The key is, it’s really comfortable to hold while sleeping at night…

I have been making equipment by myself these days, and I always feel cold at night.

As for Lacus, after getting along with her for a few days, maybe it was because Lacus had lost her memory. Ying Fei always felt that she was like a child who relied on him. Now she seems to be quite cold...

"She is so beautiful..." Malfoy looked crazy, "I want her to be my girlfriend!"

"Oh, by the way, boss, she is a new auditor, you may not know that well..."

"Her name is Lux Klein. How about it? Doesn't it sound like a nice name?"

At this time, Lacus saw Ying Fei, her lips curved slightly, and she walked over.

"Ah, she came towards me, she just smiled at me, did you see it, boss!"

Malfoy smiled as brightly as a chrysanthemum.

"I feel like my spring is coming!"

Malfoy remembered the scene where he watched Ying Fei and Cassandra show off their affection before, and felt even more excited. A 360-degree view of himself and Lux ​​sitting in the auditorium and having dinner together seemed to appear in front of his eyes...

At this time, Lacus slowly walked up to Ying Fei, gently hugged Ying Fei's arm, and shouted playfully: "Brother Ying Fei!"

Ying Fei touched Lux's head as usual and said hello.

Suddenly, the two seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking.

Lux turned to look at Malfoy. Seeing his dull look, she tilted her head and asked curiously: "What's wrong with him?"

Yingfei looked at Malfoy, and suddenly felt a sense of superiority of unknown origin.

"He was under a curse cast by someone else. He should be fine after a while."

Although Lux looked a little cold because of Obscurus, she was still kind-hearted in nature. She glanced at Malfoy sympathetically and said, "I hope he gets better soon."

After hearing this, Ying Fei couldn't help laughing and said, "Let's go."

Lux nodded and followed Ying Fei away.

Only Crabbe and Goyle were left, jumping up and down around Malfoy who seemed to be petrified, but Malfoy didn't react at all. Many of the little wizards who were watching speculated who cast the evil spell on him.

A few days later, rumors spread to the secret room that appeared 50 years ago...

Of course, this is a story for another day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ying Fei pulled Lux ​​and walked all the way towards the Forbidden Forest.

If you want to treat Lux, you must do it in a secret room, so as to avoid too much harm caused by the possible Obscurus.

The Gryffindor lounge must be full of people now, and there is absolutely no way to enter the secret room, so Ying Fei had to take Lux to the Forbidden Forest and enter the secret room through the goblin broken building.

"How have you been these days? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Ying Fei asked casually on the way.

Lux paused and said, "It feels pretty good. There's nothing uncomfortable about it."

Ying Fei nodded and said, "If someone bullies you or makes you angry, you must tell me and I will teach him a lesson."

There is an Obscurus hidden in Lux's body. If Lux is provoked and the Obscurus breaks out, there will be heavy casualties.

Ying Fei said this because he hoped that Lux could control his emotions at the critical moment.

After hearing this, Lux nodded obediently.

Ying Fei then asked her about her daily life, such as what magic spells she had learned, how the professor treated her, and whether she had a good relationship with her classmates.

"Don't worry, brother Yingfei, sister Cassandra usually takes good care of me." Lux replied with a slight smile.

Ying Fei also nodded. After answering the few questions so far, it was obvious that Lux had no abnormal phenomena. Although there was no wand, the magic spell was somewhat exposed, and everything went smoothly. The Obscurus in the body did not look like a certain Jiu. The tail is always causing trouble there.

In fact, Lux's situation is very special, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is unprecedented.

When Lux obtained Obscurus, she was being taken away by the institute for experiments. In order to prevent the institute from continuing to study her, in order to be able to go home, and for this little bit of hope and possibility, she desperately suppressed it. His own magic finally gave birth to Obscurus.

However, after giving birth to Obscurus, the institute used special technological means to erase her previous memories, artificially causing amnesia.

As a result, Obscurus, who appeared because of his hatred of magic, now exists in the body of a little girl who has no knowledge of magic at all.

As a living being, Obscurus should be quite confused at this time.

Didn’t you originally hate me?Why don't you recognize me now?

However, this situation just facilitated Yingfei's plan.

After all, Obscurus is a product of magical idealism, and its IQ should not be that high. Just like a child, if you hate it, it will naturally hate you. If you are good to it, it will of course be good to you.

Very simple.

Before Lux lost her memory, of course she hated magic, so Obscurus also hated Lux, which would drain Lux's vitality, so she always looked lifeless.

