In comparison, when the broomstick is lying on the ground, it is really just a broom, simple and unpretentious, but it also lacks the shocking power of Pluto.

It can be said that each has its own advantages. If you insist that the flying broomstick is better at hiding, there is no way. Anyway, Ying Fei thinks it is much more handsome.

"Xiaotian, enter the link."

"Link begins."

The familiar blue light flashed across the field of vision, but what was different this time was that Pluto's data appeared simultaneously in the field of view.

Ying Fei stepped onto Pluto's cockpit and sat directly in the driver's seat.

After sitting in the driver's seat, the field of vision directly ahead is quite wide, and the top of the head is completely transparent. After all, Pluto is an aerial vehicle, which is all to reserve sufficient aerial vision.

Yingfei flipped a small lever on the instrument in front of him, and the built-in magic lines were automatically connected, causing the magic molding magic lines set on both sides to start operating, creating a transparent magic shield that connected the left and right sides. The top of the head is sealed to form a closed space in the cab.

This kind of magic molded shield can be said to be brittle, but it is tough and can be repaired at any time. Compared with glass, it is more suitable for ceilings.

In fact, it is because Yingfei does not have the high-strength glass used in fighter jets, but this is much more convenient than installing glass.

Pluto is also equipped with magic linking patterns inside, so Yingfei safely hands over the control to Xiaotian, so that Xiaotian can control the aircraft at any time, and Yingfei can be on call whenever he needs it.

Putting his hands on his sides, Ying Fei did not choose to control Pluto himself, but let Xiaotian do it.

"Xiaotian, control Pluto to rise slowly.‖."

With a command, the supercar-sized aircraft slowly took off like a helicopter. This was all due to the floating curse pattern.

After a while, Ying Fei arrived at a low altitude of about a hundred meters above the Forbidden Forest. From here, he could clearly see the castle in the distance.

"Xiaotian will test the sniper posture first." Ying Fei took out his new sniper rifle and said.

The seat under Ying Fei began to deform and turned into a round floor. Ying Fei lowered his body slightly, knelt down on one knee, and set up the sniper rifle.

At the same time, the magic pattern on the right revealed a horizontal gap, which could just fit the muzzle of the sniper rifle into the gap. Yingfei stuffed the muzzle into the gap, and the bottom plate under his feet automatically rotated and turned to the right.

Then, several magic-shaped light ribbons rose up from the floor, tying Yingfei tightly and holding him in place in this posture.

The whole process took about ten seconds, mainly because Ying Fei spent time adjusting his posture, and the changes in Pluto only took one second in total.

"Xiaotian, follow the plan and conduct a sniper posture drill."


"After five seconds, Pluto will enter the phantom state, its full performance will drop by 50.00%, and the thrusters will not be able to start normally. Please pay attention."

Five seconds later, Pluto, which was originally floating in the sky, went invisible and merged with the sky.

As for the performance degradation, there is nothing that can be done about it. There are only so many magic patterns that Pluto's body can withstand, and the total magic power given by the source magic patterns is also limited. There is really no extra magic power to maintain the phantom body spell, so we can only use it from the original The magic power supply is diverted.

In the sniping situation, control of Pluto was completely handed over to Xiaotian, and Yingfei only had to focus on sniping.

"The imaginary target appears and the sniping begins."

Ying Fei looked at the blue locking aperture that suddenly appeared in the air in the sniper scope and shot without thinking!


A bright green beam shot out across the sky. After it exceeded the range, it slowly turned into magic and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"Hit the target."

"Next, conduct a sniper test on ground targets."

In a place where others could not see, Pluto instantly reversed [-] degrees downwards, and Ying Fei's gun muzzle suddenly pointed towards the ground. However, the light belt tightly bound Ying Fei, and there was no instability in standing. This method is really tiring.

"The imaginary target appears and the sniping begins."

The locked aperture appeared in Yingfei's eyes again, and another shot was fired. The bright green beam penetrated straight into the ground, stirring up a string of smoke.

".~Hit the target."

"Next, conduct the attack avoidance and counterattack test, and exit the phantom state after five seconds."

Pluto reappeared in the sky and returned to its horizontal position.

Then, multiple blue circles of light suddenly appeared in Yingfei's field of vision, and they were still moving.

"Automatically avoid enemy attacks, start."

Pluto suddenly began to accelerate. The thrusters on the back and the small thrusters in four directions worked together, performing various maneuvers in the air, sometimes accelerating and sometimes decelerating, plus some Cobra maneuvers, roll maneuvers, loop maneuvers and the like. The fighter's movements were completely irregular and evasive.

In this way, Pluto can avoid the opponent's spell in a possible air chase.

At the same time, under various difficult maneuvers, the chassis under Yingfei's feet has been changing, forcing Yingfei's gun to be pointed in the direction of the imaginary target most of the time.

To be honest, Ying Fei is really amazing if he can keep from vomiting.

However, Yingfei's sniping skills are naturally not limited. With Xiaotian's assistance, within ten seconds, five beams were shot out, hitting all targets perfectly.

"The test is completed, the condition is good, and the sniper situation is lifted." Xiaotian said softly.

"Thank you for your hard work, sir."

