However, he is not a savior. Even if the master of Anaheim wants to do anything to harm the world, it has nothing to do with him. After all, his life is still in Yingfei's hands.

"Okay, I'll sign." The young man finally said, "Do my 14-year-old friends also want to sign?"

"Of course, anyone who leaves here tonight must sign this contract." Ying Fei said, and the heretic next to him took out a stack of parchment from Apollo and placed it on the floor in front of everyone.

"If there are other identifications, I hope they can be identified as soon as possible; if there are no more, then everyone can leave after signing the contract." Ying Fei glanced around and said.

The people caught in the net looked at each other in shock, and finally agreed to sign the contract.

Under the gunpoint of the heretic, everyone stepped forward one by one to sign the contract, then took their wands from Price and left.

"Take him back and ask Snape for a bottle of Veritaserum." Ying Fei took one last look at the old man and said.


One day later, Gryffindor Chamber of Secrets.

Snape looked at the old man who was tied to the pillar. At this time, the old man's face was ashen. He knew that he would not be able to escape the fate of being fed the truth serum. Even if he told the truth now, I am afraid that Ying Fei would still be there. Will forcefully drink the truth serum.

Regarding Veritaserum, the Ministry of Magic's management is actually very strict and does not allow casual use. However, just this morning, Yingfei applied to Barty Crouch for permission to use Veritaserum.

Snape opened his mouth with some disgust, took out a small crystal bottle, and drank the three drops of liquid inside.

After a while, the old man's eyes began to blur, as if the medicine was taking effect.

"What's your real name?" Ying Fei asked.

"Richard Eric." The old man said confusedly.

"Is your current appearance your true appearance?" Ying Fei then asked.

"No, my current appearance is that of old Nick. I am a Metamorphmagus." Richard said.

Ying Fei secretly said that it was true, and then asked: "Who is Old Nick?"

"Old Nick is an administrator of the manor's black market."

Ying Fei paused for a moment and said, "Tell me all the information you know about the attack last night."

After hearing this, Richard slowly spoke: "I am a hired wizard, and my employer is a group of people wearing black cloaks. I don't know who they are."

"They let me stay with some other wizards. They arranged for me to be the manager of the counter. They took this opportunity to attack the employees of Anaheim Company. After the incident was completed, each of us was given two thousand Galleons."

"As for when people from Anaheim will show up, and how many people there are, this information is provided by my employer. I am only responsible for doing business."

Yingfei then asked: "Does your employer have a way to contact you? Or do you have a way to contact your employer?"

Richard replied: "My employer can find me at any time, but I cannot contact him at any time."

After a moment of silence, Ying Fei said to Xirui next to him: "Keep an eye on him." Xirui nodded and squatted on the spot.

After walking out of the secret room, Snape said: "Doesn't this mean that I didn't ask anything? I don't know who the employer is, and there is no way to contact the employer."

"Presumably the employer will not contact this old man again. There was such a big commotion yesterday, and I am surprised that the Ministry of Magic did not come to see you today. The employer must also know that the plan failed." Snape analyzed briefly. .

"The Ministry of Magic originally wanted to find me in the morning, but Cassandra's father helped to suppress it." Ying Fei said, "After he led people to inspect the manor in the morning, he told the Ministry of Magic that it was just a violation of regulations. There is no so-called conflict in the explosion accident caused by poor product management."

"And all the people who were alive yesterday have signed contracts with me. I asked them to bring two random people to serve as witnesses. The matter is over. However, this black market must be closed down."

Snape continued: "But after all you have done, you still don't know who is causing the trouble."

"That's not necessarily true." Ying Fei smiled, "I discovered something interesting."

After yesterday's battle, there was something in the combat report submitted by Price and others that aroused Ying Fei's interest.

For example, the big guys who had enough money to buy customized cars in Anaheim all received the news before the conflict broke out and left in a hurry.

For example, the third floor of the manor was empty.

"I think the organizer of this attack is definitely related to the black market manager. It is even possible that the manager himself is the organizer of the attack." Ying Fei said calmly.

Snape frowned: "Why do you say that?"

Ying Fei paused and said:

"First point, Cherny's visits to this black market are not many times, and the times are random. If the other party can really investigate Cherny's whereabouts in such detail without bypassing the black market manager, Then why didn’t the other party choose to set up an ambush at the black market that Cherny visited most?”


