But after such an introduction, some people at the table became uneasy, such as Edward, who had just joined. He stared at Xiaotian with wide eyes, completely unable to believe that this was not a real person.

"I'm Cassandra." The next one was Cassandra, who was sitting on the left side of Ying Fei. She just glanced around calmly, "I don't have any specific responsibility. If I insist on saying it, it's just magic." The treatment of curses and magic patterns.”

Although she said very little, no one below had any opinions.

Needless to say, everyone present knew this one. Even the newly joined Edward knew that Cassandra and Ying Fei, whom he regarded as his teacher, were in a relationship.

Next up is Snape, who is second on the right. He has been introduced just now and has not been introduced further.

Then came Price, who was second on the left. He also cleared his throat and said: "My name is Price. I am the captain of the 141st Squad. I am mainly responsible for the company's field work. As a special operations team, the 141st Squad accepts and only accepts... Sir’s order.”

Team 141 is originally a special operations field team. When other second-generation armors are completed, they will definitely be the first batch to be replaced.

Continuing is Quirrell, who is third on the right. He is still wearing a white coat and said calmly: "I am Quirrell. I am mainly responsible for the second-floor laboratory of the Anaheim Experimental Building. I am also responsible for the technology of the second-generation armor project. personnel."

Now Qiluo is very adaptable to his status and takes things very seriously. Yingfei is still very relieved.

"Um... I'm Xiaoya." Xiaoya, who was third on the left, said with a shy smile on her face, "I am mainly responsible for the management of the alchemy factory and supplying goods to the Diagon Alley stores. When the young master is here, I will also Responsible for taking care of his daily life."

Xiaoya has nothing to say. She was originally Amiya's maid, but now that Amiya is missing, she has become Yingfei's maid. Yingfei couldn't find anyone so she arranged for her to manage the factory, but it doesn't seem to be the case at the moment. There have been no errors and it is very reliable.

The fourth person on the right is Cherny. This guy's hair has been seen for a while, and he doesn't look so sloppy now.

"I am Cherny, a werewolf. My current identity is the pilot of the second-generation melee specialized machine 'Wolf King'. I am also responsible for guarding the base and store." Cherny said with a normal expression.

The next person sitting opposite Cherny was Lux. She was stunned for a long time and couldn't figure out what position she held. At this time, she saw everyone looking at her. They were a little embarrassed and looked at Winner with a puzzled expression. Fiji:

"Brother Yingfei, my position should be... the administrator of magical animals?"

Ying Fei also looked at Lux in confusion, with a complicated expression.

I really didn't seem to have assigned any tasks to her... I just asked her to help take care of Caesar and Ciri.

"Forget it, you should be responsible for this, mainly taking care of Caesar and Ciri." Ying Fei paused and said with some distress.

Lux nodded obediently, sat down and stopped talking.

The next person to be introduced is Caesar, who Edward has been unable to take his eyes off. There is no way, such a handsome little dragon is too eye-catching.

"My name is Caesar Fei Targaryen." Caesar said calmly. As soon as he spoke, Edward, who had never seen him before, was startled:

"You...you can talk?!"

Caesar glanced at him and continued calmly: "I am the first alchemical dragon created by my master using alchemy. I have things that other dragons do not have, such as wisdom and language ability, and many magical abilities."

"I am mainly responsible for protecting the safety of my master. I will also be permanently stationed at Hogwarts as a combat force that can be used at any time in emergencies..."

After hearing this, Ying Fei actually looked at Caesar with some differences. He didn't expect that the little guy's thinking was quite careful and he could see his position quite clearly.

The next one was Ciri. Yingfei waved his hand and skipped Ciri's speech. After all, it couldn't say anything except "oooh" twice.

Further down is Yun He. Yun He looks at everyone with a confused look on his face, not knowing what he should say at all.

During this period of time in the country, Yunhe's biggest feeling was: foreign countries are so sweet and fun...

Although the food is not as delicious as the East, the Western desserts also have a unique taste. In addition, the climate here creates a completely different scenery from the East. Yingfei has never restricted Yunhe’s spending. Yunhe steps on it every day. He went out for a walk with his flying sword, and when he came back he was holding a bunch of things, which was a refreshing experience.

"...You'd better forget it." Ying Fei said helplessly, holding his forehead, "Just be a mascot."

Yunhe: "???"