But now, after a few days of learning magic, Lux, who has lost her memory, has obviously fallen in love with magic. In the same way, she likes magic, and Obscurus also likes her, so her mental state has also improved visibly, and even There are suitors.

(A certain Malfoy fainted in the toilet from crying)

若,'.水??"小;'说,:群"'7?",6?3'!4":8"0?,1..:  从眼前这个状况来说,赢斐对于默默然性格单纯的猜测应该是正确的。

It didn't take long for the two of them to pass through the broken goblin building and enter the secret room.

"What is this place?" Lux asked curiously, looking around the inside of the secret room.

"The secret room." Ying Fei answered concisely and concisely, then led her into the commonly used alchemy room, and the two sat opposite each other.

"Lux, you should still remember why your father asked you to follow me, right?"

Lux was obviously stunned when she heard this, and then replied: "Remember, dad said you can treat me."

Ying Fei's expression gradually became serious and he asked, "Do you know your illness yourself?"

"The doctor said that I have a mental illness that I have never seen before." Lux said without sadness or joy, "I don't know what the disease is."

Ying Fei then asked: "Do you feel any difference between yourself and before?"

Lux was stunned for a moment and replied: "I lost my memory before, and I don't know what I was like before..."

It seems that the research institute eliminated it very thoroughly, leaving not even a single clue.

Ying Fei thought like this and said to Lux: "Can I teach you a magic?"

After hearing this, Lux became obviously a little more interested and said, "Okay."

Ying Fei nodded, found his wand in the alchemy room, and handed it to Lux: "You don't have a wand yet, use mine first."

"What about you?" Lux asked curiously.

Ying Fei smiled and said, "Real wizards cast spells without a wand. You should also learn from this aspect in the future."

Lux listened thoughtfully.

Many years later, Lux, who commanded the mechanical army and wore an alchemical exoskeleton armor like a Valkyrie, looked at the wizards holding up their wands in front of them and said coldly: "You are not real wizards..."

Ahem, that’s a story for another day.


"Come, read it with me." Ying Fei looked at Lux and said softly.

Lux raised Ying Fei's wand to show that she was ready.

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "We are of one mind."

Lacus felt that her head was suddenly empty, and then Ying Fei's voice appeared in her mind:

"Can you hear me now?" Ying Fei didn't open his mouth, but his voice came out.

Seeing this scene, Lux was surprised and thought: "Why are you talking in my heart?"

Ying Fei naturally heard her voice and said: "This magic is called link magic, which allows two people to communicate without barriers. I am talking to you with my thoughts now."

Lux was stunned for a moment, a little speechless. This was the first time she had come into contact with such magic. She had heard some simple spells and transformations in class before, and she already thought they were very powerful. Thinking that there is magic that can communicate thoughts.

".~Magic, is it so magical?"

Ying Fei heard Lux's thoughts, smiled, and interrupted the link.

After recovering from the link, Lux looked at Ying Fei doubtfully: "Does this magic have anything to do with my illness?"

"There is no direct relationship."

Yingfei replied: "But, I hope you try to use it to communicate with yourself."

"Communicate with...myself?" Lux's big eyes were filled with doubts.

"Yes, I hope you give it a try." Ying Fei looked at Lux with encouraging eyes.

Lux was at a loss for a moment: "What should I do? Communicate with myself. How can this be successful? Don't two people have to recite the spell at the same time to activate this magic?"

"Don't worry, calm down and give it a try."

Ying Fei's voice seemed to have some kind of magic power, and Lux ​​quickly calmed down after listening to it.

Lux raised her wand and whispered, "Our minds are united."

The empty feeling came to my mind again, but it quickly disappeared and nothing happened.

"Magic is idealistic. As long as you think about it, there is nothing that cannot be solved with magic." Ying Fei guided Jia beside him.

Lux took a deep breath.

"Communicate...with yourself..."

"Our thoughts are one!"

After reciting the spell, Lux felt that her mind was empty, and thoughts carrying a lot of negative emotions such as hatred, anger, and unwillingness poured into her mind. At the same time, black smoke floated out of Lux's body.


Stimulated by these negative emotions, Lux let out a cry of pain.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ying Fei quickly stepped forward and snatched Lux's wand with one hand.

The link was interrupted, and Lux ​​suddenly squatted on the ground, breathing heavily in the air, and the black air on her body slowly disappeared.

"It seems it's still too risky..." Ying Fei murmured to himself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was obvious that Lux couldn't bear the mental pressure caused by communicating with Obscurus, and was easily led by the negative emotions that came with Obscurus.

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