"Ding! The current target's magic value is: elite level. This target is extremely close to master level and may be broken through at any time."

After Ying Fei heard this, he secretly said that it was true.

Quirrell's magic value is definitely abnormal. When Dumbledore recruited him, it was impossible not to test Quirrell's strength.As a result, Quirrell still became a professor, which shows that during Dumbledore's test, Quirrell's strength was equivalent to that of other professors.

Quirrell now only has advanced strength, and with the help of Voldemort, he can break through the elite.

So Yingfei did not answer Snape's question, but asked: "Professor, have you ever observed Professor Quirrell's strength?"

Snape's expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and he said, "His strength was tested by me, and he is on par with me."

Snape had coveted the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a long time. Since Dumbledore refused to arrange for him to be a professor, asking him to test the new professor's strength was a way to make up for it.

In fact, if Quirrell was not as powerful as Snape, Snape would definitely protest to Dumbledore and become the professor of Defense against Darkness himself.

Ying Fei listened to Snape's answer, hesitated for a while, and told him everything that happened in class this morning, including the anomaly in the disarming spell he saw, and Quirrell's changes before and after the battle.

"You mean, you suspect Quirrell wants to hurt you?" Snape reacted greatly after hearing this, "Bring me your alchemical bullet."

Ying Fei handed over the bullet, and Snape observed it carefully and found nothing.

"Actually, I have suspected Quirrell for a long time." Snape said. "Some of his behaviors are very strange. He runs into the Forbidden Forest from time to time, and is often locked in a room alone. The most important thing is that he looks at Haha. There’s something wrong with Leigh’s eyes.”

"I suspect he is Voldemort."

Ying Fei took a breath of air. At this moment, Snape began to doubt Quirrell?

There's still a month and a half until Quirrell releases the giant monster on Halloween!

At this time, Snape thought of a way and said, "Can your bullet still fire? If so, I have a guinea pig here."

Since there is nothing surprising from naked eye observation, let’s try in vivo experiments.

Ying Fei nodded, loaded the bullet into the Sand Eagle's magazine, pointed it at the mouse on Snape's desk, adjusted it to the non-kinetic mode, and shot it in one shot.

The bullet hit the mouse with a red light, but it had no effect. The mouse was still crawling around on the table.

However, neither of them was in a hurry. If the effect of Quilo's magic spell was activated soon, something would happen to Ying Fei in class, and Quilo's suspicion would be too great.

Therefore, it is impossible for Quirrell to do this. The real effect of this curse may not occur until several days later.

"Let's go. If anything happens to this little white mouse, I will look for you." Snape had already begun to do his own business, and he said without raising his head.

"Oh, by the way, remember to help me turn Harry into Harry during the next Potions class."

When Ying Fei came to the Great Hall for dinner, everyone in the Great Hall was discussing Gryffindor and Slytherin's afternoon potions class.

There was a large circle of people around Miss Harley. As soon as she saw Ying Fei, she rushed towards her: "Please help me remove my makeup! I really can't stand it anymore!"

Ying Fei smiled and nodded, took out the tools and helped him remove his makeup in the auditorium, turning him back into Harry again.

"How about it? Do you want to wear women's clothing next time for Potions class?" Ying Fei asked.

Harry's expression was obviously hesitant. He didn't want to endure other people's gazes, but he also didn't want to be scolded in Potions class.

To be honest, Snape, after Harry disguised himself as a woman, was too gentle to him, making him feel like a father's love.

"I'll think about it again." Harry said, thanked Ying Fei, and turned back to the Gryffindor table.

As soon as she sat down at Slytherin's long table, Cassandra came over:

"I have already sent a letter to my father, but my father seems to be on a business trip these days. When he comes back, he may be able to know some secrets of the Targaryen family."

Yingfei nodded.

The following week was quite peaceful. Harry had agreed to dress up as a woman in the Potions class, becoming a beautiful sight in the Potions class and another piece of gossip in Hogwarts.

After this incident, Malfoy has also shaken hands with Harry and made peace. They are now very good friends, but Malfoy and Ron still refuse to deal with each other, and Harry feels uncomfortable being caught between them.

During this week, Cassandra tried to teach the Slytherin students what manners and manners were, but with little success.

Most of them were born into nobles and were unruly. Even though Cassandra had a noble status, she was not strong enough to command them, which made Cassandra very angry.

On this day, Yingfei visited Snape's office again with the completed design drawings.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is my design." Ying Fei put a stack of manuscripts on Snape's desk. This is the only feasible plan he has thought about for a week. The most important thing is that if it is made, Will be very handsome.

Whether you are strong or not is a matter of one version, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime.

"Let's put this aside, you came just in time." Snape did not look at Yingfei's design drawings, but took out a transparent box.

Inside was the white rat that Ying Fei had used for experiments a week ago. At this time, the white rat was dead, and its body was melting, and its bones were melting into something indescribable.

It seemed that within half an hour, the little white rat would completely turn into a puddle of blood.

Ying Fei's expression became solemn. If he hadn't finished making the shield that day, he would be no better than this little white mouse.

Snape's face was full of anger, and he said sullenly: "You wait here, I will tell Dumbledore."

"No, no, no, don't tell Dumbledore yet." Ying Fei said, "If you tell Dumbledore now, it's like alerting the enemy, and you may not be able to catch him."

"Besides, I have another guess." Ying Fei said seriously.


"Dumbledore probably knew Quirrell was Voldemort."

Snape raised an eyebrow: "This joke is not funny at all."