"Second point, Richard was arranged to wait for his target in this corner of the black market, and he didn't do anything cruel to the original old Nick, so they must have communicated with the original manager of the black market..."

Snape interrupted: "Wait a minute, how do you know they didn't attack the original administrator?"

"I met Old Nick's grandson yesterday. He was very calm and said with certainty that this person was pretending to be Old Nick. He was neither worried about his grandfather's safety nor did he do anything unnecessary," Ying Fei explained, "This It means that his grandson saw his second grandfather that day and confirmed that his second grandfather was safe."

Snape nodded after hearing this: "Then what?"

"The third point is that before the conflict broke out, all the nobles left the manor. The third floor of the manor was also empty. All the managers left. It can be seen from this that the managers of the black market knew that they would wait for a while. There was going to be an attack, so we evacuated in advance and carefully informed the powerful people.”

Ying Fei said: "This shows that the manager of the manor's black market is definitely related to the attacker this time. Even if he is not himself, he is an accomplice."

"Then..." Snape wondered, "Who is the manager of this black market?"

Yingfei spread his hands: "I don't know."

"That's what we're going to investigate next."

Originally, Yingfei had never cared about the black market. It was just a purchasing place for rare metals, so it never thought of investigating this.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now that there is such a big problem in the black market, Yingfei must start to investigate.

"In the future, our rare metal procurement points can no longer be placed on the black market." Yingfei thought for a while and said, "Think of a way to find another way."

"Anyway, let Cherny and 141 go investigate the behind-the-scenes of the black market first, and Xiaotian will provide assistance."


Two days later, in a broom production factory on the eastern coast of China, three old men in black suits and ties were sitting next to a small coffee table, smoking dry cigarettes in silence.

Amidst the smoke, the faces of the three men were all gloomy. One of them, who looked quite strong, dropped the cigarette rod on the coffee table after taking a puff in his hand.

"Brother, the situation is not good now." The big man said with a subtle expression, "The Ministry of Magic is checking us now, and Anaheim is also checking us. Yesterday Fudge sent an Auror to ask for the reason. I simply excused myself, but this matter will not end like this..."

"The entire wizarding world in the country is abuzz with discussions. It is rare now to see so many people die at one time. The Daily Prophet has published several articles commenting on this matter, hoping that the Ministry of Magic can conduct a thorough investigation. The founder of the black market.”

The black market is not allowed to exist in the first place. Before problems occurred, the Ministry of Magic had always turned a blind eye to this kind of thing. After all, the black market paid bribes in galleons every year.

But if something goes wrong now, you can no longer hide the past casually. It is inevitable that this black market will be shut down, and it is normal for the founders of the black market to be punished.

"Don't worry about the Ministry of Magic, Bob."

A pale and thin man on the other side said: "Only Fudge knows that the black market was started by the three of us. I have already sent Galleons there, so the old boy will naturally find a scapegoat and ask him to go to Az on our behalf." Caban stays.”

"As for the attack on Anaheim... didn't they say it was an accident caused by improper management of magic items? Then why do they care?"

That's right, the three of them were the masterminds behind the attack on Anaheim.

"But when Fudge's people came over yesterday, they reminded me that the Aurors under Michelle and Barty were very suspicious. They seemed to be very interested in the founders of the black market. Even though Fudge said he would take over, he was very serious about it. Find out what it looks like.”

Bob said worriedly: "I suspect there is something wrong here."

"Harm, what could be wrong..." the thin man said nonchalantly.

"There are a lot of things wrong, Bill." At this time, a man with a tough face and a pair of black glasses sitting in the middle said in a deep voice.

"It was clear that many people survived that attack. Judging from the extent of the damage to the manor, they must have witnessed the entire process." The man said while smoking a cigarette, "But they didn't mention a word about the attack. Instead, I told the Auror that it was a mistake in the management of magic items. This is the biggest suspicion."

"Barnaby, I think you're overthinking it. Since the witnesses said this, it means they didn't notice that the Anaheim people were working with our people at all." The thin man, also known as Bill, said: He said very reassuringly.

Also, how could a normal wizard think that Ying Fei would do such a crazy thing as forcing everyone to sign a contract.

"No, there is definitely a problem."

