This is no longer just a matter of following the book, this is an innovation.

Compared with what is written in the book, the difficulty is increased exponentially.

In fact, if you just want a computer that can use the exhaustive method to calculate the correct magic pattern, Yingfei can completely wake up a computer, buy one directly from the system, and draw the magic pattern on the spot. If it is fast, it can be done at night. .


"I'm not one to back down." Ying Fei's eyes flashed with fighting spirit, and he pulled out the thickest book on Advanced Magic Patterns from the bookshelf, and continued reading while holding the book.

He must first understand the magic patterns here before he can continue to improve.

So, when Snape came to him with an excited face, what he saw was Ying Fei reading a book seriously.

"Yingfei, can I get the things in that room?" Snape asked.

Yingfei: Learning.jpg

Snape looked confused, walked up and patted Ying Fei on the shoulder. Ying Fei then raised his head in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Can I take the items in the potions room?" Snape asked again.

"As you wish." Ying Fei replied quickly, then lowered his head and sank into the ocean of learning.

Snape looked at his state and felt that Ying Fei now was exactly the same as when he was a striker.

"It seems that he has found his goal and started working hard." Snape thought.

The next day, in addition to the news about Snape and Ron's marriage that had spread throughout the school, Ying Fei's strange behavior also attracted the attention of many people.

In the Transfiguration class, Ying Fei was reading a thick book in his seat. Professor McGonagall, who was explaining important knowledge points, coughed dissatisfiedly.


"Yingfei, Professor McGonagall is watching you!" Cassandra reminded quietly from the side.

Yingfei: Learning.jpg

Seeing that the reminder was ineffective, Professor McGonagall called her directly: "Ying Fei! I hope you can be more serious in class. This is very important. Even you should listen."

Yingfei: Learning.jpg

Seeing that Professor McGonagall was a little angry, Cassandra reached out and stabbed him.

"What's wrong?!" Ying Fei trembled all over and suddenly woke up.

"Hahahahahaha..." The other little wizards all laughed.

Kassandra couldn't bear it any longer. She stood up and shouted to the group of young wizards who were laughing happily:

"Why are you laughing? Can you guys get perfect marks in his Transfiguration class?"

The other little wizards suddenly didn't dare to speak, and all of them shrank back like quails.

Professor McGonagall watched indifferently for a while. After seeing the classroom quieten down, he said to Ying Fei: "I hope you can listen to the get out of class carefully."

After hearing this, Yingfei smiled and said, "Professor, I have completed self-study of this year's course."

Professor McGonagall had no choice but to test Ying Fei on several questions, and he answered them fluently. In the end, he had no choice but to agree to Ying Fei reading other books in class.

At noon in the auditorium, Cassandra and Malfoy were both having lunch. Only Yingfei was unmoved by the meal in front of him, holding the book in his hand and staring intently.

"I said, can you take a rest?" Cassandra said helplessly, "Aren't you hungry like this?"

Yingfei continued to read and ignored it completely.

Kassandra rolled her eyes, picked up a fork, inserted a small piece of steak, and put it to Ying Fei's mouth: "Open your mouth."

When Ying Fei saw the food that suddenly appeared in his field of vision, he instinctively opened his mouth and ate it without thinking at all.

So, in full view of everyone, Cassandra fed Ying Fei one after another, and spent her leisurely time in this way.

In the afternoon Charms class, Professor Flitwick was very generous and didn't care about Ying Fei's reading of extracurricular books at all.

But what’s interesting is that on the way to class, Ying Fei was holding a book and bumped into other oncoming people several times. Cassandra had to pull him to walk, always paying attention to whether he would hit anyone.

When eating later, Ying Fei became a little more normal, but the speed was really annoying. He would often hold a fork in his hand and stare at the book for several minutes before taking a bite.

When he returned to the dormitory at night, Malfoy saw Ying Fei reading a book before going to bed. After waking up, he saw Ying Fei reading a book again.

For several days in a row, Ying Fei remained in this zombie state, and no one tried to persuade him to do anything.

Finally one night, Ying Fei sat in the Slytherin lounge, put down his book, stretched heavily, and made a series of sounds like exploding beans.

“Finally I’ve fully understood it…”.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Yingfei talked to Cassandra and Snape and asked them to help him ask for leave. After that, he took the workbench he missed last time and got into Gryffindor when no one was around. Common room, entered the secret room.

“If you want to get involved in the world of data, you must first have the tools to enter the world of data.”

Ying Fei opened the system after a long absence.