Ying Fei pulled up a chair and sat down, and said, "What do you think, why did Dumbledore bring the Sorcerer's Stone during Harry's first year of school? He clearly knew that the Sorcerer's Stone might attract Voldemort."

"Besides, I don't need to talk about the methods he uses to guard the magic stone, right? You are one of the people who set up the levels. Do you think it's like a child's play house?"

"Except for three-headed dogs and trolls, nothing can stop an adult wizard. Trolls and three-headed dogs can easily be dealt with as long as they find a way."

"So, I think Dumbledore actually wants to cultivate a savior and let him defeat Voldemort on his own."

"After Quirrell has obtained enough information, all the levels there will not be able to stop him. And Harry already knows some things, such as the Sorcerer's Stone in Hogwarts, and Dumbledore will help him get more information step by step. Lots of information."

"So, the last person standing in front of Quirrell must be Harry."

Snape listened to Ying Fei's words and fell into deep thought. Now he no longer struggled with where Ying Fei got the information, but through Ying Fei's reasoning, he felt that it made sense.

After pondering for a long time, Snape said: "I will go to Dumbledore to confirm your guess later. Do you want to come?"

"No, I don't want to watch an old man eating cockroaches like a zombie." Ying Fei curled his lips.

"Okay," Snape picked up the design drawing of Yingfei Painting, "explain your idea."

Ying Fei drank some water to moisten his throat and said:

"I got inspiration from the portal and wanted to engrave the spell of Shen Feng Wuying into the magic pattern, so that as long as I input magic power, I can always release Shen Feng Wuying..."

"Wait a minute," Snape interrupted him, "It is indeed possible to engrave the Shadowless spell into the magic pattern to activate it, but in this case, if you input magic power, the magic pattern will be directly activated. Destroyed by Shen Feng Wuying."

"Of course I know this." Ying Fei said confidently, "We can use the space distortion magic pattern to separate the Shenfeng Wuying from the magic pattern itself, and then shape the inspired Shenfeng Wuying into the shape of the blade... ....”

"Wait a minute," Snape interrupted again, "Blade?"

"Didn't you see the design drawing?" Ying Fei asked doubtfully.

Snape then lowered his head and looked at the design drawings. There were two in total. One was the shape of the weapon, which was in the style of an ancient Tang sword from the Dragon Kingdom.The other one shows the location of the magic pattern and the function of the finished product.

"You want to turn the Divine Edge into a knife?" Snape was shocked. "Wouldn't you just use your wand to shoot the Divine Edge into a knife?"

Ying Fei shook his head: "A magic wand is inconvenient. I prefer to use cold weapons."

"Okay, you murderer." Snape said helplessly, "I agree with your plan. Where are the materials? Shall we start now?"

"I have the materials, let's start now!" Ying Fei waved his hand and summoned the materials brought from the secret room from the system space.He even moved the workbench out.

So, every day that followed, Yingfei would come to Snape when he had time to make the Shenfeng Shadowless Tang Sword. Snape would also be there to make suggestions, help carve the magic patterns, and provide ideas.

A few days later, when Ying Fei came to Snape's office again, Snape said seriously:

"I went to see Dumbledore yesterday and told him your guess."

"Oh? What did he say?" Ying Fei was also curious about Old Bee's answer.

"He said he did have this idea." Snape seemed to have shrunk. "He is the same as before. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Even a child like Harry can take advantage of him."

"But you can't blame him, can you?" Ying Fei laughed, not knowing who he was laughing at.

"Yes, I can't blame him." Snape sighed, "He stood on the basis of justice, and everything he did was to get rid of Voldemort."

"Do you want to free Harry from the whirlpool of the savior?" Ying Fei suddenly asked with a thought in his heart.

After hearing this, Snape slowly raised his head to look at him: "Do you have any idea?"

"The method is very simple, as long as we kill Qi Luo first." Ying Fei said.

Snape rolled his eyes: "Kill him directly. If Voldemort can escape from Quirrell's body at any time, we will have to enter Azkaban."

"This is different from the Muggle world. You can't come and leave whenever you want."

"Voldemort is still lingering, right?" Ying Fei suddenly asked such a question.

"What's wrong?" Snape asked. He found that this kid always liked to use this way of asking questions to guide other people's thinking and let others follow his thinking.

"I have figured out a problem in the past few days, and that is why Chilo's strength is declining." Ying Fei said.

"Because Voldemort is possessed by Quirrell, he naturally needs nutrients. The nutrients come from his host Quirrell, so Quirrell's strength will be reduced."

"But if Quirrell can't hold on anymore, what will Voldemort do?"

"Of course I want to find a way to extend my life."

"Everyone knows that there are unicorns in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts."

After hearing this, Snape immediately reacted: "Do you want to kill Quirrell while he is hunting unicorns?

"That's right." Ying Fei replied, "As long as I complete my alchemy weapon plan, the success rate of killing Quirrell can reach [-]%."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this time, in a mansion far away on another plain in Scotland, Mr. Michel Warley, who had just returned from a business trip and had been busy for a long time, was sitting in the study reading a book.

Suddenly, an owl came to the window of the study and kept pecking at the glass with its beak, making a crisp "duh-duh" sound.

"Lucy? Lucy?" cried Mr. Worley.

There was a loud "pop" in the air, and a house elf appeared out of thin air.

She has green skin and big bat-like ears, and is wrapped in a shabby brown scarf.

As soon as she appeared, she asked in a panic: "Sir, what are your orders?"

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