Ying Fei pouted: "It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

"That net was made accidentally before. I call it a catching net. It is specially used to catch wizards or magical animals. It has a built-in electric current generator that can produce paralyzing electric current. It has miraculous effects on magic units."

"I specially made a launching device for the catching net. With the help of the launcher, the range of the catching net has reached 50 meters. Within a range of 50 meters, it only takes less than one second to catch the target. It is already faster than The escape speed of most wizards casting Apparition.”

After hearing this, Cassandra asked curiously: "What are you doing this for?"

Ying Fei's lips curled up: "I plan to capture a very special magical animal. Have you ever heard of a basilisk?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

10 minute later.

Yingfei came to the guest room alone, knocked on the door twice and walked in.

Michelle had recovered by this time, but without the wand in his hand, he couldn't do anything he wanted to do.

After the small contact just now, Michelle realized to some extent the power in Ying Fei's hands. Perhaps in terms of his own strength, Ying Fei was not his opponent, but now that he is in other people's territory, it is better not to be too arrogant. .

Madhu, why do you feel more and more frustrated the more you think about it?

It was obviously my daughter who was kidnapped, why should I be cautious about this kid? !

Seeing Ying Fei walking in, Michelle snorted and turned her head away from him.

Tsk tsk...Father and daughter have the same virtue.

"Mr. Michelle..." Ying Fei scratched his head and was about to speak.

"Who allowed you to call me that?!" Michelle jumped up from the bed as if she was furious, staring at him coldly: "I don't know you, and I don't have a friend like you!"

"Since my husband doesn't want Wu Er Qi to be my friend, then it's okay to be my father-in-law." Ying Feitian said with a shameless smile.

When Michelle heard this, she frowned and asked, "How far have you and Cassandra progressed?"

Ying Fei paused and said, "Kassandra and I are now considered a couple."

"Couple? Haha..." Michelle sneered, "How old are you, couple? Do you deserve it? What do you know? You don't understand anything, so don't say such things in front of me!"

Ying Fei's face gradually calmed down. He was silent for a while and said, "You are right, sir."

"Maybe I really don't understand some things, but I understand one of the most important things, and that is responsibility."

"After choosing Cassandra, I naturally have the obligation to make her live a better life, to make her happy, to keep her away from disasters and troubles, and to let her live a carefree life." Ying Fei said in a gentle tone. said the tone of voice.

He knew that if he and Cassandra wanted to live a better life in the future and want everyone's blessing, Michelle must pass this test.

"Now, I also have this ability. I may not be well-known in the wizarding world, but I have a Fortune [-] company behind me in the Muggle world, with a steady stream of funds, and I have the means to ensure that this company The business continues to grow.”

"In the wizarding world, Anaheim Company is now prosperous. In the future, with the continuous launch of new products, it will only develop better."

"As for my strength," Ying Fei paused and said, "Mr. Michel, the photo that Mr. Batty proposed today is indeed a newly developed weapon by our company. No, new weapons should not be used. To describe it, it should be regarded as an improved version of the old weapon."

Michelle frowned when she heard this.

If the weapon in that photo, which can easily smash so many werewolves into meat pies and render the werewolves unable to resist at all, is really the work of Anaheim, Michelle will have to face the power of Anaheim. .

But before Michelle could ask any more questions, Ying Fei said another sentence:

"To be honest, if I do the same thing as Voldemort now, the power in my hands can only make me more cruel than Voldemort, and it can also allow me to rule the wizarding world for a longer time."

After hearing this, Michelle laughed and said sarcastically: "I won't refute you for the first few points, but the last sentence you said is really brazen!"

Ying Fei looked at him with a smile: "You will understand. I will show you a video and you will understand."

Michelle was stunned: "What is the video?"

Ying Fei didn't answer, but said, "Please come with me." After that, he walked out of the room.

"You are so nagging, how can I safely hand over Cassandra to you like this?" Michelle sneered.

