them?" Ying Fei frowned, "How many people are there?"

"There are just two, a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Edward. He has very good magic skills. His family used to make alchemy items and he knows a little bit about alchemy. The girl's name is Carly. I don't know the details." When talking about Carly, Cherny's eyes were obviously a little evasive, and he knew that he would definitely be criticized for saying these words.

As expected, Ying Fei sneered: "You don't know your friends?

"Well, this girl is not my friend, she is a friend of my friend." Cherney said with some embarrassment. When she told Ying Fei before that she wanted to bring out her cronies from the tribe, Ying Fei mentioned the quantity. and quality issues.

After all, Yingfei can raise them, but he can't do nothing, and he must have some ability.

Anaheim is not a charity, so how can it support everyone?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"A friend of your friend..." Ying Fei's expression remained cold, "It's okay to bring him back, but you have to make an agreement first."

"If your friend named Edward is willing to work in Anaheim, I can pay him a salary, but that girl needs to take care of his own life, and I will not be responsible." Yingfei said, "Now in Anaheim Only Quirrell, Nina and the waiters in the store are the ones I need to pay. If Edward is willing to come, his salary will be similar to Nina's, and we can discuss the future matters based on his ability."

Nina's salary is quite generous. She can receive more than 200 galleons every month, which is considered well-off in the wizarding world.

However, it is of no use for Nina to ask for gold galleons, so she usually exchanges them for pounds. In this way, her monthly salary is not enough for Muggles. It is precisely for this reason that Yingfei makes Xiaotian again She was given a pound stipend.

As for Edward coming over, there will only be two hundred galleons.

"Okay, sir, I'll communicate with my friend." After Cherny said this, he hung up the communication. The Wolf King's outer armor automatically cracked, and Cherny jumped down and walked to Edward and Carly.

"Mr. Cherney."

Edward smiled and said hello. Cherney waved to them and motioned for them to follow him. The three of them came to a small grassland and sat down. Cherney took out a cigarette and lit it, then handed Edward a cigarette. root.

"What are your plans next?" Without any further foreshadowing, Cherny went straight to the point.

"I don't know. I plan to follow you. What should we do next, sir?" Edward asked doubtfully, "You killed them all, how will we survive in the future?"

Cherney reached out and patted Edward on the shoulder, looking at him seriously: "You want to follow me?"

Edward was silent for a while, and returned the same solemn look: "Yes."

Cherny nodded and continued: "You should be able to guess that I am no longer a free person. Following me means following the person behind me."

Edward was silent again, and then said: "I understand, but I have nowhere to go now, I am penniless, and no store will need a werewolf to work. The price of wolfsbane potion is too expensive, I can't bear it I can’t afford it, besides, I still have Carly to support.”

When talking about this, Edward touched Carly's head lovingly, and Carly gave him a warm smile in return.

Cherny looked at him and asked, "Do you know where I have been during this time?"

Edward shook his head.

Cherney continued: "I took my brothers and took over the mission of the Targaryen family: 'Kill a little boy.' That's all the Targaryen family said to us, but this mission, We failed miserably.”

"Why?" Edward asked with a frown.

In Edward's mind, Cherney took away most of the young adults in the tribe at that time, and it was a full moon night, even some famous wizards (such as Gilderoy Lockhart) would Just run away when you hear the news.

"Because of that."

Cherny pointed at the Wolf King not far away and said.

The Wolf King stood quietly under the moonlight, with a silvery luster all over his body. He looked full of mystery, and people couldn't help but want to find out.

Edward took a deep look at the Wolf King: "That, what on earth is it?"

"Alchemy exoskeleton armor." Cherny said with some emotion, "Who would have thought that a little boy could invent such a thing?"


Edward looked at the Wolf King and was speechless for a long time...

Edward was born in an alchemy workshop in Yorkshire. When he was 11 years old, his father tore up his admission letter from Hogwarts with disdain.

"Just stay at home and learn our family's crafts from me," Edward's father said with a red face and a big belly, while drinking vodka. "It's useless to go to a place like Hogwarts." ! Does that old man Dumbledore know what ancient alchemy is?..."

In this way, little Edward dropped out of school and stayed at home to learn the family alchemy from his father.Edward has no mother. He has only lived with his father since he was a child, and has only seen his father.

A few years later, when Edward was 19 years old and had already achieved some success in alchemy, his father no longer managed the alchemy workshop and left it to Edward. He drank heavily every day and got drunk in the town's tavern. Go home again.

Until one day, his father went out with his friends and got into gambling.

From then on, every once in a while, wizards from the small workshop would come to collect debts, and Edward's father had no money at all, so these people could only find Edward to ask for money.

In the end, like all people who are addicted to gambling, Edward's father's debts increased and the snowball grew bigger and bigger. Edward had no choice but to abandon the workshop and run away.

However, how can a person who has never gone out to socialize or even been in school understand that people in society are unpredictable?

After his father was killed by debt collectors, Edward was quickly captured, but instead of killing him, they sold him to a werewolf.

When the werewolf tribe lacks labor force, they usually choose to exchange for free labor services, which are actually slaves, because it is too difficult to catch people on the streets, and it is easy for the Ministry of Magic to take over.

·····Ask for flowers··········

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