The last one to speak was the newest member, Edward. He stood up with a reserved look, but his words were not as subtle as his expression:

"Hello everyone, my name is Edward. I am a student of Teacher Yingfei. I am currently mainly helping Mr. Quirrell, and I am also learning the latest technologies." Edward said nervously, "I didn't know what to say in the first meeting. What, in short, I am very grateful to the teacher for giving me this opportunity, and I will definitely work hard in the future!"

Ying Fei slapped his forehead with one hand: "..."

"You accepted students???" Snape looked at him in shock, "When did it happen?"

Cassandra also looked over with a strange look on her face: "How come I haven't seen this person before? Isn't it registered in Xiaotian's database?"

Ying Fei looked helpless: "I didn't agree at all... Oh, forget it, let's talk about it later."

Then, he looked at Edward with a gloomy look: "Sit down!"

"Okay, teacher." Edward sat back obediently, as if the expression on Ying Fei's face was not directed at him.

Ying Fei: "..." Sometimes, he really admired this guy's shamelessness. It was thicker than the city wall, and he was afraid that even a beam rifle couldn't penetrate it.

"The introductions are over, let's get down to business now."

Clearing her throat, Ying Fei put those strange thoughts behind her and said.

"First of all, everyone here probably knows about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, right?"

Edward: "Teacher, I don't know!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The Slytherin Chamber of Secrets is about to be opened. I can only say that the reason for opening it is because of Voldemort. I don't know much about the rest." Ying Fei's first sentence stopped everyone's doubts.

“However, there are two things that need everyone’s attention in this incident.” Ying Fei knocked on the table and said, “One is the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, which is Slytherin’s Basilisk; the other is Voldemort’s Horcrux, a diary containing fragments of his soul while he was reading.”

"Basilisk?" Snape frowned, "This thing will turn to stone as soon as it is seen. It is very difficult to deal with..."

"To be precise, creatures that indirectly see its eyes will be petrified, and creatures that face its eyes will die directly." Yingfei added, "This powerful petrification effect can be solved with mandrake. , but if you meet its eyes, death is inevitable."

After hearing Ying Fei's words, all the unaware people present frowned. This kind of monster that can kill people with its gaze is simply like a bug.

But no one panicked, and they were all experienced people after all.

"You mean, there is a basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, and the Chamber of Secrets is about to be opened?" Snape frowned, "Who is opening it? If we know, can't we just cut out the source?" "

Snape's mind was spinning very fast, and he immediately thought of a solution. Since the Chamber of Secrets was about to be opened, why not just kill the person who opened it14.

Ying Fei shook his head: "I have other plans."

"I want to capture the basilisk and study the magic in its eyes." Ying Fei looked around everyone and said.

"Then what you mean is to wait and see what happens in the early stage, wait for the mastermind behind the scenes to release the basilisk, then capture the basilisk, and finally bring Voldemort's diary to justice?" Snape touched his chin, said.

"That's pretty much it." Ying Fei nodded.

"But there are two problems that need to be solved." Quirrell frowned and said, "The first is how to capture the basilisk, and the second is how to accurately know when and where the basilisk appears."

"There is also the last Horcrux against Voldemort. We have found a Horcrux, but Dumbledore hasn't cracked it yet. Even Dumbledore can't do anything about it. How can we destroy that Horcrux?" Cassandra continued. added.

"You can ignore the last point, I already have a solution."

Ying Fei tapped his fingers gently on the table, making a crisp sound, and then said: "The task of catching the basilisk can be left to the smart armor. They are non-living bodies and will not be affected by the sight of the basilisk." .”

After removing the powerful weapon of the basilisk's eyes, the basilisk is left with only thick armor and brute strength. It should be very easy for a smart armor that also has thick armor and powerful strength.

Besides, it is impossible for Yingfei to let the smart armor catch the basilisk without any weapons, but the weapons do need to be considered. After all, the combat environment is in a castle if nothing unexpected happens. In order not to destroy the castle, Yingfei of course Don't use too powerful weapons.

"In terms of armament, I specially invented an alchemical grid, which can limit the movement of the basilisk through current and thus capture it alive. The specific effect needs to be tested in actual combat."

After Ying Fei finished speaking, he turned to look at Qi Luo: "How long will it take for the initial version of the smart armor?"

Quirrell quickly responded: "The production of the body and the high-mobility backpack can be completed in a week at most."