When Ying Fei heard this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, without saying anything, he just motioned for Michelle to follow.

The fact that Michelle could say "Leave Cassandra to Ying Fei" already showed that Ying Fei's speech just now was somewhat effective. At least Michelle had begun to consider this matter.

The two walked to the door of the villa. Price, who had received the Yingfei link order, was already waiting at the door in an alchemy off-road vehicle.

Cassandra stuck her head out of the passenger window, glanced at Michelle, and rolled up the window again.

Now Michelle doesn't take it seriously. Her daughter knows it well and knows she is wrong in her heart, but she refuses to give in on the surface. She has the same temperament as herself.

Well, if he knew that Cassandra was acting coquettishly and apologizing to Ying Fei at the door 10 minutes ago, he might not think so...

At Yingfei's invitation, the two got into the back seat together, with Price taking charge of driving. The Alchemy Off-Road floated smoothly from the spot, then entered the phantom state, accelerating and galloping towards the base.

Behind this car were two cars of the same model, showing off other 141 members as well as Xiaotian and Cherni.

"Feifei, has the base been built?" Kassandra turned around and asked doubtfully.

Ying Fei smiled and nodded: "Except for the outermost protective shield and the dock prepared for the aircraft carrier, the rest is already ready."

"Hehe, I knew you couldn't handle those magics." Kassandra said proudly after hearing this, "I went home this time and studied it. When we get there later, I will ask Xiaotian to do it together. It only takes two hours to change the magic pattern..."

Ying Fei smiled and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Michelle was listening at a loss and had no idea what they were talking about, but he didn't really care. What he noticed was that his precious daughter could actually work here at Yingfei?

Cassandra didn't want to do anything at home.

Suddenly, the anger in Michelle's eyes became even stronger. She actually taught my precious daughter to work?

However, as the huge Anaheim base came into view, Michelle's expression gradually changed from anger to shock.

Large suspended escalators, extremely advanced identification systems, Vulcan cannons that made his heart palpitate, small driverless alchemy cars, huge factories and laboratories, giant mechanical spider armor flashing in the distance from time to time, and entering The holographic projection technology in the experimental center building shocked Michelle's mind all the time.

"What were those huge spiders outside just now?" Michelle asked curiously like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

"Engineering smart armor, referred to as spider armor." Kassandra pouted and said, "The purpose is to manufacture houses and mass-produce some alchemy works. Of course, if they are allowed to fight, they can also easily kill a group of wizards. That’s it.”

Cassandra is well aware of the new products developed by Yingfei. After all, she has direct access to Xiaotian's database, and she has long known about the development of the spider armor.

Michelle would think of the spiders outside, and her mind would begin to imagine herself fighting the spider armor.

"First of all, let me explain to you that because the Spider Armor itself is inanimate, it will not be affected by the Avatar 1.9 Death Curse." Kassandra explained "considerately".

"To explain again, the head of the spider armor is equipped with a composite beam sniper cannon, which can attack you without delay from 500 meters away. Moreover, its speed is very fast and its response is very sensitive. At least it will not be faster than yours. It’s just a slow response.”

Hearing this, Michelle's face darkened.

It's fast, responsive, has an extremely long attack range, and it's even more impossible to beat at close range. How can you fight?

"Dad, that Spider is just an engineering unit of Anaheim~" Cassandra said with a smile when she saw Michelle's sad look.

"So, there are combat units?" Michelle frowned, "A spider like this can only be regarded as an engineering unit, so what is a combat unit?"

Walking into the center of the laboratory, Ying Fei clapped his hands, and all the alchemy lamps on the first floor lit up, completely illuminating the hall.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The holographic projection in the center unfolded, and Michelle's eyes were quickly attracted to it.

I saw a steel monster more than two meters tall, with a humanoid shape, standing in front of a circle of werewolves. The werewolves roared and rushed towards them, releasing various magic spells. However, the monster in front of them could not scream with just their hands. The weapon with the name easily blocked all attacks.