Barnaby didn't change his expression. He adjusted his glasses and said, "No one we sent could contact us. Many of the corpses at the scene were incomplete, as if they had been burned by fire. No one knows. Are our people alive or dead? In this case, none of our men come back to life, so we can only pretend that they are all dead or captured by Anaheim."

In fact, even for many complete corpses, their faces had been deliberately mutilated, making it impossible to tell who was who, and the number of corpses was only one less than the number of people they sent there.

"But, do you think someone can really wipe out all the wizards we sent out without attracting attention? Even in such a cruel and violent way?" Barnaby asked, "Fudge took me secretly After looking at the scene, the traces of the explosions were neither concentrated together, nor did they look like logical and fixed-point explosions that had been ambushed in advance. They looked more like a magic spell that could only be cast by reacting instantly and fighting back after encountering an attack. "

"Under this kind of counterattack, the two sides will definitely cause a brief exchange of fire and fighting. It is impossible to deal with it all at once. Those who are still in the manor will definitely see it." Barnaby continued.

Since the people in the manor saw the fight between the two sides, they couldn't say "This was an accident caused by the explosion of a magic item" at all.

Bob frowned: "Now we know nothing about what happened at that time. If I had known, I would have stayed on the third floor to check on the situation the day before yesterday."

"You must not stay there, Bob." Barnaby warned sternly, "Anaheim is much stronger than we thought. If you had stayed there the day before yesterday, you might not have seen the sun yesterday. ”

After hearing his elder brother's words, Bob recalled the manor scene he had seen before. Those corpses with upper torso missing suddenly occupied his mind, making him shudder.

Bill also fell into deep thought, and he gradually realized that things might not be that simple.

"Is it possible that the people in Anaheim tampered with the memories of those in the manor?" Bill frowned and said, "But why is this? Why tamper with their memories?"

It doesn’t make sense!Keeping those witnesses can provide enough clues to the Ministry of Magic. Wouldn't it be easier for Anaheim to find the murderer behind the scenes?

After thinking about it, there is only one explanation. Anaheim deliberately concealed the incident from the public, possibly intending to let the attackers go.

But this is seriously inconsistent with Anaheim's current actions.

Barty and Michelle have something to do with Anaheim. This is something that many nobles know. Since these two people have been investigating this matter, it means that Anaheim has not given up finding out at all. The murderer's thoughts.

Barnaby didn't know what to say at this time, his thoughts were a little confused.

Barnaby, Bill, and Bob seemed to be middle-aged, but in fact they were all over 80 years old. As early as 1926, the three brothers founded the first company to sell broomsticks for competitions—— Sideways Broom Company.

This broom factory that seems to be run by Muggles is actually the industry of three brothers. They use Muggle machines to produce brooms, and then take them to their own small workshops for magical processing, and finally produce the finished broomsticks. That is, the sweep series.

The Sweep series once occupied the entire European market and was used by all Quidditch teams as brooms for competitions, becoming popular all over the world.

However, after so many years of development, the three brothers have long been dissatisfied with the little money they make from selling brooms. They engage in transactions that violate wizarding laws in many parts of the world, such as capturing Veela, selling magical animals, and opening a black market. They are all one of the sources of income for Broomstick Company.

If we really talk about economic strength, the emerging strength of Anaheim is far behind compared with Sweeping Broom.

But Anaheim has something that the three brothers are very coveted - superb technology.

In the early years, the Comet series of brooms produced by Sideswipe Broom Company and Comet Trading Company created great competition, but now both are defeated by the Nimbus series.

In the current situation, developing better brooms must be a top priority, but the three brothers know their own strength and know that they are old. It is almost impossible to surpass Nimbus Company in a short time.

It happened that at this time, the sudden rise of Anaheim allowed the three brothers to see technologies and ideas that were completely different from the original magic props.

Anaheim's Alchemy Car and Alchemy Guns are works that have been praised by many people, whether it is the mature, controllable and stable intelligence of the Alchemy Car, the magical navigation system, or the handsome holographic screen, or The reliable and rapid way of firing magic spells from alchemical firearms, as well as the bullets that can store magic spells, are all things that no one in the wizarding world has ever studied.

Especially the speed of the alchemy car. A light wheel broom of [-] kilometers per hour is almost a joke in front of the alchemy car.

At the rear of the alchemy car, the thing called the propeller, which glowed blue, made the three brothers think about it day and night.

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