What an amazing scene!

"Albus, what do you think?" McGonagall stared at Dumbledore with her big eyes, trying to find an explanation.

"I trust him, that's all." Dumbledore waved his hand and said.

Trust...what is the magic power of Yingfei?Is he really worthy of Dumbledore's trust?

"Merlin's nose, my God..." Hermione covered her mouth and whispered. She couldn't believe that Ying Fei, who was also a second-year student, was already so good that the principal listened to him!

Thinking about herself again, Hermione felt uncomfortable for no reason. Even though she had worked so hard, compared with Ying Fei's achievements, she was still nothing...

"Perhaps, only equally excellent people are worthy of him."

...... 0

Hermione looked at the girl sitting opposite Dumbledore. She maintained a calm and calm attitude from the beginning to the end. No matter what happened, she did not panic. This extraordinary confidence and elegance, as well as the The contrasting dazzling strength is something Hermione has dreamed of since entering the academy.

Harry looked at Dumbledore, feeling equally shocked, but somehow, he felt it was natural.

Over the past year or so, Ying Fei has taught him a lot. Harry can also feel the care Ying Fei takes for him. Sometimes he can also notice the relationship between Ying Fei and Dumbledore and Snape. , and even with Quirrell, they all have an extraordinary relationship, as if they both know something and have devoted time and energy to it.

What Harry didn't know was that his feeling was correct. Ying Fei, Snape, Dumbledore, and Quirrell knew a secret together, a secret about Voldemort, and they also worked together for it, and finally Ying Fei Killed Voldemort with one sniper shot.

This is the most important reason why Dumbledore trusts Ying Fei, because Ying Fei has this ability.

Professor Sprout has not spoken since she came in, because she knows very little about Ying Fei. McGonagall has seen Ying Fei's Pluto at least, and knows that he has extraordinary talents in alchemy. Sprout really didn't know anything.

After arriving here, it was like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden. Holographic projections, artificial intelligence, such a big wolf and a talking dragon, and the two spiders that looked not like living things at first glance, were all things that Professor Sprout found difficult to understand. Something to understand.

Of all the people, only Professor Sprout had the most subversive view of Ying Fei. Her impression of Ying Fei had changed from a good student with some prickliness to one that even Dumbledore recognized. There is a big man with amazing strength in an unknown place.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Albus, I think this needs to be discussed. Even if Ying Fei is really allowed to take charge of Hogwarts, he still needs fame and status, doesn't he? It's too early." McGonagall said seriously.

"I also think this is a bit too abrupt." Lockhart raised his hand and said. He is the person who least wants Yingfei to take charge of Hogwarts, because he and Yingfei have a feud. If Yingfei becomes the boss, he will definitely It's going to be uncomfortable.

McGonagall continued: "I think we can change the approach. We don't have to let Ying Fei stand on the stage. Just make sure that all professors carry out his orders. On the surface, you are still Hogwarts." The principal is in charge of the entire school."

"No, tomorrow, I will hold a meeting to announce Ying Fei as the temporary acting principal."

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore spoke again.

At this time, everyone at the long table was speechless. Dumbledore had a firm expression and a serious tone. He even mentioned the term "acting principal". This shows that Dumbledore is determined to let Ying Fei come. Be a leader for once.

"Harry, Ron, and Hermione, you three can go back first." Dumbledore turned to the three little ones and said.

The three of them looked at each other. Harry's suspicion had been cleared. They also knew that they would have nothing to do next, so they stood up and prepared to leave.

"Xirui, send them off." Ying Fei said.

Ciri stood up, growled slightly, and followed the three little ones out of the door.

"Thank you very much for your trust." After the three little ones left, Ying Fei said with a chuckle, like a successful villain.

"Then from now on, all matters related to the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk will be left to you." Dumbledore continued. After speaking, he smiled awkwardly and asked, "Is there a way for me to see your people? This is really not something I’m used to.”

Ying Fei laughed: "Of course, Xiaotian!"

Then, the holographic projection on the long table automatically turned on, and Ying Fei's figure was projected out. He was wearing a white coat and a pair of square-framed glasses, holding a crystal blue holographic data recording board in his left hand. He holds a pure white link data pen in his right hand, and behind him is a huge mechanical arm. A little further away, many small spider armors can be seen busy.

"What's that behind you?" Professor McGonagall asked curiously.