Yingfei sat on the seat that reappeared and breathed a sigh of relief. The successful test of the sniper posture proved that Yingfei's prediction was correct, and also ensured the feasibility of killing Voldemort in the next plan.

"Next, it's time to test the speed of Pluto!" Ying Fei said excitedly.

"Xiaotian, fly towards the castle, full speed!"


The small thrusters around Pluto were activated first, and the magic power accumulated in the magic pattern began to be consumed, pushing Pluto into an accelerated state.

Within a minute, Pluto had already arrived over the castle. Many little wizards below looked up and watched this strange flying object quickly pass by the castle.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After about half a minute, Pluto increased its altitude and reached an altitude of about 2000 meters.

After entering high altitude, Xiaotian turned on the main thruster. In an instant, there was a roar all around, and Pluto's tail stirred up a sonic boom cloud!

"It has entered the speed of sound, reaching a speed of Mach [-]."

Sitting in the cockpit, Yingfei felt as if he was in the clouds, with clouds flying around him and the endless blue sky above his head.

"Continue to accelerate and test the ultimate speed."


The thruster behind Pluto sprayed out blue light, the stored magic power was consumed rapidly, and the speed was also increasing rapidly.

"Current speed, Mach [-]."

At this time, Ying Fei saw a Korean fighter jet suddenly emerging from the clouds on the left rear next to him. The distance between Pluto and the fighter jet was only seven or eight meters away.

Ying Fei clearly saw the shocked expression on the fighter pilot's face.

"Call command! Call command! I'm over the Atlantic coast! Found a UFO!" Mike, the pilot who was performing the mission, turned on the radio and yelled crazily.

"This is a shuttle-like aircraft without wings! It's all black! It's smaller than a fighter jet."

"There is no response from the thermal energy detection! The other party is not using working fluid fuel!"

"The radar has no response to this object. I will send you the coordinates now... Oh, my God!" Mike looked at the boy sitting in the Pluto cab in shock!

"Huge Gift Crab! There is a human boy sitting in the UFO!!"

357 "The command has received the message, can you confirm it?"

Mike yelled: "I confirm that I saw it correctly! I guarantee it with my life!"

There was an obvious silence at the command post, and then Mike received a new message: "Try to talk to this boy. If you can't, you are allowed to shoot him down!"

After hearing this, Mike directly turned on the wireless communication on the fighter jet and started calling on the public channel:

"The UFO ahead, please tell us its identity, origin and purpose immediately!"

However, Ying Fei looked at him in confusion as he yelled in the cab. There was no radio equipment installed on Pluto, so it was impossible to receive Mike's public frequency call.

Mike also vaguely saw Ying Fei's expression and understood that the other party might not be able to hear his shouting.

After swallowing, Mike gritted his teeth: "It seems that the only option is to use force."

The opponent is probably an aircraft made by some alien civilization. For the sake of national security, it must be shot down!

As for the teenager sitting inside, it is likely that he was bewitched by aliens, or simply pretended to be aliens. Have you ever seen a teenager who looks like he can fly a plane?

Thinking like this, Mike controlled the plane to slow down and flip to the right, and in one maneuver it came directly behind Pluto.

Ying Fei frowned and looked at this guy's movements, feeling that something was not right.

Sure enough (bebj), the fighter jet following behind suddenly fired forward with its cannon!

"Under attack, enter automatic evasion mode." Pluto made a rolling maneuver to the right and quickly avoided the shuttle fire.

"Accelerate forward and get rid of him." Ying Fei looked at the fighter behind and said calmly.

"Currently reaching the maximum speed, Mach [-]." Xiao Tianhui reported, "The opponent's flying speed is about Mach [-]."

Ying Fei looked at the fighter jets that were getting closer and closer, and sighed slightly.

Although he could understand the other party's actions after seeing the UFO, if Ying Fei were that pilot and saw a UFO, he would definitely choose to shoot it down if communication failed.

But, Ying Fei can't get rid of this guy now, so he can't watch himself being beaten by the opponent, right?

"Xiaotian, look for an angle, I'll look for an opportunity to snipe it away."


Pluto suddenly stretched upwards, and Mike behind him quickly followed suit. However, because Pluto was equipped with a floating magic pattern on its front end, which could exert power on its head, it turned faster. After a few seconds, it appeared in an inverted flying posture. Directly above the fighter jet.

Mike looked up and saw a crack in the cockpit of the flying object above his head. The boy was holding something that looked like a gun and pointed it at him.

He's going to attack me!

Mike was stunned. How could he control a plane and hold a gun at the same time?

Mike never expected such an aerial combat method. It was this mistake that caused him to miss the opportunity to escape.

The bright green beam hit the middle of the fighter jet and penetrated it directly!

"Command, the opponent is using a laser weapon!!" Mike shouted in horror, "I was hit! The plane can no longer fly normally! I am about to eject and parachute!"

After speaking, Mike pulled a pole next to him, and the driver's seat he was sitting on ejected him directly.

Ying Fei looked at Mike floating in the air, and did not think about killing them all. Instead, he said to Xiaotian: "Slow down and enter the phantom state, and then we return to Hogwarts."

"Okay, sir." After leaving the battle, Xiaotian's voice became obviously lively.

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