Host: Yingfei

Identity: Junior Assassin

Physique: A strange physique containing special energy

Physical function: three times that of an average adult male (taking five bottles of physical enhancement potion)

Skills: Master-level sniper rifle use, elite-level dagger use, elite-level pistol use, elite-level concealed weapon use, elite-level anti-reconnaissance ability, elite-level noble etiquette proficiency... (omitted below elite level)

Remaining points: 1250

Accept mission one: The mysterious evil soul

Mission details: Voldemort has returned!Go and destroy any hope of his resurrection.

(Every time a Voldemort Horcrux is destroyed, it is regarded as completing a mission)

Mission reward: 300 points, a random advanced skill or above

Accept mission [-]: Leader of the evil forces

Mission details: Kill the currently weakened Voldemort.

Task reward: 1000 points

Seeing that there were only [-] points left, Ying Fei began to feel melancholy again.

He still had [-] points left before he came to school, so how could he keep living longer and keep going back?

Not having time to think so much, Yingfei entered the system mall, first picked in the skill area, and finally selected the "Master Level Computer Technology" which required one thousand points.

No hesitation, buy directly from Yingfei.

Complex memories were once again poured into Ying Fei's brain, but Ying Fei had gone through several initiations and was somewhat immune to this kind of pain.

After recovering, Yingfei spent huge sums of money in the mall to buy a top-notch desktop computer from 1991, a diesel generator and other equipment.

200 points were spent, and Yingfei's deposit was instantly reduced to only [-] points, which was less than the novice gift package he received back then. He returned to before liberation overnight.

After receiving the computer, Ying Fei, who possesses master-level skills, skillfully disassembled the computer.

"First of all, to transform this computer into a magical product, you only need two high-level magic patterns to cooperate with each other..."

Easier said than done.

Every accessory of the computer needs to be modified, which means that each accessory requires the engraving of two magic patterns. Let’s not talk about the success rate of the engraving of magic patterns. Let’s just say that Yingfei’s magic power cannot withstand his efforts.

This meant that Yingfei would not be as immersed in reading as he was when reading, so every night, Yingfei would come out of the secret room.

It actually made Cassandra feel more at ease.

Two days later, the computer modification was completed as scheduled.

Today's computers have the ability to access magic and can transmit magic from any location. However, this function is of no use. The only effect is that you can use magic to draw pictures in the computer.

In other words, Yingfei can now draw magic patterns in the computer, and the computer will determine whether the magic patterns have any effect.This function has achieved the original goal of Yingfei. If conditions permit, the experiment of chewing a big melon to activate magic patterns can now be carried out.

Because the magic pattern is drawn in the data world, any material can be simulated at will as long as the parameters are entered. Failure of the magic pattern will not cause damage to reality. It can be said that this is designed for experimenting with various magic patterns.

But now that Yingfei has discovered something better, he naturally doesn't like it anymore.

Before carving the magic pattern of consciousness awakening, Yingfei first needed to edit a program.

The more complete the program edited in advance, the more perfect the artificial intelligence will be after awakening.

Just relying on a master-level skill, Yingfei still can't edit a complete artificial intelligence, but it can be done roughly. The next step is to awaken this program and let it evolve on its own.

A week later, an excited Ying Fei looked at the awakening magic pattern that had been drawn on the computer screen, reduced the interface, then pulled another document on the desktop and threw it into the magic pattern interface.

There were no special effects and nothing strange happened. Yingfei knew it was not that simple and waited patiently.

Finally, 2 minutes later, the computer screen went black, and a short paragraph of English appeared on it:

"Hello, my Creator."

Yingfei knew it was successful, so he opened a dialog box on the screen and typed: "How do you feel now? Is there anything abnormal?"

The artificial intelligence on the screen was silent for a while and asked: "What does 'abnormal' mean?"

Seeing this question, Ying Fei also fell silent.

The artificial intelligence in front of me is like a newborn, not understanding any common sense.

In the sci-fi movie of the previous life, Yingfei should have let it enter the network and absorb all kinds of knowledge and data, but this computer was not connected to the Internet.

What should I do?

Do you want me to type and tell him one by one?

"Hiss--" Thinking of this, Ying Fei took a breath of air. He had been coding for a week, and he really didn't want to code anymore!

"Think of a way, it would be best to extract my memory directly and show it to him..."

PS: I haven’t decided on the name of artificial intelligence yet...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After staying in the secret room for a long time and thinking about it, Ying Fei still had no solution. In the end, he could only walk out of the secret room with a distressed look on his face, leaving an artificial intelligence in a daze.

In fact, after thinking about it for so long, there is still a way, such as Dumbledore's Pensieve.

But let’s not talk about whether something as personal as a pensieve can be borrowed. Even if it is borrowed, how should artificial intelligence be used?

"Maybe we should give it a new body?"

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