The high-mobility backpack was the first piece of equipment to be completed in the original plan. It was developed for the purpose of fast flight, quick response, comprehensive armament, and balanced capabilities.Mainly used for various support operations or pursuit operations.

There are also two backpacks, which after modification are the close combat backpack and the heavy firepower backpack.

The close combat backpack is mainly developed for melee combat, focusing on bursts, high armor, and high damage. It is mainly used to attack creatures that are not good at melee combat (such as wizards). With its powerful armor and speed, it can easily approach the enemy. .

The heavy firepower backpack is mainly developed for long-range fire suppression, with diverse armaments, multiple locking, precise shooting, and fire coverage. It is mainly used to target large facilities (such as Gringotts) or large quantities of targets (such as Voldemort's food). Army of Dead Apostles) to attack in order to achieve complete victory in terms of firepower.

The heavy firepower backpack is also the most difficult to complete among the three backpacks.

"Okay, then just speed up the progress." Ying Fei nodded.

"The second question is, how can we know the location of the basilisk?" Ying Fei said while glancing at Snape and said, "Last year Severus and I made a map specifically for Quirrell. The map is still usable, but this kind of map requires the hair of the target to make, as we all know that the basilisk has no hair."

When he said this, Ying Fei glanced at Snape strangely. He really couldn't imagine how Snape got the hair from Quirrell's bald head...

"Do you have any ideas?" Ying Fei glanced at everyone present, "If not, I will tell you my plan."

The people around the table, wolves, dragons, werewolves, and artificial intelligence, all shook their heads.

"Okay, my idea is very simple." Ying Fei knocked on the table and said with a serious expression, "Install a link camera monitor in the castle."

"We have already mastered the technology of the eye monitor on the armor. Now we are just making it bigger and installing it in every corner of the castle. As soon as the basilisk appears, we can monitor its movements. .”

Although the basilisk was said to be in a secret room, and the entrance to the secret room was the women's restroom, Ying Fei was not sure whether the basilisk crawled out of the women's restroom. If there was another way out, it would not be good.

To avoid accidents, Yingfei decided to install surveillance cameras throughout the castle.

"But the workload of this project will be huge, and things like monitors are somewhat suspected of prying into privacy." Snape frowned and said, "We can't rule out that the basilisk crawled out of the student dormitory or simply the bathroom. Possibly, do we need to install monitors in these places as well?”

"I don't plan to install a monitor in the dormitory or bathroom. I just need to install it at the door to confirm who goes in and who comes out."

Yingfei said again: "Two cameras are installed in the common room of each college to ensure full visibility. There is a camera every 20 meters in each corridor, and two cameras are installed at the corner to ensure that nothing is missed."

"As for the other secret passages in the castle, let's not set up cameras. After all, there won't be any 530 students going to those places."

Except for the Weasley twins, Ying Fei added silently in his mind.

Snape frowned: "In this case, a simple calculation shows that at least hundreds of cameras are needed."

After hearing this, Yingfei looked at Price: "You come over tomorrow, bring a reconnaissance plane, enter the entire Hogwarts into the database, build a 3D model, and then determine how many cameras to install in total."

Price nodded: "No problem, sir."

"Quirrell, Edward, you two are responsible for the design of the monitor. You will make it for me tonight." Ying Fei then looked at Quirrell. As for Edward, he just shouted in passing.

Quirrell also nodded: "No problem."

Edward stood up and bowed, and said excitedly: "Teacher, I promise to complete the task."

Ying Fei ignored him and continued to look at Xiaotian: "How many miniature spider armors are there in total?"

Xiaotian immediately replied: "A total of four miniature spider armors have been produced so far, and the number of ordinary spider armors is ten."

"Bring me two tomorrow." After Yingfei finished speaking, he turned to look at Price and said, "Bring them along with the unmanned reconnaissance drones."

Price quickly said: "Understood!"

"Xiaoya, you are responsible for the production of monitors. Please help me tonight. Once Chilo and the others come out with the design drawings, they will be recorded into the hexapod and then produced. The quantity will be set at one hundred for now. If there are not enough, we will add more."

Xiaoya moved her head heavily: "Yeah!".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Continue producing micro spiders for me. These little spiders can roam around the castle and are more flexible than monitors." Ying Fei looked at Xiao Tian and said flatly.

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