"Oh, this is the alchemy robotic arm I developed myself. It has a certain degree of intelligence and can help me complete my alchemy experiments and manufacture equipment." Ying Fei said while waving to the robotic arm behind him, "Two arms, Come say hello to some professors.”

The second arm stretched out the one-eyed monitor next to Ying Fei, stared at the people opposite for a few seconds, and said: "Good evening, Principal Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Professor Lockhart, and Professor Knepp, you are welcome to visit the large robotic arm laboratory in Anaheim."

Sprout's eyes suddenly widened: "How does it know our names?"

It's understandable if you have a certain amount of wisdom, but how could this complete stranger...

"As long as it is someone I have come into contact with, my artificial intelligence will automatically record the name and face as well as some basic personal information, and then store it in Anaheim's database. The information in the database is for all Anaheim It is shared by Mu members, so it has known you for a long time." Yingfei explained.

Several people here were confused. They couldn't understand what artificial intelligence or data sharing was.

"In the past few years that I have been a professor, such novel things have appeared in the magical world? Shouldn't it?" Professor Sprout murmured to himself.

"I think you misunderstood. These are all invented by me personally. You can't see the same technology and products anywhere else in the world." Yingfei said with a smile.

Professor McGonagall stared at the blue tablet in Ying Fei's hand and asked, "What is that in your hand?"

"Oh, this is a holographic data recording board developed based on Link Magic Network technology. Through the holographic screen formed by magic, you can see all the information in the Anaheim database on this little thing. If you have permission, you can also You can change them." Ying Fei said as he showed the record board to them.

"For example, Professor McGonagall's information..." Ying Fei opened the database with a swipe of his hand, just like using a tablet in his previous life, and retrieved Professor McGonagall's personal data through search.

Everyone took a closer look and saw a half-length photo of Professor McGonagall displayed on the tablet, followed by Professor McGonagall's life, including when he was born, when he entered Hogwarts, and what achievements he achieved during his time at school. , now it is clear who he is as a professor at Hogwarts and which house he teaches.

"This... is simply unbelievable..." Professor McGonagall said in surprise, "How do you know these things? For example, I have participated in the Quidditch match, how do you know?"

"There is your trophy in the prize showroom, professor." Ying Fei said with a smile, "This information can be found as long as you are willing, not to mention that it is not me who is responsible for collecting the information, but my artificial intelligence. "

Professor McGonagall was silent for a long time, speechless for a long time.

How does this make her talk? She still doesn't understand what the tablet is. She doesn't know what to say about the information Yingfei found.

"Now that you know these things, I won't say anything, but please don't expose my information to people I don't know, okay?" Sighing, Mag said helplessly.

"Of course not. Others don't have permission to check Anaheim's database." Yingfei said while restoring the tablet to its original state...

At this time, Dumbledore cleared his throat and said, "I think you have some countermeasures to deal with the basilisk, right?"

"Of course." Ying Fei said, "First of all, we know that the eyes of the basilisk have strong magic and can make people die or petrify, but in other respects it is relatively ordinary, so as long as you avoid its sight and catch the snake There’s no problem with it.”

Average in other aspects?

Thinking back to the huge size of the basilisk just now, it cannot be described as ordinary!What's more, the basilisk also has strong magic resistance. How to fight it?

Besides, avoiding its gaze and not looking at it is easy to say, but not so easy to do.

Seeing that the professors in front of him still looked confused, Ying Fei thought for a while and said: "If you want to avoid the basilisk's sight and break the basilisk's amazing magic resistance, there is only one way. Then Just use inanimate objects to close combat to resolve the battle.”

"Inanimate? What do you mean?" Dumbledore asked.

"For example, the two small spider armors you saw meet the requirements for this task. They are not alive in themselves, which means that you can look at the basilisk safely and boldly without worrying about death or petrification. In addition, they are If you can think and move independently, you can complete the task of fighting the basilisk," Ying Fei explained.

Professor McGonagall frowned immediately: "With just two such big alchemy spiders, you are like fighting a basilisk?"

"of course not."

Yingfei said helplessly: "I specially developed smart armor to deal with this situation."

Saying this, Ying Fei snapped his fingers, and a giant sword that had just been produced not long ago was equipped with Heretic armor. When the thruster behind it was turned on, it instantly came behind Ying Fei. 1.9

"This is the smart armor I produced."

Looking at the two huge ship-killing knives on the heretic's back, Professor McGonagall asked again: "Are you sure it can kill the basilisk?"