Immediately afterwards, Michelle witnessed the entire process of the Wolf King killing the werewolves.

"This is the weapon that killed the werewolf, the alchemical exoskeleton armor. The one you see is numbered A-WAS01 Wolf King, the first finished product of Anaheim's second-generation armor plan."

Yingfei turned to look at Michelle and said:

"What is being played now is the video we took during the Wolf King test. I think you should believe that I have this ability now, right?"

Michelle was stunned. He was silent for a while and said, "What kind of exoskeleton armor is this? How many more do you have?"

"Including the Wolf King, I have a total of seven machines in my hand, six of which are first-generation machines and are slightly weaker in performance." Ying Fei waved his hand and said

Said, "However, the unmanned alchemy smart armor for combat is almost completed. As long as the funds continue, I will have a steady stream of combat power."

Michelle looked at Ying Fei and sighed deeply: "You are really a genius, but you are very dangerous."

"Alchemy is something that wizards use to explore the world and communicate with the gods. You have used it to create so many weapons. It can be said to be a great undertaking that has never been done before or since." Michelle said, "But the problem is , these things are weapons and tools for killing people."

"You're in danger, boy."

Ying Fei shook his head: "I'm just trying to protect myself and the people around me. There are many dangers in this world, so I have to do this."

After hearing this, Michelle turned to look at Cassandra, who looked at her father firmly.

"Since you have made your choice, I won't bother you." Michelle patted Cassandra on the shoulder and said something that surprised her.

"Boy, promise me something." Michelle turned to look at Ying Fei again. This time there was no anger in his eyes, only solemnity.

"But it doesn't matter." Ying Fei said equally seriously.

"Don't expose the power you have until the critical moment." Michelle paused and said, "Just because you don't think that way yourself doesn't mean others won't think so. , some people can’t bear to see someone with such power around them.”

"Don't you have a saying in the East? 'How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed?' This is the truth." Michelle said.

Ying Fei nodded: "I will."

"Okay, then take me back." Michelle seemed to relax her whole body and mind. "Oh, by the way, come to my house during Christmas and let Cassandra and her mother see you."

Hearing this, Cassandra blushed, but Ying Fei happily agreed.


The next morning, Yingfei, Cassandra and Lux ​​arrived at King's Cross Station hand in hand, and all three people's luggage was placed in Yingfei's space.

When entering platform nine and three-quarters, the three of them entered without any hindrance and did not encounter the platform being blocked.

To be honest, Ying Fei is actually very curious about how Dobby sealed the platform. The platform is equivalent to a space teleportation portal. If Dobby has the ability to seal the platform, maybe his ability can be transformed into interrupting space magic. .

This is actually very useful for Yingfei. As long as the space is sealed, the wizard who has lost the means of displacement really has only one word in front of the spear and cannon - send.

As for whether Harry and Ron would drive their father's classic car, whether they would be late, or whether they would fall into the Whomping Willow, Ying Fei said she didn't care at all.

What's there to be concerned about? The savior will naturally be safe and sound. Besides, there is Dumbledore who can take care of him.

While they were still on the train, Lux and Yingfei separated. As a first-year freshman, Lux still had to attend the sorting ceremony even though she had been studying here for half a year.

"Brother Yingfei, which college do you want me to go to?" Lux asked with a blink before leaving.

Upon hearing this, Cassandra said matter-of-factly: "It must be Sly... Well, what are you doing?"

Ying Fei put a thumb on the corner of Cassandra's mouth affectionately, interrupted her words, and then faced Lux ​​and said: "I hope you can respect your inner choice and find the college that you think is best for you, no matter what. I will support you wherever you go."

After hearing these words, Cassandra next to her looked at Lux and her eyes gradually softened, choosing to respect Lux's own wishes.

After hearing this, Lux smiled sweetly: "Yeah."

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