Ying Fei nodded firmly: "Absolutely no problem."

Killing the basilisk is still too difficult for heretics. Yingfei's goal is to capture the basilisk alive. Yingfei has been coveting the fatal magic in those eyes for a long time.

Professor McGonagall was still hesitant, but Dumbledore decided: "That's it, when will you take action?"

"It may take a while," Ying Fei replied, "I'm researching equipment specifically for the Basilisk. When the Basilisk appears next time, I can take care of it."

"As for Ginny, I hope you won't disturb her. It was not her intention to do these things." When he said this, Ying Fei looked at Filch specifically.

"Ginny doesn't know what she did. In fact, the fewer people know about this kind of thing, the better. So I hope you can keep this secret and tell the public that the murderer has not been found yet."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What about my cat? Mrs. Norris has been petrified, how can it be counted?!" Filch stared at Ying Fei and yelled.

"It's just petrification. We have a batch of mandrakes cultivated in our school. I think there is no problem in saving a cat," Ying Fei said calmly, "Am I right, Professor Sprout?"

"That's right." Sprout nodded.

After hearing this, Filch was still angry, but he didn't say anything more.

"In that case, do you have any other suggestions?" Looking around, Ying Fei was already planning to end the meeting early.

Everyone was silent, no one spoke.

"Very good. It's almost time to go back and rest." Ying Fei nodded and smiled, "I think I can take full responsibility for the secret room and the basilisk."

Everyone looked at each other, even though they were still uneasy, but Yingfei had already answered all the questions he needed to answer, and now that Yingfei was the acting principal, they had no choice but to leave.

Before leaving, Dumbledore looked at Ying Fei and whispered: "If you need help, call me at any time."

"I will." Ying Fei nodded.


The next morning, all 14 students gathered in the auditorium, waiting for Principal Dumbledore's lecture.

"I heard it was about what happened last night..." "Have you caught the murderer?" "I don't know, but they said Mrs. Norris was not dead, just petrified." "So it wasn't Harry who did it?" Probably not, Filch was so angry that he was talking nonsense..."

The little wizards were talking a lot below, and they did not quiet down even when Dumbledore came on stage.

"Quiet!!!" Dumbledore said with a loud voice.Only then did the little wizards notice him and sat down quietly.

"In view of what happened last night, everyone should know that the secret room has been opened and the school is no longer safe." Dumbledore's first words caused panic among the students. Although they did not know what the secret room was, , and they didn’t know what was in the secret room, but even Dumbledore said that the school was unsafe, so of course they would panic.

"For everyone's safety, I decided to hand this matter over to a trustworthy person for special investigation."

When Dumbledore said this, Ying Fei, who had been waiting behind him for a long time, came to the front of the stage.

Originally, the young wizards below were still discussing which professor would be responsible for investigating the secret room, but when Ying Fei walked up, they were all dumbfounded, so that the audience fell silent for a moment.

"I believe everyone knows him, so I won't introduce him," Dumbledore said. "In the next period of time, Yingfei will serve as the acting principal of Hogwarts until this matter is over."

The young wizards in the audience widened their eyes. Only the professor behind Dumbledore and Harry did not show any shock.

"Please say a few words." Dumbledore patted Ying Fei on the shoulder, then returned to the professor's chair and sat down.

Looking at the unfamiliar faces in front of him, Ying Fei took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"Based on the current situation of the school, I mainly want to talk about two things." Without polite words, Yingfei went straight to the topic, "The first thing is to advance the curfew time. In order to prevent you from encountering danger, the curfew time has been changed from the original ten o'clock in the evening. pm will be moved up to [-] pm, and the self-study classrooms and libraries will also be closed early, so all students after [-] pm will have to stay in their dormitories."

"At the same time, all professors will conduct inspections at night to ensure that no students sneak out. Once discovered, points will be deducted and demerits will be recorded, and I will arrange for someone to send you home. You will not come back until the matter is over. If you are sent back, Your classes will be treated as absenteeism for a period of time."

As soon as these words came out, the little wizards in the audience exploded.

"Isn't this too strict! Are you going to be sent home once?" Ron said in shock.

"It's better to be strict, so as to ensure that no students will accidentally hit the basilisk." Hermione retorted, "I support Ying Fei's idea."

"But I always feel that this rule seems to be aimed at us..." Harry smacked his lips and said a little depressed.

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